Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (19 page)

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Cord stood up in the truck bed and cupped a hand over his eyes. “There’s his truck! She’s coming.” His brother bound out of the truck onto the ground and replaced his cowboy hat on his head.

Grant and Matthew were taking care of their farm back home until they returned. They’d brought Chase along to right the damage caused by his little sister, Angel. They’d tracked Samantha down through the rental agency, looking for an outlet that had a car returned by a Ms. Brown with a smashed window. Wyatt never knew one franchise could have that many locations, but they’d finally tracked her down and got Chase to do the rest. At least that way if she refused to see them, Wyatt wouldn’t have to witness her rejection in person.

“What if he’s alone?” asked Val.


They waited for her at
, not too far from her apartment. It was picturesque, a nice place for a proposal of the magnitude they planned.

Chase parked his truck but didn’t bother to get out. His work was done. Samantha opened the passenger side and stepped out. She was a beauty. All his feelings for the girl rushed back like they’d never left—adoration, protectiveness, loyalty…and love. Her hair was clipped partially back, flattering the heart-shaped lines of her face. She looked at them with shock, as if witnessing dead men coming to life before her eyes.

“Baby doll…you came.” Wyatt closed the short distance between them since she remained rooted in place, not moving or even blinking.

He took her hands in his as if she might break and whispered, “Was it a mistake for us to call on you?”

She just shook her head, her mouth slightly parted.

“I’ve missed you.” His brothers came up next to them. The truck slowly reversed and then turned, spraying gravel in its wake as it left. Chase was a pain in the ass, but a good friend when they needed him.

“Me too.” She looked to the ground. “I never thought I’d see you guys again.”

Val tilted her face up to look at him. “Why, darlin’? Why did you leave us?”


Wyatt pulled her to his chest and embraced her petite body against his. It felt so good to feel her again, flesh and blood. “Tell us you don’t love us, don’t want us, and we’ll leave. But remember what I told you before. Never lie to me.”

She didn’t answer, just kept her head pressed against his chest. When she finally glanced up, her eyes glistened with unshed tears. “I’m not a gold digger.”

He smiled. Of course she wasn’t. They never believed the garbage that came out of Angel’s mouth or her aunt, Wendy. “We know that. What you are is our woman.”

Samantha shook her head. “Why now?”

Cord caressed her face and kissed her forehead. “Sweetheart, a lot has changed since you left us. I think it took losing you to really open our eyes. You won’t even recognize the place.”

“He’s right. It’s all renovated. We want you to be comfortable, want you to feel at home. It’s about time we started making new memories.” Val pushed his brothers aside and scooped her up into his arms and swung her around. She smiled, that sweet smile that could light up a room. “Tell me you’ll come back with us, Samantha.”

He set her down on her tiptoes and cupped her face before kissing her deeply. When they separated she took a cleansing breath. “I don’t know. What about my job, my bills, my apartment?”

Wyatt explained, “We’ve already paid your due on the rental. Take a chance on us. We’ll take care of the rest.”


“There you go again. Stop thinking so much. Go with your heart.”

Cord finally opened up. “My brother gave me some advice after you left about taking a risk for love. I feared getting my heart broke when I started developing strong feelings for you. But, I’m not going to hold back any longer. I love you, darlin’, and you’re worth any risk.”

Now her tears fell, leaving hot streaks on her pretty face. His heart swelled knowing she still cared about them.

* * * *

Samantha had already taken a risk by getting in the car with that hulking male she didn’t know from Adam. As soon as she heard the names—Wyatt, Cord, and Val—she’d have agreed to follow the man anywhere. She wasn’t disappointed. When she saw them standing by their truck in the clearing, her throat swelled and her breath hitched.
My knights in shining armor.
In this case, faded blue jeans and wifebeaters.

When she heard their declarations, she wanted to cry out for joy, savor the moment forever. Their bare arms and muscled bodies also did wondrous things to her libido. It had been a very dry two months without the brothers, especially with all the erotic memories that assaulted her lonely night after lonely night. Could she really give up everything and move back to
? Would it work?

“What about Angel? Others must feel the same way.”

If they could offer her the slightest reassurance, she knew she’d be lost to them and their offer.

Wyatt entwined his fingers with hers and led her to the passenger side of the truck. “Don’t you worry about that spoiled brat. Why do you think her brothers helped us find you? They’re sick with guilt for putting us through the wringer like that. Our friends have never seen us so lost since you left. I’m asking you again. Do you love us, Samantha?”

She shook her head at the same time as she said, “Of course I do, you crazy cowboys.”

He winked at her, his dimple appearing on his face as he smirked. “No complaints then. No arguing and no turning back. You’re coming home with us, little lady. And we have plans for you tonight.”


He cupped her mound through her jeans, nearly making her come on the spot when her body was so alive since meeting them again. She wanted to just give up and let them take control, to carry her away to their ranch. “You left the three of us with blue balls for over two months, baby doll. That won’t go unpunished.”

Oh shit.
He’d deny her a million orgasms…or maybe give her extra spankings. Whatever it was, she couldn’t say no. These men were pent-up, no doubt harder than steel, and since she planned on being the only one for them, ever, she had some serious pleasing to do.

They drove her to a hotel she’d never be able to afford and turned the truck keys over to the valet. “With the three of us taking turns driving, it won’t take long to get to the ranch. But, I for one can’t wait another minute to get you into bed. We’ll leave first light tomorrow for home.”

She liked the sound of that. Although her mother and sisters loved her, she’d never had roots. As an adult, she’d been lonely, never belonging. These men offered her everything she craved—a future, stability, love, and tenderness.

The hotel had a grand foyer. Samantha felt underdressed in her jeans and fitted T-shirt. But the confident strides of her men, surrounding her like bodyguards, put her at ease.

“You already had this planned?” She cocked an eyebrow as they entered the elevator without signing in at the front desk.

“We like to think positive,” said Val, tucking her close to his side.

The mirrored walls gave her a full view of the cowboys. Cord and Wyatt even wore Stetsons. When she’d last seen them it was still winter and they wore toques. The cowboy hats did crazy things to her libido. Sexual tension seemed to grow like a living force around them, filling the small space. Could they sense her desperation? They each stared at her with a feral need. A simple lick of the lips, flex of muscle, or hooded eyes made her pussy throb. Her jeans and moist panties rubbed mercilessly against her clit, and she shifted to try and alleviate the stimulation.

Wyatt leaned against her other side, whispering for the three of them to hear. “When we get to the room, you’re going to get naked. Everything comes off. Cord will tie your wrists to the bed. Val will stick a vibrating butt plug in your ass. There will be no talking, no begging, no whining from you. I promise we’ll make you feel good. Do you understand?”

Her pussy pulsed in deep waves, and her eyes nearly rolled back in her head as she imagined the wicked night ahead of them. She nodded.

“Good girl.”

Cord was in front of her, her back to the mirrored wall of the elevator. There was no escape since Wyatt and Val caged her in with their big frames. He slipped his hand down the front of her pants and curled his fingers inside her. She closed her eyes, her knees going weak, but they all held her up. “She’s wet. Very wet.”

When the elevator chimed, her eyes flashed open. A mix of apprehension and excitement made her pulse race. They ushered her to a door midway down the hallway, and Wyatt used a key card to gain entry. The room itself was grand, elaborately decorated with custom furniture. It was fit for a queen. Two crystal chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, and a buffet table separated the bed from the sitting area. An array of food was displayed, making her stomach rumble slightly. There was a fondue pot of melted chocolate—the sweet smell drifting into her senses—strawberries, blueberries, delectable pastries, and champagne. She never ended up getting a sandwich for dinner, just a tea, and now she wished she had eaten.

“What are you supposed to be doing, baby doll?” Wyatt’s deep voice in her ear snapped her out of her reverie.

She spun around to find all three brothers standing tall, waiting. They expected her to strip completely naked, so she complied. Her nerves were through the roof under their close observation. She pulled off her T-shirt then unfastened her bra. After a brief pause, she swallowed hard, shimmying out of her jeans and underwear.
Oh God.
She was on display, completely vulnerable and at their mercy. They just stared, making her more apprehensive, but her clit was swollen and a thin trail of fluid escaped down her inner thigh.

“My turn. On the bed, sweet thing.” Cord moved ahead of her, bending to collect a length of rope before kneeling on the bed. He pulled off his white tank while waiting. His jeans hung too low on his hips to be holy, displaying his perfectly etched hips and thin trail of hair disappearing beyond his zipper. All three brothers were golden, their muscles even more defined—no doubt from working the ranch in the busy spring and summer months.

She followed and crawled onto the massive king-size bed, knowing Wyatt and Val had a clear view of her ass.

“Now lie on your back and reach your arms above your head.”

Samantha complied, the cool coverlet chilling her back, making her nipples pebble. Cord knew what he was doing, tying her wrists in gentle but firm knots before securing them to the headboard.
This was exactly what she craved—to be dominated by her cowboys.

The bed dipped as Val sat on the opposite side. She turned her head to see Cord’s mirror image staring back at her with a naughty smirk. He held up a pink rubber toy, no doubt the butt plug Wyatt warned her about.

“Thought you’d like the color.” Val winked and then applied lube over the rounded tip. “Shift to your side, darlin’.”

She twisted awkwardly with her arms stretched and secured above her head. Cord held one of her cheeks apart as Val pressed the cool, moist end of the toy against her ass. Her breathing picked up, not knowing what to expect. She dare not ask questions and break the rules, not when she was desperate for an orgasm.
Many orgasms.

Val twisted the butt plug into her ass with slow, consistent pressure. Wyatt was still standing at the end of the bed watching. His muscled shoulders were so broad. She wanted to grab hold while he fucked her raw. The dark lust in his eyes promised hours of depraved pleasure.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Val kissed her shoulder blade. “That’ll prepare you for later.” He playfully slapped her butt before slipping off the bed. She rolled to her back, cringing when the plug shifted inside her.

“I’ve dreamed of these tits.” Cord leaned over and sucked her breast into his warm, hot mouth. It felt like heaven. Her stomach rumbled and he heard, pulling free from her breast. “Hungry?” He frowned and jerked his head to his twin.

Val returned with some of the food from the buffet. Cord held her head up slightly, and Val slipped sweet, plump blueberries into her mouth, one at a time. The act of feeding her was sensual, loving, erotic.

“Not too much. You’ll get a stomach ache once we start fucking you,” said Cord.

Wyatt passed him something out of her sight, and then Cord trailed a brush down her center from her neck, between her breasts, down her stomach, all the way to her clit. She could smell the deep, rich scent of chocolate. He twirled the brush around her clit, teasing her hypersensitive bud. When he brought a chocolate-covered thumb to her mouth, she eagerly sucked on it, savoring the flavor and the illicit act.

“What’s your favorite thing besides that old mare of yours, Cord?” asked Val.

He narrowed his hypnotizing blue eyes at her like a wild animal about to strike, his thumb still between her lips. “

How would she ever survive the night? Cord started at her neck, licking and sucking, hitting every hypersensitive nerve on his descent to her breasts. But he never tended to her aching nipples, only slid his firm tongue down her center, following the trail of melted chocolate. She squealed when he passed her stomach, the tickly sensation making her squirm, but she stifled the sound as soon as it escaped her lips. Immediately, she turned to Wyatt, still rooted in place. Was that a scowl or was she just paranoid?

BOOK: Espino, Stacey - Hardcore Cowboys [Ride 'em Hard 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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