Read Burning Seduction Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica

Burning Seduction (7 page)

BOOK: Burning Seduction
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“In the cabinet above the sink.”

Trent was happy to have something to do while she searched for the corkscrew. He retrieved two crystal goblets then slipped the opener from her fingers. In a matter of seconds he had the wine open.

“Let’s sit in the living room and I’ll tell you about my news,” she said.

He wasn’t expecting anything epic, but he was happy to share in her good fortune. Not wanting to be too close to her, he took the chair across from the sofa, and from the way her jaw tightened she wasn’t happy with his choice. Clearly, she didn’t understand how hard it was for him to sit there and not take her into his arms. He sipped his wine to be polite then set the glass on the coffee table between them. “So tell me.”

She smiled and his damned out-of-control cock hardened.

“I haven’t even opened the store and I have my first new client!”

That didn’t really surprise him, as there weren’t many interior designers in town. “Is it a big job?” He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to say.

“Kind of. This woman knocks on my storefront door and asks if I’d be willing to redo her husband’s office and replace it with a cozy retreat for herself.”

He didn’t know anything about decorating and had never been all that interested in learning, but since this was Charlotte, he did want to know more. “Is the husband okay with this?”

If he had his own man cave or office, he wouldn’t want his wife to change it.

“I don’t think he’s in the picture anymore. Mrs. Goddard didn’t think it would—”

His nerves shot to high alert. “Elaine Goddard?”

Charlotte set her glass on the coffee table and worry crossed her features. “Yes, do you know her?”

He wasn’t sure how he was going to approach this topic. Mrs. Goddard wanting to redo her husband’s office only a few days after his death was an interesting turn of events. “Remember when I had a run out on you and Harmon at the restaurant?”

“I couldn’t forget that.”

As much as he wanted to say that the dead man used to be Harmon’s boss, he didn’t need Charlotte interfering in that case. Knowing the sassy woman, Charlotte would start asking Mrs. Goddard questions, which could bring more trouble to his brother. Furthermore, he wasn’t able to tell her much about the case as it was an ongoing investigation, but he wanted to caution her. “The man who was murdered was Bill Goddard, her husband.”

Charlotte slapped a hand over her mouth, her eyes going wide. Damn.

“Why didn’t she tell me?”

“Good question, though I imagine the mere mention of his death would have caused more tears to flow. As for why she asked you to redecorate so quickly after his death, I can only guess that having her husband’s personal effects around could be very painful for her.” Or else she wanted to erase some evidence.

“I can see that.” Her voice trailed off and he wanted to wrap his arms around her, but he refrained. “Are you thinking she had something to do with her husband’s death?”

For her own safety, he had to give Charlotte a few more details. “I can’t discuss the case, but I can say that Mrs. Goddard seems to have an airtight alibi of where she was when her husband was murdered.”

“Seems to have?”

He waved a hand. “It’s what we say. We take nothing for granted.”

“That’s good to know since I wouldn’t want to be alone with a possible murderer.” She laughed, but it didn’t hold a lot of joy. “Perhaps she didn’t tell me because she thought I wouldn’t go into a house were a man had been killed.” Charlotte looked off then chugged a good portion of her wine. “I can’t believe what that poor woman must be going through. I’m so glad I’m able to help her in some small way.”

He loved her compassion, but if she wasn’t careful, she could end up in trouble. “Just be mindful when you’re in her house.”

Charlotte sat up straighter. “You just said Mrs. Goddard wasn’t a suspect.”

He should have kept quiet. “We don’t know why Mr. Goddard was murdered, but we’re hoping whatever the murderer was after, he found it. We don’t need him coming back.”

Charlotte tipped back her glass and finished the contents. “Way to scare me.”

Now he felt like a real shit. “I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

What he wanted to ask was for her not to take the job, but Charlotte would never go for it.

She stood and picked up her empty glass. “I need some more to drink.”

Wanting to be helpful, Trent stepped over to where Charlotte was standing, and slipped the glass from her fingers. “You relax. I’ll pour you some more.”

As he headed into the kitchen, he chastised himself for even mentioning there could be danger in the house, but dammit, he was a cop who happened to see evil in too many places. He also had never overcome his protective urges towards her. If he knowingly let her go back into the house and something bad happened, he’d never forgive himself.

Trent quickly poured the wine, returned, and handed her the glass. Charlotte was now seated at the end of the sofa with her back leaning against the arm, looking way too seductive, despite her face being too pale. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’ll be fine.” She smiled, but her lips trembled. “So, are you going to the sharpshooting competition on Saturday? Devon told me he plans to beat Connor Douglas.”

Trent didn’t like the way her eyes lit up when she said Devon’s name, but he figured it was her way of not talking about the possibly scary situation. “I don’t plan to. I have this case that needs attention.” He raised his brows, which seemed to bring a smile to her lips.

“Doesn’t Devon have cases he has to work on, too?”

. “Yes. In fact, he’s working on the Goddard case with me.”

She planted a cute little hand on her hip. “Then how come he can take the time off and you can’t?”

She sounded like Harmon. “Because I take my job seriously.”
And because if I go to the competition and see you there, I might do something stupid—like ask you out and then take you to bed.

Charlotte crossed her legs, and he swore she ran her lips around the rim of the glass on purpose to seduce him. “Are you the only detective who works hard?”

She was trying to bust his chops. “No.”

“So tell me, Detective, what drives you? Are you trying to prove to your dad that you are the better son?”

It was as if she’d punched him in the gut, and his anger shot up. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.” His damn voice came out too sharp. Now she’d know for sure she’d broached a very sore topic.

Charlotte stood. “Is that so? I know something about ambition and working too hard. Remember who my father is.” She stepped closer, looking like she was on the warpath. “I know what it’s like to see a man so driven that he ignores all the people he loves the most.”

It was time to leave. Trent stood and faced her. “Congratulations again on starting your new business. I hope it works out very well for you.” He forced his voice to stay even.

Charlotte set her glass down and closed the gap between them, her gaze firmly latched onto his face. He couldn’t have moved if he’d wanted to. When her palms slid up his chest, he grabbed her wrists. “Charlotte?”

“Yes?” She licked her lips in a very alluring way.

“What are you doing?” He knew, but he needed to stall. His body was screaming for him to kiss her, but the rational part of him was spitting out all the reasons why he shouldn’t.

“What does it look like?” Her eyes twinkled. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid of me?” Her sultry tone made his cock harden even more.

He inhaled and gave her his best stare. He had no idea what had triggered her change. One minute she was angry, or rather insulted, and the next she looked like she was about to devour him. “Should I be?”

“No, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t. I think you’re afraid that you’ll have fun with me if you let down your guard.”

Her blue eyes, soft mouth, and fresh smell mesmerized him. “I have the willpower of steel.”

“Is that so?”

Except around you.
He hoped she couldn’t see that his heart was pounding in his chest. She was entering dangerous territory and he had no idea how to stop her.

“Then I guess you won’t mind if I test my theory.”


His grip on her wrists loosened and she slid her arms upward, cupped his face, and kissed him. Just like he’d experienced during her drugging kiss before, his brain told him to step out of her grasp but his body wasn’t getting that message. He had the sense to know that Charlotte held a lot of power over him and that he needed to be strong, but for once in his life, he didn’t want to listen to reason.

He hadn’t meant to let her pry his mouth open, but before he knew it, their tongues were twisting and entwined in a passionate embrace. Her full, sensual breasts pressed against his chest as her thumbs caressed his cheeks. He couldn’t breathe, but he’d be damned if he broke the contact.

Trent needed to show the little girl that she was no match for him. He was a dangerous workaholic and no good for her. Taking back the control, he let his hands roam down her back and cup her ass. As her tongue plundered into his mouth tasting of bold, rich wine, he squeezed her butt, loving the fullness.

Unfortunately, the more he kissed her, the more she seemed to want from him. Somehow she managed to lower her hand and cupped his balls, and as much as he wanted to strip her naked and fuck her hard right there on the floor, he wouldn’t.

Using all his willpower, Trent stepped back. “We can’t.”

He was certain she had no idea how hard it was for him to say those two words, but he wouldn’t do this to Vic or to the lovely Charlotte. Her breaths came out fast and the urge to kiss her pink swollen mouth again surprised him in its intensity.

“Admit it. You’re afraid.”

She had no idea she was the match that set him on fire. “The only thing I’m afraid of is hurting you.”

“I don’t think you’re capable of hurting anybody. Harmon told me you never harmed anything in your life.”

He’d harmed his family. After Harmon left for college, his mother divorced his dad, and Trent always wondered if he’d been more affectionate, would she have stayed? He blamed himself for her leaving. Then when Harmon was arrested there was the guilt that he hadn’t done everything he could to prove his brother’s innocence. It didn’t matter that the case belonged to the FBI. He could have done something.

Charlotte reached up and dragged a knuckle down his cheek. “Where did you go?”

Her comment startled him. “Go?”

“You seemed deep in thought.”

He couldn’t confide in her. If he did, it would be giving her a piece of his heart, and she deserved more. “I was.”

As gently as he could, he removed her hand from between his legs, and then refused to think about how good that had felt. “Good night, Charlotte. If at any time you feel uncomfortable being at Mrs. Goddard’s house, promise you’ll call me?”

She smiled as if he hadn’t just broken her heart. “You can count on it, Detective.”

Before he did anything reckless, Trent grabbed his coat and rushed out, praying she didn’t run after him. If she pleaded with him, he just might give in.

Chapter Seven

harlotte stared at
the door still not believing Trent had walked out on her. Her entire body was on fire, and it was like the man had just dumped a bucket of ice on her. Damn him. What was wrong with Trent?

Charlotte plopped down on the sofa and polished off her second glass of wine. Even though he’d stomped off, the man had enjoyed that kiss. She’d bet her life on it. His hands had been like hot pokers on her body, and she could still feel his touch. And then there was the kiss itself. He enjoyed exploring her mouth as much as she had his. His breath had come out fast, and the fact his cock was hard was proof that he wanted her—bad. Something was going on inside that head of his, only she didn’t know what.

Trent was noble, and like her dad, probably thought his job was too dangerous to have someone in his life. While there were risks, she wasn’t going to let that stop her. Hell, one of her friend’s dads had a piece of meat lodged in his throat and nearly choked to death. And he worked in an office.

Too bad she didn’t have any idea how to get it through that thick skull of his that she didn’t care if he was a cop.

BOOK: Burning Seduction
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