Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2) (23 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2)
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Chapter Thirty-One





As I stand at the threshold
of my best friend’s door, the pain radiates through me as if I’m burning alive,
a fire so strong the scars are warranted. I deserve this. Every aching
throbbing hurt is all because of my actions. Wiping my tears away, I gently
knock on her door, powerless over my transparent emotions.

The door opens and I
see her face change in an instant.

“Jesus, Bryer, what
the fuck happened?”

“Gen.” Instantly the
floodgates open. “I fucked up.” Her look of confusion doesn’t surprise me.

“Come in, it’s cold,
you have your suitcase too?”

She pulls it inside
and traps me in an embrace only she is capable of giving. Yet, the comfort
never comes.

“This calls for a
fresh box of wine.”

A forced smile
crossing my lips. “I don’t feel so well, you go ahead.”

She pulls me into her
arms once more, holding me with all the love and care of a mother.

I’m unable to hold
back, as my shoulders shake with sobs.

She cradles me like a

Igniting the awful
memories of the night I just experienced.

“Then you’ll tell me

Knowing I can only
tell her a portion. I nod my tear-stained face buried in her shoulder.

She pulls me away at
arm’s length, looking into my eyes. “Put your suitcase in the spare bedroom,
change and meet me back here pronto, okay?”

I do as I’m told, and
through the fog, I manage to make it back now sitting on her couch, wrapping up
in her throw. “Thank you.” As she hands me a bottle of water and a box of

She parks herself
close to me, holding a glass of wine, waiting patiently.

“It hurts when the
person who made you feel so special yesterday makes you feel unwanted today.”

“You’re going to have
to start from the beginning, Bryer.”

“Unconditional love
is very conditional,” I say

“Your cryptic
comments aren’t telling me anything.”

Unyielding with my
stall tactics, the stench of shame causing me to falter. I don’t think I’ll
survive another ridiculed scene play out, and certainly not with the last
person on this earth who loves me. I take a cleansing breath, and tell her what
I can. “Cash put me in a situation, trapping me into a trip back to Austin. It
was all business.” Pausing to shake my head. “No, not all business, I had to
sign papers, related to my mother. But that’s beside the point.”

“I bet Nathan had a
cow about that, I’m shocked he even let you go,” she says, assuming I’m a
better person than I really am. “

“He didn’t agree,
because I never told him. I lied and mislead him into thinking something else.”

“You didn’t, Bryer.”
Aghast by my own omission.

“I was coerced,
that’s all I can say.” Watching the scrutiny in her eyes.

“No, Bryer, no one,
not even Cash can make you do something that would ultimately break the
connection between you and Nathan.”

“I know what I should
have done. I can’t take it back, I did what I thought was right.” Trying to
explain, but fighting the chains Cash put on me.

She gets her second
glass of wine.

I watch as her lack
of understanding is actually understandable. Once she returns, she’s silent in
her thoughts. I don’t feel judgment, that’s not Gen’s style. But her wheels are
spinning, she’s no fool she knows what Cash is capable of.

“Let’s skip to the
part where Nathan finds out.” Her eyes wary with concern.

“I’m not entirely
sure how he found out, but it was obvious when I walked in the door from the
trip, he knew.”

“What the hell,
Bryer, you’re
good girl, not the girl who falls from grace.” She
shakes her head silently saying no.

“Never, not once in
the history of ever, should you have gone with Cash, of all people. What were
you thinking?”

“I had to.” I offer
up an unspoken prayer, for all this to disappear, and let me have a do-over.

“No, Bryer, you’re
wrong, you didn’t have to. Quit, find another job, or don’t work at all, but
you did not have to do this. Cash doesn’t have any holds on you anymore.” She
sets her glass down and slides just a few inches closer, as if we’re not alone.
“Did anything happen that you can’t share with Nathan?”

A nice way of putting
did I fuck Cash. “Absolutely not. But the blatant lie was enough to bring us down.”
Don’t tell her, I can’t tell her. I almost cave, confess the truth to try and
make her understand. But Cash’s words are seared into my mind. If I’ve learned
anything from my years with Cash, he doesn’t make empty threats. “I’m afraid
I’ve lost him.” Shrugging my shoulders in defeat.

“Bullshit, the man
can’t live without you, but the damage control will be monumental.”

“I’m not so sure,
after tonight.” She reaches for me, her hand on my knee, the small physical
connection is comforting.

“Hey now, you’re
stronger than you think, Bryer. Of course, I’m looking past the hot mess I see
right now, but I know deep down, you can fix this.”

“And how do you think
I’m going to accomplish this? You didn’t just experience the horror show I was

“Let’s start with
time, let him cool down, then you may have to do the one thing that will show
him you mean business.”

“And what’s that?”


It doesn’t take long
to agree with Gen’s plan. He may forgive me, but will he ever trust me again?
They say love hurts, but loneliness hurts more, rejection hurts worse. I’ll
fight to win him back, no matter what it takes. I know what needs to be done.
“How’s the Golden Boy?’ Attempting to switch to a lighter subject.

As her smile unfolds.

That alone says it
all. “Did you just blush, Gen?” Her eyes rolling skyward. I grin back at her
genuinely pleased, this is good news.

“Officially I don’t
think it was a blush, the wine often causes me to flush.” Refusing to look my

“Uh huh.” Not
believing a word.

She shrugs, finding the
right words. “He’s different when we’re alone, Bryer. I mean, he’s funny as
hell, but there’s a side, he keeps hidden, he can be sensitive, and vulnerable.
Believe me, it came as a shock to me too.” Taking another sip of wine, smiling.
“Who would have thunk it, right? Laughing at her own realization.

“So he stole a piece
of your heart? That’s what you really mean, right?” I watch her smile, her eyes
filled with humor and the blush that reappears says more than any words she can
express. She finishes her second glass of wine, a little giddy, I know this
Gen, this is Tumblina.

“What gave it away,
my saucy grin or my sexually satisfied expression?” She smirks with a gleam of

“The parts you aren’t
telling me.” Giving her a subtle wink. “Time for bed, thank you Tumblina, what
would I do without you?” I hug her and make it to her guestroom, knowing I
still have my mother’s journal in my bag from the trip. I plan to curl up close
to her, feel her energy around me, and pray for guidance.


It doesn’t matter how much time
goes by, the pain of losing someone you love never dulls. The sharp agony may
soften, but it never goes away, ever. And justice is never served. No witnesses
means no consequences, that’s a tough pill to swallow. I need my mom, now in this
moment but she’ll never be here to put her arms around me, wipe the tears away
and tell me it will be okay.

I never knew what trauma on top of
trauma could do, but that child was not meant to be.

It only added to the monumental
grief in my life, the only consolation is knowing that baby is being held in my
mother’s arms right now. That’s the only way I can live each day, without
falling apart.

David is strong, or pretends to be
for my sake. He says we will just keep trying, and hides all his pain. He becomes
distant at times, that’s when I know the heartache is winning. He won’t discuss
his pain. I guess men rarely do. We didn’t know the sex of the baby, I’m not
sure if knowing that would help.

Bryer, she’s too young to
understand, and losing her grandma was enough for this child to take. I’ll
protect her with my entire being.

Because of what happened, David and
I have a will in place, my mother sure didn’t. Leaving a mess for me to clean
up. I won’t do that to her. You never know what tomorrow brings. I don’t have a
crystal ball to predict what life’s outcome will be. Live in the moment, but
plan for the future. I love my sweet girl.




Punching Gen’s pillow
again but sleep won’t come. Confused by what my mother is talking about, there
was never a will or an insurance policy, and no mention of the box that I
eventually received. So, if there is any truth to this, who is the original

My mind races, I
become more restless. As the dark night goes by, I watch the clock angry with
myself, and scared to death of my future. I already decided to take the day off
tomorrow. I’ll be no good to anyone, and I don’t want to risk seeing Cash. That
would make things worse, I know Gen’s right, I’ll give my resignation and then
approach Nathan.

I wake to an empty
apartment. Gen has left for work, leaving me the last of the coffee, bless her.
Sometime during the night I thought about Dottie, she’s been at the firm for
years, she may have some answers I’m looking for. I’ll call her once the office


“Dottie Ferguson
please.” And I’m put on hold listening to elevator muzak. “Dottie, it’s Bryer,
how are you?” Forcing the smile in my voice.

“Fine, dear, did we
overlook something from your visit the other day?” Sounding concerned.

“Oh nothing like
that, I’m actually calling concerning my mother, and her association with the

“I only met your
mother once Bryer, but yes she worked with an attorney that is no longer with

“Where does he work
now?” If I have to track him down, I need the answers badly.

“No, I’m sorry I
wasn’t more clear, I meant he died. He was also the lawyer who gave a written
referral on your behalf when you submitted your employment application.”

“I never knew any of
this.” Shocked that I’m learning this now.

“Your mother may have
asked him to do it confidentially, she respected your independence.”

That sounds like her.
“Then I had to of known him, what was his name?” The pen shaking in my hand as
this new information unfolds

“Charles Burman, he
was a senior partner for years, but, Bryer, you wouldn’t have had too much
access to him. He had his own team in place, he semi-retired a while back
unable to completely walk away, then died about a year ago.”

“I’m sorry, Dottie,
I’m sure it was a great loss. But you’re right, I know the name, but not the

“He helped your
parents years ago, they didn’t keep in touch until your employment request.
That’s all I know really, I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

“Dottie, you’ve been
a great help.”

“Oh, Bryer, I just
remembered Cash was a junior partner under him, he was a part of his team. You
may want to ask him if you need additional information.”

Now, that’s
information, crazy scenarios are spinning simultaneously in my mind. This has
Cash written all over it—deceit, deception, and dishonesty—all his
characteristics. How far is he capable of going?

“Call if you need
anything else, dear.” And we hang up.

I still don’t have
all he answers I’m looking for, but the pieces are coming together. And if Cash
is at the bottom of this fucking mess, I won’t be held responsible for my

Chapter Thirty-Two





I walk into Bryer’s
office building on edge, prepared to put an end to all this fucking bullshit.
She’s my wife, damnit, we said vows promising commitment, forever, through the
good and bad. Here’s the bad, Okay the really bad. But I’m not prepared to fuck
this up by staying angry, I’ll hear her out, we’ll work it out.

I make my way to her
office door, closed. I’m prepared to knock but hear voices. I stop myself
unashamed of my intrusiveness.

“Bryer, he only cared
about owning you.”

“No, Cash, he loved
me, until you fucked it up.”

“Me? That’s absurd, I
didn’t drag you to my cabin by force. Admit it you wanted to go to Austin with
me, stop lying to yourself.”

“Okay, Cash, I’ll
admit there’s some truth to that, but it’s the same damn thing over and over
again. You pull me in, you get me close then hurt me. How can I be sure it
won’t happen again?”

“I promise you,
Bryer, I can be faithful, and earn your love, if you’ll have me.”

And that’s when
things happen in slow motion. I kick the door open, leaving me at a loss for
words, when I witness the embrace. Bryer in his arms, Cash’s hands on her.
Ready to unleash my fury, my willpower kicks in. Lies all lies, everything was
a lie. I turn to leave, hearing her run behind me.

“Nathan, wait, I love

“Do you? I don’t
think so.” Unable to stop, I keep walking.

“Please, please
listen,” she begs.

My entire body covered
in sweat, I’m trapped and can’t move, my arms held close to my body while panic
sets in. My breathing is irregular and my heart beat erratic. And within the
edges of my mind, I wake to sheets tangled around my body trapping me, drenched
in my own perspiration. I’m shaking as I battle my way back to reality.
Slamming my eyes shut, forcing the pain away. It was only a dream, I repeat
over and over until I convince myself it’s true.

Still the lingering
sadness drags along with my every action. I force myself to shower, shave and
perform the most simple of tasks, it takes every effort to look myself in the
mirror. I don’t recognize the man staring back. “Fucking brutal.” I say aloud
to the stranger in the mirror.

I manage to make it
downstairs, memories hitting me at every turn. I feel sick, empty, the pain is
like a growing cancer that will consume me. I take a breath and pick up my
phone. Pulling up my calendar, it reminds me that I’m under pressure with
endless meetings today. Fuck.

“John, please prioritize
the meetings today,” I ask, unable to hide my incoherent state of mind. “Keep
only the ones where it’s imperative I attend,” I say.

“Nathan, what’s
wrong?” Worry in his voice.

“Can you please just
look over our schedule?”

“Of course, the only
one that I would insist on is your lawyer is scheduled to be here at two
o’clock. If you can make that one, I can cover the others. Are you going to
fill me in, Nathan?”

“No.” The tension

He doesn’t pry, he
lets it go.

“See you then.” And I
hang up.

Seeking some sort of
stress relief, I head to my home gym, I lift weights, too heavy for me as they
hover over my chest. Pushing myself to the limit, I hit every machine and end
up on the treadmill, running from my demons. The speed and incline set at a punishing
level. Attempting to cleanse the turmoil that’s eating at me, driving me to

Another shower later,
and I’m speeding like a crazy fuck in my Aston Martin, the thrill when it hugs
the corners and hums under my fingers is intoxicating, the control keeping me
fucking sane. I arrive at M&M and meet John in his office. His door is
open, waiting for my arrival, and when he looks up, he leans back in his chair
the pen he’s holding with each hand stills, as he takes me in.

The arch of his brow
is the only acknowledgement of my arrival, and I can’t hide the small smile
that appears when the expression on his face is identical to Max, his best
friend. My father. He doesn’t address our previous call, he just moves on.

“Right on time, let’s
go to the conference room, they’ll send in Brett Augusta when he arrives.”

I shake my head and
we walk in silence. I grab a water on the sideboard and take a seat allowing
him the head of the table. I notice he pours himself coffee, in complete
silence. Takes his seat, and starts writing on his pad of paper. His brows
bumped together with worry.

“It’s Bryer.” It just
comes out, I didn’t plan to talk about it, and now that it’s out, I’m not sure
what else to say.

“I’ve been married
for 23 years,” he offers as some sort of understanding.

I’m beginning to see
why Max and John were so close, he’s comforting me without saying a word. And
that was that.

The knock on the door
refocuses me on the job at hand.

In walks Brett, we
stand shake hands and he grabs a water in one hand, holding several folders in
the other. “So,” he begins. “I’ve had my work cut out for me, gentlemen.” But
said with a smile. While opening the first one. “The patents, the provisional
patents have expired, we have submitted a claim in your name, Nathan. Along
with M&M’s company name, but also a dispute to hold it up before Cash gets
the application to the government.” He looks up at both of us. “This is good
news, gentlemen, we may have just beat him at his own game.”

“Just to clarify, we
are in the process, but we haven’t officially stopped him,” I ask.

“We’re close, Nathan,
technically we have put in so many hoops he’ll never be able to submit them
officially in time.”

A sigh of relief is
heard from both John and myself. We exchange a quick glance and find some
satisfaction there.

“Moving on, the
Foundation. We found a clause that allows the primary stockholder to disperse
funds at any time, even though the managing of the foundation is officially
assigned to Cash Harrison.”

“Meaning exactly what?”
John asks.

“That M&M and
Nathan can start a new foundation entirely draining all the funds from the
original. The name will have to change, but I thought you might consider
putting it in Max’s name. This will only require some paperwork and filing, but
we have to be prompt, time is of the essence in both cases.”

As he slides several
pieces of papers my way, I watch as John lays his beloved Mont Blanc pen in
front of me.

“Please,” he says.

“With pleasure.” His cocky
wink and confident smile speaks volumes. I can feel the hammer coming down on
Cash and one small part of me comes alive. Good fucking riddance.

“It won’t be long
now.” Brett gathers his papers and stands, an unashamed smile on his face. “I’m
all about diligently seeking justice, Nathan.”

“That’s apparent.” We
all shake hands as I sigh a breath of relief. Followed by the sight of John’s

“The code of honor
will always come out on top.” Reaching for his special pen, he smiles. “Max
gave this to me.” And he quietly leaves the room.

I follow behind him,
knowing we have not won the war, but have claimed the mountain. Now I have to
face the gut-wrenching solitude of my empty home. Without my wife.

BOOK: Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2)
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