Read Firsts Online

Authors: Rosalie Stanton

Tags: #General Fiction

Firsts (5 page)

BOOK: Firsts
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“I-I…” she heard herself saying, against her better judgment. “I just…I never thought you'd…”


“See you?” Wesley countered, after releasing her flesh with a wetplop . “I do have eyes, y'know.”


“But I'm—”


“My best friend.” He nodded. “I know. And that's why I never said anything.”


He disappeared before she could question him further, pressing hot kisses up the slope of her other breast to give the neglected nipple its fair share of attention. And God, every flick of his tongue had her body threatening to liquefy. The sensation faded too quickly, his mouth dragging down her abdomen, and only when his tongue circled her belly button did his intentions became clear.


“Wesley!” Savannah bolted upward, only to be ushered down again by persistent hands.

“Wes, we really don't have to—”


“I know.”


“I didn't ask you to—”


He chuckled, pulling back and unbuttoning her jeans. “I know.”


“So why—”


“Because,” he retorted, dragging down her zipper, “I told you.” He grasped her denim by the waistline and nodded at her. “Lift.”


Her hips obeyed of their own volition, and just like that, they had crossed another unrecoverable threshold. Naked with a man for the first time—naked with Wesley—and there was nowhere to look, nowhere to hide. Wesley drank her in greedily, breathing harshly, eyes roaming over her face, breasts, and finally landing on the thatch of curls guarding her pussy.


“Beautiful,” he whispered.


“What?” Words no longer made sense.


“You're beautiful.” He shifted, situating himself so he lay at the apex of her legs. “So beautiful.”


“I… What?”


Wesley continued as though she hadn't spoken. “Especially here,” he murmured, running his fingers over her mound. “Right here. So lovely.” He met her eyes and offered a crooked smile.

“Relax, kitten. I'm not gonna hurt you.”


Savannah nodded jerkily, though her body refused to soften, her apprehension instead manifesting into hard, unforgiving tremors. “Wes…”


“It's all right.” He pressed a finger to her vaginal lips. “You're so wet. Enjoying this, are you?”


She didn't know, to be honest; her nerves wouldn't still long enough. Her body burned, her clit ached for attention, but beyond the physical, she felt completely cut off. Beyond the physical awaited emotions like love and fear and the dread of imminent heartache, and it was difficult to gauge how she felt with so much still in the air.


Apparently her silence had Wesley concerned, for he favored her with an arched brow and reminded her, “We don't have to do anything.”


“I know,” Savannah said quickly.


“You haven't changed your mind?”




He smiled softly and turned his eyes back to her center, spreading her pussy lips with two fingers. “Good,” he murmured. “'Cause I'm gonna enjoy this.”


The first flicks of his tongue shot through her like a bullet. Savannah gasped and threw her head back, her eyes screwing shut. She waited, quivering helplessly beneath his mouth.

Waited…and then slowly allowed herself to relax. Her shaking legs stilled without warning, her body falling pliant. And then she lay completely at his mercy.


“You're so soft,” Wesley murmured, swallowing audibly and dragging the tip of his tongue around her clit. “Just tell me if I do something you don't like.”


Savannah laughed nervously and shook her head. Something she didn't like? Was that even possible? God, she didn't think so. Every touch sent electric jolts through her body, twisting her insides into something unrecognizable. Tiny, hot pinpricks danced along her sweat-laced skin.

She was burning up and freezing at the same time, doing her best to muffle gasps of pleasure as Wesley explored her with his mouth.


And when he murmured approvingly, she nearly fell to pieces.


“You like this?” Wesley asked, though he had her clit sucked between his lips before her voice found words. “Tell me you like this.”




He grinned. “Suppose I can take that as a yes, eh, love?”


“Uh-huh.” She nodded for emphasis, her hips lifting off the bed. “Oh…Wes.”






Apparently he didn't need to be told twice. Wesley inhaled sharply and dived, his tongue abandoning her clit to the soft, gentle strokes of his finger so it might explore her tight vaginal opening. Reason flew out the window, if it had been present at all; she transformed entirely, her reservations and fears replaced with frenzied need. She wanted—needed—more of everything.

More Wesley. More tongue. More friction. Morenow .


And God, he was everywhere.


“Love this,” Wesley murmured between licks. “Fuck…Savannah…”


She barely heard him.


“Why do you have to taste so good?”


His lips wound around her clit again before the words translated into meaning, her pussy left to his fingers. He didn't enter as deeply as he had with his tongue, but the first feel of something sturdy prying her open triggered a deep, euphoric unknown within her belly. The tremors intensified without warning; her hands fumbled desperately for something to hold on to, but there was nothing but the mattress.


Nothing but the mattress and Wesley's face between her legs.


“You wanted this, didn't you?” he demanded harshly. “That's why you asked me.”


The words made no sense, but she found herself agreeing anyway. Anything to keep the onslaught coming.


Encouraged, Wesley continued. “You wanted me here. Doing this. Fucking your cunt with my mouth.” He dragged his tongue up her slit again, sliding it between her lips and driving her out of what was left of her mind before allowing his tongue to slip inside her once more. Then he paused and demanded, “Tell me you wanted this, Savannah. Tell me.”




“Tell me you wanted this.”


A foreign sensation had started building in her belly.


“Tell me—”


“Thorn, please!”


He growled at that and suckled her clit greedily between his lips, wagging his head. “Again,”

he demanded, releasing her just long enough to assault her soaking flesh with long laps of his tongue. “Say that again.”


She blinked and moaned, a hand fighting its way through his hair to push his face down.


“Say my name.”




He hissed and shook his head. “Not,” he said, punctuating his words with harsh licks. “That.



“Oh God, please!”


“What do you need, Savannah?”


Tears pricked her eyes. Why was he tormenting her? “More!” she pleaded. “More, please!”


His tongue ignored her pleas, exploring her skin and buzzing enough nerves to fan the fire without coaxing the explosion. She needed something; she feltso close tosomething , and she needed it. Andhe knew she needed it. He withheld it to be cruel.


“Then say it,” Wesley snarled.


It? It? Itwhat?


“My name. What's my name?”


And then it hit her. A moment of clarity. She understood.




His lips latched onto her clit and sucked hard, and something inside her came apart. It spread like wildfire, only nothing in this was proverbial. Her every inch sizzled and burned, parting way for white, blinding-hot streaks of something fast and wonderful. Pleasure beyond her imagining—beyond anything she'd read or gossiped or dreamed—touched and singed and tore her senses to shreds. It brushed everything, numbing and bringing her to life all in one stroke.

The room disappeared; the bed disappeared;everything disappeared but Wesley. She felt herself tense, felt a flood between her legs that she couldn't stop, and Wesley's eager mouth slurping at her with such intensity, her insides tightened and another brilliant flash shot through her before she could finish processing the last. Inhuman gasps clawed out of her throat, but she only noticed them when they began to subside. Her fingers grasped at Wesley's scalp, wound around his hair to either drag him closer or push him away. It was too much; it was not enough… It waswonderful , and she never wanted to feel anything else.


“Mmm,” she heard him murmur. “Savannah…”


Her legs shook and fought for balance they didn't need. It seemed she fell, even though she had nowhere to fall.


I'm going to pass out.


It was her last thought before the world turned black.

* * * *

Savannah couldn't get enough of Wesley's smirk, though she would never admit it. Case in point, she had to hurry to wipe the dumbass, goofy grin off her face before he caught her smiling like an idiot when he returned with the glass of water she'd requested. Her body wouldn't stop sizzling.


Multiple. Orgasms. First shot.


Women would kill for what she'd just experienced.


“Look who's up,” he teased, handing her the glass. “Got the feeling back in your legs, love?”


She snorted. “Egomaniac.”


Wesley looked at her dumbly. “Well, yeah,” he replied. “I just made you pass out by eating your cunt. Think I've earned my ego for the day.”


“Beginner's luck,” she countered.


“Is that a challenge? Someone ready for—”


Savannah's eyes went wide, and she shook her head rapidly, heat flooding her cheeks. God no. She couldn't even begin to process what had just occurred. A repeat performance would surely kill her…if not emotionally, then definitely physically. Her muscles strained, and her legs wobbled. Anything more and she'd be bedridden for a week.


“We'll do that again tomorrow,” Wesley said, his voice softer. When she looked up, puzzled, he nodded. “I told you, kitten. Girls are—”


“Tight. And it hurts.”He called me kitten again.




“That helps?”


He nodded again. “Did just now. If I'd tried putting in a digit before you were wet enough, it would've smarted.” A pause. He grinned that shit-eating grin again. “Not that you needed much stroking, hot as you were. God, I nearly drowned in you.”


Savannah blushed and wiggled. He sounded so cavalier. How could he bethat casual after what had just happened?


Duh. 'Cause he's been here before…and he doesn't love you.


Something in her chest broke. Hard.


“Savannah?” He frowned and stepped forward, dropping to his knees before her. “What's wrong?”


Yeah. Talk about conversations she refused to have, though her attempts to change the subject likely broached an even-bigger house of mirrors. “So…Paige teach you that?”


Wesley balked. “What?”




Savannah wrinkled her nose.Might as well start digging that grave . “The…tongue thing. I guess…she taught you…that.”


The grin disappeared without warning. Wesley's gaze dropped to the floor.


“Well, I mean she—”


“Yes,” he said shortly. “She taught me. Figured if she was giving, she ought to be getting. I agreed. I'm an equal-opportunity bloke, after all.”


Savannah swallowed hard. “Giving?”


Okay, that needed no clarification, and it did little more than piss him off.


“What do you want from me?” Wesley demanded. “A sodding list of references?”




“Is this how you're gonna be tomorrow? Asking if everything I do is because Paige taught me—”


Her eyes went wide. Anger? She'd known it was stupid to ask, but she hadn't prepared for anger. “No!” she blurted. “But—”


“And no, that's not how I did it to her. I never…so much…with her. I knew the way she liked it. And I know you, Savannah. I wanted it to be…something.” He shuddered and shook his head.

“Just something…”


Nothing happened for a long beat. Savannah licked her lips, cheeks still burning, eyes intently locked on the floor.


And then, before she could stop herself, she heard her voice say, “And did you…teach her how you…like it?”


Hello, mouth. Remember foot?


Wesley's nostrils flared. “Yeah,” he replied testily.


Savannah paused, then forced her eyes to his. Her heart pounded in her ears. Her skin scorched. At that moment, he seemed so far away.


Go on. Might as well jump completely into the frying pan.


If she was going to do this, she might as well do it all the way and take as much with her as she could before he shattered her heart.


“Would you…” She swallowed hard. “Teach me? Teach me how you like it?”


Thick, suffocating silence spread between them, and Wesley's jaw went slack.

Chapter Three

Thorn didn't understand women. Period.

BOOK: Firsts
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