Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (10 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Yes and don’t wake her until we finish eating. Want a sandwich?”

“Don’t get up. I’ll fix it. I noticed you’d stocked my pantry and fridge. Thanks.”

Chelsea watched Dirk pull out the ingredients and make himself a thick sandwich. He poured chips on his plate and got a cup of coffee. His movements were concise. It was obvious he wasn’t a stranger to the kitchen.

He sat at the table between them. After taking one bite, they heard Diana cry out. He stood before either woman could.

“I’ll get her. It’s been a while since I’ve seen her. Hopefully she hasn’t forgotten me.” Taking long strides, he headed toward the baby’s bedroom.

“He’ll make a wonderful father. He’s just like Ty in that respect.”

Dirk came back with the baby in his arms. She was cooing and throwing her little arms and hands around.

“She knew me right away.”

Lily laughed. “She’s female and susceptible to strong, handsome cowboys.”

Chelsea watched the friendly, teasing way they treated each other. The way she’d wished she and her brother could be, but he was too much like Dad and followed their father’s beliefs about women. Might she be different if she’d been raised in the warmth and love Diana was going to grow up in? Perhaps, or she might have still been born with the wanderlust.

After eating, Lily gathered Diana and her baby bag and left. She and Dirk stood in the doorway waving until they were out of sight.

“I like her. She’s a genuine person. I’m surprised, with all she’d gone through. I didn’t know what to expect since she’d been raised by a man who was so evil.”

“Apparently the one thing he really loved was her. But she’s been hurt. Her world as she knew it blew up.”

“She makes me feel like a coward.”

“Not at all. You also had a sudden shock and you did what had to be done. But it wasn’t easy. I’d worry if you could shrug off killing a man. Even if he did have it coming. It shows your humanity that you’ve struggled with your decision. To change the conversation to a lighter topic, I thought you might like to go for a ride?”

“Yes, but I can’t ride far, because I haven’t been on a horse in a few years. I don’t want to be too sore.”

“We’ll stay around this area today. Tomorrow, I’ll drive you around the ranch.”

“Let me get my boots.”

“I have an extra hat my sister leaves here for when she visits. I’ll get it.”

Chelsea started to hurry out of the kitchen. His words stopped her.

“I’m glad you’re here.”

She saw his desire for her in his darkened blue eyes, and the set of his jaw. Heat spread across her body, and for a second she started to walk back to him. Tension held them still.

bark broke the spell. Dirk shrugged, then grinned. “Go get on those boots.”

“I will.” Chelsea hurried out of the room. Her emotions and thoughts were a jumble of contradictions. But a different type of excitement began to come alive in her. This brief break from her usual life might be more than she expected.

Chapter Eight

The horse Dirk had saddled for her was a lovely brown mare with a white star on her nose. He helped her into the saddle, and they rode slowly down a nearby path.

Chelsea studied Dirk’s land. Wide areas of prairie with wildflowers blooming stretched far out in front of them. About a mile from the house they came to where a stream ran swiftly over rocks and curved in several spots. Tall trees grew near the edge of the water, making the area shady and cooler.

“We’d better turn back for today,” Dirk said. “Another time I’ll show you a spot where the river forms a natural swimming pool. We’ll bring our suits and swim.”

“Great. I like to swim. But I do believe I’ve gone far enough this time.”

They rode back in companionable silence until just before they got to the house. Dirk pulled his horse up and turned to face her.

“Do you want to visit your parents this weekend? I checked the map. It’ll take us about four hours to get there, if we do it all in one day. It would be a long and tiring trip. So I’ll take off early tomorrow. We can drive almost all the way and stop for the night. Then we won’t have to ride
the next day before we get there.”

“If it wasn’t for Mom, I’d say no. But I heard the worry and concern in her voice when we talked on the phone. She needs to see that I am all right.”

“Then we’ll plan to go.”

They started onward toward the house. When they got there, they stopped at the front door. Chelsea got off, and Dirk took hold of her reins.

“See you later this evening,” she said.

“Don’t worry about dinner. I’ll cook,” Dirk said, waved, and headed to the barn.

“Humph, he doesn’t believe I can cook. I’ll show him,” she mumbled to herself as she checked the refrigerator and cupboards. First she’d change, and then get busy. Dirk was in for a surprise.

Back in the kitchen she found a defrosted chicken in the refrigerator. She turned on the oven. Next she checked for spices, then potatoes. The cupboard held all the ingredients for green bean casserole.

After she had the chicken prepared and ready, she put it in the oven to bake. Next she mixed the casserole and placed the dish into the fridge until time to cook it.

Now what was here that she could make for a dessert? Nothing. She’d call Lily and borrow a few things.

Chelsea surprised herself with how much she enjoyed fixing the meal and mixing and baking the chocolate cake. Lily loaned her what she needed and told her Dirk loved anything chocolate.

Glancing at the clock, she realized he’d be home soon. She’d set the table with dishes, silverware, and two candles. Her last item to take care of was taking a quick shower and dressing.

She’d been waiting for the perfect time to wear her sundress and sandals. Tonight seemed right. After her shower she put on the blue-green dress with its heart-shaped top and full skirt. The light-blue sandals matched well. A
of perfume on her neck and shoulders, a comb through her hair, and she was ready. Glancing in the mirror, she saw her hair was getting longer. Maybe she’d let it grow.

The ding on the oven had her hurrying into the kitchen. As she pulled the green bean casserole out, she saw Dirk drive up.

Her heart pounded, and she felt her face flush as he came to the door.

“Hi, I”—Dirk stopped and looked around the kitchen—“It smells good in here.”

“I thought I’d surprise you. Dinner’s almost ready. I just have to put it on the table.”

Dirk glanced at the dining room right off the kitchen. Candles were lit and soft music played in the background.

“This is great. Let me wash my face and hands. There isn’t time to shower. You’ll have to take me as I am. I’m not letting that wonderful dinner get cold.” He stepped closer to her and sniffed her neck. “You are beautiful and smell good.”

Laughing, she pushed him back. “Go. I want to eat.”

He hurried out toward his room. Her heart swelled with warmth. He liked it. He’d been appreciative. In a glow of happiness she put all the dishes on the table and poured their iced tea.

When Dirk came back, he held her chair for her. Then instead of sitting across the table, he moved his dishes and sat beside her.

“This is really wonderful and smells delicious.”

She served them, and as they ate, he told her about his day around the ranch. He added several funny stories and had her laughing.

Candlelight made his black hair glow and etched his cheekbones in the light. Dirk was a handsome man. A man with many facets to him. He could rescue her from the middle of a war zone and yet be a gentle man who loved the land, the animals, and most of all his family.

“I’ve bored you with my stories,” Dirk said, breaking into her thoughts.

“I was thinking about the many contradictions of you.”

“Do you mind me asking what you mean?”

“If I can explain, I will. Most of the men I meet are rough and tough and focused in one direction. It may be as a warrior, or a photographer or reporter. You don’t think of them as having a gentle side. I realize now they must. Circumstances make a person behave according to the demands at that time. It’s not necessarily their real self.”

“That’s true. And we’re all a mixture of our environment and how we were raised.”

“My dad and brother never had but one way, theirs. As an adult I expected the men I met to be the same. We lived isolated. They were my examples. I couldn’t wait to leave home and go far away. I hated the ranch and ranch life.

“My surprise was how much I enjoyed fixing dinner. I did it because I wanted to. No one had ordered me.”

Dirk took her hand in his. “You never have to do anything you don’t want to or don’t feel like here, ever.”

Chelsea blinked the tears away. “Let’s talk about something happy and enjoy our meal.”

“I’m all for that. This is too good to waste.”

* * * *

“You’ve been holding out on me. I never dreamed you could cook this well.”

“Don’t get spoiled. I’m not doing this every day.”

“How about we take turns?”

“I’ll consider it. I wondered if you’d let me ride along with you some days. I’d like to see how a ranch works. Dad said the ranch was men’s work. He made me stay in the house, except for chores or an occasional horse ride.”

“Shame. I’m not only going to show you, I’ll teach you some of the jobs so you can help if you’d like.”

Her eyes glowed like a little girl who’d received a present. He realized these were important issues they’d never shared with each other.

When they’d had a few days off overseas, they got together and the time was filled with fun and hot sex. He’d grown to love her, but no wonder she’d refused his proposal to be a cowboy’s wife. Her impression had been distorted by her parents’ behavior. And he’d better not forget she had loved her job. But did she after what happened?

He wanted her for his wife, and he’d do whatever it took to get her to say yes. Seducing her might work. It would certainly be fun trying.

Chelsea started cleaning the table. “You go in the great room and start a fire. It’s cool tonight. I’ll bring coffee and dessert.”

“Dessert, too?” He leaned forward and kissed her. “What a treat. I’ll have a fire going when you come in.”

* * * *

Chelsea found herself humming as she rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. There was chicken left, and some of the casserole. Dirk had eaten all the mashed potatoes. A warm glow had centered in her chest. She couldn’t wait to see his expression when she carried in the cake.

First, she took in their coffee cups. She instructed him to close his eyes, and she carried in two plates with cake slices on them.

“Open your eyes,” she said. His plate was right in front of him.

“I smelled the chocolate. I love chocolate cake. How did you know?”

“Lily. I had to borrow the mixings from her.”

“I have to thank her.” He dove into his cake and in minutes had it eaten. He strode into the kitchen for seconds.

When he had finished, he sat back. “Your chocolate cake was delicious. If I ate like this every night, I’d get fat.”

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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