Intrigued and Enchanted (13 page)

BOOK: Intrigued and Enchanted
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Mr E: Yes. Finals are over baby, you’re all mine now. X

A rush of excitement blossoms in my stomach, unleashing the swarm of butterflies. I take his wardrobe advice and find a nice dress to wear. May is a beautiful time of year in New York and lends itself to any fashion statement a girl wants to make. Another reason to love this city!

I go with a figure hugging cap sleeve navy dress, falling just below my knees, with a side split up to my thigh. Teamed with simple navy lace peep toe heels and matching clutch I’m feeling pretty classy. I decide on a navy lace bra and Brazilian thong. With minimal make-up and my blonde hair swept up into a fifties secretary style (sort of beehive at front with an intricate ponytail at the back) I’m ready to go.

I’ve packed an overnight bag with some sexy lingerie, PJs and a change of clothes for tomorrow, as requested. As if on cue, the buzzer sounds as I zip the bag. When I open the front door Brandon is leaning against the door jamb, arms over his chest and his legs crossed at the ankle. He looks incredible; like he’s walked off a Milan runway and into my life. He’s wearing a navy pinstripe three piece suit, crisp white shirt and a silver tie. My mouth is watering…literally.

“Well, well, well, Miss Pritchard. We match again. You look devastatingly beautiful tonight. I might have to cancel our plans and take you to my offices. You’re putting me in the mood to live out a very naughty secretary fantasy.” I like the sound of that.

“Anything you say Mr Redgrave.” He slowly eases past me, picking up my overnight bag and taking my hand in his.

“Let’s go, before I don’t want to leave this apartment.” I shout goodbye to Jess as I close the door behind me.

Angus is waiting at the entrance to my building. Brandon hands him my overnight bag and starts walking away from the car, tucking me into his side.

“Where are we going?” I’m so excited to be out with Brandon.

“That would be telling sweet girl. We’ll be there soon. It’s a surprise.” It’s a great night for a stroll in the city; the sun is shining, it’s lovely and warm but with just a light breeze, and the city is alive with possibilities. Brandon occasionally lifts our interlaced fingers to his mouth and presses a gentle kiss to my skin. It’s a small gesture, but I love how cherished it makes me feel.

We make our way into Central Park, one of my favourite places in the world. The tranquillity that can be found in Central Park is such a juxtaposition to the hustle and bustle of the city streets. It’s like being transported to paradise. I’m beginning to wonder where Brandon is taking me when I stop in my tracks. There are no words for the inexplicable swell of emotions slamming into my chest. It’s breath-taking; it’s magical; it's everything I could hope for in a fantasy and more.

“Do you like it?” Brandon seems almost nervous waiting for my reaction.

“Oh my God Brandon.” I’m choking up. It feels like I have a golf ball stuck in my throat. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful in my life. It’s so perfect.” Brandon has brought me to Shakespeare Garden for dinner. The garden is filled with only flowers mentioned in the works of Shakespeare – This was one of my favourite places to come when I was planning out my thesis. It’s gorgeous on a normal day, however, tonight it is exquisite in its beauty.

There are white twinkling lights everywhere; covering every bench, every tree, and woven throughout the flowerbeds. It’s like walking into a dream. There’s an enchanting gazebo covered with white lights and climbing roses set up close to the bronze statue of my favourite playwright. Inside there’s a table set for two. Wow. I thought the beach was romantic, but this is something else entirely.

I’m so taken aback by everything around me I don’t even realise I’m crying. Brandon cups my face in his hands, wiping away my tears with his thumbs.

“Please tell me these are happy tears baby?” His eyes twinkling under the stunning lights.

“Yes Brandon. They’re happy tears. I’m so overwhelmed that you would go to so much trouble just for me. This is…God I can’t even find the words to describe how amazing this is. Thank you so much.”

“Of course I would do this for you. You deserve so much more Lily. I wanted to find a place that could look half as beautiful as you. You’re enchanting Lily, I can’t get enough of you. I’m completely captivated by you.” He leans down and ever so gently licks my lips with his tongue, entreating me to open to him. I part my lips and let his tongue consume me; mine reflecting his every movement. It's as if I was made to kiss this man.

I don’t know how long we stay like this; however long it is, it will never be enough. If I wasn’t sure before this moment, I know now without a doubt. I am in love with Brandon Redgrave.

Brandon pulls back, a light satisfied hum coming from his throat, his eyes half shut, the picture of contentment.

“Let me feed you Lily. Come with me.” He leads me over to the table where a waiter is pouring two glasses of chilled Cristal. Brandon ushers me into my seat before taking his; lifting his glass, he makes a toast.

“To you Lily. Congratulations on finishing your degree. Here’s to the next chapter. May it bring you everything your heart desires and more my sweet girl. Cheers.” We clink glasses and take a sip. The champagne is delicious. Everything about this night so far is perfect.

The waiter lifts the silver domes from our dishes to reveal a simple and completely scrumptious Caesar salad for starters. I realise I’m starving and I don’t want the champagne to affect me quickly. The main course is possibly the best steak I have ever tasted – medium rare, on a bed of spinach, topped with goat’s cheese, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

The conversation flows easily between us as if we’ve known each other for years. Brandon tells me a bit about his family – only child, mom and dad that are very much still in love. Also very supportive and proud of his achievements. He’s a poster child for a happy upbringing. He knows better than to talk about my family tonight. The last time we talked about them I cried for hours. Instead he seamlessly steers me onto my plans for the future.

“So Miss Pritchard. What lies in store for you now? Is there something you’ve always wanted to do?” God I love his smile.

“It’s silly, but I always dreamed of becoming an author. I love everything about literature, reading it, writing it, and studying it. To make a career for myself doing what I love would be incredible. Obviously I’ll need to find a job that pays the bills just now, but if I can work on a novel in my spare time then who knows what the future could bring.” Brandon’s eyes light up.

“That's amazing Lily. You will be a fantastic writer.” Brandon leans under the table, bringing a rectangular box back up with him.

“I hope this will help you make your dream come true Lily.” He hands me the box.

“Brandon, you don’t have to buy me stuff. I just want to spend time with you.”

“I know that sweet girl. I saw this and it made me think of the day I met you, looking gorgeous with all those loose papers fluttering down around you. Please open it.”

I lift the lid on the box; inside is a stunning burgundy leather notebook with an engraved white gold plaque on the front. The engraving reads:

To My Sweet Girl

Hear my soul speak

Of the very instant that I saw you,

Did my heart fly to your service.

Yours Brandon x

He can quote Shakespeare? Not just any Shakespeare – The Tempest. It’s one of my favourite plays. I wipe the tears that are forming at the corners of my eyes.

“It’s so beautiful Brandon. Thank you so much. I love it.” His face is brimming with joy at my reaction.

“I’m glad you like it sweetheart. Maybe you could use it to write down ideas for your novel.”

“That’s exactly what I’m going to use it for.”

“In some small way I’ll have contributed to helping you make your dreams a reality.” He has a vulnerable look on his face, like I’ll think what he said is stupid or something. Before I engage the filter I speak.

“I’m pretty sure you could be a huge contributor to all of my dreams coming true Brandon.” I feel my face flush at my confession. Brandon takes my hands in his and grazes his thumbs back and forth over my knuckles, holding me with his intense gaze. My heart is racing; my eyes fixed on his; a charged silence crackling between us.

Dessert is a delicious Crème Brulee. We eat in silence, our eyes fixed on each other. I can only tear my eyes from his to watch as he licks his dessert from his spoon. Who knew Crème Brulee could be so sexy? When we finish, Brandon stands from the table.

“Dance with me Lily.” He holds out his hand to me and as he does, music starts playing, ethereal and haunting. I don’t even want to think about how Brandon has pulled all of this off, I just want to dance with him. The band is playing an acoustic version of Adele’s ‘Make You Feel My Love’.

Brandon pulls me close, holding my hand to his chest; wrapping his other hand around my waist. We start to sway, moving effortlessly to the music, my head resting on his chest, drinking in the lyrics. I want to remember every moment of this evening; the sound of Brandon’s heartbeat against my ear; the smell of his cologne mixed with clean laundry and his unique scent; the feel of his body moving against mine. A peaceful hum escapes my chest. Brandon holds me tighter, his voice a sultry whisper in my ear.

“I would consider it a privilege if you would stay with me tonight Lily; and do me the honour of letting me make love to you.” I can feel his heart racing against my hand, my own quickening to keep time with his. I look up into his eyes; pure reverence shining back at me. I’m nervous, but I know that I don’t want this to happen with anyone but Brandon.

“Yes” is all I can manage past the lump in my throat. I move my hands up into Brandon’s hair, guiding his lips down to mine. With a tender kiss I confirm my answer.



We head out of the park to fine Angus waiting for us with the town car. Brandon opens the door for me.

“I thought you might not want to do anymore walking with those killer heels on…which I love by the way.” His eyebrows wiggling suggestively at me. When we’re settled in the back seat together Angus pulls into the traffic heading towards the Upper East Side. I don’t care where we’re going, I just want to be with Brandon. We don’t speak in the car, the weight of what I just agreed to hanging in the air between us. Brandon gently strokes my hand as we drive, his touch eliciting a wave of excitement at what’s to come.

We turn onto 5th Avenue, and Angus pulls up in front of Brandon’s building. Carved into the granite above the lobby doors is the name Suffolk Tower. It screams money. I mean I live on the Upper West Side, but I could never afford something like this. I’ve been living on my inheritance from the sale of the ranch while I’ve been studying. That won’t last forever, another year at best, then I’ll be looking for a slightly less expensive apartment.

Brandon helps me out of the car and heads through the impressive glass doors into the lobby. A distinguished looking man greets us as we enter.

“Good evening Mr Redgrave. Ms.” Brandon smiles and says hello, leading me to the elevators. Once inside he pulls a key card from his pocket, inserting it into the panel and then punching some numbers into the keypad. We’re going to the penthouse. Even the elevator is stunning - refined and elegant with soft lighting, and decadent decor. Clutching my hand in his, Brandon leads me out of the elevator and into the lobby of his apartment.

There’s a chunky marble table in the centre with at least ten dozen roses arranged in a giant crystal vase. Absolutely gorgeous. Brandon unlocks intricately carved oak doors and ushers me in.

Wow. Apartment is not the word for this place…Kingdom maybe. My eyes are immediately drawn to the wall of windows looking out onto Central Park. It’s beyond breath-taking. I can see why you would feel like a master of the universe standing here looking out at Manhattan. Brandon’s arms snake around my waist from behind.

“It’s an amazing view.” He isn’t staring out the window, he’s looking directly at me, as if he’s looking into the depths of my very being.

“It’s spectacular Brandon.” As I turn in his arms he slowly caresses my waist, his hands travelling up my sides, skimming the sides of my breast as he makes his way to my face. My nipples instantly harden from his brief contact; my breath quickening as I look up into the pools of ice-blue heaven staring back at me. His hands cupping my face as if I was made of glass.

“Lily, the only thing in here that is spectacular is you. You take my breath away sweet girl. I lo…….I….oh God Lily.” His gaze hungry, he groans as his mouth takes mine. Our lips and tongues moving in perfect harmony. I can’t stop myself from moaning into his mouth, the sensation of his tongue stroking mine sending waves of pleasure throughout my body.

I start to shake; my nerves getting the better of me. Brandon moves his arms around me pulling me close to his chest.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” he whispers, trailing kisses up and down my neck.

“I don’t know what to do Brandon. I don’t want to disappoint you.” My gaze drifting to the floor. Brandon grabs my face in his hands.

“Look at me Lily. Look. At. Me.” When my eyes find his, there’s a tender look in his eyes.

“Lily...there is nothing you could do that would disappoint me. We don’t have to do this tonight. There is no rush sweeet girl. I can wait.”

“It’s not that Brandon. I want to. I want to…with you. But I have no experience and I want you to enjoy it. You have so much more experience than me. How can I compare.” He lets out a small chuckle.

“How many women do you think I’ve slept with Lily? I’m not a player. What’s with the – so much experience?” I’m embarrassed now.

“Look at you Brandon. Women must throw themselves at you all the time. You could have any woman you want.”

“I didn’t think this was where our conversation was heading, but I guess we’re talking about this now. Take a seat and I’ll grab a bottle of wine from the fridge.” I could kick myself. I completely ruined the moment. This is not what I wanted it to be like after the wonderful date he arranged for me tonight. I wanted it to be perfect.

BOOK: Intrigued and Enchanted
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