Read Firsts Online

Authors: Rosalie Stanton

Tags: #General Fiction

Firsts (7 page)

BOOK: Firsts
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He grinned. “Like what?” he repeated harmlessly.


Savannah scowled. “Like the guys inBang for Your Buck .”


A walloping laugh boomed through his chest. “You remembered the title?”


“It was memorable!”


“I'll bet it was.” Thorn paused. “No, my dick is uncut, as God intended it. I just didn't want you to ask why it looks weird and ruin the mood.”


“I wouldn't ask!”


“Sweetheart, if there's one thing I've learned about you, there's nothing in the world youwon't ask.” He seared her with a look. “Second, and more important. How do you feel about swallowing?”


She looked confused for a second. “Swallowing? I—oh.” Her gaze dropped back to his crotch. “Oh. Oh!Oh! You mean like…your…stuff?”


Thorn stifled another laugh. “Right,” he agreed. “Some girls don't like it. Some girls do. I don't want you to find out at the last minute that you can't stand the taste.”


“Is it icky?”


“Don't make a habit of licking my hand after a wank.”


Savannah made a face. “Gross, Thorn.”


He smirked again but answered seriously, “It depends on my diet. Can't rightly tell you much more than that. Just whatever I eat alters the flavor.”


Another lengthy break settled between them. “I think…I think I wanna swallow.”


Fuck, those words. “Savannah…”


“If I change my mind—”


“I'll warn you, if I can.”


“Would you rather I not swallow? If you don't want me to, I won't.”


Thorn nearly laughed again before taking in her expression. It amazed him that a woman such as she wouldn't already know the answer to these things. She might not have experience, but she lived as a citizen of a highly sex-charged environment, not to mention in public school, and some things he reckoned most every girl knew. But Savannah was not “most every girl.”

She'd had a thoroughly chaste experience up until now. She hadn't dated at all until Daniel, and the great git had destroyed her. Savannah beamed purity through and through. She hadn't spoiled; her virtue hadn't suffered; and she didn't have an answer for seemingly redundant questions.


She'd come to him because she trusted him, and he refused to forget that. Not for a second.


“It doesn't matter what I want,” Thorn answered softly. “Do what's right for you.”




“I'm gonna love it, kitten. No matter what you do.” He offered a gentle smile and kicked off his shoes. “Where do you want me?”




“Lying on the bed or standing here? Or I can sit and you—”


“Oh boy.”




“What do you like best?”


Such an innocent question. “You. Wherever.”




Thorn kept his smile even to ease her, which seemed to work as he slipped his jeans down his hips. His eager cock sprang free, straining toward her and growing painfully hard at the way her eyes turned to saucers and her mouth hung open. It was surprise more than appraisal, but his body didn't care about the difference at the moment. He just wanted her. Now.


“Oh God…”


In quick seconds, he had her on her feet and claimed her seat on the bed. For the first time since he'd reentered the room, Savannah appeared completely aware of her nudity. She glanced down and thrust an arm across her breasts and pressed her thighs together. Her gaze, however, remained glued to his erection.


“I don't know what to do,” she admitted ashamedly. “I feel so—”


“I know, kitten. It's all right. Here.” He snatched a pillow from the head of the bed and placed it on the floor between his knees. “Kneel before me.”


He would have sworn the ground trembled with every step she took. “I… You're big.”

Savannah flushed and looked away. “I heard you were, but I didn't—”


“You heard what?”


“Well, your ex isn't exactly known for being tight-lipped, Wes. Woodward and Bernstein have her on speed dial.”


Thorn's jaw clenched. “Gobby bint,” he growled.


“But you are big.” Savannah slowly eased herself onto her knees, her wide gaze raking over his steely flesh with curiosity, wonder, and yes,yes , that was definitely lust. “Much bigger than your fingers.”




Her index finger brushed the underside of his erection, starting at the base and caressing a slow path upward. She stopped before reaching the tip, and if she heard his exasperated sigh, she either ignored it or didn't realize at what it was targeted. “So this is foreskin,” she mused thoughtfully, rolling back his flesh to expose his head. “Yeah. None of the guys in the porno looked like this.”


“I'd think—”


“Bigger than your fingers…” Savannah licked her lips, and he didn't bother to bite back his moan this time. The girlhad to have an inkling of what she was doing to him. “It hurts. I know that much. But it didn't hurt when you…with your fingers. But you're so big here…”




She blinked and glanced up, then ducked her head. “Sorry. Pardon my rambling.”


“Keep rambling. Keep doing whatever you want; just keep touching me.”


She grinned. “Like how?”


“Wrap your hand around me… Oh fuck yeah.” Thorn's eyes fluttered shut. She felt so good.

Such a hot little hand… He had to be careful, or this would be over before it started. He'd never gonethis long with an erection without doing something about it, and with Savannah's warm breaths fanning his skin, her fingers around him, her glorious mouth just a few aching inches away… He had to hold on. “Don't be afraid to squeeze either. Like…yes, oh, Savannah…”


“This doesn't hurt?”


“Won't hurt unless you stop.” His teeth ran over his lower lip, his hips arching off the bed.





“Savannah,please . I need—”


And then the head of his cock disappeared between her lips, and words fell away on a long whimper.


For the best.God yes.


Words were overrated.


She had no idea what to do, but whatever she did seemed to work.


Wesley had vanished the second she took him into her mouth, replaced with a babbling mess of moans and purrs. She'd read somewhere that she'd find the most sensitive nerves around the head of a man's cock, so she favored him there with a series of long licks before trailing her mouth down his length, too eager to explore his every part. He was so responsive, more responsive than she could have imagined. Every move she made earned a gasp or a sigh, no matter how great or small. His fingers weaved through her hair, caressing her in a way that inspired comfort rather than the ego-driven control she'd dreaded. With good reason, no less; he had no control, none at all. She held everything in her shaking but capable hands.


Savannah flushed at the thought and pulled back, her hand instinctively pumping his length in the absence of her mouth. “Is this good?” she asked.


She had a feeling he would have laughed one of those nervous laughs if he'd had the chance.

As it was, he moaned hard in response and thrust his hips upward. “Fuck…more, please.”


“More, what?”


“Your mouth. God, your tongue.”


Savannah grinned. “You like my tongue, huh?”


“Love it. Fucking love it. All around… Savannah,please .”


Her grin broadened, but she made no move to alleviate his torment. She didn't think he minded this sort of cruelty, and after the incoherent state he'd rendered her to with his mouth, she didn't feel prone to quick guilt trips.


Especially not now. Not when this served as the only chance she'd have, and she was determined to relish every second.


“Am I doing this right?” she whispered.


“Too right,” he replied, thrusting forward. “Inside. Take me inside.”


Their gazes clashed for a second before she tore hers away, heat flooding her cheeks and her confidence tripping over itself. It hadn't occurred to her she would do this with an active audience, ludicrous as that sounded. Her attention had warped around his anatomy too strongly to give his eyes much notice. “Oh God. I don't know if I can with you watching me.”


His face paled. “Please,” he whispered. “Wanna… I won't if you…but please, lemme watch.”




“I wanna see it. Wanna see my prick sliding in and out of that sweet mouth. Please, Savannah…”


Strange how quickly decisions formed and altered. Her resistance dissolved before it could fully develop. No way could any woman deny him anything. Therefore, drawing in a deep breath, she nodded shakily. “Inside like this?” Her lips closed around his cock, drawing him in as far as she could before her throat began to resist and her gag reflex kicked in.


Wesley barely noticed. “Ohyeah ,” he purred, hips nudging upward, his cock sliding deeper inside.










Warm…hot…surrounding me.”




Everything else felt natural. There didn't seem much of a science to this, but even so, she felt tense, shaking hard and terrified she'd do something wrong, regardless of how impossible it sounded. However, as the seconds ticked by, as Wesley's body turned to putty in her hands, her fears began to subside. Remaining rigid proved difficult when her every move earned a purr of approval.


“Harder,” he pleaded softly. “Savannah, please…suck me harder.”


She trembled and nodded, steadying herself on wobbly legs, her thighs squeezing together as best they could. God, she was wet again. His voice, the look on his face, the feel of his cock in her mouth… She'd already broken personal boundaries with what they'd done today, but with Wesley begging for more, her body knew no limits.


So she did. She sucked him harder, faster; she maneuvered him in and out of her mouth with clumsy but earnest tenacity. She drew his musky scent into her nostrils, took his balls in her hand, and tenderly rolled them against her palm. Her teeth whispered against his length, but he didn't seem to mind, instead coaxing her other hand to close firmly around the base of his cock and shift in time with her mouth. Up and down, curling her tongue around his head before sucking him inside again. He babbled and praised, wrapped her hair around his fingers and made a prayer of her name. His skin felt fevered; his legs trembled; and every time he looked at her, something she'd never before seen flickered across his face.


“So good. So good around me. Such a sweet mouth.”


Savannah grinned, her mouth slipping up his shaft again and lingering at the head.


“Oh yeah. Squeeze me, baby.”


Quick to oblige, Savannah fought to maintain eye contact until she became too aware of herself and had to break away once more. Everything built toward overload. The sounds he made, the way his legs shook, the harsh breaths shattering through his body. Her lips took initiative, rolling back his foreskin until she completely exposed his head and rendered him her tongue's prisoner. An electric charge seemed to jolt through his body, eliciting an excited hiss as his eyes widened and his hips thrust upward.




“You like that?” she asked in a voice that barely sounded like hers, licking the sensitive underside of his tip. “More?”


He growled, and her lips fastened around him, hand stroking, pumping, drawing him closer.



Wesley's mouth fell open, but no sound came forth. He trembled hard and gasped, and the next thing she knew, a warm, bitter, salty sensation exploded in her mouth, and everything else fell on instinct. She swallowed and stroked, squeezed the head between her lips as her gaze absorbed his face. He shone beautifully. God, she'd never seen anything so stunning. His eyes rolled back, a long moan rushing through his lips, every feature alight with pleasure she could barely comprehend. Yet she had done that. That look on his face existed solely because of her.


Savannah sighed and pulled back, his spent cock falling from her lips. For long seconds, nothing lived but his heavy breaths, his trembling body relaxing at last. And when his eyes opened and found hers with sleepy adoration, her heart twisted and fell.


“You're wonderful,” Wesley murmured. “Wonderful.”


She blushed. “Wes…”


“So wonderful. God, Savannah…you're… I…” He grinned and cupped her cheek. “You're perfect. I don't… I can't…”




“I mean it.”


Savannah's blush deepened, and she forced her eyes away. “I…”I love you .



He chuckled, shaking his head as if she'd said something adorable. “Anytime, love,” he said, winking. “And I mean that.”

BOOK: Firsts
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