Read Burning Seduction Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

Burning Seduction (10 page)

BOOK: Burning Seduction
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rent dropped to
his knees and slipped off her panties. “A true blonde.” He grinned.

“You match, too.”

“I hope so.” He had her sit back on the sofa arm then spread her legs wide. “I can’t tell you how often I’ve dreamt of being here with you like this.”

Her pulse raced. “After you dropped me off at your cousin’s house, I didn’t think you ever thought about me.” She wasn’t looking for a compliment but rather the truth.

“You have no idea.” He dragged his palms up her thighs and opened her folds with his thumbs.

The first swipe of his tongue had her reeling so much, she didn’t care that his comment gave away nothing. Clutching the arm of the sofa, she inhaled deeply, trying to hold on as he flicked her clit back and forth, electrifying her. Her breaths came out faster and faster. She wanted to tell him to slow down, that she was close to tipping over the edge, but the intense joy running rampant inside made her keep quiet. With her free hand, she dug her nails into his shoulder.

“I need your cock.” Begging sounded unsexy, but she couldn’t help it. Trent’s velvety swipes were heating her core to the boiling point.

He looked up at her and smiled. “Just take it easy. I’ve got a long way to go.”

She’d never last. “You couldn’t handle it when I was sucking on you.”

He lifted one shoulder. “You’re right. I’m weak around you.”

While nice to hear, it didn’t help slow her need. He threaded a finger deep into her pussy and swirled around causing chaos to descend. The tension inside her escalated, and she closed her eyes to keep control. If it hadn’t been forever since she’d had sex, and if this hadn’t been Trent, Charlotte might have been able to last. When he pressed on her G-spot, she lost it. As her orgasm swept over her, a strange gurgling noise rushed out of her mouth.

Trent withdrew his finger, looked up, and smiled. “That feel good?”

He didn’t need to ask. “It would feel a lot better with something thicker, bigger, and harder inside me. Got anything like that?” She flicked a glance to his throbbing cock.

Trent stood, the corner of his mouth lifting. “I think I can accommodate you.”

He bent down, pulled out his wallet, and retrieved a condom. He waved the packet. “Cops always come prepared.”

She laughed, wondering if that were true, or if he’d gone to the competition with the intent of seducing her. She was on the pill, but it was better to be safe than sorry. “May I?”

He ripped open the foil. “Sorry. I don’t trust you not to work your magic on me.” Once he extracted the condom, he rolled it down his cock.

He drew her to her feet, twisted her around, and pressed lightly on her back. Bent over, she palmed the sofa arm. Standing behind her, he widened her legs with his foot and anticipation coiled deep within her. Her insides clenched in desperate need of him. “Hurry.”

Trent cupped her breasts as his chest met her back. His heated body and his strong fingers overwhelmed her. The moment he wedged his cock between her legs, a rush of electricity soared through her. This was her every wish come true.

She wiggled her ass, hoping he’d understand what she desired. He pinched both nipples and a quick blast raised her need to a new level. It almost wasn’t fair that he could touch her and yet she couldn’t enjoy him.

No wait
. Charlotte dropped down onto one elbow, freeing up a hand then reached between her legs and stroked his cock.

“Watch it there. It’s about to go off.”

“So am I.”

Trent placed the tip of his cock at her entrance and eased in about an inch. Just that much heated her from the inside out. He slid her hair across her neck and placed tiny kisses on her shoulder, leaving a trail of scorching bliss in its wake.

He inhaled deeply. “You smell so fucking good.”

Not able to wait any longer, Charlotte pressed her hips back, which drove his cock in halfway. Her inner wall stretched and fluttered around him, and when she tightened her hold, he groaned. She was getting to him. If only she could last a little longer they could ride this divine wave together.

He massaged her breasts as he slowly forged into her the rest of the way, sending erotic pulses to her whole body. As often as she had dreamed about this moment, she’d never imagined it could be this good.

“I want all of you,” Trent said as he drove into her hard.

“Ah, yes.” Her body soared as shutters racked her, and she held her breath, waiting for the pulses to subside.

With each thrust, Charlotte flew higher and higher. Fingers of lust lit her insides and she clamped down hard on his cock. The divine friction brought her climax closer, forcing her to lower her head and grip the sofa tighter. His hands slipped to her hips and held her tight as he pounded into her over and over again. Their bodies slickened with sweat, their grunts and moans took on a romantic rhythm.

“I can’t wait any longer,” he huffed.

She was so lost in her spiraling journey that she could barely answer him. “Uh-huh.”

He held on tight, thrust into her once more, and then exploded. The powerful pulsing jettisoned her toward her climax, and a wave of emotion swept over her.

His hands slipped upward and then he wrapped his arms around her, his breath coming out hard. A minute later, Trent finally pulled out, but Charlotte was too tired to move. He returned a minute later with a warm cloth and wiped her clean.

“You want me to carry you into the bedroom?” he asked.

Charlotte dropped onto the sofa not caring that she was naked. Her muscles had totally fatigued. “How about a drink first?”

Trent grinned. “You got it.”

*     *     *

On Sunday, when
Trent called and said he’d be spending the day helping Harmon move into his apartment, Charlotte told him that was fine. What she didn’t mention was that she, too, would be at her new place waiting for her furniture to be delivered from Kalispell. Having gone through the moving process before, she understood that it was a dirty, nasty job, and there was no way she wanted Trent to see her in her cleaning attire.

Possibly because Sharon felt bad for not showing up at the shooting competition, she had offered to come over and help with the unpacking.

“I’m really sorry for skipping out on you,” Sharon said as she opened a box labeled dishes. “Who won?”

“Connor beat Devon. It was rather exciting.” At least the part she’d actually watched had been.

“Dan was there, wasn’t he?” Sharon didn’t make eye contact, but Charlotte could tell the question was important. From Sharon’s dreamy voice, she was as hooked on Trent’s boss as Charlotte was on Trent, and she hoped neither of them would be disappointed. “Yes, Detective Hartwick was the announcer.”

She snapped her fingers. “Damn. I should have gone, and just so you know, I’m not in the habit of standing up people, but my kitty had an emergency.”

“I understand. We can’t control everything in our lives.” She stood back and studied the placement of the dining room table. “Actually, it turned out for the best.”

Sharon placed the last dish in the dishwasher. “That so?”

“Yup. Trent showed up.”

Sharon raised her brows and smiled. “Didn’t you tell me he said he wasn’t going?”

“He said that, but then he felt so bad for running out on me after I kissed him at Dad’s birthday party that he stopped by to apologize.” That wasn’t the complete truth, but Charlotte wasn’t about to mention that after she’d invited him over to her house to celebrate getting the Goddard job, he’d done the same thing.

Sharon finished stacking the dishes then opened a new box. “And what did this apology entail?”

Charlotte did a last minute adjustment on the table and then came into the kitchen. “He took me to dinner at the Steerhouse.”

She straightened. “Oooh. He must’ve felt really bad. That’s only the most expensive restaurant in town.”

She’d noticed how pricey everything had been. “I figured. Then after dinner, he claimed he wanted to make sure I got home safely, so he followed me back to my house.”

Sharon stopped unpacking the next box. “I may not be as good reading people as your father, but from the light in your eyes and the smile you’ve been fighting, I’d say you succeeded in seducing him.”

Charlotte couldn’t hold it in any more. “Yes, and it was amazing.” She practically jumped up and down.

Sharon hugged her. “I’m so happy for you. Maybe I’ll be getting pointers from you in the future on how to land a man.”

She laughed. “I can’t exactly say I’ve
Trent. As soon as he has to do something for his next case, I will play second fiddle, but I’m all right with that. I understand ambition and the need to do what you have to.”

“You’ve learned well from your parents. Noble men are hard to find.”

“I know.”

“So what’s your plan?”

Charlotte really hadn’t thought about it in that way. “I need to concentrate on doing the best job I can for Mrs. Goddard, and when the time’s right, Trent and I will be together.”

“And if he doesn’t call for a few days?” Sharon opened the cupboard next to the oven and put away the pots.

“I don’t really expect him to. He’s working on a murder case. I imagine he’ll have to talk to a lot of people and fill out reams of paperwork. If I’m too pushy, he’ll run. I think he feels enough pressure in his life.”

“Smart. How do you think Trent sees the relationship? Do you think he wants you in his life, or are you merely a booty call?”

“A booty call? No. At least, I don’t think so, though when we’re near each other, we can’t seem to keep our hands off one another.” Charlotte shook her head. “Sorry. That was too much information.”

Sharon laughed. “I get it. I was young. Once.”

“Trent seems like the serious type, and not a guy who does a one night stand. He has some issues to work through, and I’m willing to wait for him.”

Sharon closed the cabinet door, picked up a cloth, wet it, and swiped it across the counter. “I can see you have a lot of your mother in you.”

“Thank you. I’m trying to be a little more tolerant than she was, though. Having a child to raise had to have been hard. I’m lucky that Trent’s not with the FBI or going undercover.”

Sharon pulled out more pots and pans from the box. “What happens if he has to protect another witness, one that might be beautiful and young?”

A pain stabbed her in the heart. “If that’s going to happen, I hope it’s after Trent and I have been together for a while. Everything is new right now, and we’re trying to understand each other.”

“How old did you say you were?”

Charlotte laughed. “Twenty-four.”

“You’re wise for your age.” Sharon was about forty-five, but acted as if she was ninety or something.

Charlotte finished taking out the rest of the pots from the box. “I think it’s because it was mostly me and my mom for so long. Much of the time, Dad was gone. With her working a lot, I had to be independent. I just hope that I don’t inherit my mom’s stubborn streak when it comes to men.”

Sharon smiled. “I think you’ll do just fine.”

Charlotte crossed her fingers. “Let’s hope.”

Chapter Ten

fter helping Harmon
move all day, Trent was hungry and his back ached. He thought about calling Charlotte during one of their breaks, but he wasn’t sure what he’d say.
Thanks for the amazing sex? I appreciate you listening and understanding about my guilt-ridden childhood? I’d like to be with you more, but I have a killer to find?

Fuck. This might be why he didn’t have a steady girlfriend. Knowing the right thing to say and do often eluded him. Not to mention, there were never enough hours in the day to do a good job and have a relationship. Something had to give.

After he showered and grabbed a bite, it was past nine. If he called Charlotte, she’d probably suggest he come over for a nightcap, and he didn’t have the willpower to turn her down. Knowing them, one thing would lead to another, and he wouldn’t do that to her. Charlotte wasn’t the type of woman a guy only saw just to have sex with. While she’d never come out and said she was looking for the white picket fence and two kids, he could tell that was what she dreamed of. Family was important to her.

BOOK: Burning Seduction
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