Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1)
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I heard the Irish brogue. I see the sun-kissed hair, just a tad lighter than the wheat that grew in our fields, and I can look into his beautiful golden eyes. Yet, I still can't accept it. Carefully, I make my way to him - slightly surprised that none of the Cursed try to stop me.

"Thomas?" I say, again.

He tilts his head and looks at me curiously. He grips the sword in his hand a little tighter as I get closer.

"Thomas, it's me."

His brows knit together as though he's trying to decipher what I'm saying.

"You're dead," he declares, but his voice holds uncertainty.

"I'm here."


My heart pounds painfully in my chest. He remembers!

"Yes, Thomas. It's me."

He raises his sword and points it at me. "You're killing us," he accuses, looking at my cloak.

"I'm a Hunter, Thomas. So are you."

"No! Hunters killed Anala."


"I don't understand, Thomas."

"He told me. He said they killed you because they didn't want you infecting anyone." He lowers his sword, but still grips it tightly. "He said he could help me not feel the pain anymore. He could help me with revenge."

Oh, Thomas! If Bernard weren't already dead, I would surely kill him for this.

"Thomas, I'm here. They didn't kill me. I' you."

His head cocks to the side again as he studies me. "You will help us," he demands.

"Help you what?"

"Kill the Hunters."

"No, Thomas. This has to stop. You can't make more Hybrids and you can't kill my Hunters."

"I am the leader here!"

are made from my blood!"

He stumbles back as if I punched him. "You're here to take everything away from me. Again!"

"No, Thomas. I'm here to do what I was born to do."

"You want to kill me."

"I don't. God help me, I don't want to kill you." I step closer. "I've missed you."

"Lead with me." He sweeps his arms, indicating the Cursed Ones standing before us. "They are all yours, too."

"Thomas, I can't."

"I love you, Anala."

For one second, I see the boy I once knew in him. I can't stop the tear that escapes.

"I loved you, too, Thomas."

He frowns. "You don't anymore."

No. I love Sam.

"I can't lead with you, Thomas. They can't be here. You know that. You know what I must do."

Thomas's eyes darken with fury. He lifts his sword at me again. "Kill her!" he commands.

Before I have a chance to go after Thomas, the entire horde runs towards me. I fight off as many as I can, but I know if I don't find a way out of here now, I will be killed. I can't let that happen yet. I need to find Thomas.

I'm older, faster and stronger than these Cursed Ones, but their number can overpower me if I allow it. I leap to the balcony above me, fashioned as the imperial box that the emperor would sit in while watching gladiators kill each other. It is a fitting arena, I suppose, for what's happening now. A few try to follow me, but I strike them down before they can even land. My objective now is to get out of here alive and make sure I'm not followed.

I have the added benefit of being undetectable to these Cursed Ones. I can use that to my advantage once I'm out of this death trap. I will figure everything else out after that. Jumping up, I swing my legs up onto the beam above me and climb until I've reached the top of the imitation Colosseum. A quick look back lets me know that the Cursed Ones are having problems following me. They're all trying to carry out their Maker's wishes at the same time. Another advantage for me, as they stumble over each other, or fight each other trying to get to me first.

I drop down the few stories to the ground and run, getting beyond the gates as quickly as I can. I hide in the shadows until I'm certain I'm not being followed. Staying hidden, I make my way home.



I'm exhausted. I don't think I've ever felt this worn down before in all my years. I could blame it on the fight, or even seeing Thomas - Cursed. But, if I'm honest with myself, it's all about Sam. He saw me. He knows what I am. I don't want to think of what could happen if he has told the others, however, even that isn't what saddens me the most. It's the way he looked at me. Fear and confusion filled his eyes. Can I blame him? Of course not. Still, I can't help but worry about what this will do to

When I get home, I find that I'm still hiding in the shadows. A Cursed One willingly going into a house of Hunters. I say willingly, yet, I'm sneaking into my bedroom like a thief in the night.

Once again, I carefully fold my Cloak and lock it away. At this moment, I don't know if I'll ever wear it again. Hell, I don't know what tomorrow will bring, or if I'll still have a group of Hunters left. Perhaps they'll all try to kill me. Isn't that a thought. I sigh heavily and plunk down on the trunk.

"Why can't I sense you?"

I jump up, grab for my swords and nearly scream the expletive that fills my head. Am I so weary that I couldn't even smell Sam's scent when I walked in?

"You scared the hell out of me." I toss my swords on the bed, and clutch at my pounding heart.

"I didn't think that was possible," he says dryly.

"Apparently it is," I mutter.

"You didn't answer me. Why can't I sense you?"

"Sam," His eyes flutter closed for a second when I say his name. "What you sense is evil. Do you think I'm evil?"

He doesn't respond right away, just continues to watch me. His gaze is so intense, I imagine if it were possible, it would set me on fire. Maybe he thinks I'm going to turn into the devil at any minute and eat out his insides. I realize that I'm holding my breath, waiting for his answer.

"You're one of
," he says finally.

It isn't a yes, but it certainly isn't a no, either. And, it hurts more than I could have imagined.

"I'm still me, Sam. The same me I've always been."

He slowly walks to me, almost timidly. I'm careful not to make any sudden movements. I remember mum and papa being like this when they first realized what I was. I can understand Sam's hesitance. He touches my cheek, just a feather of a touch, and I press my face into his palm. I just want him to know I would never hurt him.

"Ana," he whispers, his eyes filling with tears.

The pain explodes in my chest unlike anything I've ever felt before. My heart slows, and I have half a second to look up at Sam, my eyes wide with disbelief.

." It is the only thing I have time to say before the darkness takes over and I lose consciousness.



The pain is almost unbearable, like molten iron being ripped from my chest. I can't control the guttural wail that frees itself from deep in my throat, as if it has been trying to claw its way out for days. I feel myself change from the pain, and I can only hope it speeds up the process of easing this torture. Though, I know that the real pain in my heart may never heal.

Oh my God

Sam! How could you...

Has she been...

The pain makes it difficult for me to distinguish who is making each comment. When I am able to focus - barely - I become aware that my hands and feet are shackled by
silver cuffs, to
silver chair in
holding room. I test the shackles against my strength, but I have been greatly weakened. I lift my head and see all of my Hunters staring at me from the other side of the glass wall. All except Sam, who stands before me, the stake he just removed from my heart in his hand.

"Sam, what have you done?" My voice is harsh and raspy. I could certainly use a drink...or two.

He doesn't answer, and I can't read the expression on his face. He looks sad. Or mad. Maybe even both.

I slump back in the chair, willing myself to change back to normal even though the pain lingers. The silver is not helping with my weakness.

"Ana? Are you alright? Sam, I can't believe you did this to her!" Amanda doesn't even wait for a response from me before she lays into Sam. "How could you?"

"You saw what she is, Amanda," Sam answers wistfully.

"I see
she is, Sam! And,
of all people should, too! She has saved my life. She has saved all of our lives!"

"She's right, Sam," Eric affirms. "I don't think this is necessary."

"It's necessary!" Sam barks. "We need answers, and she's going to give them to us!"

"If you wanted answers, Sam, all you had to do was ask." My breathing is labored, and painful, but I put as much malice as I can in my statement.

Sam walks up to the glass, and addresses me. "Who are you?"

"You know who I am."

are you?" he asks again, slamming his hand against the glass.

I don't flinch. I will not give him that satisfaction. Instead, I sit up, lift my head and look him in the eye.

"My name is Anala Geil. I am the daughter of the Leaders of the Society of Hunters."

Gasps come from everyone on the other side of the glass. Except one.

"Anala?" Emily whispers. "But, she died when she was..."

"Eighteen," Jeremy finishes, looking at me with pity.

"What happened?" Jenna asks, genuinely interested.

"I was on patrol," I begin. "With a boy..."

"Thomas?" Amanda asks.

"Yes. His little sister must have followed us out to where we were and hid. When we heard rustling in the bushes, we thought for sure it was a Cursed One." I pause, trying to catch my breath. The damn pain just won't go away. "We almost killed her," I continue. "When Thomas left to take her home, I was distracted for one minute. Thinking about him. A Cursed One got to me before I even knew what was happening."

I take shallow breaths, hoping to alleviate the torture going on inside me.

"Why did your parents let you live?" Sam's voice is harsh, again. Perhaps he was jealous when I spoke of being distracted by Thomas. Good. Let your heart hurt for a bit, I think bitterly.

"Because she was their daughter!" Amanda sneers. "Some people just have better judgment!"

"But, they were the Leaders of the Society. There are codes that we must live by," Sam explains.

"He's right," Zac says quietly. They are the first words I have heard from him since waking up.

"I was not like the others." I glance at Zac. "I was an anomaly. I
an anomaly. My parents had no idea I had been turned until they saw how my eyes had changed. Everything else about me had remained the same. I never tried to hurt them. Just as I would never hurt any of you."

"How can we be sure of that?" Sam asks.

"She has had many chances," Emily interjects. "If she wanted us dead, we would be dead."

"And, why train us to kill, well, her if she wanted to hurt us?" Jenna adds.

"We don't know what her true agenda is!" Sam tries to hold on to his anger, but his confusion seems to be winning the battle. I lower my head, unable to look at him anymore - and, unable to deal with the pain anymore.

"Are you serious? I just can't believe you could do this, Sam. Or, believe that she is capable of hurting us. You're
with her for chrissake!"

Another groan escapes me, this time from Amanda's words as much as the pain. I did
need everyone knowing that! I hear a sharp intake of breath from Zac, and I risk looking at him. The hurt and accusation in his eyes were too much for me, and I broke the gaze. Without a word, he walks away. My sigh is ragged and full of agony.

"Ana, what is it?" Amanda's voice is so full of compassion, that I see no reason to lie to her.

"Your brother staked me," I tell her, because, frankly, that
the biggest problem. "With a silver splintering stake. My heart is trying to regenerate around it, but can't."


He looks authentically shocked and self-reproachful. "I...It was a mistake. I didn't know I had chosen one of those…"

"He is a Hunter, Amanda. He followed his instincts." After everything, I wonder why I am still willing to take up for him. "Actually, what he should've done was kill me."

BOOK: Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1)
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