Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (8 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“How could he give up on his daughter?” Dirk was curious. His mom and dad had been loving, and wanted their children to find their own way. They wanted them to do what they loved.

“I wasn’t a boy, for starters. It didn’t take me long to realize a boy would have been another hand to help out on the ranch. Girls can help, too, but Father saw them as homemakers. He expected my mother and I to have the meals on time, the house spotless, the cows milked, a garden growing, and to take care of the chickens. He never said thank you.

“And most of all, when I was eighteen and graduated from high school, I was expected to marry and set up my own home. One less mouth to feed.”

Chelsea took a large swallow of bourbon after she’d rattled off all the things she obviously hated about living on a farm. No wonder she’d never considered marriage.

“Your father must have been delighted to have five boys and only one girl?” Chelsea asked.

“Dad loved his girl, probably better than us boys, if that was possible. He and Mom loved us all equally. My sister was such a tomboy. She rode everywhere with dad, from the time she could sit on a horse until the day he died. In fact, she was with him when he had his heart attack. He died instantly. She was ten years old. It took her years to get better. I’m sure she won’t ever totally forget that day.”

“How horrible for her.”

“Yes, but she said later she was glad he wasn’t alone. They’d been laughing about something, and she’d just told him she loved him.”

“Your family sounds nice.”

“I want you to meet them. You’ll like them.”

“Is that a good idea when I may not stay around?”

“I stipulated it would be a real marriage in all ways while we are together.”

“So you did. I hope we’re not making a serious mistake.”

“I have faith and believe in us,” Dirk said.

Chelsea didn’t answer. She took another swallow of bourbon, leaned her head back, and closed her eyes.

Dirk studied her profile. She had high cheekbones, a turned-up nose, wisps of hair blowing around her face, and an almost square jaw that jutted out when she was making a point. Her luscious, full lips softened her jawline. Whatever the future held, they’d butt heads at times, but he loved her and believed deep down she cared about him.

Suddenly she opened her eyes. “You remind me of a sleek, black panther getting ready to pounce. I could feel your eyes on me.”

“I’d like to pounce, but I’ll wait until after the wedding. Good night. I’m turning in.”
If I don’t leave now, I’ll do exactly as she said.
His control was stretched to the limit. After the plane landed, he was going to arrange their wedding for as soon as possible.

* * * *

Chelsea had started to say,
let’s go make love
. She was glad she didn’t. She liked the idea of waiting until after the ceremony. Dirk was really an old-fashioned kind of guy in many ways. Hopefully he didn’t have the same viewpoint as her father, or they might not last even a year. A tiny flicker of hope deep inside her wanted to make this marriage a success.

She finished her bourbon and went to her room. She’d pack and sleep later on the plane. There wasn’t much to throw in the backpack she’d been using. They could give it back to Drake and Janice when they met.

Looking around the bedroom and bath, she didn’t see anything she’d missed. Earlier she’d washed the few things from here that she’d used. The bed looked inviting. She’d lie down for a minute, and then go out to watch the sun come up.

A knock at her door woke her. Bright sunlight shone around the edges of her curtains.

“The plane will be here in an hour,” Dirk called through the door. “Come outside to the veranda and have breakfast.”

“I’ll dress and be there in a second.” Chelsea pulled on jeans and a green shirt. She’d wear the sneakers Janice had sent. She took a moment to gather her thoughts. Today was a step into an unknown future. Concern, fear, and excitement whirled around inside her.

She grabbed her backpack, opened the door, and took a last glance at the lovely bedroom. When she closed the door and turned, she took a deep breath and stepped forward.
For better or worse, in more ways than one.

* * * *

Dirk held her in his arms as she slept. He’d have to wake her soon. They’d be landing in Texas in the next thirty minutes. He was pretty certain all his cousins would be there to greet them. They’d been close-knit families with his mother and the Terrell cousins’ mother being sisters. Over the years they’d spent holidays together and sometimes traveled on vacation as a group. It had been fun, and bonded them.

Chelsea stirred. She opened her eyes and smiled. “You make a good pillow.”

“Anytime, my lady.” Dirk winked at her. “We’ll be landing soon. You might want to go back to the bedroom and freshen up in the adjoining bathroom.”

“I will. I must look a mess.”

Dirk studied her face with the lovely green eyes and the matching shirt. Her bright-red hair created a glow around her.

He chuckled. “A lovely mess.”

Chelsea was back in her seat beside him before the seat belt light came on. She clenched her hands tightly in her lap.

Dirk put his hand over hers. “Are you nervous?”

“I’m seldom nervous,” she said, and tilted that stubborn chin upward. “But I don’t know any of these people, and I’m not ready to be greeted by a crowd.”

“Hardly a crowd. Six people at the most. There’ll be Drake and Janice, Jackson and his wife, Samantha, and Brent and Angie. They may not all be there.”

“I hope they’re not.”

“It’s time to start meeting people. Eventually you’ll have to go back out in society a little. I never thought of you as a coward.”

She threw him an angry glance, as he’d expected. Inwardly he smiled when she pulled her shoulders back and straightened her blouse. She’d do fine. A little annoyance went a long way.

The plane door was opened, and Dirk took her hand and led her to the stairs. “You first or me?”


He nodded and started down the steps to the tarmac. Chelsea followed him. The people standing at the sidelines started forward, waving and hugging Dirk as soon as they got close.

She deliberately hung back. An auburn-haired woman strode past the crowd around Dirk and came to her.

“Welcome to Saddle Creek, Texas. I’m Janice, Drake’s wife.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Chelsea glanced past Janice and saw the others were headed toward her.

“Don’t be frightened,” Janice said. “We don’t bite.”

Chelsea stiffened. “I’m not frightened. I’ve been all over the world,” she said in a stiff voice.

“I know, but you’ve also just been through a terrible ordeal that would leave anyone a little shook up.”

Janice’s eyes showed concern and friendliness. Chelsea took a deep breath. “Sorry. I am a little rattled yet.”

By that time the others had gathered around her. Dirk made the introductions. At the end he said, “We thought we’d stay long enough to get married. Brent and Angie, can we use your place like Ty and Lily did?”

Chelsea almost laughed at the shocked expressions on their faces. They recovered fast and hugged and congratulated her and Dirk. Janice, Angie, and Samantha led her to a large SUV. They all got inside and the men followed in two trucks.

“Don’t worry about a thing. We’re experts at this now. We’ll take care of everything,” Angie said.

But Chelsea saw the puzzled, worried glance go between Janice and Samantha. They had questions but were too polite to ask. Maybe she should tell them the truth. Dirk had insisted they have a regular marriage. It wouldn’t be as if the family was watching every second to see how they were doing. Instead, she decided to tell a partial truth.

“Dirk and I met several years ago when we were both overseas. We used to meet on our leaves in Europe. A misunderstanding separated us.”

“How romantic,” Samantha said. “My husband and I were friends for years before he convinced me I loved him and had to marry him.”

“You’ve been happy?” Chelsea asked.

“Oh yes. We have two adorable children, and I’ve never been happier.”

Chelsea saw happiness shining out of all their eyes. If only she could find the contentment and love they had. But the same problem faced her and Dirk. Sometime in the future she’d get an offer she couldn’t refuse to work in her field. Dirk wanted a woman to be happy being a wife and mother. It was a wide chasm. She doubted they could reach across and find a compromise.

She might as well quit worrying and enjoy the present. A lot could happen in a year.

* * * *

Brent and Angie insisted they come to their place and stay in the cabin they’d first built, before the big house as Angie called it. Chelsea was never as relieved as when they got inside the small cottage and closed the door.

Dirk put down their cases and came to her side. “Are you all right? You look pale.”

Chelsea sat in the nearest chair. “I didn’t realize socializing would be so tiring. The dinner was good and all of them are such nice people. I feel like we’re asking them to be part of a false scenario and they don’t know it. It doesn’t seem right.”

“What do you want to do? Call off the wedding? I can ask Drake to let us use his plane to get to Montana. You can still stay with me. We’ll see how things go. Meanwhile the press will soon find something else to catch their interest.”

She studied his face. He didn’t try to hide the disappointment in his eyes.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“How do you know you will?” He gave her a cheeky grin. “I’m a tough cowboy, remember.”

“I’d prefer to do it that way, with no promises given. If or when I marry, I want it to be a happy event with all the trimmings.”

“Fair enough. I’ll go talk to Brent and Angie and call Drake.”

“Thank you.” She watched him go out and peeked between the curtains, admiring his backside. His sexy body was beginning to arouse the hunger in her to touch him and taste him. But she knew herself. She couldn’t imagine she’d be happy on a ranch far from the excitement of the big city and the news. Not that she wanted to go back overseas, but there were other interesting jobs she might be offered.

First she had to get her head on straight. A little more vacation was just what she needed. She ought to resist his overtures. But was she strong enough to push away temptation?

Chapter Seven

They flew into Montana late that night. Angie and Brent had told them good-bye at their house. Drake and Janice came to the landing strip and wished them well. They were all polite and didn’t ask questions. Apparently whatever Dirk said to them satisfied their curiosity. Dirk had been unusually quiet since she’d asked him not to marry her.

“There’s my truck,” Dirk said as they walked down the plane’s steps. “Since it’s so late, I’m certain Ty and Lily have gone to bed. They don’t get much sleep with the baby waking up at night.” He took long strides to the truck and glanced inside. “Yeah, the keys are in the ignition. Here let me take your backpack.” He swung it and his into the backseat, and then helped her inside. “We’ll contact your parents and see about going there to get some of your things.”

“I can make do with what I have. The nearby town has a shop. I checked it out when I stayed here briefly before.”

“You don’t want to see your parents?”

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - A Fling with the Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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