Read Hearsay Online

Authors: Taylor V. Donovan

Hearsay (21 page)

BOOK: Hearsay
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"Hey," he greeted hoarsely. "Good morning."

"Good morning to you, too," Derrick crooned in his ear, his voice sending shivers down Roman's spine. "Did I wake you? You sound like you're still in bed. Your voice is all raspy and… yeah…"

"I'm having coffee in my kitchen," Roman crooned back.

"Way to ruin the visual… unless you're wearing nothing but low rise pajama pants?"

Roman looked down at his gray sweats and green T-shirt. "They're black," he said in a seductive tone he hadn't even known he was capable of. "No shirt."

Derrick moaned. "Can I state, for the record, I'd love to be a fly on your kitchen wall?" This time he let out a little groan. "Stop distracting me with visuals of your gorgeous chest and lower abdominal and hip region and let me tell you why I called, okay?"

"Not that you need a reason, but okay," Roman whispered, laying a hand over his heart. "Why did you call me?"

"I'm at Barneys, all set for tonight," Derrick said, and Roman could tell he was grinning. But then his tone dropped about a thousand octaves, causing the hair all over Roman's body to rise. "I'm meeting Tashana for lunch in a bit, but, before I go, I thought I should let you know I look so hot in my tux, you'll feel overcome by lust and a sudden urge to strip me naked and take me to bed the second you see me. Considering I've never wanted to make love to a man as badly as I want to make love to you, there's no way I'll even try to stop you. Therefore, it'd be in our best interest if you didn't knock on my door and waited for me in your car. I'm a traditional man. Normally, we'd have to go out, plus have dinner together at least three times before I'd even consider putting out. But this is you, and I can't wait to get my hands all over you, so I'll waive my right to be wined and dined and actively pursued, and stipulate that, after tonight's fundraiser, you have a green light. Okay?"

Roman gulped. "I'm a traditional man myself."

"I know that, but I'm giving you permission to rush things along," Derrick rasped.

"Okay…" Roman closed his eyes and reminded himself why he had to wait. "That's generous of you."

"That's what wanting you this much does to me," Derrick corrected.

"Horny," Roman muttered, remembering the conversation he'd overheard.

"I know you are, handsome, and we'll take care of it," Derrick said in that sexy tone of his that short-circuited Roman's brain. "I love it when we're on the same page. See you tonight."

Derrick ended the call, and Roman blinked several times.

"Did that just happen?" he asked his empty kitchen.

But of course it happened.

Derrick was a force of nature, and he'd never been subtle about his intentions or shy about sharing his feelings and thoughts.

Roman set his phone on the kitchen island and pressed the heel of his right hand over the tent in his sweats. "Jesus…"

He'd been reluctant to put Derrick in the position he would inevitably find himself in the moment this liberating recess was over. He'd been convinced that longing for Derrick's kisses and company was better than getting them only to have everything taken away. Now he knew he'd been sadly mistaken.

He didn't deny it would've been smarter, not to mention, the honorable thing to do, to talk to Derrick before crossing the line between boss and employee, but Roman was happy that he hadn't. There was a chance of Derrick turning his back on him as soon as Roman came clean, and Roman would've missed this entire experience as a result.

Now that he'd seen how amazing a relationship between himself and Derrick could be, backing off and staying in his corner would be much harder. Roman would never talk to Derrick again if that's what the guy wanted, but he'd always treasure the time they'd spent together.

He would never regret taking the opportunity to kiss and hug the man he wanted with everything he had.

He refused.

"Future heartache be damned."

Chapter Fourteen

If there was such a thing as living your own Cinderella story, Derrick was doing it, albeit with a few adaptations.

Chirping birds and talking mice hadn't sewn his Ralph Lauren Black Label tuxedo by hand. Derrick had procured that himself to the tune of three grand. There was no pumpkin carriage, either. Roman picked him up in his black convertible Maserati and driven them to the annual benefit gala for the pediatric wing at the hospital where one of his sisters worked. It wasn't being held at a castle, but the Grand Ballroom at the Waldorf Astoria was close enough.

Then there was the fact Derrick cleaned his clients' legal messes instead of their houses, had two loving siblings as opposed to evil stepsisters, and his dad was very much alive.

Derrick wasn't in distress—unless having the worst case of blue balls in history counted as such—and he didn't need rescuing of any kind. Lastly, the hotel would have to go up in flames in order for him to leave one of his beloved Prada oxfords behind.

Yet, he still felt like Cinderella on her way to the ball.

He hoped nothing bad happened at twelve o'clock.

Ignoring what had become a permanent sense of dread and accompanying rolling sensation in his stomach, Derrick glanced at his Prince Charming from the corner of his eye. "This place is one queen and a jester short of palatial," he observed. "I'm impressed."

"This here is called the Silver Corridor," Roman said with a chuckle. "It connects all the venues on this floor," he added, waving at someone Derrick didn't get to see.

"You sound like a guide tour," Derrick muttered. "Can we check out one of the suites next? I'd like to try the mini-bar and the bed."

Roman frowned. "You're upset," he noted as they continued walking. "You've been uncharacteristically quiet for the past twenty minutes, and now you're getting snarky. That only happens when something's bothering you."

Derrick made a dismissive gesture with his hand and forced a smile. "I'm fine."

Roman studied his face intently for about two seconds and said, "Okay, let's make that extremely upset."

Derrick's smile was real this time. That Roman could read him so well made him a very happy man. "I'll be fine."

"Would you like to talk about it?" Roman offered, glancing at his watch. "We have almost fifteen minutes before we have to take our seats."

Derrick looked straight ahead while he considered Roman's offer.

Expressing his disappointment sounded tempting, but he wasn't sure he could do it without sounding like a total lunatic. His emotions were all over the place. He was simultaneously upset by Roman's actions and turned on by his looks and personality. Derrick both loved and hated being here tonight. His inability to figure out which was stronger was driving him nuts, and he feared he might lash out if he started talking.

He took a deep, calming breath, and peered at Roman from under his lashes. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure…" Roman said, staring at Derrick's face without blinking. He looked like he'd forgotten they were in the middle of a crowded corridor in a fancy hotel… like he didn't care about anyone else.

Derrick could relate.

"Does this corridor connect to any secluded area?" he asked in his sexiest tone.

Roman's shoulders stiffened visibly, and he clenched his jaw.

Derrick didn't take any time to analyze Roman's reaction. He simply rubbed the palm of Roman's hand with his middle finger, hoping to entice him into engaging in some lewd conduct.

Yes, he was upset, but he also wanted to make out, even if it was only for a few seconds. He wanted to release some of his nervous energy. He wanted to kiss, touch, hump, and fondle his dream of a man to both their dicks' content.

And he wanted to delay walking into the ballroom for as long as he could.

He'd much rather not meet the Bradford family before he and Roman had addressed the issues that had Derrick feeling like a fool.

Roman gave him a once over before rasping, "Will asking why you are interested in a secluded area make my pants feel tight?"

"You mean they aren't already?" Derrick wrapped his free hand around Roman's forearm and quickly nuzzled his shoulder. "What am I doing wrong?"

"Not a damn thing, I assure you," Roman said in that hoarse tone that was like a caress to Derrick's soul. "I should've said tighter."

Derrick shot Roman a predatory look. He might not think of himself as an alpha, but he definitely knew how to hunt and when to go for the kill. "Did I tell you how hot you look in your tux?"

"You did…" Roman cleared his throat, and Derrick knew he was thinking of the way Derrick had almost devoured Roman with his eyes when he'd met Roman in front of his building. "You also said you'd be the one having a hard time keeping your hands to yourself," Roman continued saying under his breath, a dark flush creeping up his neck. "Considering how amazing
look, and the thoughts crossing my mind, I'd say we might be in trouble tonight."

Derrick rolled his eyes. "I'm failing to see what's so troublesome about ripping each others' clothes off and having a hell of a passionate night."

Usually Derrick wasn't so open—or forward—about his sexual needs, but this was
. Even though they'd just started dating, they'd been flirting, talking, and dancing around each other for a long time. If anything, neither of them had been forward enough.

Roman shook his head, frowning and smiling at the same time. "Would you do me a favor and hold that thought?"

"Until when?" Derrick asked eagerly. "Later tonight?"

"Until we've talked," Roman clarified in a low, serious tone.

"Are you really thinking about withholding sex until Monday? Even though I told you I'm good to go,
I'm about to meet your mother?" Derrick blurted before realizing he'd even opened his mouth.


Roman took a deep breath and slowed his stride. "So that's why you've been giving me attitude," he muttered under his breath. He didn't sound surprised.

"You bet your ass it is," Derrick snapped, louder than he'd intended. After smiling apologetically at no one in particular, he whispered, "Bringing me to this gala is a huge deal for us. Last night was amazing, but
…" He looked around the corridor quickly. "We're out in the open, as opposed to dancing in an underground club, and people you know will see us together. Your
will see us, and there's no way in hell she'll believe there's nothing going on between the two of us." Derrick bit the inside of his cheek and glanced around the room again before carrying on. "I'm over the moon to be here with you. I really am…"

"But?" Roman prompted quietly.

"I'm also fucking mad," Derrick admitted with a sigh. "I don't appreciate you doing things so out of order!"

And therein lay the reason why he felt so disappointed.

He'd first learned the identity of their dinner companions when they were a few streets away from the hotel. Roman had smiled at him and said, "This is an important event for my family. Dad worked at the hospital benefiting from this gala for many years before opening his own clinic. My sister Josephine has worked there since she landed her residency in oncology surgery. She's also part of the organizing committee, by the way. I'm sure you'll get along with all of them."

Never in a million years could Derrick have imagined this would be the night he'd meet his future in-laws. Had he not been so busy trying to breathe again, he would've pulled a 'Tashana' and smacked Roman over the head.

He'd wanted to discuss things in the car, but, as hard as he'd tried, Derrick hadn't been able to say a word. He'd been in shock. Yet now he was vomiting words.


His heartbeat racing, Derrick wrapped his hand around Roman's neck. "Forget I said anything, okay?" he practically begged.

Without saying a word, Roman turned around and steered him through miniature trees, chairs, and tables strategically placed throughout the lavish corridor. A few people decked out in tuxedos and gowns tried to stop Roman. He dismissed them quickly, telling them they'd catch up inside and kept on walking until he found a dim, secluded corner on the opposite side of the entrance to the Grand Ballroom.

Derrick fretted.
Now I've fucked up everything.

He should've kept his mouth shut.

He was a fucking adult! But you wouldn't know that by seeing him now. He had to stop acting like a little princess who'd just had someone piss all over his fairy tale life and put his big boy pants on.

Desperate to do damage control, Derrick leaned his back against the wall as soon as they reached the darkened corner, pulled Roman by the lapels of his tux, and smashed their lips together. He'd learned a few tricks during their make out session the previous night and didn't hesitate to use them all to his advantage.

He slid his hands up and down Roman's back, caressed his neck, and bit his lip. He grabbed Roman's hand, sucked on his finger, and brushed his lip over his jaw line before biting him again.

Roman let out a muffled grunt, pinned Derrick against the wall with his body, and sucked Derrick's tongue into his mouth.

"Mmm," Derrick moaned, hooking his leg around Roman's hips, completely forgetting about his verbal faux pas. "So good…" he added when they came up for air.

"We shouldn't be doing this," Roman murmured, kissing Derrick again. "Someone might come."

"I'm hoping it'll be us," he said, licking Roman's ear.

"I swear, you have no filter," Roman laughed.

"You know my verbal spontaneity always makes you smile. Plus, you walked right into that one."

"What your verbal spontaneity does is turn me the fuck on," Roman clarified, trapping Derrick between his hips and the wall. When Derrick moaned again, Roman said, "We're going to get thrown out. I'll cause my family a world of embarrassment, and my sister will never forgive me."

Derrick opened one eye and glanced over Roman's shoulder. Voices could be heard in the distance along with some delicate piano music, but no one was walking towards them. "We're good for now."

BOOK: Hearsay
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