My Stepbrother's Secret Baby: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance (8 page)

BOOK: My Stepbrother's Secret Baby: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance
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Trenton’s face said it all. He was shocked. Not expecting to come home to this.


“Thanks for the card,” I said. “I think I spent my allowance wisely today. Don’t you?” I did a little spin, turning my round booty towards him and showing off my matching g-string and peach-shaped ass.


He stood, paralyzed and still saying nothing as his eyes washed over my body from head to toe. I walked up to him and grabbed him by his tie, placing my lips on his, but he jerked away.


“I’m really tired, Brenna,” he said. “We don’t have to do this every day, you know.”


Instantly deflated, my shoulders fell. I stepped back, my heels clicking on the marble tile. I turned my head so he wouldn’t see my warmed cheeks, flushed with embarrassment.


“You look great though, Brenna,” he said, trying to make me feel better.


“Yeah, whatever,” I mumbled, walking towards the secret door. Back to my lair.


“Maybe tomorrow?” he called out after me.


“Maybe,” I said as I scanned my finger on the scanner. “Maybe not.”


I went to my apartment and shut the door behind me, running to my room to take off those pretty little undergarments. I slipped a satin robe on and came out of my room to find Trenton seated on the sofa in the living area.


“Trenton,” I said, startled. I knew he owned the place, but I didn’t know he was going to come in as he pleased.


“Please don’t storm off like that,” he said. He stood and walked over to my mini bar to fix himself a drink. “Let’s keep this light and fun. We don’t need to set a precedence like that. If you have an issue, you can just tell me.”


I opened my mouth to speak, choosing my words carefully. “I tried to come on to you and you rejected me. That’s my issue.”


He smiled. “It’s not because you didn’t turn me on, if that’s what you’re thinking.”


I shrugged and averted my eyes. “Why don’t you want me?” I wrapped my robe tighter around my body, suddenly feeling insecure. “I spent a lot of time today getting ready. I’m just trying to make this fun. Like you asked. I’m trying to make you happy.”


He walked over to me, cupping my face. “You’re making me happier than you’ll ever know by agreeing to do this.”


“Well, you’re going to have to initiate everything from now on,” I huffed. “I’m not going to run the risk of spending all day getting ready for you only to be tossed aside because you’re not feelin’ it.”


He laughed, amused. “Brenna, you’re beautiful. I’m just … not in the mood today.”


“Billion dollar playboy’s not in the mood,” I huffed to myself. “Yeah. Right. Who’d you fuck today? Bend your secretary over your desk on your lunch break?”


“Brenna,” he said, rubbing his hands on my arms in an attempt to calm me down. “I was with someone today. I’ll be honest. That was the agreement, right? We’re not exclusive. I’m just being transparent here.”


“You fucked another girl?” I said. I knew we weren’t exclusive, but the reality of it hit me harder than I’d anticipated. “I hope you used protection.”


I stormed over to the mini bar to make myself a drink.


“Of course,” he said. “Absolutely. I’m not like that.”


“So who was it?” I asked, my voice low and vulnerable. “As the future mother of your child, I think I have a right to know.”


“An ex girlfriend,” he said.


“I thought you didn’t have girlfriends,” I said. “You’re not the settling type.”


“She predates that,” he said. “She’s the one who created this monster.”


I smiled, amused. It was all starting to make sense. He was the way he was because of a girl.


“So that explains a lot,” I said, pouring my drink and taking a sip, letting the amber liquid swill around in my mouth before swallowing it. “She denied you happiness so you’re going to deny yourself happiness by never settling down. It’s a way for you to control the things which you cannot typically control.”


“Don’t try to psychoanalyze me,” he laughed. “Aren’t you an accounting major?”


“It’s plain as day,” I said. “I almost feel sorry for you.”


“Why are we fighting? We’re not even dating.”


“We’re not fighting,” I said. “You think this is a fight?”


“I don’t know,” he said, raking his finger through his hair. “Feels tense. I’m not used to this stuff.”


“Yeah because you never let anyone in,” I said. “You don’t get closer enough to other women to have these sorts of conversations. Guess what, Trenton? You want me to have your baby? You’re going to get the real me. You’re going to see me at my best. You’re going to see me at my worst. And you’re going to see everything in between.”


He said nothing.


“This,” I said. “Is what you signed on for.”


He stood up, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. “Dinner’s at six.” He left my apartment, closing the door behind him.




“So, about this girl,” I said over our candlelight dinner that evening.


Trenton rolled his eyes. “I don’t know why you’re so fixated on this.”


Maybe a small part of me was a little bit jealous that he’d been showering me with his attention and lavishing me with gifts, and now some other girl could potentially take all that away from me.


“You don’t want to have a baby with her?” I asked.


“Nope,” he replied, sipping his wine. “I want you.”


“What if you fall in love with her again?” I asked. “Assuming that you ever really fell out of love with her, which I don’t think you ever did.”


“What is with your obsession?” he asked, shaking his head. “You need to find something else to fill that pretty little head with.”


I rolled my eyes. “All of me. All of you. Remember? Complete transparency.”


“I am transparent,” he said, cutting his filet mignon. “I told you I slept with her today.”


“I-I guess,” I stammered. “I just want to know if you’re going to fall for her again and want to have a family with her. You say you don’t, now, but she came back into your life for a reason.”


“Yeah, because her father died and she divorced her husband,” I said. “She’s just lonely. Wanted the comfort of a familiar man.”


“And you gave it to her,” I said. “That must mean something.”


“God damn it, Brenna,” he said, standing up and throwing his napkin on his plate. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore.”


Cool, even-keeled Trenton had flipped his lid, and it all had to do with this woman he claimed he didn’t love. I called bullshit. I sat quietly, paralyzed, as I watched him leave the dining room, his food left untouched as he headed to his room.


I finished my dinner in silence and stood up to leave, retiring to my place for the night.




The following morning, I was shocked when I saw Trenton standing in the doorway of his kitchen, dressed for work and freshly showered with hungry eyes, looking at me like the hot blooded American man I knew he was.


“Oh, thought you’d be at work by now,” I said, glancing at the clock on the wall.


He walked up to me, grabbing a fistful of my hair in his hand at the nape of my neck, lowering his head down and pressing his mouth onto mine. He pressed his body into me and I felt his massive hardness against my hips.


“You turn me on, Brenna,” he said. “What’s it going to take for you to prove it? I’m in this with you. My personal life is not a factor in … any of this.”


Trenton took my hand and led me back to his room, gently placing me on the bed and pressing me down. He untied my robe, leaving me in my bra and panties.


His warm hands slid down the length of my sides stopping to part my thighs when he got to my hips. He lowered his face to my wet and waiting lady kingdom and used his tongue to swirl around my nib, lapping me up intensely as he pressed the fabric to the side for access.


“Ahh,” I breathed out. It felt so good. He was really, really trying to prove something. I clenched my thighs around his head, fighting off the inevitable.


“Not yet,” he said. “We’re only just getting started.”


He reached over his nightstand, grabbing a black lace blindfold and securing it around my eyes. He was serious about keeping this fun.


He unzipped his pants, and then I heard the clinking of him unbuckling his pants. I felt the weight of his thick body on the edge of the bed. He was moving around, doing something, but I couldn’t tell what. Through the lace of my blindfold, I could tell that he was completely naked. I felt him get up off the edge of the bed. He walked across the room and flipped off the light switch. There was definitely no seeing through the blindfold now.


I felt him climb back on the bed. He didn’t move for a second until suddenly I felt his thick hand palming my right thigh. His hands were rough and big and he slowly slid it from my hip bone down to my knee and then moved it to my inner thigh. My body tensed up at first and then I took a deep breath and tried to relax.


“Relax,” Trenton whispered as his hand inched its way up towards my upper inner thigh. He was growing closer and closer to my pussy, which was tingling now.


I loosened my body and let my legs relax and spread outward once again. I’d take more of his tongue any day. Trenton’s strong fingers rubbed my pussy. He massaged and rubbed for a while before moving his hand up towards my breasts. He copped a feel over my bra with one hand before pulling the cups down to expose my heaving breasts. My nipples stood at attention from the cold room air, and my heart was now pounding in my chest.


He moved his hand back down towards my pussy and slid it under my panties. Trenton’s fingers rubbed between my pussy lips and massaged my clit.


“Mmm,” I moaned.


Trenton slid my panties completely off and tossed them to the side. He reached his hands behind me and unhooked my bra. I was now fully naked, lying on the bed in the darkness next to him. He grabbed my hand and guided it down to his rock hard cock, showing me he was good and ready.


I heard Trenton stifle a moan as I rubbed and tugged on his cock.


“Put it in your mouth,” he commanded.


I sat up and felt my way down to the middle of the bed. With one hand on his cock, I shoved the rest of it in my mouth. It filled my mouth entirely, and I even tasted some pre-cum. I placed one hand on his thigh to steady myself. My head bobbed up and down, he reached down and grabbed a breast, squeezing hard.


After a few minutes, he pulled me by the arm and guided me back to laying on my back on the bed. I felt the heat of his body over top of me and then felt him take my nipples in his mouth, one by one. His hot breath and five o’clock shadow tickled my soft breasts. While he suckled and toyed with my pert nipples, one of his hands slipped down between my legs. A single, thick finger slipped inside my pussy. He fingered me with one finger at first, then worked a second one inside. His fingers tickled and rubbed my g-spot, and my hips began to buck in response.


“Not yet,” he whispered.


He slid his body down over mine. I could feel his muscled abs rubbing on me as he moved, and then he placed his hands on my inner thighs. He spread my legs as far apart as they would go and crouched down between them. The next thing I felt was the moistness of his tongue all over my pussy lips. Trenton used his fingers to spread my pussy lips apart as he licked and tongued and sucked my clit and pussy lips. It was intense and almost too much. I could tell he was experienced in this department and that he enjoyed doing it. I had never had a guy eat me out the way Trenton did. He was hungry for me, and he wasn’t afraid to go for the gold.

BOOK: My Stepbrother's Secret Baby: A Billionaire Stepbrother Romance
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