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Authors: Doris O'Connor

Finally His (2 page)

BOOK: Finally His
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He wanted her, pure and simple, but the office was indeed not the place for that discussion. Never mind the fact that he had somewhere to be, and this damn note. While he had long suspected that Stephanie De Costa was shirking her duties, this … well, this smacked of a whole new level of deceit that he wouldn’t stand from her. Not to mention the inherent exploitation of the young woman in front of him.

“I … well … that is…” She threw him an imploring glance from her naturally long eyelashes, and her fair skin heated anew under a fiery blush which made his fingers itch to find out how far down that blush went. He followed the line of freckles that graced her collarbone and disappeared into the modest neckline of her dress.

The fact that she didn’t show anything was a far bigger turn-on than any low cut outfit could have ever been, and Richard cleared his throat to get his voice to carry with any sense of authority.

“Just tell me the truth, little one. Did she make you stay late to finish these, and then make you bring them in here, so that she can pass your work off as hers?”

If that was possible her blush deepened, and Jolie looked extremely uncomfortable.

“I don’t mind at all. I mean the work needed to be done, and I … well.”

She stopped speaking when he crossed his arms and quirked an eyebrow at her in his best “’
fess up, subbie, or else”

Sure enough this particular subbie dropped her gaze to the floor and stopped speaking.

“I asked for the truth, little one, and look at me when I’m talking to you.”

Like a startled deer her gaze sought his, and he smiled at what he read in her green eyes. Confusion, worry, a flash of anger, and above all the need to tell him what he wanted to know. Oh yes, her submissive streak ran deep, and that meant his cock gave up all pretense at trying to behave. Her eyes widened when he discreetly adjusted himself and shrugged.

“If it helps, I’ve had my doubts about Ms. De Costa for some time. Whatever you say to me, you can rest assured it will be in the strictest confidence, and will in no way reflect on you. Nothing that has transpired so far or will do so this evening will have any impact on you working here. I’ve heard nothing but good things about your work etiquette, after all, and this…” He gestured between them. “If we chose to explore this it will be not in work time.”

Jolie released a huff of seeming relief, and he couldn’t help the smile splitting his face in half, when she hopped off his desk, and hands on hips let rip.

“Fine, yes, off the record, I’m pissed as fuck that she was going to pass all my hard work off as hers, but what can I do? I need this job, and, besides, this is the first time she has been so blatant about it.  For what it’s worth, she does a good enough job. She just likes to … delegate a bit too much, I guess.”

Jolie fell silent and bit her lip in such a way that his dick punched forward with a speed that left him a little lightheaded.

Without thinking of the consequences of his action he crossed the distance between them and pulled her lips away from imminent danger. Her eyes widened further as he crowded her against the wall with a growl.

“Stop doing that. It makes me want to kiss you.”


Her breathless reply meant he dipped his head. The knock on the door brought him to his senses, and he stepped away seconds before the cleaner opened the door. Even so, the woman narrowed her eyes, and looked between him and Jolie in such a way that left him in no doubt she knew exactly what had been going on in here. Then again, the blush that stole in Jolie’s cheeks, her labored breathing, and the way she didn’t look at anything but the floor told their own story.

“Sorry to interrupt anything.”

The cleaner’s smirk dissipated when Richard glared at her.

“I can assure you, you didn’t interrupt anything. We were just leaving.”

He grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair, and turning his attention to an uncomfortable looking Jolie nodded at her.

“Walk with me, Miss Pierson?”

The speed with which she pushed away from the wall and walked up to him made him smile, and, ignoring the wide eyed cleaner, he stepped to the side to let Jolie walk out before him. It had the added advantage of being able to admire the sway of her hips and the way the dress perfectly accentuated the curve of her round ass. Jolie was clearly comfortable in her body, and didn’t that make a lovely change.

Richard didn’t really give two hoots about body type. It was the woman inside that interested him, and so far he’d never found one that he truly clicked with on all levels. It seemed impossible to find a submissive with who he could envision more than just scening with, and the few women who interested him outside the scene would no doubt run a mile if he so much as mentioned his kinky side.

“I just need to get my handbag.”

Jolie’s halting words forced his gaze away from her sinful backside, and he knew he’d been caught checking out her ass, because she gave him a coy smile. Another refreshing change, for sure.

He gestured his approval, and once she’d switched her computer off, and had grabbed her oversized handbag, she followed him out the building. They didn’t say anything to each other until the lift doors closed behind them, and they were once again on their own.

Richard turned and smiled at the way his little subbie looked up at him.

“Where were we, little one? Right about here, I think.”


Chapter Two


Jolie’s world shrank until it simply consisted of the man who hit the pause button on the lift with a sinful grin and then slowly advanced toward her. She retreated until the mirrored wall stopped her, and before she could even draw another breath into her constricted lungs he was right in front of her. Jolie’s bag dropped out of her fingers and ended up on the floor with a resounding clunk, which bought her a moment’s respite from the glittering intensity in her boss’s eyes.

“I always wonder what you women carry in these things. Bricks, perchance?” He smiled at her, and when she brought her hands up against his chest, he shook his head, grasped her wrists and pinned them high above her head. The action meant her breasts squashed into the hard planes of his chest, and a rumble escaped him. There was no way he would miss how hard her nipples were, and she gasped when he ground his erection into her lower belly.


Her whispered question made his grin deepen, and pulling back slightly he studied her face intently.

“Yes, I do very much like it when you call me that, little one.”

Before she could process any of that, he closed the remaining distance between them and kissed her. The press of his warm lips across hers caused a jolt of need to go through her system. He licked along the seam of her mouth, gently coaxing her to open up to him. When she did he immediately deepened the kiss, taking possession of her mouth in such a way that left her in no doubt of his feelings. This wasn’t just a kiss, it was a brand, a claim, a promise of so much else that she could only submit to his will. The distant sound of the lift alarm going off registered seconds before he tore his lips off of hers, swore softly, and hit the button to get the lift moving again.

Her boss didn’t look at her, and she couldn’t help but wonder what was going through his mind. That he wanted her, of that there was no doubt, and hells bells, Jolie was all but ready to let him have his wicked way with her right here in the lift. Her knickers were soaked through with her arousal, and the ache in her pussy told its own story.

He’s your boss. This is not going to end well.

The little voice of reason in her head annoyed the hell out of her right now, and with Richard’s back still turned to her, she did her best to right her disheveled appearance somewhat. Nothing she could do about her kiss swollen lips and her flushed appearance, but she could at least attempt to sort her hair. With a frown at that unholy mess, she took what was left of her bun and let her hair fall free.

Richard’s sharp intake of breath made her look across to him. He was watching her in the mirrors surrounding them, and the open admiration she saw in his eyes made her feel ten times better.

“You should leave your hair down more often, little one. You’re beautiful.”

He frowned at her immediate snort in response, and for the second time since they stepped into the lift, she didn’t dare breathe, as he swung round to glare at her.

Right now, he looked every inch the pissed off Dom, and lord help her, if that wasn’t the biggest turn-on yet.

“Don’t even think of disagreeing with me, girl. Or, so help me, the minute I get you on your own, your luscious ass will learn what happens when you do.”

Jolie couldn’t help her gasp in answer, and Richard smiled.

“I see we understand each other, little one.”

The lift doors opened before she could respond, and when he waited for her to exit first, and then placed his hand in the small of her back, while he said
good night
to the security guard at the front desk. Jolie could only follow where he led.

When they reached the underground car park, and his sleek, top of the range BMW, Richard released her. She shivered in the coolness of the garage, and he immediately rubbed his hands up and down her arms.

“Where is your car, little one?” he asked.

“I took the bus this morning, Sir.”  Her heart flipped over at the flash of heat in his eyes when she called him that. “My car is in for repairs. I had a rear shunt last week, and it caused a fair amount of damage.”

“You did? I don’t recall you taking time off? Are you okay?” The way he ran his hands up her arms until he could cradle her neck meant she shivered for an entirely different reason, and the far too arousing path of his slightly calloused digits stopped. Her back made contact with the cool metal of his car as he crowded her against the vehicle. Sir, she had to call him that even in her head, leaned in and inhaled sharply next to her ear.

“I’m fine, Sir. I had a headache, that’s all, and I didn’t think you’d have noticed me not being there.” Another sharp inhale which meant she closed her eyes and did the same thing. Really, though, he smelled
good. A hint of spicy cologne, mixed in with the brandy he kept in his office, and the warm essence of aroused male. A heavy aphrodisiac indeed, a far too potent mixture, which meant she told that little voice of reason in her head to take a fucking hike.

He’d said whatever happened between them would not affect her position at work, and she would take him at face value. Besides, if she didn’t give in to the need pulsing through her, she might just combust.

Sir pulled back slightly, and the intensity in his gaze held her spellbound.

“I always know exactly where you are in the office, sweet little Jolie.”

This was news to her, and she knew she was doing goldfish impressions with her mouth, but,

“You do?” After what seemed like an eternity but could only have been seconds, she managed to croak out those two words, and her boss smiled.

Encouraged by this she blurted out the next bit without thinking.

“I thought you didn’t notice me at all. I mean, I know I’m not your type, and … oh.”

Before she could complete that sentence, he had spun her around and pushed her face first down on the bonnet of his car. Two hard swats to her ass followed, and Jolie groaned, when he massaged the sting away with his large hands.

“There, that’s just a sample of what I’ll do to you, if you keep on disrespecting yourself like that.”

“I wasn’t, I just … ow.”

Another two, far harder swats left her ass on fire, and tears sprang into her eyes when he pulled her up by her hair. He immediately gentled his hold on her when he noticed and a flicker of uncertainty crossed his harsh features.

“Forgive me. You make me forget all the rules. I don’t know your limits, and I really shouldn’t …

He released her completely and stepping away ran an unsteady hand through his hair.

“It’s okay, Sir, you haven’t done anything wrong, and my limits are simple, really. I’m willing to try most things, apart from something that causes permanent marks, and a big fat red, ‘no, I cut your balls off’, to humiliation, water sports, blood, needle, or knife play.” Her cheeks heated as she blurted that all out, and her boss’s tight shoulders relaxed visibly.

The imp in her couldn’t help but add.

“And I sure never in a million years would have thought I’d ever have this discussion in a car park, let alone thought I’d have it with my boss.”

Richard Tomlin laughed, and reaching in his pocket, pulled out his car keys. Jolie jumped at the beep of the car alarm.

“Let’s continue this in the car, at least, shall we? As you’re carless I’ll take you home, unless…” He didn’t continue speaking, just grinned at her, and Jolie’s heart beat faster, as he opened the car door for her.


She really had the most expressive face, and Richard breathed easier when she slid into the front passenger seat of his car without the slightest hesitation. He hadn’t completely ballsed this up by his caveman behavior then. Fuck knew where that was coming from. He was always careful to not let his dominant side out, unless he had a submissive’s full agreement, but there was something about Jolie that made him forget anything but the need to make her his.

His phone vibrated for the umpteenth time that day, and he knew without looking at it, that it would be his sister, asking where he was. He was late for dinner. Only, thanks to his brother-in-law spilling the beans, he knew this was more than just a dinner. No, his incorrigible little sister had planned a surprise birthday party, and no doubt had a slew of eligible ladies there to set him up with.

Eligible in her eyes anyway. In his, not so much, not least because his straight as a die sister had no idea about his kinky side, and that was just fine by him.

As he got into his car, he caught a glimpse of creamy white thigh, before Jolie smoothed the hem off her dress lower, and again he was struck by the difference between her and the women he chose for arm candy when he had to. He was so fucking tired of it all, had been long before this day. Still, turning forty tended to make a man evaluate his priorities.

“Don’t cover up on my account,” he said, placing a hand on Jolie’s knee. “I like what I see and I’d like to see a hell of a lot more of it, so, with that in mind, what will it be? Do I take you home, or…”

Richard let the words sit there as he switched on the engine and then reached across to fasten Jolie into her seatbelt. He deliberately let his fingers graze her nipples, and her sharp intake of breath was music to his ears. This had to be her decision, but it didn’t mean he couldn’t try some ungentlemanly persuasion. He clicked her seatbelt in and kissed her nose at the same time, causing his girl to go cross eyed in her attempt to focus on him, and he grinned.

“I should warn you though, I need to make an appearance at my sister’s first.” He glanced at Jolie, as he fastened his own seatbelt, and he could almost see her debating her options in her head. The urge to push her for an answer was a twisting knife in his gut, but he forced himself to be patient, and waited for her to speak.

“Well, if you need to go and see your sister, I’ll only be in the way, so—”

“On the contrary, you would be a life saver if you came along as my…” He paused as her eyes widened at his interrupting her, and with sudden clarity he knew what he had to say. “Date, girlfriend, significant other … put whatever label you’d like on it, just as long as you’re mine.”

Another one of those gasps escaped her lips, and his groin tightened painfully. He really couldn’t wait to hear her making those cock hardening sounds while she was tied to his bed.

Soon, they just had to get through this interminable party.

“I—that is … you don’t date women in the office.”

Her cheeks heated as she said that, and she didn’t seem capable of looking at him while she fiddled nervously with the hem of her dress. Richard reached across and put his hand over hers.

“I don’t, but I very much want to date you.”

Again with that sharp intake of breath, and pressing his advantage he rushed on.

“Well, date is too tame a word for what I really want to do, but it will have to do for now. Say ‘yes, Sir’.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl, that wasn’t so hard now, was it?”

He smiled when she shook her head and worried her bottom lip with her teeth. Her nervousness poured off her in waves, and the wave of protectiveness he felt toward her made him reach out to her again.

“There’s no need to be so nervous, little one.  I’d skip my sister’s if I could, but it’s my birthday and—”

“It’s your birthday?” Jolie looked mortified at having interrupted him, and also more worried than ever, so Richard shrugged.

“Yeah, it’s no big deal, but my sister is apparently throwing me a surprise birthday party, so I have to show my face, and act suitably
you know.” He pulled a face when she didn’t say anything to that. “I hate surprises, which is why my brother-in-law told me. Plus, he no doubt knew that I was thinking of not going at all.  I’d rather forget about turning forty, you know.”

Her eyes widened at those words, and he grinned.

“This is your cue to say that I don’t look a day over thirty or something.” He winked at her to show he wasn’t serious, but Jolie frowned at him.

“You don’t, but that’s not what I was thinking.”

The back handed compliment did feel good, especially as little Jolie here was eleven years his junior. Another reason why he’d stayed away from her, despite his immediate attraction to the redhead.

“I’m glad to hear that. I had visions of you declaring me far too old for you.” His gut twisted when she didn’t laugh that off, but simply continued to study him.

“With all due respect, Sir, you’re talking nonsense.”

She giggled when he pulled back in surprise. That unexpected sass was rather delightful, and she wasn’t done yet, it seemed.

“And at the risk of earning myself a very sore behind, you surely know that. I just have a hard time figuring out why you’d want me with you, when you could have anyone, and I really ought to change if we’re going to your sister’s, because this is just—”

“Perfect, as are you.” Her mouth dropped open at his forceful interruption of her, and when he quirked his eyebrow at her, she lowered her gaze to his collarbone and went very still.

“If I wanted a model type stick insect, I’d have made arrangements to be with one, but, contrary to what you might have read about me in the papers, I’m not that shallow. They make good arm candy at the functions, but that’s all. I want someone real, and I wouldn’t dream of taking one of those women to meet the only family I have left. My sister will love you once she’s got over her surprise, and besides we won’t be staying long.”

BOOK: Finally His
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