Read Omega Online

Authors: Charlene Hartnady

Omega (2 page)

BOOK: Omega
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“Tell us exactly what happened. Don’t leave out a single detail.” He
had to get to the bottom of this. A ways into the story, Cole had to hold up
his hand stopping her mid-sentence as he asked, “He sniffed your hair?”

“More than just sniffed it, he nuzzled into my hair and, yeah,
sniffed at it.”

, this was way worse than he’d
originally thought.

“What does it mean?” When he didn’t answer she leant forward
touching his knee. Imploring him with her eyes. “Just tell me.”

“Bain doesn’t want to kill you. He wants to mate with you…and is
willing to break an agreement that’s lasted over two hundred years to do it.
The question is why?”

“What do you mean he wants to mate with me?”

“I’m sorry but the only way to tell you this is to just be blunt…,”
Cole normally didn’t sugar coat things, but for some reason he wanted to do
just that for her. He couldn’t though. She had to understand what she was up
against. “You’re human.”

“I had noticed,” she said with a smile.

He hesitated again, and she gave him that expectant look as if to
“Out with it Cole.”

He looked away and then met her straight on. “When I say he wants to
mate with you, I mean, quite simply, that he wants to fuck you.” Katy gasped
and he gave her a few seconds to compose herself before he continued, “Not what
you want to hear but you need to know how serious this is. If he catches you,
there will be no consideration about whether you want him or not. He will take
you in any way he wants with no regard to your wishes or needs. You’re human so
he won’t want any type of long term commitment. I still don’t fully understand
why he would be willing to compromise so much in order to satisfy his lust. Or
why he specifically wants you.”

Chapter 3


After four hours on the road, Cole decided that they had put enough
distance between themselves and the pursuing wolves to be able to make a quick stop.
Katy needed to pick up a few essentials to get by for a couple of days.

They headed straight for the jeans section of the store. Practicality
was what was needed in situations like this. A dirty business suit just
wouldn’t cut it, she needed to blend in, not draw attention. As she took off
her laddered stockings, she was thankful that she’d taken the time to shave her
legs this morning.

Cole was going with her. To protect her, he’d said, although she got
the distinct impression it was really to make sure she didn’t do something
stupid like try and run.

When he stepped out of the car and removed the black trench coat he
was wearing, she got a chance to look at the long, impressive length of him.
More like stare. It took conscience effort to avert her eyes once she’d given
him the twice over.

Tall, built, distinctly dangerous.

Wearing non-descript faded, old jeans and a plain, off-white
t-shirt; he looked like he’d just stepped off the front cover of a men’s health
magazine, without even trying. An unwanted shiver of awareness crept up her
spine. This was no time for ogling a man she hardly knew, any man for that
matter. Yet, with such a strong aura about him, she was tempted to allow
herself to trust him. She burned to be able to do just that but it would be
impossible, she didn’t know him or his so called sister any more than she had
the man who tried to abduct her earlier today. The man who wanted to rape her.
Worst of all, Bain wasn’t a man at all, he was a demon wolf.

Part animal
. It disgusted her.

“We need to make this fast.” Cole put a hand to the small of her
back ushering her in the direction of the nearest clothing racks. The awareness
grew, rushing its way through her body turning quickly to…need.
Oh God
even through the fabric of her clothing, his hand felt hot and heavy against
her. Katy moved forward and out of the range of his touch not liking how it
affected her.

Instead of holding back he strode past her, then turned back, his
eyes slid down the length of her so quickly that when his eyes met hers, she
found herself wondering whether it had happened at all. Her cheeks burned and
her nipples tightened telling her that it had. It made her remember the way his
hands had moved over her in the car. Even when he was just checking for
injuries, his touch was sure and sensual. It lead her to believe that he would know
his way around a woman. The patch of skin on her back still felt heated. The
air seemed to thin and her breathing hitched. Cole flashed a barely there
smile, she had to work to keep her legs from turning to jelly. It would be
better if she didn’t think of sex in his presence.

Without warning he turned, striding away until he disappeared
amongst the racks. This had never happened to her before. Physical attraction
so raw and primal, so animal. Katy took in a ragged breath.
What was
happening to her?

Before she’d had time to choose a single thing, Cole materialized at
her side clutching everything she could possibly need, jeans, t-shirts, a
jacket, sneakers, underwear…


Exactly what she’d been looking for and all very practical. Right
down to the white, cotton bra and panties. The underwear he was holding was
something her grandmother would have chosen.

“Let’s move. We’ll go out that way so that you can pick up a toothbrush
and whatever else in the…women’s department, you might need.”

“Fine, but first let me try on the…”

That small, barely there smile of his was back making her stop what
she was saying.

“Don’t you trust my…instincts?” His eyes branded yet another path all
the way down her highly reactive body.

Everywhere he looked clenched, puckered and heated in ways she’d
never felt before, especially not for a complete stranger. This time, the
appraisal was at a leisurely pace. It should have had her feeling uneasy, like
women did when they were being mentally undressed; instead, he managed to make
her feel desirable, sexy.

Squaring her shoulders, she thrust her chest out, darn but she liked
the burning look that appeared in his eyes. Katy headed for the changing rooms
without waiting for his permission. There was no way she was paying for clothes
she’d never tried on before.


This was some game she was playing at. Make no mistake, it was
definitely a game and he wasn’t going to fall for it. One thing was for sure
though, he was attracted to her. Desire coursed through his veins as he watched
her close the curtain of one of the changing booths.

He didn’t like it.

Cole waited, standing directly opposite the velvet, blue curtain,
staying alert. He wasn’t worried about her escaping but with demon wolves
closing in from all sides, he
feared for her safety.
Besides wanting her, he felt a heightened need to protect her. Cole bristled at
the thought of another wolf coming within a foot of her.
Katy was his.

Where in all the hells hounds names had that come from?  

Probably from the fact that he could smell her from here, like a
summer breeze and candle lit dinners but also of red lace and leather. The
perfect specimen. Cole took a step away from the booth, he wished she would
hurry up already. Danger lurked in every corner and even after her ordeal
today, she clearly had no idea. 

A yelp of pain punctured through the curtain. His hackles rose, the
need to protect taking over, Cole dragged aside the heavy fabric ready to fight
the wolf trying to…there stood Katy. Alone. Her bright blue eyes widened in
shock. She was wearing the dark, blue jeans he’d chosen for her. The zipper was
still undone and one of her fingers was in her mouth.

“Um…false alarm. I caught my finger.” She held out her hand to him
and true enough a drop of blood appeared on the tip of her index finger.

That’s when he noticed she was in her bra. The one he’d purposefully
picked out. It should have looked plain, ugly even. Not on this woman. She didn’t
need silk, flashy colors or designs. The white cotton molded her deep curves
Oh hell
, he could even see her nipples through the thin cups.
They tightened under his gaze. Her long, black hair fanned about her shoulders.
His heart rate kicked into overdrive. Cole reached behind him, yanking the
curtain closed.

Without another thought, he pushed her up against the mirror. One
hand found her cheek, the other circled her waist. He had to taste her, feel
her, be inside of her and he needed it right now.


A low rumble vibrated against her mouth. His bright green eyes were glowing
under the fluorescent light making him dangerously beautiful. The hard plains
of his body pushed up tightly against her. He wanted her. She could feel him
hard and ready against her belly. Cole was a prime example of every woman’s
fantasy and temptation consumed her but she couldn’t let this happen…she had

When she didn’t open her mouth, he nipped at her bottom lip. Sliding
his hand to cup her ass, she felt her blood turn to fire. Temptation was
winning. Katy hooked her leg around his thigh and his hardness settled in
between her legs making her gasp. Cole entered her mouth, he was gentle
considering the immediate pace of their kiss. Katy couldn’t help but react to
him. Moaning. Squirming. It didn’t matter that he was practically a stranger,
she wanted him. Had to have him. The sooner the better. It didn’t matter if he
was the enemy come to take her to the fiery pits of hell as long as he made
love to her first. Fast, slow, hard or soft she didn’t care. All she wanted was
him thrusting deep inside of her. The throbbing need between her thighs was
becoming unbearable. She deepened the kiss, afraid of what she might say, make
that beg him to do to her.

Cole’s body tensed and his eyes flashed open. He pulled away and
turned, striking such a terrifying blow that the unknown man fell into a
crumpled heap at his feet. Cole calmly pulled the man into the booth with them
before jerking the curtain closed, he turned, training hard eyes on her.

“What are you? Either I’m losing my mind or you’re…,” Cole shook his
head, his eyes narrowed
“Get dressed. Move!”

Katy picked up her blouse.

“No! Put these on,” he pushed the t-shirt and jacket into her hands.
“We were lucky this time.”

The man was big. He had the same shaggy hair as Bain. “Is he a demon
wolf?” Katy asked.

“Yeah and there are more where he came from. We need to go. Right

Once she was dressed, he slid his arm across her shoulders and despite
what had just happened she tried to shrug him off.

“Calm down. We just graduated to couple status.”

“Just because we kissed doesn’t…”

Cole interrupted her, “What I meant was that according to the rest
of the world, I’ve just spent the last few minutes in a changing booth with
you. We’re trying to blend in remember?” he smiled and out popped his sexy
dimples. Somehow he managed to exude boyish charm and raging sexual appeal all
at once. She had to stop herself from doing something silly like giggle. He curled
his fingers around her shoulder. “Follow my lead. Until we make it out of here,
we’re going to have to act like the perfect couple.”

He pulled the curtain closed. “We don’t want anyone finding him
until we’re long gone,” his hand slid down the side of her arm, his fingers
threading with hers.

Her heart raced.
God, she’d almost…they’d almost.
She should
feel at least a little disgusted in herself, but all she managed to feel was
disappointment. What was happening to her? It was like she’d gone from normal
to sex addict overnight.

With a twist and pull, he had her in his arms and his head buried
into her hair, his warm breath tickled her neck.
Why did he have to smell so
damned good?

“Heads up. Don’t look but there’s a wolf at the purse rack next to the
main exit.”

“How do you know he’s a wolf?” she asked.

“It’s my professional opinion. Kiss me.”

Before she could ask him why, he was slanting his lips over hers. It
was the merest brush of his mouth yet it left her dizzy and so hot and bothered
that she felt heat creep its way up her neck. He pulled back, still so close
that his breath caressed her lips. Which were begging for more, every part of
her treacherous body begged for more.

“You can open your eyes now.”

For God’s sake, she needed to pull herself together or they were not
going to make it out of here alive.

“Don’t be afraid just follow my lead. We might just be able”—he
paused—“fuck!” They ducked behind a clothes rack. “He knows we’re here.”

“How do you know for sure?” Katy asked while trying to peer around
Cole for another view.

“No you don’t,” he latched an arm around her middle. “Careful,
wolves have a strong sense of smell. He’s caught your scent, he just hasn’t pin
pointed us yet, but it won’t be long.”

“What are we going to do?”

“There will be more wolves. I don’t want to cause a scene,” Cole
whispered against the her ear sending an explosion of shivers across her body.

She turned away from him trying to keep her composure and spotted
the fragrance section. “What if we could mask our smell?”

He tracked her line of vision. “Brains too.” His lips slanted over
hers in a quick, hard kiss. When he pulled away, Cole looked confused for a
second before pulling her to the array of various shaped bottles stacked on the

Her legs felt as if they had turned to slush. Cole had just kissed
her…again…and not because he had to. It was an honest kiss, a lover’s kiss. Not
one given out of lust or in the heat of the moment. Katy had to stop herself
from putting her fingers to her lips. A spray of perfume brought her back from
her thoughts. Cole turned the nozzle on himself and sprayed liberally.

“Men’s cologne? Seriously?” she asked while trying to wave some of
the scent away.

“No time. Besides”—he winked—“smells good on you,” Cole took back
her hand. “Just act normal. I won’t let anything happen, I promised remember?” he
whispered so softly she had to strain to hear him.

Big strong man held onto her hand. Big strong man was promising her
again that he would protect her. Oh how she ached to be able to…at least
believe him. Cole didn’t trust her and she would be stupid to trust him. He
gripped her hand tighter as they passed through the exit and tighter still as
they ran for the car. As scared out of her mind as she was, she couldn’t help
but feel exhilarated. Alive, maybe even for the very first time.

They dove into the already moving vehicle.

“About frigging time,” Ash said as she pushed down on the gas pedal.

Once they were far enough away to be sure they weren’t in any
imminent danger, Cole pulled out a phone. “I need to call DCA. I left an
unconscious demon wolf at the store. He might be able to give us some answers.”
He spoke to Ash as he pushed a speed dial number. He relayed briefly what had
happened to the person on the other end, then snapped the phone shut.

BOOK: Omega
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