Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1) (33 page)

BOOK: Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1)
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He kisses me again, deeper.

I love you
," he whispers.

The words make my heart completely melt, and the rest of me heat up beyond my control.

I love you, Anala
." He kisses me more, swallowing my moan.

I love you, too
," I confide between kisses. I can't fight him. I don't want to. This is what I want. This doesn't hurt.

Sam breaks the kiss, and tilts his head. "Please."

"I can't. You don't know what you're asking of me."

He holds my gaze. "Yes, I do. I trust you, Ana. I didn't know if I could, but I saw you with my sister. You
still you. Let me help you." He angles his head again.

Seeing the blood there, still wet and smelling delicious, demolishes my resolve. Tentatively, I lick his neck with the tip of my tongue. The taste is intoxicating and I turn, again, immediately. The sensation is too much for me, and I try to get up, but Sam holds me steady.

"It's okay," he murmurs. "Look at me."

I shake my head, and he lifts my chin with his finger.

"You're beautiful." He looks at me fully, taking in my eyes with their red ring and my sharp teeth. "Drink from me, Anala."

The use of my true name is my undoing. I sink my teeth into his neck, and drink the sweetest, most provocative blood I've ever tasted.


I awaken abruptly, my eyes flying open at the sensations I am feeling inside. Sitting up, I inhale deeply. What a remarkable feeling. Everything inside me seems to be more...alive. Supersensitive is the only way I know how to describe it. The affliction in my heart has completely vanished, and it feels strong. My muscles contract under my skin when I reach up to touch my chest. I feel as though I could fight every one of the Cursed Ones under Thomas by myself without complication.

Touching my chest reminds me that I am naked, and I hear Sam snoring softly beside me. The sound makes me smile. I have no idea how we ended up here, but I do know that I enjoyed it immensely. I lay back down, facing Sam. Without much thought, I bring my thumb to my mouth, opening the skin with my tooth. I touch my blood where I bit him. The wound promptly closes, and Sam stirs awake.

"Hmm, hi," he smiles, sleepily.

I grin back at him. "How are you feeling?"

"Lightheaded. And, amazing."

"You need to eat something."

"Mmhmm." He leans in to me and kisses me.

"I'm going to go make you a sandwich," I tell him between his sweet kisses. He holds on when I try to get up.

"Don't go."

"You need to eat, Sam."


"Hey, I did what you asked. Now it's your turn."

He sighs, but gives me a crooked grin. "Fine." Sam narrows his eyes and studies me. "You look different."

I feel different.

"You're lightheaded," I quip. "I'll be right back." I kiss him quickly and get up. I wrap my robe around me, well aware that Sam is watching me. I look back and wink at him before heading off to the kitchen. I haven't forgotten what he did to me, but I can try to forgive. How would I have reacted had the tables been turned?

I scour the refrigerator for anything I can piece together in a sandwich. Turkey looks good. I pile condiments and vegetables in my arms, then grab the bread.

"Would you like a sandwich, Zac?"

He has been standing there watching me since I came in, but saying nothing.

"How do you do that?"

I turn to face him, laying my contents on the kitchen island. "I'm a vampire," I smirk.

He doesn't return my smile. "You look different."

"Because you know what I am now."

"No, that's not it." He shakes his head, changing the subject. "Why Sam, Ana? Why not me?"

"Zac, please don't do this."

"I need to know. Why did you stop that night in your apartment?"

Sigh. I don't want to be having this conversation with Zac when Sam is waiting for me. Hell, I just don't want to have this conversation! Especially now that I'm aware we're being listened in on.

"I wasn't myself that night, Zac. I'm sorry if I led you on, it wasn't my intention."

"You weren't yourself? Meaning you really didn't want to kiss me?"

"What I wanted was to hurt you," I tell him honestly. "I almost did."

"I would have let you. I love you."

Well, crap. "You don't love me, Zac. You barely know me."

"I know how I feel. And, I've known you a lot longer than Sam."

This can't be good. These feelings Zac thinks he has for me could be a major distraction for him while hunting. He inches closer to the island. To me.

"Maybe now, after what he did to you, you'll give me a chance."

I lower my gaze, unable to look him in the eye. How do I tell him that I'm still with Sam?

"That sandwich is for Sam, isn't it?" he asks, reading my thoughts.


"Really, Ana? After everything he did?"

"Really, Zac? Can you stand there and tell me you wouldn't have done the same thing if you were in his shoes?"

He opened his mouth to answer, but had none. I round the island and walk to him.

"Zac, you don't love me." I know it may not be right, taking someone's feelings away from them, but it's for his own good.

His brows furrow. It's like he's fighting me. "Yes, I do."

I try again, putting more power behind the suggestion.

"You don't love me. You're a friend. A
friend, and a great Hunter. You won't let feelings distract you from that. Do you understand?"

His eyes glaze over, and I know my compulsion is working.


"Good. You need to get some rest." I walk back around the island and begin making Sam's sandwich. "Goodnight, Zac."

"Goodnight, Ana."

"It was necessary," I say to Amanda as Zac leaves.

"I wasn't going to argue. That's freaky by the way. How you know people are here. How do you do it?"

The discussion has me thinking back centuries ago when I explained to mum the different scents people have. I tell Amanda the same thing.

"Wow. I mean, that has to be pretty cool being able to do that."

"It has it's perks."

"You look different," she says, cocking her head, scrutinizing me.

"Why do people keep saying that?"

"Um, because it's true. Come here."

She drags me to a mirror, and my reflection makes me gasp. I
look different! My hair is shinier, my eyes brighter, my skin as smooth as alabaster. There's a red tint to my lips, a soft blush to my cheeks, without the help of makeup. And, though it's barely noticeable, I can see the faded red circle surrounding my iris. When I change, I can only imagine how bright it will be. This is a far cry from how I felt after...Bernard.

"Is this what it's like after you've had live blood?"

I inhale sharply and look at Amanda. Shit. How am I going to explain what Sam and I have done? "I..."

"It's fine. I had a feeling Sam would come to you."

"You're not mad?"

"Is he okay?"

I smile. "Yes. He just needs some food, which I'm bringing him.
I ever get this sandwich made." I return to the task, slapping mayonnaise, tomatoes, turkey and lettuce onto the wheat bread I chose for Sam.

"Then, I'm not mad. What made you say yes to him?"

I pause, thinking about the answer. "I don't know. At first I said no. He told me he loved me, trusted me, and I just - gave in. The answer to your first question, by the way, is no. This isn't what happens when I drink live. Although I've never drank from a Hunter before."

"Have you fed from someone you're in love with?"

I frown. Hmm. Could it be that? "No."

"How do you feel inside?"

"Different," I tell her after a moment of considering.

"Tell me."

"It's hard to explain. But, I feel...stronger. Everything inside me is hyper-sensitive." I grab a plate for the sandwich, some chips and a can of soda. "Come with me. I want to try something."

I lead Amanda to the training room, and into the holding room. "Here, hold this." Handing her Sam's food, I walk to the silver chair. "Silver greatly diminishes our strength. I'm not sure why."

"What does it feel like when you touch it?"

I pick up a silver chain and try to describe it. "It feels as though your strength is literally seeping out of your body. I can feel the pull, like a magnet. It's almost like being considerably fatigued, and the energy just keeps draining out."

"Do you feel that now?"

I test the chain, rolling it around my hands. "A little," I divulge. "But, not like it was before." I don't want to think about the last time I was in here, so I move on with my experiment. "It depletes our energy so much that we cannot break through silver chains or cuffs. That's why they are used."

I take the chain in both of my hands, and pull. It takes a substantial amount of strength, but the chain breaks in two. Well...that's interesting. Bernard's blood left me ill. Sam's gives me a greater strength than I've ever had.

"You broke it! Sam's blood did this to you?" Amanda asks, echoing my thoughts.

"I guess so," I answer, distracted by the two silver chains in my hands. I still feel the pull of it trying to drain my power, but just barely. Is this what happens when you feed from a Hunter? I shudder to think of what would happen if other Cursed Ones found this out.

I take the food from Amanda. "I should get this to Sam. Will you do me a favor and tell everyone that I would like to meet with them in the dining room tomorrow morning?"

"Sure." She's confused by my abrupt need for departure, but doesn't question me.

"Amanda? Thank you. For everything."



I'm nervous. I have no idea if anyone is going to show up this morning - except Sam and Amanda, of course. But, the others? Will they accept me? Trust me?

At least some of my fears are laid to rest when I open the double, ornate doors and find all of my Hunters waiting for me. I breathe a sigh of relief, and smile at them.

"First, I would like to thank you all for still being here," I begin, standing at the head of the table. Amanda is to my right with Jeremy and Jenna next to her. Zac is on my left, followed by Emily and Eric, and Sam sits at the other end. "I know this may be difficult for you to come to terms with, but I
the same person I was before you knew…
I am."

Eric rises from his seat and addresses me. "I think I can speak for us all when I say we would like to apologize for our behavior yesterday."

"There's no need..."

"Please," he holds his hand up to stop my protest. "The way we just left was shameful, and Amanda was right, pathetic. We have no reason not to trust you. I hope you can forgive us."

No one argues. They simply sit there, quietly.

"Eric, I lied to you about who I am. I can only imagine the shock you must have felt. I do not hold any grudges against you. Please do not apologize, or feel shame. How about we just agree to forgive each other?" I smile sweetly at him, and he returns a shy smile.

I gesture for Eric to take a seat as I sit.

"Before we begin, can I ask something," Amanda raises her hand as if she's in school.

"Of course."

"What do we call you now?"

What an unexpected question.

"Um...I'm not sure. I have hidden my true identity for so long. The only people who have ever known what I am are my parents, and now the people in this room. I would love to be Anala again, if you're comfortable with that." I think momentarily of how it felt when Sam called me Anala last night, and it makes my heart jump.

"Anala it is, then," Amanda interrupts my flashback, bringing me to the present. I can't help but grin.

"Now, there are two issues that we need to discuss today," I say, getting down to business. "Beginning with the Maker. I don't know how much Sam told you…" I pause, looking to Sam who shakes his head. I guess he hasn't said much to them. "The number of full blood Cursed Ones surrounding their maker is overwhelming. More than I expected."

"What are you going to do?" Emily inquires.

"We," I correct. "I realized with Sam that I was completely underestimating you. I will need you all if I'm going to defeat Thomas." I stumble ever so slightly on his name. I wish there was some other way...but, there's not. I am a Hunter, and I must carry out his fate, as much as it may hurt me to do so. And, no, the irony is not lost on me. "You will train with me, with what I am, so that you can get the feel of what it will be like to fight against a full blood. They are also trained to use swords." Gasps fill the room. Exactly how I felt when I found out. "We don't have long, so training will have be quick. Is everyone okay with that?"

BOOK: Destined to Kill: A Destined Novel (Destined Novels Book 1)
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