Read Endless Summer Nights Online

Authors: Delansy Diamond Grace Octavia Donna Hill

Endless Summer Nights (3 page)

BOOK: Endless Summer Nights
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Gabriel laughed. “Unfortunately, not as often as I would like. So much of the family business takes me everywhere in the world except here.”

The images of him and the countless women on his arm flashed through her head. Her brow tightened.

“If I had my way I would be here full-time. All the travel, all the people, are tiresome.” He gave a short snort of disgust. “The world would have you think that it’s such a fabulous life. Don’t get me wrong,” he continued, “having money, having access, is a powerful aphrodisiac. I only wish that it could all mean something. It’s very easy to get comfortable and caught up in the trappings that all this—” he waved his hand expansively “—can afford you.” He slid his hands into his pockets, turned to look at her briefly and then continued to walk.

“Well, my vision for the string of resorts is to provide a getaway of superb quality for those who would never be able to afford it. But it can’t be viewed as some publicity stunt, or some charity resort,” Sydni stated. She studied his thoughtful profile. This wasn’t a man who took what he had and what he’d accomplished lightly. A spark of an idea began to form.
was the man that she would build the brand around—the man who cared, the man who had a soul, who wanted to give back for all that he had received.

Suddenly he stopped walking and turned toward her. She was compelled to look up into his magnetic gaze.

“I need to be sure that you understand me...what I want...and how to accomplish it,” he said.

“You hired me because I’m
good at what I do.”

He paused for a beat, and let his gaze sweep over her. “I’m sure you are.”

The world disappeared around them. It was only Sydni and Gabriel, even as they were surrounded by the sound of nature, a waterfall in the background, the pulse of their racing hearts, the heat that radiated from them and the undeniable pull that drew them within a breath of each other.

They startled at the sudden and piercing cry of a Hyacinth Macaw flying overhead. Sydni’s gaze rose up to see the rare bird’s majestic royal-blue-and-gold colors soar across the sky. She laughed lightly. The spell was broken.

“This path leads to the beach,” Gabriel said, seamlessly moving them from an undeniable moment of sexual arousal to the safety of an innocuous stroll. “In an ideal world, I would like the resorts to sit near beaches like this. I want to begin here in Brazil and expand from there. I envision opening five different locations simultaneously.”

Sydni’s brows rose. “Five? A bit ambitious. You don’t plan to test the viability before expanding?”

He slightly turned his head in her direction. “They will be viable. You’ll see to that. It’s why I hired you...or so you told me.” His mouth curved ever so slightly.

* * *

“This is quite a spread,” Sydni said as they drew closer to the house, the tour of the grounds complete.

“I hope that you will make time to visit again while you’re here. Actually...” He put the tip of his finger to his lip. “I host an annual Carnival party for close friends. You and your associate, Lynn, are more than welcome. No. I insist that you attend. Wonderful food, drink, music, dancing...”

Sydni smiled. “You make it very hard to say no.”

His voice dropped an octave. “Then don’t tell me no.”

The words shimmied through her like quicksilver and pulsed between her thighs. Her heart slammed in her chest.

“Come, Lynn must think we’ve run away by now.”

Gabriel stepped ahead of her to open the door and for a split second she squeezed her eyes shut. She was in deep trouble.

Chapter 4

’m telling you, Lynn, if the man had said ‘I want to sex you up right here, right now, in the middle of the damned tropical rainforest,’ I swear I think I would have done it.” She paced the floor of the living area while she sipped a glass of wine. “Oooh.” She gave her entire body a shake. “I could barely concentrate on what the man was saying. Did you see those eyes? And that mouth? Oh, Lawd, I can only imagine what gems he has under those clothes.” She suddenly whirled toward Lynn, who was curled up on the couch totally trying not to burst out laughing. “What am I going to do?”

Lynn covered her grin with her glass of wine. She blinked several times. “Um, can I just say—before I get to the serious part—I’m just happy to know that it’s still alive down there.”

“Lynn!” Sydni stomped her foot in feigned annoyance.

“Well, it’s true. I mean, ever since you and Blake split up... You haven’t even been on a date in over a year.”

“I’ve been busy,” she said, bordering on petulant.

Lynn gave her the side eye.

Sydni crossed the room and flopped down on a club chair. She curled her legs beneath her. “Getting over Blake was hard. You know that.”

“What was hard was watching you beat yourself up for breaking it off with him, and turning inside yourself as if you’d done some horrible wrong.”

“I felt like I had.” Sydni blew out a breath. “I thought I wanted what he wanted. We were good together...mostly. But when I looked into the future, as much as I cared about Blake, I didn’t see him in it.” She glanced at Lynn, hoping to see understanding in her expression.

“It happens, and you need to stop being so hard on yourself about it. Isn’t it better that you came to understand that now and not
the wedding?”

Sydni gave a little shiver. “I know. But if I had walked down that aisle I would have found a way to make it work.”

“I know you would have. There isn’t a project that you don’t find a way to master, but you would have been miserable in the process.”

“I know, and Blake deserved better. He’s such a great guy. He’ll make someone really happy.”

“And so will you...when you find the right guy. Speaking of which... Gabriel St. James...Santiago. Fiyah-hot! But—” she raised her finger to make a point “—he’s a client. Your father would have a natural fit, not to mention that it’s

Sydni scrunched up her face. “I know,” she sighed despondently. “Figures.” She took a sip from her glass. Her gaze drifted off and a slow smile moved across her mouth as images of Gabriel messed with her head.

“Besides, Syd, we’re only here for two weeks. Even if...and I’m not saying that you should...but even if you did have a mini-fling with, um, get rid of the cobwebs, that man is a notorious playboy.”

Sydni sat up, suddenly alert and inspired. “Exactly,” she declared, slapping her palm on the arm of the chair.

“Exactly what?”

“He’s a playboy. Women come and go in his life like buses. Let’s say...something did happen between us.... A fling... It wouldn’t mean anything. He would simply move on and so would I.”

“Do you hear yourself? This isn’t you. Since when do you sleep with uber-gorgeous, superrich men just for the hell of it?”

“There’s a first time for everything,” she said with a hopeful spring in her voice.


Sydni huffed and rolled her eyes. “I know. You’re right. My libido has been on lockdown for so long I guess I momentarily lost my mind for a minute. That would have to be the single most crazy thing I would ever have done and I’d regret it.”

“Yeah, you would. And there’s no telling how that could backfire.”

“I know.” She finished off her glass of wine and set the glass down on the table beside her just as her cell phone rang. She picked it up from the table and her pulse jumped when she saw the name in the dial.
It’s him,
she mouthed.

“Hello, Mr. St. James.”

“I hope by the time dinner is over you will want to at least call me Gabriel.”

“We’ll see.”

He chuckled. “Is seven good for you?”

“Yes, it’s fine.”

“There is a wonderful place that I want to take you. I know you will enjoy it.”

“Looking forward.”

“I’ll be out front. Until then.”

The call disconnected. Sydni still gripped the phone in her hand.

“Well? Why do you look like that? What did he say?”

Sydni blinked to clear her head. “Look like what?”

“Like someone slid their hand up your skirt.”

Sydni’s cheeks heated. Her fingers fluttered toward her glass and she realized it was empty. “You’re crazy. He just wanted to tell me he’d be here at seven to pick me up for dinner.”

“Hmm, okay. So what are you wearing tonight?”

Sydni’s face brightened. “Guess I better figure that out.” She hopped up from her seat and padded off to her bedroom.

Lynn shook her head, mystified and concerned. Generally, Sydni was the most levelheaded person in the room. She never detoured, compromised her beliefs or settled for second place. But without a doubt she’d been thunderstruck by Gabriel. And though she wouldn’t admit it to Sydni, she could definitely see why. Lynn could only hope that Sydni would use her head and stick to the script because nothing but trouble could come of things otherwise.

* * *

Sydni had taken an inordinate amount of time selecting her outfit. She’d tossed aside several dresses and finally decided on a simple claret Donna Karan dress, styled as off-the-shoulder, with a pencil skirt to just above the knee in a luster jersey fabric with ruching at the bodice and waist. The dress fit her like a well-made glove, accentuating her curves with class and elegance, projecting the illusion of a perfect hourglass figure. She’d taken the wild spirals of her hair and twisted them atop her head in an intricate design that still gave a sense of disheveled chic. As usual, she kept her jewelry to a minimum, with only studs in her ears and her watch. Her makeup was light: mascara, a red gloss for her lips, a bit of color at her cheekbones and a dusting of powder to minimize a shiny nose. She dropped her compact, lip gloss, wallet, hotel key card and cell phone into her purse. She took one last look in the mirror and, finally satisfied with her appearance, went out front to give Lynn a preview.

Lynn was curled on the lounge reading a magazine and glanced up at the sound of Sydni’s heels tapping their way across the floor. Her eyes widened in appreciation. “When did you get that dress?”

Sydni grinned. “Last week.”

“You sneak. You went shopping without me.”

“Spur of the moment. So...what do you think?”

“I think that Gabriel will have a hard time concentrating tonight.” She set the magazine down and stared at her friend. “I’m concluding that’s your intention.”

Sydni briefly glanced away. She lifted her chin. “Maybe.”

Lynn pursed her full lips. “Just be careful, girl.”

Sydni ran her hands along the sides of her dress. “I will.” She turned and strutted out.

The ride down the elevator from the penthouse to the lobby seemed to take forever. Sydni could feel her heart hammering in her chest. The closer she got to the ground floor, the anticipation of seeing Gabriel grew, making her skin grow hotter until she felt as if someone had lit a match in her belly.

Mercifully, the doors opened and she was enveloped in an embrace of cooled air. She drew in a breath and walked toward the exit, causing heads to turn with every footstep she took.

The doorman held the door open for her and her heart bumped in her chest when she crossed the threshold and Gabriel was there, leaning casually against the side of his car.

Gabriel sensed her before he saw her. Slowly he turned his head in the direction of the front door just as she emerged, and whatever tacit agreement he’d made with himself about not mixing business with pleasure was off the table. He would have her and after... Well...they would figure it out.

Chapter 5

abriel eased off the side of the gleaming black-on-black Mercedes Benz S600 sedan, and rose to his full six-foot-three-inch height. A stunning specimen by any standard, that was made clear by a group of women on their way out for the evening trying to grab his attention with sultry laughter and an extra sway of hips as they passed, but his eyes were locked on Sydni’s approach.

“You could have at least acknowledged them,” Sydni teased upon her arrival. “They nearly broke their necks trying to get your attention.”

He took her hand and slowly lifted it to his lips and placed a tingling kiss on it, never taking his eyes off her face. “You were the only woman I saw. You look devastatingly beautiful.”

The air, as always, stuck in her lungs. He released her hand and then opened the passenger door of the car and helped her inside. Sydni took those few precious moments of his rounding the car to try to compose herself, remind herself to breathe.
He’s just a man.

The driver’s-side door opened and Gabriel slid in behind the wheel. His gaze ran over her while his seatbelt slid into place. “So did you tell yourself the same thing that I told myself, that nothing beyond business would happen between us?”

Sydni’s lips parted. Heat curled in her belly.

His smile was wickedly charming. “Please don’t answer that. Our silence will heighten the mystery of the evening.” He put the car in gear and zoomed out of the hotel driveway. “I hope you’re in the mood for dancing after dinner,” he said, smoothly shifting the conversation away from the sexual innuendos.

“I haven’t been dancing in a while,” she managed, thankful for a diversion from his last comment.

“Wonderful, neither have I. We’ll practice on each other.” He cut a sidelong glance at her.

Sydni flashed him a look of her own and charted the half smile that lurked around his mouth. “So, where will we be having dinner?” She slowly crossed her legs.

Gabriel took a quick turn that took them away from the hotel and out onto the main roadway that led through the center of town. The city had come truly alive, buzzing with energy from the long sultry days and the sizzling nights. Those that walked sparkled at their wrists and throats; their bodies shimmered, lips glistened, and soft perfumes and heady colognes floated in the charged air. Cars of every make and model revved and gleamed in the night, lining the streets.

“I thought that since this was your first time—” he shot her a look “—I would introduce you to authentic Brazilian cuisine. Ernesto has old-world tradition mixed with modern flair, and excellent food. I know you’ll like it.”

“I’m sure I will.”

you enjoying your visit so far?”

Sydni angled her body toward him, which caused her dress to rise slightly, revealing more of her smooth thigh, though not enough to require a tug but enough to incite.

“So far everything’s been wonderful. The accommodations at the hotel are excellent, everyone is friendly... I’m sure I’ll have more to tell in the days ahead.”

“Hopefully, we can conclude our business quickly and I can show you around.”

“I would think you’d have other things to do besides play tour guide.”

“You’re probably right. There are several other things I would prefer to do...but why don’t we start with the tour?”

Her gaze jumped to his profile and then he turned to her with a brow cocked in challenge. The light bounced off his dark eyes.

Sydni’s pulse danced in her veins.
Two could play
. “Yes, let’s start...shall we? With the tour.”

“Of course.”

* * *

Shortly after, they pulled up in front of Ernesto on Largo da Lapa. Gabriel parked behind the restaurant and helped Sydni out of the car. He took her hand until she was on her feet, then reached around her to shut the door. His shoulder brushed hers. He placed his hand at that dip in her lower back and guided her toward the entrance. Her spine tingled.

Every time he touched her a shock ran through her body and made the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand up. It was almost more than she could take, but she wasn’t ready for it to stop.

He opened the door of the restaurant and they were quickly enveloped in the intimate, cool dimness of the space.

“Bem vindos. Boa noite!”
the stunning hostess greeted. She looked from one to the other and settled her gaze on Gabriel.

Thank you. I have a reservation for two for Santiago,” Gabriel said.

She quickly scanned her computer screen and then looked up. “
Yes. Please follow me.” She plucked two menus from beneath the podium and turned toward the main dining room.

Gabriel possessively took Sydni’s hand as they followed the hostess around the circular tables to the back of the restaurant. Her heart thumped. Her hand felt good in his. It would be so easy to simply curl her fingers around his....

“Here you are,” the hostess said. “Your waiter will be with you shortly.” She placed the menus on the table and plucked the drink menu from the holder and set it in front of Gabriel. “Enjoy.
Bom apetite.

Gabriel dipped his head slightly in acknowledgment as she departed, then came around to help Sydni into her chair. He lingered for a moment behind her and she caught a whiff of his scent, felt the charges of current flow through her body when his thumbs brushed her bare shoulders. Mercifully, he took his seat and she could finally breathe.

“I think I’ll have to brush up on my Portuguese,” she said, and reached for her glass of water. She fully expected it to actually sizzle on her tongue.

“I’d be happy to teach you as much as you are willing to learn.” He rested his forearm on the table and studied her.

She glanced at him from beneath her lashes. “You have me keeping you quite busy, Mr. St. James, or is it Santiago tonight? Between the tours and teaching me the language...”

Gabriel chuckled. “I could live with that kind of busy. Would you like a drink?” he said, smoothly shifting the conversation.


A waiter appeared at their table.

“Wine or something stronger?” Gabriel asked Sydni.

“I’ll have a caipirinha.”

“Ahhh.” He smiled. “Make that two,” he said to the waiter and then turned to Sydni. “I wouldn’t want you getting ahead of me.”

“You don’t strike me as the kind of man who would let anyone get ahead of him.” She took another sip of water.

“That all depends.”

“On what?”

“My mood.”

Her fingertips played with the stem of the glass. “I see. And what mood are you in tonight?”

He leaned forward. His eyes locked in on her. “In the mood to fix you breakfast in the morning.”

She drew in a sharp breath that screeched to a stop in the center of her chest.

“But, of course, I always defer to the wishes of the lady.”

The waiter arrived with their drinks and not a minute too soon. Sydni felt like she could down the entire glass in one swallow.

“Are you ready to order now?” the waiter asked.

Gabriel looked to Sydni.

She cleared her throat. “I’ll have the
bobóa de camarão
over rice.”

“Would you like the shrimp spicy or mild?”

“Mild.” She handed over her menu.

“And you, sir?”

“I’ll take the

“Right away.” He took the menus and walked off.

Gabriel lifted his glass toward Sydni. “To a lovely evening.”

Sydni touched her glass to his.

Gabriel took a swallow and slowly returned his glass to the table. He turned his full attention to her. “So, tell me about Sydni. What does she like? What does she do when she is not being vice president of Epic?”

It took her a moment to unscramble her thoughts with him staring at her as if she was the main course. She lightly cleared her throat.

“When I’m not working, which isn’t very often, I enjoy the spa, shopping with my friends, traveling.” She paused. “Staying home and simply relaxing with a good book, to be perfectly honest.”

She laughed at her confession.

“My job is very consuming. Although I do have a few opportunities to do something other than work, I really enjoy being home in my own space. I suppose I enjoy it so much because I get to do it so infrequently.”

Gabriel rested his chin in his palm and studied her. “You strike me as a woman who is driven by her desires.” His brow flicked. “Your desire for time for yourself must balance with your desire to get the job done.”

“Equal parts business and pleasure?”


“Is that how you conduct your life?”


She took a sip from her glass. “From the articles that I’ve read about you, it appears that pleasure tips the scales.”

He shooed the comment away. “Do you always believe everything that you read?”


“Just as I thought.”

She angled her head. “Just as you thought what?”

“You aren’t like everyone else.” He raised his glass to her.

“Hmm. And what do I need to know about you that can’t be found between the pages of a magazine or your company’s balance sheet?”

“First...” He reached across the table and trailed the tip of his index finger across the curves of her knuckles. She tugged on her bottom lip with her teeth. “We will have dinner. We will drink. We will dance. We will walk along the beach. We will forget about work...and in the morning you tell me what you have uncovered.”

Breathing was fruitless. She’d forgotten how. And if he didn’t stop stroking her hand with his finger she was going to come all over herself.

Sydni caught sight of a waitress in her peripheral vision. She reached out and stopped her. “Excuse me. Where is the restroom?”

The young woman pointed in the direction of the restroom and Sydni quickly excused herself. Once behind the safety of the doors, she took a minute to breathe. She felt like stripping. If she didn’t know better she’d think she was going through the change of life with the parade of hot flashes that she’d experienced since Gabriel St. James, née Santiago, had made his presence felt in every crevice of her being.

She stepped in front of the mirrors, stared at her reflection and was taken aback by what she saw. This was the face of a woman who’d just been made love to. Her skin was flushed, dewy almost, and her eyes had a sleepy, satiated look to them. Her nipples longed to be suckled, hard and uncomfortable against her bra and the slight dampness between her thighs signaled her willing-and-readiness.

She pressed her palms against the cool surface of the marble-topped sink. If Gabriel could do this to her with no more than a look and a light touch...

She turned on the cold water, snatched up some paper towels, dampened them and pressed them against her chest, the back of her neck and behind her knees. Straightening, she drew in a deep breath, freshened her makeup and returned to the table to find that their dinner was being set out on the table.

“Perfect timing,” Gabriel said, getting up to help her into her seat. “Did I mention how wonderful you smell?” he murmured into her ear as she sat. Her nipples rose to attention again.

Her gaze followed him back to his seat and he was as disaffected by what he’d said as if he’d only mentioned that it might rain. Maybe it was the difference in cultures, or maybe her overactive libido was chomping at the bit.

“I’ve had the
bobóa de camarão.
It’s always excellent. I hope you enjoy it.”

“I’m sure I will.” She gathered some of her meal onto her fork. “How long do you plan to stay in Rio?”

“At least until after Carnival. My brother and I have some business to take care of here. Once that’s settled, I’ll be back in the States, although I may make a stop in Trinidad and visit my grandparents.” He cut into his meat.

“Is it only you and your brother?”

He chuckled as he slowly chewed his food. “My father had many women in his life, some of whom have insisted that he fathered their child. It’s possible that Max and I have a few siblings, but none that we know of for sure.”

“I see. Where is your father now?”

“The last time we talked, he was getting on a plane to Mexico. That was three weeks ago. He usually comes home for Carnival as well. Perhaps you will get a chance to meet him.”

“Yes, and see where you got all of your charm.”

His eyes shifted from his food to her face. “So you
find me charming.”

will have to do until I find another adjective.”

He chuckled. “I’m up to the task.” He lifted his chin in her direction. “How is your meal?”


“Excellent. I want you to enjoy every aspect of tonight from beginning to end.”

* * *

Dinner continued along a pleasant yet mentally and emotionally challenging game of verbal fencing. With each parry and riposte, they continued with their duel of words, each laden with double entendre.

With dinner finished, Gabriel escorted Sydni back out to the car and then drove them to Club Miroir on the Lagoa. The beat and pulse of samba greeted them the moment they stepped out of the car. The air surrounding the club was energized as the beautiful people floated in and out.

Gabriel took her by the hand and led her past the line of clubbers and up to the front entrance where he was quickly waved through by security with a “Good to see you again.”

Mood lighting in bold colors combined with an artsy decor and an eclectic blend of partygoers filled the tri-level club. The entire interior pulsed with the beat of the music from the six-piece live band. The enormous circular dance floor was packed with gyrating bodies.

Gabriel was greeted once again by name; this time by an exotic-looking hostess.

“Welcome, Mr. Santiago. Your usual table?”

“Yes. Thank you, Maya.”

“Follow me.”

Gabriel looped his arm around Sydni’s waist and pulled her close to his side. “Wouldn’t want to lose you,” he whispered in her ear.

Sydni angled her head and was drawn to him like the gravitational pull between the ocean and the moon. He was so close and devouring her with such a look of hunger in his eyes that she waited for the kiss, right then and there. Instead, a glimmer of a smile toyed around the edges of his mouth.

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