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Authors: Taylor V. Donovan

Hearsay (17 page)

BOOK: Hearsay
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Derrick finalized his notes on one of the interviews and glanced inconspicuously around the conference room.

Leah was looking through her planner, Tim the paralegal was typing away on his laptop, and Roman was standing by the window with an ear glued to his phone without saying anything at all. Derrick thought he might be listening to his messages but quickly changed his mind when he noticed Roman's eyebrows were drawn together, and he seemed to be rooted to the same spot. Was he worried about the case or about what had transpired between them the previous day? Neither scenario boded well for Derrick, but he'd much rather it not be the latter. He wasn't in the mood to hear Roman say he'd changed his mind yet again about having Derrick around. He'd fucking scream—and probably throw something out of the window from sheer frustration—if that was the case.

Being reinstated as second chair, providing that was the case, was the result of some sort of capitulation on Roman's part, or Roman's realization that he couldn't possibly stay away from Derrick now that they had touched each other's cocks. Either way, Derrick fully intended to take advantage of Roman's moment of weakness. He wasn't ashamed to admit he could be slightly opportunistic.

Besides, he was done letting Roman keep him at arm's length. They had finally shared their first kiss, and it had been as mind blowing and perfect as Derrick always imagined it would be. But, if he ever needed additional proof that they were meant to be together, he only had to close his eyes and remember the expression on Roman's face when he caught Derrick in the elevator.

He'd looked wild-eyed, as if he'd been scared shitless of watching Derrick walk out of his life. But as flattering and promising as that was, he didn't delude himself thinking there wasn't more to it than a yearning to be together. Roman's admission that lack of interest was never his issue only meant he'd had a powerful reason for staying away. He had a feeling that the hint of apprehension he'd seen in Roman's eyes meant Derrick was about to get an explanation, and, all of a sudden, he didn't want to know.

They were due some good times together first. A proper date... steamy kisses and whispered words... promises made in the darkness after they'd finished making love…

Later on, once he'd made Roman fall in love with him and became more necessary than the air the man breathed, Derrick would isolate the reason behind Roman's reluctance and deal with it. Not yet, though. Not until he was a permanent fixture in his—hopefully—future husband's life. Not until Roman realized Derrick would give him everything he could ever need, for the rest of their lives.

He glanced at Roman again, and couldn't help drooling a little over how poised and confident he always looked. That level of self-assurance was usually exhibited by highly-accomplished people, but Derrick doubted any of them were as sexy as Roman or had his marvelous fashion sense.

Today he was wearing navy blue pinstripe suit pants, with the jacket nowhere in sight. His burgundy dotted tie was firmly knotted around his neck, but his light blue shirt sleeves were rolled above his elbows, exposing a massive Cartier watch. A Hermes leather belt and hand-polished lace-up shoes—Tom Ford, if Derrick knew his designers—completed the ensemble, and somehow Roman managed not to look like a label queen. Add the black framed glasses that did nothing to conceal his sparkly green eyes and his perfectly styled short hair, and you got perfection personified.

Roman looked scrumptious and smelled like heaven, and Derrick couldn't wait to get his hands all over his body and debauch him.

And, speaking of hands, Roman's were strong and long-fingered. Thinking of how wide those fingers could spread, or how deeply they could reach inside his body gave Derrick chills. But it was the sight of Roman's forearms that almost made Derrick whimper in delight.

They were leanly muscled and veiny, and one of them was adorned with leather bracelets Roman had gotten from one of his nieces as a birthday present. Derrick loved that Roman hardly ever took them off. As far as he was concerned, it was tangible proof of yet another way in which they were one hundred percent compatible.

Much like Derrick, Roman had a great relationship with his parents, sisters, and brothers-in-law. His nieces and nephews meant the world to him. He was still best friends and work partners with the same guys he'd met twenty-five years ago in college. Granted, he was a coffee and opera snob who also held season tickets for the ballet, but his wealth hadn't influenced his perception of what was really important at the end of the day. Family and love… nothing else really mattered in this world.

Movement on Derrick's right snapped him out of his thoughts just in time to see Roman rub his face as he returned to his seat, phone clutched in his other hand and a muscle jumping in his cheek.

"You look tired, Roman," Leah said.

What Roman looked was worried, but Derrick figured 'tired' and 'worried' were easily interchangeable if one wasn't familiar with the meaning behind Roman's left eyelid twitch. Dead giveaway something was troubling him.

"And you're probably starving," she added. "God knows I am."

Translation: "I'm ready to call it a day."

Roman's assistant had brought in sandwiches and a platter of fruit and veggies around five o'clock, and there had been nothing left for her to throw away before she went home. None of them should be hungry just yet, let alone starving, but Derrick understood Leah's push. Not everyone thought it was normal to work overtime on a Friday night. Some people had dates, boyfriends, partners, or husbands they wanted to go home to, whereas others—namely Derrick—were perfectly content working side by side with Roman all night.

Roman leaned back in his chair and flashed a rueful smile in the investigator's direction. "I tend to lose track of time when I'm working. I apologize."

"Not a problem, Roman," Tim rushed to say.

Leah, on the other hand, got up from her chair and grabbed her purse. "Do you mind if I take a break? I'd like to call my kids and get something to eat."

"I'd like to do the same, if that's okay," Tim said, stretching his arms above his head. "Meet back here in an hour?"

A quick look at his watch told Derrick it was almost eight o'clock.

Yeah. Leah was right. It was time to go.

Leah put her agenda in her purse and asked, "Roman, do you want me to get you something?"

"Thank you, but I'm going to go out myself," Roman answered with a grateful smile. "I need to stretch my legs."

"Would you like to come with us, Derrick?"

Derrick was startled by Leah's invitation.

Although they worked for the same company, he'd never met her before. Usually he wouldn't have minded having dinner with his co-workers, but he was trying desperately to get a few minutes alone with their boss.

Damn it!

"I'm afraid he can't accept."

Derrick froze for about two seconds before snapping his head in Roman's direction.

"As you all know, this case is very delicate," Roman continued, looking between Leah and Tim. "We're working against the clock as it is, and there are some things I need to discuss with Derrick."

Leah nodded. "Every second counts."

"Indeed," Roman agreed.

Especially when precious time has been wasted for reasons unknown to one of the parties.

But that was a completely different situation, so Derrick didn't say it out loud.

"Just make sure you
go outside and take a walk," Leah ordered playfully. "Fresh air will do you good."

Clearly she was on rather familiar terms with their boss.

"I promise." Roman took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index finger before putting them on again. "You know what? It's pretty late. Just go home, the two of you. Thank you both for the excellent work today. We'll meet again Tuesday. Same time, same place."

"Bless you," Leah sighed. "Good Night!"

"Excellent!" Tim exclaimed, packing his laptop in no time. "I'll see you gentlemen next Tuesday."

"You and Leah work together frequently?" Derrick asked when Tim dashed out of the conference room.

"She's been part of my team for the past eight years."

"Her interviews with Tyler's employees were very thorough," Derrick said, getting up from his chair. "She could be a detective."

"She was, a long time ago," Roman informed, getting up from his own chair and walking around the table.

"So, are you ready to go?" Derrick asked casually. "We can discuss whatever it is you want to discuss with me while we walk."

He reached for his suit jacket, but Roman was faster. His smile was so wide when Roman held the jacket up for him that he could see his teeth reflected on the man's glasses.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"You're quite welcome," Roman said under his breath.

Derrick slid his arms into the jacket sleeves and didn't move a muscle while Roman took his sweet time straightening the collar.

Sweet Jesus…

The brief touch of Roman's fingers on his neck shot like a rocket to Derrick's groin. He had never wanted anyone so much before, and all he could think of was how easy it'd be to grab Roman's hand, drag it down his chest, and press it against his cock. Or turn around, unzip Roman's pants, and use the tight grip of his mouth to introduce the man to heaven. Oh, yeah. Giving oral pleasure to Roman would be even better and, damn it, he'd been waiting to drop to his knees in front of Roman
. But the conference room when they were still semi-working wasn't the right place or time.

He shook his head, covered one of Roman's hands to keep it in place, and turned around.

"According to the surveillance footage and the reports I read today, you're a regular at the Coleman Safe House," Roman said almost immediately.

"I'm there once a week and usually spend around three hours meeting with the kids and listening to their legal needs. Then I go home to do my thing. And by
my thing
I mean cook dinner, do the dishes, fold the laundry… chores, you know? Then I watch TV, check my friends' updates on Facebook , take stupid surveys online… I find those things relaxing after a long day at work. And I always do them by myself," he added without blinking or looking away. "Tyler never comes home with me. In fact, he's only been there a handful of times, and no sexual shenanigans ever took place."

Roman nodded slowly as he removed his hand from Derrick's shoulder. "I do remember you telling me you were never in the habit of… entertaining." Roman's deep voice dropped to an intimate rumble, and damned if Derrick didn't get goose bumps all over.

What Derrick had said during one of their conversations was that he didn't bring lays to his apartment, but, Roman, chivalrous gentleman that he was, didn't repeat his crude wording.

"That hasn't changed." Call him old-fashioned, but he had decided rather early in his life not to share his bedroom's décor with a string of casual lovers. When a man finally got to see Derrick's bed, it'd be because Derrick was convinced it was serious between them. Needless to say, he'd hoped that man would be Roman from the moment they met. "Do you also remember me saying I'd love to have you over for dinner some time?" Derrick asked softly in a wishful tone.

There was no mistaking the hesitation with which his question was received.

Roman didn't step back or sever eye contact, but his shoulders grew visibly tense, and the pulse in his neck seemed to throb faster.

Derrick decided to wait him out. They stared at each other for what felt like years, but even though apprehension had taken a hold of him, Derrick refused to believe Roman had changed his mind again. He couldn't take it. He wouldn't concede defeat.

"Did I ever mention I make a mean spicy fried chicken with mac and cheese and okra?" he asked nervously when the silence stretched on. Pushing the issue made him feel ten different kinds of nervous, but he needed to know what was going on in order to come up with a plan of action. Retreating wasn't an option.

Roman took a deep breath and put some distance between them by moving away from Derrick and resting his delectable butt on the edge of the conference table.


"I might not have thought things through before asking you to meet me here today," Roman finally said. His voice was low and careful, as if he was trying to keep Derrick from getting upset.

Fat chance.

"If you ask me, you've been over thinking things for far too long," Derrick argued. "Is that what you wanted to discuss with me?"

Roman lowered his gaze and nodded slowly. "You know I believe getting involved is not a good idea."

Derrick closed the space between them and placed his hands on Roman's thighs, rolling them up slowly until his fingers were a couple of inches away from his groin. Leaning in closer, he tilted his head so that he could inhale his scent and speak directly into Roman's ear before he spoke again. "I happen to think it's the best idea ever," Derrick said in his most seductive tone. "And I'm surprised you think we have a choice."


"We don't," Derrick said in a firmer tone.

"You can't touch me like that." Roman's voice was hoarse and a little shaky, but he didn't attempt to stop Derrick.

Derrick grazed the bulge in Roman's pants with his knuckles and ran the tip of his nose along his earlobe. "So you keep saying," he taunted.

Roman gripped Derrick's hips with so much force Derrick knew he'd have bruises in the morning. He fucking
it. Not because he was into rough sex—which didn't mean he wouldn't be into it with Roman—but because, instead of pushing Derrick away, he was keeping him firmly in place. If he played his cards right, the next time Roman
Derrick, he would be on his hands and knees with his ass up in the air waiting to be impaled.

"Repeatedly," Roman said through clenched teeth. "So why won't you

BOOK: Hearsay
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