Gabe (The Love Family Series Book 7) (3 page)

BOOK: Gabe (The Love Family Series Book 7)
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The last three nights when she’d walked home from work, Gabe had been on his terrace watching her. He’d greeted her with a lift of his nightly beer and a smile on his face. They hadn’t exchanged any other words, and he’d been mysteriously absent from the pizza shop. Maybe the broken beer bottle had scared him away, or maybe he recognized the healing bruise on her arm. If she had to venture a guess, she’d guess both.

His terrace was empty tonight, and she felt a ping of disappointment settle in her gut. It was probably better that way. Any questions he’d ask would go unanswered, and lying to him didn’t sit right with her. Not after he’d tried to help her. If things were different, back to the way things had been before her parents had been killed, maybe then, if their two worlds had collided, she’d have let her guard down. She let out a resigned sigh. Definitely. Then she would have gotten to know the doctor without a second thought.

Brooklyn turned up the walkway to her rented townhouse, and her heartbeat quickened when she noticed Gabe sitting on her stoop with a takeout bag sitting next to him.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, her feet rooted in place.

“Waiting for you.” He smiled and rose from his seat.

“Why?” she asked instantly, almost afraid to ask, not sure whether to be happy he’d bother to track her down or a little mortified he’d actually done so.

“Consider me the welcoming committee. I have a surprise for you.”

She shook her head. His words weren’t registering again.

“Do I look like a girl who likes surprises?”

He gave her a lopsided grin. “You’ll like this one. I promise.” He gave her a full-out grin. “Do I look like a guy who would lie? I’ll tell you what.” He reached down and picked up the basket, walking toward her on the sidewalk. “I’ll wait by my car. If you don’t come out in ten minutes, I’ll leave. If you’re the least bit curious, I promise you’ll have a good time.”

He’s insane. What guy goes out of his way to impress a girl like me? A virtual stranger he knows so little about. I know I’m going to regret this.

“You’ll leave if I don’t come out?”

He nodded, moved to his car, and leaned against the hood. “Yep. No pressure.”

“This isn’t your convoluted way of trying to ask me out on a date?”

“Nope, a non-date. Think of it as two Love Island residents sharing the same air. I’m just being friendly.”

She couldn’t stifle the smile from her lips.

He glanced at his watch. “I’m setting my timer.”

Brooklyn walked to her door and glanced over her shoulder as she shoved the key into place. In her own mind, she was making sure he didn’t follow, but she knew, in reality, she was just making sure he hadn’t left. She walked inside and bolted the lock before going to change in her bedroom. A shower to rid the pizza smell from her hair would have been nice, but she didn’t want to risk the chance he’d leave. She changed into a pair of jeans and a new shirt, put on her tennis shoes, and sprayed a little perfume. She was back outside just as he was opening his driver’s door. He greeted her with a smile, moved back to the passenger door and opened it. The timer on his watch went off as she walked up.

“You didn’t think I was coming?”

“I hoped you would, but I had promised to leave, and I never break a promise.”

She lifted her gaze to his, and the air between them sizzled. “Thanks for the non-date.”

“Anytime, neighbor.” He winked when she slid inside and he shut her door.


Gabe slid into the driver’s side and shut the door.

“So where are we going?” she asked, clasping her hands in her lap.

“I promised a surprise.” He smiled and turned over the ignition. “It won’t take long, a couple of hours, if that works for you?”

“Of course.” She smiled sweetly.
Tony had better been right about Gabe Love being a stand-up guy.

Gabe made a mental note to thank Tony. Otherwise, Gabe might have been riding solo tonight.

Gabe took the scenic route, pointing out favorite local hotspots as they passed on the way to his destination. She laid her head back in the seat and watched the waves out the window. A little sigh slipped free.
What I wouldn’t give to be able to stay
, he heard her say to herself.

He pulled down a long drive. The horse stables stood in the distance. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched as her smile grew. She turned to him.

“Horses? That’s my surprise?”

He slowed the car outside the stable. “I figured I’d kill two birds with one stone. You said you like horses, and I’ll get to show you the island.” He pushed his door open. “You even get to ride your own since this is a non-date and all.”

Oh, he’s a charmer.
He picked up on everything I said during our little five-minute talk that first day.
I hope he doesn’t remember I said Chicago.

Damn, she was making things difficult. His ability seriously cut into the getting-to-know-you phase of any relationship, but with her…it was worse. How was he supposed to ask her questions, knowing that if she answered them in her mind, he’d know if she was telling the truth? If she did lie, how was he supposed to ever believe her? Maybe this hadn’t been such a good idea. He pushed the thought away instantly. She was worth the effort, even if it took a while to get her to lower her guard. She needed him as a friend. She just didn’t know it yet.

“Doc.” William Sanders grinned as he approached. His cowboy hat sat low on his head. “I’m glad you made it.”

Gabe held out his hand and shook. “I appreciate you letting me borrow Milly and Stud.”

Sanders gestured toward the barn, and they all started walking that way. “I have them all ready for you. We just got them saddled.”

“Will, this is Brooklyn. She’s new in town. I thought I might show her the beach and stop for a moonlight dinner.”

“Take your time.” William clapped him on the back. “I’ll have someone in the stables take care of them when you get back.”

Brooklyn walked into the barn and followed them to where William had stopped and opened the gate. “This here is Milly.”

“She’s lovely.” Brooklyn stepped through the gate and ran her hand down the horse’s mane. “She’s a quarter horse,” Brooklyn announced, running her hands over the mare’s head and down the white stripe in the middle.

“You know your horses. I like her, Doc.”

“I’ve been around horses a time or two,” she told them without elaborating any further.

“She’s got an even temperament and she’ll be gentle with you,” he said in a southern drawl. “And Gabe here knows his way around Stud. He’s been riding him for years.”

Well, aren’t you just full of surprises?
Brooklyn lifted her gaze to Gabe as if seeing him for the first time.

She didn’t know the half of it.

“Good to know.” She smiled, stuck her foot in the stirrup, and swung her other leg over, mounting the horse and getting settled on Milly’s back.

Gabe went into Stud’s stall and stuffed the saddle bag with their dinner, drinks, and a couple of apples and carrots for the horses before he climbed up. He grabbed the reins and clicked his heels, meeting Brooklyn in front of the barn where she was waiting.

She sat on the horse like a natural with her back straight and the reins pulled just right. If he’d questioned her comment about having a horse before, he didn’t now.

He led her through the trails, pointing out various spots as they went, giving her a little history about his family and the island. He’d done most of the talking, but it was his way of helping her feel more at ease. He stopped at the lookout and dismounted Stud, tying him to a nearby tree. She quickly followed suit, and he fed both animals their apples.

She stood near the edge of the cliff while he unpacked his bag and grabbed the blanket out of her saddlebag. Spreading it out, he laid out the food and then sat down.

“Wow. It’s beautiful.” She walked over to the blanket. “And this…this is nice too.”

He handed her a water bottle, and she tossed her head back and laughed.

He loved the sound of her laughter, knowing that was probably a luxury she didn’t afford many. “What’s so funny?”

“I half expected wine.”

“If you ever agree to a real date, you can have wine.”

“Water is perfect.” She reached for one of the wrapped packages and opened it. “What’s this?”

“That is ham, and this is turkey. You get first pick.”

“Which do you like?” Her eyes sparkled in delight. Another jewel she gifted him with.

“I like them both.” 

She took one-half out and handed it to him and took his other half. “Then both it is.”

They sat down on the blanket and looked out over the Island. The twinkle of the lights on Main Street and the crashing waves of the beach beyond made the lookout a romantic place to go. It was nice, relaxing, and away from everyone and anyone who wasn’t familiar with the place. “I’ve done all the talking. Tell me one thing about you that I don’t already know.”  

“Um…I’m an only child.”

“Oh?” he asked, about to take a bite of the sandwich. “Your parents didn’t want more?”

“No,” she answered and quickly took a big bite of her sandwich.

Well, that was one way to get him not to press further. “I have a brother and a sister. We all grew up on the island and never really left other than for a few tournaments, vacations, and college.”

She swallowed. “Right, third-degree black belt. Tony told me. Might have been nice to know that before I broke the beer bottle and threatened to slit throats.”

Gabe chuckled. “You were holding your own. Where did you learn that move, anyhow?”

“Television.” She smiled brightly. “I’m glad the glass broke and I didn’t look like an idiot.” She shrugged. “I guess I could have hit them over the head with the bottle if push came to shove.”

“Tony said he wouldn’t leave you alone again. Even still, I think my cousin’s wife can teach you a thing or two about how to defend yourself.”


“Avery is actually also Tony’s niece. She married my cousin.”

“Is there anyone on the island you’re not related to? Tony gave me a quick who’s who, and there were a lot of Loves.”

“I’m not related to you.”

Brooklyn looked away, lowering her eyes to her sandwich.

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” he said to ease her mind. “Let’s see. Not counting parents, I have five cousins, my brother and my sister. All of whom are married except my brother, Jackson, and me.”

“Are you and he holding out?”

“Nah.” Gabe lifted the sandwich to his mouth. “We just haven’t been struck by the love bug.” He took a bite of his sandwich to stop himself from saying anything he might regret.

“Oh, come now. I’m sure there are plenty of women pining over you. You’re handsome and successful, not to mention a knight in shining armor who rescues damsels in distress. Throw in a great non-dater on your resume and you’re golden. What’s the problem? Commitment issues?”

Gabe had to cover his mouth before food went flying out. He swallowed hard and took a sip of water before answering. “I’ve had girlfriends, nothing serious. There’s never been anyone I’ve found worth pursuing.”

She gave a slow shake of her head. “That’s why we’re having this non-date. You were serious; you just wanted to be friends.”

“Right.” He nodded, unsure if he should tell her the truth. He pushed that thought away. “Actually, I was hoping we could start out as friends, but I won’t deny that I like you and think you’re beautiful. I wouldn’t be opposed to a real date if you decided to give me a shot.”

Her lips slowly rose into a smile.

“Don’t forget I promised wine to sweeten the pot.”

Forget the wine. Promise a kiss.
She chuckled, watching him.

A kiss he could do. A kiss he
do, if she agreed. His gaze dropped to her lips, and it took all of his resolve not to lean over and give her exactly what she wanted.

She visibly swallowed, even with no food in her mouth. Yeah, she was thinking the same thing too. He didn’t have to know what she was thinking. Heat clouded her eyes, and her breath quickened.
God, I want him to kiss me.
Her gaze lowered to his lips
. I can’t do this. He doesn’t know me, and if he did, he’d never have that desire in his eyes.

Without another thought or giving her a chance to run scared, he did the one thing he’d promised himself, and her, that he wasn’t going to do tonight. He’d wanted to taste her lips since the moment he’d met her, and the thought of her running without a simple taste was too much. He leaned in, cupped her cheek, and then pressed his lips to hers in a light kiss. Not taking anything other than what she was willing to give. It was quick, and it was sweet, not pressuring her for more. He broke the connection and eased away from her.

BOOK: Gabe (The Love Family Series Book 7)
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