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Authors: Doris O'Connor

Finally His (3 page)

BOOK: Finally His
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He smiled when she sought his gaze, clearly startled by what he’d said.

Which was why he had to rattle her some more.

“There’s a flogger with your name on it waiting at my house, girl, and once I’ve got you tied up and naked, you’ll be paying for those assumptions of yours.”

She gasped, not in outrage, but delight, if the surreptitious way she was squeezing her thighs together was any indication.

He put his hand on her knee and clucked his tongue.

“And you’ve just added another few strikes to that tally. You’ve agreed to be mine, have you not?”

He nudged her chin up with his free hand to read her expression, and the naked yearning he read in the ever darkening green spheres meant his dick wouldn’t stand any chance of going down anytime soon. If they had more time, he’d order her to go down on him right now, and fuck the public display. He owned this fucking building, after all, but his phone vibrated again with another text, and he let her go.

Not before she nodded her acquiescence.

“I need to hear you say it, girl,” he said.

“Yes, Sir, I’m yours, but I feel bad I didn’t know about your birthday. I’d at least have a card for you or something.”

Richard grinned, and starting the engine, pulled out of his designated parking slot and up the ramp into the London traffic. Fortunately, the rush hour was behind them now, or it would take even longer to get to his sister. At least she only lived a few streets away from him in Holland Park, so once he’d fulfilled his duty, and let her fuss over him, it wouldn’t take long to get his girl back to his place and naked.

“I’ll take the
or something,”
he said and winked at the astonished beauty in his passenger seat. “Namely your submission as my birthday gift.”

A nervous giggle escaped Jolie, before she bowed her head.

“Well, in that case, Happy Birthday, Sir.”


Chapter Three


As they pulled up outside the impressive red brick building, which seemingly was his sister’s house, Jolie had reason to wonder at her sanity. If she needed any more proof as to how out of her depth she was here, she only had to look at the cars on the drive. A sleek Jaguar sat next to a more modest MPV. The child’s car seat inside that vehicle, at least, made her feel slightly better. This was Holland Park, for Pete’s sake, as far removed from her tiny ex-council flat in Tottenham as it was possible to be. Not that she had much time to ponder all this, because, no sooner had Richard shut off the engine, than the front door flew open. A silver haired giant of a man appeared in the doorway, and Jolie swallowed nervously when his steel gray gaze zeroed in on her with a frown, before he smiled at Richard. She missed what the two men were saying to each other, as her legs didn’t seem to want to work, and it took her an extraordinarily long amount of time to get out of the car. By the time she finally managed it, the man she assumed to be her boss’s brother-in-law, laughed, slapped Richard on the shoulder, and gave him a shove inside.

“Go, get it over with, Rich. And for heaven’s sake act surprised, will you? Tiff is having kittens as it is, and I’ll be sleeping on the sofa for at least a week, if she finds out I warned you.” He glanced over at Jolie and winked at her. “It will be a pleasure to look after your little lady here.”

Richard, too, looked over to her, and when he held out his hand, Jolie hurried toward him.

“I’m sorry about this. Jolie, meet my good for nothing brother-in-law, Horace. Strictly speaking Horace III, Lord Asterton, but don’t let that title fool you. He married my hoyden sister after all.”

Jolie somehow managed to smile and extend her hand toward the older man. He caught it in a firm handshake and then much to her surprise pulled her in for an unexpected hug.

“Go, Rich,” he said over her head, and when he pulled back to study her, his affectionate smile did a lot to soothe the army of butterflies that seemed to be intent on wreaking havoc with her insides.

“I’m delighted to meet you, and so will my wife be, once she gets over the surprise of Richard actually having brought a date with him.”

Clearly judging her astonished expression correctly, he grinned, took her by the elbow and propelling her through the open door, clarified.

“He doesn’t usually. Tiff is despairing with him, which is why … well you’ll see. Just keep on smiling and ignore the inevitable dagger looks you’re bound to get from some of the females in that room.”

Before she could question what he meant by that, a cacophony of noise erupted from the back of the house, as Richard presumably had walked in on his surprise. His laughter echoed up the long hallway, and snaring a flute of champagne from the sideboard, Horace pressed it into her hand, and urged her on.

“You might need this. Come on, let’s join them. And smile, you’ll be fine.”

Jolie was indeed grateful for the fizz, not least because she had something to keep her hands busy with, as she walked into pandemonium. A little boy in the most adorable blue striped flannel pajamas hung off Richard’s neck, while the woman in the picture on his desk tried her best to extricate him out of her boss’s arms.

“Come on, Archie, let Uncle Rich go. He’s got to say hello to everyone else, and you really need to go to bed now.”

“Don’t wanna. Papa, tell her I don’t have to.” Behind her Horace laughed, and a little pang of something went through Jolie, when the big man stepped up and took his son off a laughing Richard.

He bent his head to whisper something to his wife, and Jolie forced a smile on her face when Richard’s sister visibly startled, and looked toward her.

“No can do, young man. You’ve seen Uncle Richard, and now it’s time for bed.”

The little guy sulked, and then seemingly cottoning on to the fact that Jolie was standing in the doorway like a spare wheel while any number of people sidled up to Richard to shake his hand, and in the case of one tall, willowy beauty attempted to kiss him, Archie frowned.

Horace put his wriggling son on the floor, and the little fellow sidled over to her.

“Who are you?” he asked.

Jolie tore her eyes away from the sight of said far too beautiful stick insect with some difficulty, not least because she was now draping herself all over Sir. He was hers, dammit, at least for tonight, and the hot poker of jealousy stabbed her insides, especially when that blasted woman looked across at her and smirked.

A tug to her hand forced Jolie’s attention to the little guy by her side.

“I’m sorry, Archie, is it?” she asked, and the boy’s blue eyes twinkled in delight.

“Yes, that’s me. Who are you?” he asked.

“Archibald, really.” His mother advanced on them hands on hips, and Archie ducked out of her way by going ‘round Jolie and hiding behind her legs. When Richard’s sister followed him, he repeated the move, time and time again, as though she was some glorified maypole to dance around. His father, too, seemed to find this amusing, because he winked at Jolie again, making her feel ten times better about this whole situation.

“Archibald Asterton, will you stop this nonsense right now.”

The sharp command issued by his mother, stopped the little guy in his tracks, and his bottom lip stuck out he looked up at Jolie in such an imploring way that she had to get down to his level.

She stuck out her hand and smiled at him.

“My name is Jolie, and I’m very pleased to meet you, Master Archie.”

The little boy grinned, gave a very formal bow, which looked utterly adorable on him, and shook her hand.

“You’re pretty, Jolie.”

A loud huff came from the woman still hanging onto Richard, but Jolie paid her no heed.

“Why thank you. You’re very handsome, too, I have to say.”

Archie giggled and then promptly yawned, which meant his mother swooped in and picked him up. After a little struggle the mite gave in and settled his head on her shoulder.

“Forgive my son. I’m Tiffany, nice to meet you.”

“There’s nothing to forgive. He’s rather adorable.”

Tiffany’s assessing gaze softened at Jolie’s words, and she hugged the boy a little tighter to herself.

“He’s a blooming menace, that’s what he is, but we love him. Don’t go anywhere, I just need to put this urchin to bed, and then you must tell me all about how you know my brother.”

“Oh yes, wouldn’t we all like to know that.”

Tiffany swung round to glare at the stick insect, before she threw Jolie an apologetic glance and took her son away.

For her part Jolie barely resisted the urge to throw the remains of her glass in the other woman’s face. At least she had taken her hands off Sir, or rather he’d shrugged her off, and was now walking toward Jolie. Taking her glass out of her hands, he downed it one go, and then kissed her.

The action took the wind out of her rather annoyed sails, and when he let her come up for air, the look on stick insect’s face was rather priceless.

Horace’s big shoulders shook in silent laughter, and Richard laced his fingers with hers, as he addressed the other woman.

“None of your fucking business, Maxine. Go practice your poisonous barbs on some other hapless man. I’m off the market.”

“I, well that is … there’s no need to be like that, Richard, I was just—”

“I know exactly what you were just doing, Maxine. I can’t do anything about the fact that you managed to inveigle an invite from my sister, but, unless you respect my girl, I will make sure Horace here will ask you to leave.” He squeezed Jolie’s hand in a silent gesture of support, which meant the world to her right now, especially as everyone in the room seemed to be looking at them.

“He wouldn’t.” Maxine seemed very sure of herself, and the poisonous look she threw toward Jolie made her see red. She yanked her hand out of Sir’s and got right in the woman’s face.

“If you have something to say to me, then by all means do. Otherwise, keep your hands off my man, got that?”

Horace hooted with laughter, Maxine blinked, and after a few heated moments during which she attempted to stare Jolie down, she huffed and walked out of the room. Ignoring everyone else, Jolie walked over to the drinks, and grabbed herself another flute of champagne. Horace raised his own in silent salute, and as for Sir … well, the look he gave her meant her knickers gave up any pretense of holding in her arousal.

She’d probably landed herself in a shitload of trouble, but then again, he didn’t look annoyed. If she didn’t know better, she’d have said he was proud of her. Her heart beat faster when he joined her at the table and proceeded to pile a plate high with food, and then handed it to her with a smile.

“Get eating. You’ll need your strength for later.”

Before she could form a reply, he’d stepped away, and having filled his own plate, circled the room again.

“You’re in trouble now, girl.” Horace’s deep voice behind her made her jump, and then her attention was taken up by a just returned Tiffany. She made a beeline for her, and Horace bent his head for her ears only.

“Told you, here she comes.”

He straightened to smile at his wife, and Jolie averted her eyes when he lifted the smaller woman up and kissed her. By the time he released her Tiffany was breathing heavily, and appeared rather flushed.

“Horace, really, we have guests,” she murmured, and her husband released her.

“So we do, and I, for one will be glad when they’re gone. I’d wager Rich will not stay long, what with it being his birthday and…” He let his words trail off, and nodded toward Jolie instead, which meant she had to fight the blush stealing into her cheeks.

“Horace, stop it. You’re embarrassing her now.”

Tiffany playfully swatted her much older husband on the arm, and laughing, he stepped away, which left Jolie on her own with Richard’s sister, or as alone as one could be in a room full of people. Richard’s deep voice carried as he circled the room, and when she glanced over to him it was to find him watching her.

“My brother seems smitten with you.” Tiffany’s words forced Jolie’s attention back to her, and his sister smiled up at her.

“It’s good to see. And I’m sorry for Maxine. I heard what happened, but I had to deal with Archie, and … yeah, Horace said I shouldn’t have invited her, but how was I to know that Rich would bring a date? He never said, and … I’m rambling. What must you think of me?”

Tiffany’s visible fluster put Jolie at ease, and she put her hand on the other woman’s arm.

“It’s okay, no harm done. You weren’t to know. Can I ask you a question though?”

“Of course, my dear.”

“Maxine and Richard, what’s the story there?”

Tiffany rolled her eyes and grabbing herself a plate of food gestured for Jolie to follow her out onto the patio.

Uplighters illuminated the space, where numerous flowerpots perfumed the night air. Sitting down on the wicker settee, Tiffany patted the space next to her, and when Jolie sat down started to talk.

“Well, that’s all a bit complicated, so let me fill you in. You see, Maxine has always had an eye on Richard. I’m not sure they ever got down and dirty, but out of all the women in his life, she’s been the one that has hung around the longest. She was married to his best friend, see. He died three years ago now.” She nodded at Jolie’s sharp intake of breath. “Terrible it was. A hit and run by a drunk driver. Anyway, his death hit Richard hard, much more so than it seemed to affect Maxine to be fair, but I think he feels, or rather felt, responsible for her, which is why she is around, and why I had to invite her. I know they had a falling out of sorts recently, but she assured me they were good and besides it’s his birthday. She’s one of his oldest friends, so she had to be here really.”

Jolie smiled her understanding, while she lapped up this extra information about her boss. Watching him work the room now, seemingly intent on talking to everyone at least briefly did little to quell her obsession with him. Every once in a while he would look over and smile at her, his oceanic eyes shimmering with heated intent, which had her squirming in her seat.

“So, anyway, tell me, how did you meet my brother, and how long have you been dating, and do I have to go and buy a hat soon?”

Jolie choked on the mouthful of bubbly she had just partaken of, and Tiffany grinned and slapped her back.

“Erm, hardly, we met at work, and … well, it’s all very—”

“Little sis, stop monopolizing my girl.”

Jolie had never been so grateful to be rescued from a situation than she had at that moment, hearing Richard’s deep voice.

“I’m not doing anything of the sort. And besides, it’s a sister’s prerogative to check out the woman her brother seems so taken with.”

Richard laughed, and grasping Jolie by the wrist pulled her off the seating.

“Be that as it may, it’s getting late, and both Jolie and I have work in the morning. You know, unlike you aristocrat, who can live off her husband’s family income.” Jolie gasped at the words, even though they were delivered with a grin, and, sure enough his sister just laughed.

“Just as well I love you, bro, and I can take a hint. Thanks for indulging me tonight. I couldn’t let your birthday just pass by. Just tell me one thing. Did Horace warn you?”

BOOK: Finally His
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