Read Endless Summer Nights Online

Authors: Delansy Diamond Grace Octavia Donna Hill

Endless Summer Nights (6 page)

BOOK: Endless Summer Nights
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Chapter 10

yd, you’re going out with him again?” Lynn asked in a harsh whisper as the driver whisked them back to their hotel.

Sydni crossed her legs. “We’re going to discuss business.”

“Yeah, right. Just be careful, Syd. He’s gorgeous, sexy as hell, rich and fabulous. Much too easy to fall for and fall hard. I don’t want you to get hurt and I don’t want your kitty cat to mess with your head and this deal.”

Sydni turned to Lynn and made a face. “I’ll be fine and I will get this deal done. Don’t forget I saw you salivating when Max walked into the room. I thought you were going to have ‘a moment’ when he kissed your hand.”

Lynn playfully rolled her eyes. “A girl can dream—and he
fine. With a capital

Sydni laughed. “That I know.”

“You know you have more than one agenda here, Syd. You need to get him on board with the proposal and get on board with the merger.”

Sydni swept an errant curl off her face. “I know,” she said without conviction.

* * *

Gabriel reviewed the proposal. Without the distraction of Sydni in the room he could pay closer attention to the information. Slowly, he looked through each part of the finely detailed plan, the steps, the rollout and the publicity. He grudgingly admitted that it was brilliantly put together. But if he went along with it, he would ostensibly be thumbing his nose at his family’s legacy and the dynasty that was built by his father.

He relaxed against the high-back leather chair. For the past decade he’d worked hard to build, maintain and grow the enterprise that his father began and his brother continued. He had equal share in the mega-million-dollar corporation. Although he was solely in charge of export and oversaw a staff of hundreds with offices in several parts of the world and was endowed with a fortune, the
business was not totally his. In his gut he knew that it was time to make his move. The launch of his resorts was set up to attract and cater to those who were able to enjoy and afford the extravagance that he envisioned for his locations. All of his life he and his brother had never wanted for the luxuries of life—all they’d wanted was their parents. He wanted to be able to give something back for all that he had acquired. Sydni’s proposal made that possible by allowing a portion of the resort to be made available to lower-income families. The unique and daring venture would clearly set his resorts apart from his competitors’.

He expelled a long breath and flipped the folder closed. He ran a finger across his bottom lip. She had another week in Brazil. There was only so long that he could stretch out and delay giving her his decision. But he intended to enjoy every minute of working out the details. He’d deal with her being gone when she was gone and not a moment before.

* * *

“Everything is going well, Dad,” Sydni said into the phone. Her father rarely, if ever, checked up on her during negotiations but she knew he had a personal interest in this deal being struck. Yet it was still hard for her to understand why merging with St. James Enterprises was so important. “I’m sure he will sign off on the proposal.” She sat down on the side of the bed. “No. I haven’t broached the merger idea yet.... I will. One thing at a time.” She rested her head in her palm. “Yes. I’ll keep you posted. Yes.” She sighed and disconnected the call, then tossed the phone on the bed.

Quickly, she pushed up from the bed, gave her head a short shake and headed for the shower. She had a bit more than an hour to get ready before Gabriel arrived to pick her up, and the only thing she wanted to have on her mind was how to blow his.

* * *

When Sydni strutted across the lobby of the hotel, heads turned. Her wild spiral hair bounced and gleamed around her face and the body-hugging black spaghetti-strap minidress with its asymmetrical hemline did amazing things for her body and long legs.

Gabriel, who was enjoying a drink while he waited, slowly rose from the club chair and the aura of possessiveness that radiated from his muscular body and dark eyes signaled to everyone:
Look but don’t touch. She is mine
. He set down his glass, straightened his jacket and cut the distance between them in three long strides. He took her forearm and pulled her close, placing a hot kiss behind her ear and whispering, “You are always.” He stepped back. “Ready?”

“Yes,” she whispered over the pounding of her heart. She slid her hand through the bend at his elbow and they walked out to his waiting red Audi R8 Spyder convertible that was as sleek, sexy and gorgeous as they were.

“Nice car. Great color.”

“It suits my mood tonight.” Gabriel helped Sydni into her seat, hastily came around and got in behind the wheel. He gave her a quick look before taking off. “I spent all day sweating over a hot stove. I hope you will enjoy your dinner.”

Sydni angled her body so that she halfway faced him. “

“And slaved,” he added with a wink.

She giggled. “Right. I’m sure it will be wonderful. What’s on the menu?”

“Ahhh, a three-course meal on the veranda, dessert, wine—maybe something stronger—a walk along the beach, then back to the house, maybe a little music and dancing, a long night of making love and breakfast in the morning.”

A shiver scuttled up her spine. “Well-thought-out menu. I didn’t hear anything on the menu about business.”

He gave her a quick look. “Because it isn’t.” He turned on the music and sped through the streets of Rio to his home, with the sultry night wind whipping around them.

* * *

Sydni was once again taken aback by the sensual opulence of Gabriel’s home. It was stylish, high-end, yet ultimately inviting. She felt embraced by every room in the house. And there were so many hidden treasures, from the small pieces of sculpture tucked away on built-in shelves to an ordinary-looking stack of books on an end table that turned out to be first editions worth millions, to artwork and antique mirrors. The intermittent splashes of color throughout evoked an additional sense of surprise.

“Make yourself comfortable. Would you like some wine before we eat?”

“Yes. I would.” She placed her purse on the coffee table and followed him over to the bar that held a wine cooler.

Gabriel took out a bottle of imported white wine and poured two glasses. He handed one to her and held his up for a moment in salute. “To another wonderful evening.”

Sydni lightly tapped her glass to his and took a sip.

“Let’s step outside.” He took her by the hand and led her to the back veranda.

She put her hand to her chest when her gaze landed on the incredible display. A circular table was draped in white linen and was topped by two white tapers with tiny flames that danced in the night. White china, gleaming silverware and two glass bowls filled with a garden salad completed the table setting. Along the far side of the enclosed space was a longer table, also draped in white linen, and lined with covered silver platters. Two bottles of wine peeked out from a bucket of ice.

Gabriel pulled out a seat from the table and helped her to sit. He walked over to the buffet and began to place seared bass, saffron rice and a mix of steamed green vegetables onto her plate and brought it to the table before fixing his own. He joined her at the table.

Sydni opened her linen napkin and placed it on her lap.

“This looks and smells delicious.”

“I hope you will enjoy it.”

“I’m sure I will.” She began with the fresh garden salad that she lightly sprinkled with olive oil and vinegar.

Gabriel leaned back in his seat, sipping his wine. He stared at her from above the rim of his glass. “Did I tell you how incredible you look tonight?”

Sydni felt her face heat. “Yes, I think you did mention that.” Her mouth flicked with a smile.

“Then let me tell you again. You are stunning and I cannot wait until the meal is over and I can take you to my bed and remind you again and again.”

Sydni pressed her knees together. What do you say to something like that, something so bold and enticing? She finished her salad and pulled her plate toward her. “So...what are your thoughts on the proposal?” she asked, shifting, she hoped, into safe territory.

He gave a slight shrug. “I’m still considering.”

“That’s a start. Did you at least like the ideas?”

He set his wineglass down on the table and leaned slightly forward. He picked up his knife and fork and cut into his bass, put a piece in his mouth and chewed slowly. Finally, he looked at her. “Not tonight. Not tonight,” he repeated in a cadence that sounded like a song. “Tonight we focus on each other, on pleasing each other. The proposal will be there tomorrow and the day after.” He reached across the table and covered her hand with his. “But this moment, right now, right here...” He slowly shook his head without taking his eyes from her. “We’ll never have this again.”

She knew she was seated on the veranda surrounded by the pull of the ocean, warm night air, an amazing meal and a devastatingly sexy man; and she knew that she had on all of her clothes, but she would be willing to swear that Gabriel St. James née Santiago had stripped her naked and made love to her with no more than a look and his words.

Sydni reached for her wine and took a sip. “Fine.”

“This weekend begins the Carnival festivities. Dancing in the streets, parties, food, parades...” He chuckled. “Quite the spectacle.” He angled his head. “I hope you will let me accompany you to some of the festivities.”

“I’d like that.”

“Good. I want to take you to see
Cristo Redentor.

“Christ the Redeemer...on Corcovado Hill.”

Gabriel grinned. “Very good. You’ve done your homework.”

She smiled. “I would absolutely love to go. I’ve only seen pictures.”

“Ahhh, yes, the personal experience is one that you will always remember.” He finished off his food. “There are many things that I want to show you while you are here so that you will have fond memories of my homeland.” He fixed his gaze on her. “I don’t want you to forget...anything.” He slowly rose and came around to her side of the table, extended his hand and helped her to her feet. “Let’s walk.”

They stepped out of the covered veranda into the warm night that was tempered by the cool breeze blowing in off the ocean. They walked in the direction of the beach.

Sydni reached down and took off her shoes and dangled the straps from her fingertips as they neared the sand.

Gabriel possessively slid his arm around Sydni’s slim waist and eased close. They were hip to hip as they strolled along the sand.

“Did you always want to be a high-powered executive? Is that what you saw for yourself?” Gabriel asked, the question taking her a bit by surprise.

She tilted her head to look at him. Her brows flicked as she thought. “I don’t think I actually put those words to what I wanted to do. I knew for a long time that I liked people. I enjoyed working with them. In my father’s business we are in contact with all types of business people from start-ups to mega-corporate heads and everything in between. That part of the business I leave to my father. What I was always fascinated with was the people and what they represented and if they were getting their message across to their consumer.” She drew in a breath. “Most branding companies deal with the product. I chose to deal with the person.” She glanced at him. “What about you? Did you plan to walk in your father’s footsteps?”

He chuckled. “I wasn’t given much of a choice. A family business is handed down, ideally, to the sons who will carry it forward.” His brows drew together. “I’ve done what was expected. Can I say it was what I’ve always wanted?” He paused momentarily. “It’s hard to say. It’s difficult to separate the power, the wealth and the notoriety from personal wants and desires.”

She thought about that for a moment and considered the position that she’d been put in because of her father’s wants that went against her own. “What
your wants and desires?”

Gabriel stopped walking and turned her into his embrace. His warm gaze heated her cheeks. “Right now...or sometime in the future?”

Her heart jumped in her chest. “Both.”

“Right now...I want to spend the rest of this evening, and whatever time we have left together, getting to know you. As for the future...” He gave a slight shrug. “I’m sure it will take care of itself. It always does.”

She wished she could share his cavalier approach, but she knew what she was up against—time. She didn’t have much of it. But when he took her in his arms moments later and kissed her as if his life and hers depended on it, she threw caution to the warm winds.

Gabriel thoroughly seduced her that night, using every skill in his arsenal of seduction; from the walk along the beach, wading in the warm waters, gazing at the twinkling stars and sipping wine to dancing under the moonlight.

By the time they crossed the threshold of his bedroom they were hungry for each other, their appetites teased by the evening of what they imagined to be in store.

He undressed her slowly, uncovering each part of her as if she were a work of art. He planted hot kisses along her collarbone, down the swell of her breasts. He got down on his knees and sampled the essence of her until her knees wobbled and her thighs trembled and her cries of his name filled the air.

Gabriel lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bed. He stood above her, gazing at the magnificence of her body. He was completely consumed by her. All sense of reason left him when he was with her. He knew the downfall of every great man was a woman. He didn’t care. The only thought in his head while he stripped out of his clothes was having her, possessing her and branding her as his.

When he entered her and the hot wet walls of her enveloped him, he was lost. He was no longer a separate being. He was one with her. The silken feel of her surrounding him made him want to weep with pleasure. He wanted her. He wanted all of her. His body took on a life of its own, plunging into her again and again and again, straining for release while at the same time never wanting this sublime pleasure to end.

BOOK: Endless Summer Nights
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