My Stepbrother's Secret Baby: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance (4 page)

BOOK: My Stepbrother's Secret Baby: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance
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Trenton excused himself and left me alone in his little secret hideaway apartment. I took the opportunity and went exploring, soaking in and reveling in every tiny, luxurious detail. The living quarters were beyond my wildest dreams. There was no way I’d ever be able to live somewhere like that on my own.


The silence up high like that, on the 73
floor of Ellsworth Plaza Tower was scary. So was the idea of having a baby at twenty-two with my former stepbrother. But then again, so was the idea of never finishing school or living a life working soul-sucking, low-wage jobs. I had to pick my poison. I was going to have to piss or get off the pot.


I stripped my clothes off and drew a hot, steamy bath in the pedestal tub of the master bathroom next to a giant picture window overlooking the city. Outside it was pitch dark and giant snowflakes clouded the view. Inside it was steamy warm as I soaked in a sea of lavender scented bubbles.


I rested my eyes for just a second, imagining for one minute that this was my life. I’d never have to worry. I’d never have to want for anything. I’d have a beautiful child with a father who wanted it and was very much involved. I’d have everything I ever wanted or needed.


I didn’t understand Trenton’s infatuation with me, but I hoped that if I stuck around and got to know him better, he’d open up a little.


As the water turned luke warm over the following hour, I stepped out, grabbing a white, fluffy robe from the linen closet.


“Shoot!” I called out, realizing my back was in Trenton’s apartment. I tied my robe tight and traipsed across the massive apartment to the secret door that connected the two living quarters.


I knocked. Nothing. I knocked again, only louder. Still nothing. I twisted the door handle and it opened much to my surprise. I’d have figured it was locked.


“Trenton?” I called out. His apartment was still dark and dim, save for the twinkling city lights outside. A trail of faint piano music filled the space, drawing me to a part of his apartment I didn’t know existed.


Following the music, I found myself standing in some sort of grand parlor where Trenton tickled the ivories of a shiny black piano that sat dead center in the middle of the room. He was in his own little world, playing some fancy little classical tune. The muscles of his back and forearms glided with every note as his body subtly moved with the music. It was quite possibly one of the most beautiful, haunting melodies I’d ever heard before.


“Ahem,” I said the moment he was finished. I was very much still feeling my drinks from earlier. I clapped my hands. “Bravo. Bravo.”


He spun around, slightly startled. “Didn’t see you there, Brenna.”


He stood up and closed the lid on the piano and then looked me up and down. I’d forgotten for a moment that I was in nothing but a fluffy white robe.


“I left my bag,” I said. “I came to get it and then heard you playing.”


“I play every night,” he said. “Helps me wind down and fall asleep. I’ve never been a good sleeper.”


“Me neither,” I confessed with a sigh. “Mind never shuts off.”


“Same here,” he replied. “See, we have more in common than you realize.”


I followed him out to the foyer where my bag was sitting neatly against an entrance table. He picked it up and carried it for me over to the secret door, and I was relieved to see he had good manners.


“So,” I hesitated in the doorway. “What’s the plan for tomorrow?”


“I have to work,” he said. “Contrary to what you probably think about me, I do work. You’re welcome to stick around here and lounge around or you can join me in the office. Get an idea of what a typical day is like for me.”


“I could do that,” I said, nodding.


“Alright,” he said. “Be ready to go by eight.”


In the reflection of the moonlight that trickled in behind him, I secretly reveled in how damn good-looking Trenton Ellsworth was. His thick, dark chestnut hair. His sparkly blue eyes. His dimples. His full lips. His strong jaw and straight nose. I’d never tell him though. I was quite sure he already knew.


“So I guess this is goodnight?” I said, hesitating and trying to sneak in one last good look at him.


“It is,” he replied with a sexy smile. “Sleep well, Brenna.”




I took a seat in his office as I waited for him to return from a meeting. We’d ridden to his office together that morning in his Town Car after I called into work at the coffee shop. He spent the entire morning on his cell phone, so I barely got so much as a “good morning” from him.


“Okay, I’m back,” he said, returning to his office mid-morning. “So sorry about this morning. Trying to get a lead on a hot developing going up. Lots of phone calls.”


“It’s okay,” I replied, wondering if he was done trying to impress me. It was clear to me that his career was number one.


“Did you sleep well last night?” he asked. “I forgot to ask you this morning.”


“I did, thank you,” I replied. My real answer should’ve been, “Oh, my freaking gosh, absolutely. It was the best sleep of my life and the most comfortable bed I’ve ever touched.” But I wanted to play it cool. I wasn’t quite sold yet on us having a baby together.


“I asked my housekeeper to add your place to her schedule,” he said.


“My place?” I repeated.


“Yes,” he said, lips curling into a smirk. “Don’t tell me you’re not staying.”


My eyes scanned the length of his shiny mahogany desk and rested upon a shiny gold pen. Even his freaking pens were luxurious. This could be my life. I’d only had a very small taste and I was already enchanted.


I stood up and walked over to his door, shutting it so we could talk. “I have some questions.”




“First of all,” I said. “This contract. Is it legal and binding?”


“Of course,” he said. “My attorney drafted it up. You can have yours look at it if you want.”


“Second of all,” I continued. “How would this insemination happen? Are we talking about a turkey baster or…?”


He smiled and got himself situated in his chair. “I was hoping we could do it the traditional way. Would be more fun, don’t you think?”


“Oh,” I said, pausing. “I didn’t realize that was what you had in mind.”


“Come on, Brenna,” he said. “It’s just a little sex. Besides, we’re not related. Not anymore. I’m a man and you’re a woman. We’re not brother and sister like we were for a brief period of our lives that either of us hardly remember…”


I’d have been lying if I said I hadn’t pictured what it’d be like having sex with Trenton Ellsworth. His broad shoulders, his creamy tan skin, his blue eyes, his strong hands. The way he looked at me over dinner sent shivers down my spine as much as I tried to fight it. I wouldn’t have to worry about the sexual attraction, that was for sure.


“I suppose,” I said, feeling myself caving.


“I’m a very attentive lover,” he said, his voice low and nearly a whisper. “I promise you won’t be left dissatisfied.”


“I’m not worried about that,” I replied, my fingers twitching at the reality of how crazy this all was. My mind told me to stop being so foolish. Don’t do this. But my body told me to shut up and do it. “You know you want it,” it kept saying to me as I tingled below at the thought of lying naked in bed with Trenton.


“We can have a practice run if you’d like,” he proposed. “Tonight. After dinner. Let me make you feel good.”


He stood up and walked around his desk to face me, slipping his hands around my hips and claiming me right there in his office with his presence. He lowered his face towards mine, the faint sensation of his lips barely pressing against mine as he teased me. He didn’t quite kiss me, but he may as well have.


“Let me make love to you tonight,” he spoke low and soft into my ear. “I promise you’ll feel safe. Protected. Wanted.”


I hadn’t had a man’s touch in at least two years. School had been taking up all my time, and Columbia was no walk in the park in the academic department. I had to bust my ass and that left very little time for, um, extra curriculars like sex and dating.


His fingertips traced my sides as he pulled away, leaving me suddenly missing the way he felt pressed up against me for a brief moment.


“Okay,” I said, barely recognizing my thoughts. I was crazy to do this, and I knew it, but something told me I should.










I lay back in my bed, waiting for that knock. Brenna finished her dinner and then retreated her to her quarters to get ready. She’d downed an extra glass of wine at dinner and judging by how fidgety she was all night, she was getting antsy for my touch.


My mind kept wandering to Tierney and the first time we made love, but I forced those memories out. This night wasn’t about Tierney. It was about Brenna and showing her how well I could treat her. Convincing her that I was a man of my word. Making her believe that I was worthy of being the father of a child she didn’t plan on having.


A light rapping on the door signaled that she was there. I hopped up to let her in. Bathed in the faint light from the hallway, her long, dark hair spilled down around her shoulders, covering the spaghetti straps of her silk nightie.


I slipped my arm around her waist and brushed her cheek with my free hand, leaning down to claim her mouth. Her taste, mint and cherry lip balm, and the soft sensation of her skin got me primed.


“You ready?” I whispered into her ear. She nodded, biting her lip.


We stumbled backwards into my room before falling back on the bed, her body pinned under mine. I ran my fingers through her silky hair and caressed the side of her gorgeous face.


“You have no idea how badly I’ve been waiting to do this,” I confessed. “Ever since I saw you, I knew I had to have you.”


Her lips parted into a reserved smile, as if she were still unsure of me.


“I had fun today,” she said. “I saw a different side of you.”


I leaned in and kissed her again, my hand running the length of her side and resting on her hip. My lips worked from her mouth to her cheek and then down to her neck, peppering soft kisses into her milky white flesh.


“Are you sure we should do this?” she sighed, tossing her head back as her body enjoyed every second but her mind was clouded with second thoughts. “Maybe we shouldn’t quite yet …”


“Brenna,” I breathed into her neck. “Don’t think. You think about things too much. Just relax.”


My words sent her into another state as she melted down into the bed and her eyes looked at me longingly, as if she’d just given into the feelings she’d been trying to fight all along.


She leaned up and kissed my mouth. “If I do this for you. If I have your baby. What is this? This thing with you and me?”


“It doesn’t matter what it is,” I said, between kisses. “It doesn’t have to be anything. It is what it is.”


She rolled over top of me, straddling my hips between her thighs as she slowly pulled off her top. My heart pounded hard in my chest as my hands cupped her supple, generous breasts and she sighed, as if she were releasing the tension of a thousand years. She leaned down and unbuttoned my shirt, slowly and sensually before climbing off me and unzipping my pants. This was really happening.


“Do you want this?” she panted, looking up to make eye contact with me as if she needed more reassurance.


I nodded, unable to contain my arousal any longer as her hands worked to free me from the confines below. She stood up and slipped her pants down, kicking them across the room and crawling back on the bed.


I leaned on my side my hands traveling the length of her soft flesh, taking in every inch of her. I couldn’t get enough. She laid flat on her back and I climbed on top of her, slipping my fingers down between her thighs and touching her for the first time. Her warmth was inviting and her wetness told me she wanted this just as much as I did.


“You sure you want to do this?” I breathed into her ear, asking once again for posterity. She nodded yes. I leaned over, pulling a condom from my nightstand and sheathing my uncontainable hardness.


I used my legs to spread her thighs as we touched. Skin to skin and heartbeat to heartbeat, this was happening. I positioned myself at her entrance and gently pushed myself in. I thrusted, repeatedly, slowly at first and then building. I couldn’t get enough of her.


“Trenton,” she sighed, tossing her head to the side as her hair ebony splayed out behind her. “Oh, my god. You’re really good at this.”


I continued thrusting, gently cupping her face with my hand and turning her gaze towards mine. I wanted to look at her. I wanted her to be present. “Look at me, Brenna.”


Her brown eyes locked into mine.


“Relax,” I said to her as I continued plunging into her depths. “Be here with me.”


She nodded, and I felt her body relax a bit underneath me. I was quite certain a million worries were crossing through her mind and pulling her out of the moment, but I refused to let that happen. I leaned down and kissed her mouth, hard. I felt it coming. I couldn’t fight it much longer.


“Come with me, Brenna,” I whispered. Her hips began to buck against mine as gentle sighs escaped from her lips. I watched as her face tensed and then released and her lips parted into a silent ‘o’ until she couldn’t take it any longer.


I pulled myself out of her, pulled off the condom, and released myself onto her stomach before collapsing on the bed next to her, our bodies hot and sticky.


She stood up and walked to the bathroom to get cleaned up.


“Can I sleep in here tonight?” she asked when she returned. “With you?”




BOOK: My Stepbrother's Secret Baby: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance
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