Intrigued and Enchanted (11 page)

BOOK: Intrigued and Enchanted
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“Firstly, you’re not putting me in any position, as delightful as that sounds. I offered. My friend won’t mind; besides, I own the building. Secondly, I’m not doing it for your friends, I’m doing it for you, because I want you to have a great night celebrating an amazing achievement. Plus, I might be able to back you into a dark corner in there and have you all to myself for five minutes. My motives are purely selfish sweet girl.” He says winking at me. I don’t believe that for a second.

He ducks out for a few minutes to call his friend and when he comes back into the bar I’m watching him, getting the full effect of him commanding the room around him. He’s tall, broad and lean in his charcoal suit. You can tell it’s been tailored to his perfect body. I wonder what he does to keep his body in that kind of shape.

His jacket is open showing a black fitted shirt, the top two buttons undone; a hint of chest hair peeking out the top. His dark clothing perfectly complimenting his olive complexion, his black hair looking like he has just been fucked - in the best possible way. His eyes are the killer feature that grab you, shake you, and leave you breathless; such a stark contrast to his black hair, his eyes are pools of icy blue, sparkling with sex and mischief and a confidence that makes me weak at the knees.

He’s grinning as he makes his way to me.

“Keep looking at me like that baby and we’ll never make it to the club.” I can feel the blush rising on my cheeks. He knows exactly what he does to me and I have no way of hiding it. I drop my gaze to the floor.

“Don’t be shy sweet girl. I love that I can see how I affect you.” Wrapping his arms around my waist.

“Would you like another drink while we wait on Angus arriving?”

“We can just get a cab with everyone else Brandon, don’t go to any trouble for me.”

“Or…everyone can just come with us.” He’s arranged for Angus to bring a limo so that I can travel with all of my friends. I quickly shut down the swell of feelings rising in my chest. It’s too soon. Definitely too soon.

Half an hour later and we’re all bundling into the limo to head to Cube. Brandon holds me close the whole time. I don’t find it overbearing or proprietary…I find it…comforting. I usually feel like a fish out of water at the best of times, even around my friends. It scares me that I feel a sense of peace and belonging when I’m in Brandon’s company. I find myself enjoying my friends more because I’m more confident in myself. There’s a niggling worry in the back of my mind that my confidence will be completely shattered into a million pieces along with my heart when this ends - because

When we reach the club the queue to get in is around the block. Brandon grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door. The guys on the door seem familiar with Brandon; opening the rope to let us all in, bypassing the line of eager clubbers. It never gets old – seeing him so confident and commanding. He leads us through the crowds, parting the sea of sweaty, writhing dancers; heading to a staircase up to the VIP lounge.

Brandon’s friend has cordoned off half of the lounge for our party. It is the most luxurious club I have ever been in. There are plush purple velvet sofas and armchairs around the room, elegant glass tables, soft sensual lighting and walls covered in sumptuous deep purple damask. The bar in the VIP area is small but very sleek and modern, with a bar tender that could grace the cover of any magazine. Jess will have something to say about him when she sees him. I have never been in a VIP lounge and my earlier worries resurface.

Brandon and I live in different worlds. He fits in perfectly here, surrounded by luxury. I quickly shutdown my worries with a shot of Tequila and decide to enjoy the time I have with him.

“If you’re going to do shots baby, you need to do them properly.”

Brandon speaks to the bar tender and two minutes later there are two shots of Tequila, two lime wedges and a salt shaker sitting in front of us. He licks the back of his hand and shakes salt all over it. Just the sight of his tongue has me pressing my legs together. He holds his hand out to me.


Every muscle in my body clenches into a tight ball in my stomach at his words. My eyes fixed on his, I lick my lips and lower my tongue to his hand. It’s intensely erotic licking the salt from his strong, hard hand. I can see the fire burning in his eyes as he watches me and I love that I can affect him.

As I down the shot Brandon picks up the lime wedge and places it in between his teeth facing out to me. With a sly sexy grin playing at the edges of his mouth he lowers his face to mine. I feel like my heart is going to burst from my chest it’s beating so fast. I slowly suck the lime while he holds it in his mouth. I desperately want to remove the lime and devour his mouth with my own, but Brandon has other ideas. I can tell he’s enjoying teasing me. He grabs my hand and holds it to me.


I do as he asks and watch in a haze of desire as he covers the back of my hand with salt, heady with anticipation of what comes next. The thrill that runs through my body as his tongue connects with my hand is exhilarating. A fire chasing the burn of the Tequila that is starting to take effect. I’m mesmerised as he downs his shot and holds the lime out for me to take between my teeth.

I do as he asks, trying to calm the storm inside that’s causing my breath to shallow as his thumb caresses my lip. His rough palms hold my face still as he leans in, keeping his eyes on mine, daring me not to close them; his lips brush mine as he takes the lime into his mouth and sucks the juice from it. I think if he wasn’t holding my face I would drop to the floor in a pool of raging hormones. Shots have never been so sexual. He pulls the wedge from my teeth and discards it on the bar before devouring my mouth with a passion so fierce I think I just forgot my own name.

His hands slide from my face, through my hair and down until his hands settle at the base of my back; his fingertips caressing the top of my ass. I get lost in the dance our tongues are performing, running my hands through his hair to bring him closer still; the taste of him intoxicating.

“Mmmmm, I like the way you do shots Mr Redgrave.” I murmur into his mouth. “I like it when you call me Mr Redgrave.” Pressing his pelvis against me, I can feel what it does to him. He rests his forehead on mine, breathing deeply, and I suspect, thinking about baseball or basketball to calm himself.

“Okay, when my…problem subsides, I’m going to get us some proper drinks. Usual for you?” He doesn’t wait for an answer – I’m so predictable! With a kiss to the tip of my nose he goes to get drinks. Almost immediately I feel a hand grasp my arm and drag me in the direction of the dance floor downstairs.

“Come on Lilliput, let’s show them what we’ve got.” Jess says pulling me behind her. I glance in the direction of the bar and sure enough Brandon is tracking my every move. I give him my best ‘I have no choice in the matter’ face and a massive grin before heading down the stairs.

It feels amazing to let loose and move with the beat. The DJ is on fire and the dance floor feels like a living, breathing entity; everyone moving separately, but together, lost in the music. With my best friend next to me we start to dance. I feel the energy from the crowd and the music coursing through my body. I suddenly feel a shudder run through me and I know icy blue eyes are watching me. I glance up to the balcony to see Brandon staring at me like he is the hunter and I am his prey. The hunger in his eyes makes me feel sexy; I start to move just for him, holding his stare as I move my hips to the music, running my hands over of my body, my feet moving effortlessly in my small space on the floor.

Jess and I start moving, our bodies well practiced in moving together on the dance floor. As Jess moves behind me I slink down her body, my hands moving up and down her sides; my eyes fixed on Brandon as I wet my lips with my tongue. The look in Brandon’s eyes is primal; running his hands through his hair as if he’s going to pull it out; biting his bottom lip, I can see the rise and fall of his chest as his breath quickens. It’s a powerful, intoxicating feeling, watching him react to my body.

I close my eyes and keep dancing for him, my arousal growing at the thought of him watching me. I’m feeling a buzz from the tequila and as song after song fills the air around me I feel my inhibitions fading away. It’s liberating and my mind starts to drift to thoughts of letting Brandon make love to me; giving him every part of myself.

I feel his hands behind me moving to hold my hips as I move, I let my head drop back and savour the feel of him gyrating against me; his breath at my ear, he whispers “you are hot as fuck tonight Lily.”

What the fuck? I’m yanked from my drinking haze. My eyes fly open and I see Brandon standing at the balcony, a murderous look on his face, his fists clenched as he starts to move to the stairs. I whip round and push myself away from the body behind me…Matty.

“What the hell Matty? What are you doing?” I shove him in the chest.

“Oh come on Lily. You know I like you. You can’t tell me you were dancing like that for no reason. You want some attention and I will happily give you it.” His speech is slightly slurred as he grabs me round the waist and tries to make me dance with him.

“You’re drunk Matty. Let go of me. We’re friends, nothing else. I thought you liked Jess.” I struggle against him but I can’t break free.

“Awww Lily. Jess is ok for a tumble once or twice, but you….I could fuck you seven ways till Sunday and never tire of your sweet, innocent little cunt. Come on sweetheart, you know we’d be so good together.” I’m getting angry now.

“NO. Let me go.” I’m starting to panic when Matty is pulled from me.

“If you don’t want to eat through a straw for the rest of your life I suggest you stay the fuck away from her.” I’m scared by the terrifying tone in Brandon’s voice. Matty is obviously too drunk to register the threat.

“Fuck you man. I’ve known her for years. How about YOU stay the fuck away from her and leave
to it.” He says reaching for me.

Before he gets a hold on my arm Brandon punches him square in the face, knocking him to the floor. The dancers around us scatter and the club security are over within seconds.

“Are you okay Mr Redgrave?” one of them asks, picking a limp Matty off the floor.

“Yeah, thanks Adam. He was harassing my girl and getting a bit handsy. Doesn’t know when to quit.” Brandon sounds calm, but his body language is tense.

“We’ll make sure he’s barred Mr Redgrave. If you would like to return to the VIP area, the boss will be with you in five.” Brandon grabs my hand and moves through the crowd and up the stairs so fast I’m practically running to keep up. Not easy in Manolos.

He doesn’t stop when we get to the lounge; he continues over towards the bar and into a corner where there’s a door I hadn’t noticed before. Without a word we’re in a small private room and the door is locked behind me. Brandon is pacing in front of me as I lean back against the door.

“Jesus Christ Lily! I have never felt this angry in my fucking life.” He’s striding over to me, his eyes wild, his hands pressing to the door at either side of my head.

“Do you want him Lily? Tell me. Is there something more than friendship in the cards for you and him?” I just stare at him. I can’t believe he’s even asking this question. I thought he knew what he means to me.

“You need to answer me Lily. I’m going fucking crazy here.” His hands hitting the door in frustration. Before I know what I’m saying it’s falling from my lips.

“I’m yours Brandon. Only yours. You’re all I want.” Shit. That was too much. Where is my brain to mouth filter when I need it? It’s completely gone with this guy. His whole body slams against me, his lips capturing mine, bruising them with the ferocity of his kiss.

“Fuck. Lily…You. Are. Mine.” Each word punctuated with a hard kiss.

“I couldn’t fucking stand seeing his hands on you. I want to kiss you everywhere his hands were, to make you mine.” I can barely contain the lust building at the apex of my thighs.

“Do it Brandon. Kiss me all over.” Eliciting a groan from deep in his chest our kissing reaches a fever pitch, our hands grabbing at each other.

I push his suit jacket off his shoulders and claw at the buttons on his shirt, desperate to touch the perfect skin underneath. As I move to undo his fly, his lips start roaming over my neck, nipping my ear, nibbling my shoulder. I hear his sharp intake of breath as I take his hard length in my hand; rubbing my thumb back and forth over the tip before gripping his impressive girth and slowly moving up and down the length of him.

“Oh God Lily. Your hands feel so fucking good on me.” His strong hands move to cup my breasts, kneading them, squeezing them.

“Take me Brandon. I can’t wait any longer.” My voice dripping with need; the need to feel him inside me. He moves my hand away from his cock and pins both hands above my head. His voice a breathy whisper as he speaks into my ear.

“Not like this Lily. Not here. Not now. You deserve better than that.” I drop my gaze to the floor, a crushing feeling of rejection heavy in my chest. I just offered myself on a plate and he doesn’t want me. I’m such a stupid, naive little girl.

“Baby, look at me.” I can’t.

“What’s wrong?” I’m embarrassed.

“I get it Brandon. If you don’t want me it’s fine.” I try to pull my hands free from his vice like grip.

“What the fuck? Of course I want you Lily…Look at me…Feel me.” He pulls my hands back down to his cock.

“Does that feel like I don’t want you? Tell me Lily. What does that feel like to you?” He feels like velvet covered steel. I love it. I’m too embarrassed to answer. He grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

“Lily. I have never wanted someone so badly in my entire life. I want you so badly it physically hurts, but I don’t want it to happen like this. I want you in my bed. I want to take my time, I want to savour every sweet inch of your sexy little body.” He kisses me; a sensual slow kiss.

“It’s going to happen Lily…soon. But for now, just let me make you feel good.” His hands move down to the hem of my dress, pulling it up to reveal my satin thong.

BOOK: Intrigued and Enchanted
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