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Authors: Charlene Hartnady

Omega (4 page)

BOOK: Omega
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This lust he was feeling must run deep, because the thought of her
with the Alpha made his heart race and his fists clench, it also made him
feel…other things but that was just the pheromones talking.

“No! I won’t let that happen, I’ll find a wolf. I’ll seduce him,
make him mate with me. Remove this curse. I’d rather die before letting Bain
anywhere near me.”

His head pounded, he could hear the blood rushing through his veins,
could hear the sound of her heart as it raced, could smell her scent…so
sweet…so seductive…so promising. “You’d be signing his death warrant.”

“It would be one hell of a way to go. What was it Gray said? I’m
every demon wolf’s fantasy?”

She didn’t look at him and that was when he realized she had no
intention of sacrificing anyone. Katy planned on giving herself to Bain. He
couldn’t let that happen. Wouldn’t let it happen.

Cole took a step towards her. “If that’s really what you want, I want
to be the one to do it.”

“I’m trying to save you Cole.”

“I’m the Chaser remember? I’m the one that gets to do the saving not
you. Every wolf’s fantasy – Gray was right I’m not immune. Mating with
you…taking away your ‘Chosen status’…might just make Bain crazy enough to do
something stupid.”

“I don’t know Cole, his anger could also make him stronger,” she
chewed on her lip.

He stepped right in, so close he could feel her intense heat. Katy
kept her eyes averted.

“Those pheromones are making him stronger. They wouldn’t be a factor
if…”  It was a crazy idea, but it was the only chance they had at turning the
playing field. Cole cupped her chin tipping her head up so that she would see
how his eyes would be blazing for her. Katy inhaled sharply and her pupils
dilated. Maybe she wasn’t entirely immune to him either. He’d seen the
uncertainty written in her eyes earlier. She might be an Omega, one who was
attracted to him, but it was definitely against her will. Gray had said she was
running hot. What was it she’d called demon wolves – vile disgusting creatures?
Had her feelings changed now that she knew what she was? Or did she put him in
the same category as Bain?

“You might be killed if you do this,” she licked her lips.

“He would have to kill me to get to you anyway.”

“Are you sure?”

 Instead of answering he lowered his head to hers.



The demon inside shrieked to be let loose on her, ravage her, to
claim her for his own and he very nearly tore the ring from his finger in order
to do just that. But before his lips could caress hers she took a step back,
breaking the contact.

“I don’t even know you. I’m not the type of woman that would just…”

“Katy”—frustration washed over him—“we really don’t have time for
dinner and a movie.”

“I know that…it’s just…maybe if you told me something about
yourself, something that no one else knows and I’ll do the same. Maybe then I
would feel more comfortable about doing this.”

Hells hounds, did she think that Bain was on his way to make small
Maybe it was the fact that he knew he’d
better make it good or else she wouldn’t believe him or maybe it was something
else…the pheromones…because before he could stop himself he had said the one
thing he had never admitted to anyone, not even to himself. “I hate my demon

Katy didn’t do or say anything, she just waited for him to continue,
those baby blues were unwavering. She didn’t judge him; rather, she waited
patiently until he was ready to continue.

She was way too good for him.

Where did that come from? This would just be sex. There would be no
future for them. Still she waited.

“I’ve worn this ring since I was sixteen. It was the last time I
erupted. My demon wolf mother left me for dead. The Chasers she threw me out to
should have killed me. Who wants a half blood demon wolf anyway?”

She smiled in a way that made something in his chest shift, “Your
family wanted you.”

She spoke softly her eyes fixed on his, the shift turned into a
clench. Right on his heart, so deep his demon felt it too.
Damn these

“Yeah, I love being a Chaser. I’m good at it despite my demon

“Maybe because of it. Gray might have been right maybe you would
be…less at odds with yourself if you took the ring off.”

“That’s never going to happen. I hate my demon half. I will never
allow myself to become a wolf again. I’m a Chaser, I hunt demons. I made my
choice a long time ago and I’ll stick to it. Nothing will ever change that.
What about you?”

“Why is it that I’ve never shown any signs of being a wolf? We are
both wearing silver yet you have.”

Why was he surprised when she didn’t answer his question?

“My wolf has known freedom. He lays
just below the surface waiting for any opportunity to show himself. Omegas can
normally erupt during a full moon, but my silver stops that from happening.
Your wolf is mostly dormant. Don’t ever take that necklace off and it will stay
that way. Your turn. Something no one else knows.” Cole leaned forward in
anticipation, needing to hear what she had to say.

“My father must have been a demon wolf, he died when I was a baby,
or at least that was what my mother told me, my step father raised me. I never
had many friends growing up, but had a relatively happy childhood. Animals have
never liked me except for dogs of course.”

He had to smile at that.

“I can remember going horse riding once, all of the horses at the
yard freaked out when I tried to go near them. It was so embarrassing. At least
now I know why. I’ve also had relationship issues.” Her cheeks colored and her eyes
refused to meet his. “It’s not the getting to know each other part that’s the
problem. It’s the intimacy part. I’ve been told I’m overwhelming, too much to
handle. This is so embarrassing…it’s hard to explain…it’s…”

“It’s not you”—his hand found its way back to her chin before
gliding into her tangled hair—“they weren’t man enough for you…or should I say demon
enough. The men from your past couldn’t handle the demon in you. I’ve never
felt happy to be a demon before. Right now I’m stoked because I can take away
your curse. I can more than just handle you, and I can show you what pleasure
really is.”

Her eyes widened and her moist lips parted but she didn’t answer.

“Only if you want me to?”

Her nostrils flared, “I do.”

Her scent of arousal was back. It filled him. Threatened to carry
him away. This time when he kissed her, she kissed him back. He tugged her
shirt off and then pulled her bra straps down. “You are so beautiful.” Her
breasts were full, firm with nipples the color of overripe raspberries. Cole
dipped down so that he could take a taut nub into his mouth and had to suppress
a groan, they didn’t just look like juicy berries, they tasted just as sweet. She
moaned, raking her fingers down his back. His balls pulled up. So sensitive to
his touch, so fucking sexy.

“What about protection?”

“Not necessary. This will prevent pregnancy”—he twisted the ring on
his finger—“the silver will also stop you from becoming bound to me. Don’t
worry, I won’t bite you.” He kissed his way up her neck. “To break the curse it
has to be skin to skin.”

He only hoped he could last long enough to give her pleasure. He
undid the clasps on her jeans and dipped his hands into her panties. Holy
fucking hell, she was soaking wet. Katy shivered as he pushed his finger into
her tight welcoming sheath. She cried out, bucking her hips against his hand as
his thumb found her clit.

“Feels so good.”

“Is this what you need?” Cole inserted two fingers and continued to
pump into her, slow and easy.

“Oh God,” she cried, “Yes, yes.”

Aside from coming too quickly, his other concern was that she was so
tight. Would she be able to take him?
Had to prepare her
. Even though
they didn’t have much time, Cole moved to his knees. Katy made a sound of
protest as he removed his hand from the sliver of heaven he’d found between her
thighs. Her jeans and panties slid off easily.

“Open for me.” She obeyed immediately. Cole breathed through his mouth.
Her scent threatened to turn him into a frenzied animal. Cole fought his demon
urges. If he didn’t get a grip soon, he was going to pull her down and fuck her
hard without any thought to her needs.
Had to stay calm
. He grit his
teeth and closed his eyes for a few seconds, forced his demon wolf to back off.
Eyes tightly shut, he closed his mouth on her swollen clit, rolling his tongue
in a rhythm over her sensitive flesh. The moment he inserted a finger, she
cried out and bucked her hips as she began to spasm around his finger.


Skin to skin.

The thought turned her on more than anything ever had. Katy stood on
shaky legs, just as Cole pulled his shirt off and exposed the most magnificent
chest she had ever seen on a man. Broad, roped with hard muscles and ribbed abs
that begged for her touch. Indulge she did, by sliding her hand over hot skin
and over a nipple that puckered instantly.

“The bed”—Cole rasped—“I need to…be inside of you.”

He picked her up, her legs closed around his waist. Cole laid her on
the bed, moving back so that he could take off his jeans. It was like her earth
shattering orgasm from a few minutes ago had never happened. That aching
feeling between her legs increased as she watched him. His cock was thick,
jutting from his body. Cole wanted her.

His gaze was hungry, his jaw tense with need as he whispered, “I
don’t want to hurt you.”

“You won’t.”

Cole took a small step back. “I don’t think I can be gentle. Maybe
this is a bad idea.”

“I won’t break. I swear. I’m dying here Cole please…I need…I need…”
And then she did something she never thought she was capable of, Katy slid her
hand between her legs and sank a finger into her pussy. “Please Cole.” It
helped ease some of her need but not nearly enough. Easing her finger back out,
she threw her head back trying to stifle a moan as she thrust back inside.

“Fuck,” he growled.

His hot body covered hers. His eyes held hers, they were glowing,
close to feral.  Katy spread her legs wider to accommodate him. The head of his
thick erection nudged inside her. He stopped for a few seconds breathing deeply
through his nose, his mouth a thin white line. “So tight,” he ground out.

Katy wished he would let himself go and just take her already. He
felt amazing but it wasn’t nearly enough, her sheath clenched, weeping for him
to thrust into her so she leaned up and kissed him. It was only when she licked
across his lips that he opened and devoured her, his cock eased into her until
he was fully seated.

“I’m sorry,” it was her only warning before he drew back. For a
millisecond she thought he had decided against having sex with her and then he
plunged back in. Every nerve ending awakened. Her nails dug in finding purchase
on the hard ridges of his back. His arms wound round her thighs tilting her
hips to a new angle as he shoved back in. Hard. She screamed as places inside
her, she never knew existed, sprung to life. Already she could feel the build
but was helpless to prevent it. Helpless when she screamed as she flew over the
edge. Cole didn’t stop or ease off the pace, his mouth went to her throat and
as his lips touched her skin, she came again. Her sex clenching so hard that if
she had been capable of having coherent thoughts, she’d have been afraid of
hurting him. Cole threw his head back and roared, his body jerking as he found


Cole held onto her, his face buried into her hair. It took half a
minute for his breathing to normalize. He moved back and gently swept her hair
from the bite mark. “It’s done.”

Katy wanted to hold onto him as he pulled away, forgetting for a
second that the reason for their joining had nothing to do with love. It had
been necessity coupled with pheromones that had driven Cole to have sex with
her. He didn’t even look her way as he pulled on his jeans. It was for the
best. They had been forced together during a highly stressful situation.
Relationships needed solid foundations if they ever were going to work. They
had next to nothing in common. So what if they were both Omegas, sexual
attraction wouldn’t get them very far in the long run. She didn’t even know how
she felt yet about finding out about being a demon wolf yet. It would take time
to digest. Time alone.

“I’m sure this plan will work,” Cole paced as he spoke, “Bain is
arrogant and hot headed. When he hears that you are no longer his, he will
react out of rage. We need to meet him head-on. He won’t be expecting it, we
can confront him when he is most vulnerable.” He reacted when he saw her reach
for her jeans, “No, shower first. They won’t be able to track you so easily if
we get rid of any remaining pheromones.”

“What about you?”

Cole smiled. “I want to keep the scent of you on me. It will drive
Bain mad, like I said earlier it might force him into doing something stupid,
we need all the extra help we can get.”

He carried on dressing lost in his own thoughts. Any trace of the
desire that had reflected in his eyes was gone. It was great, the curse was
Why did she feel so sad?


Cole was trying hard not to look at Katy as she climbed off the bed
and just stood there naked and trembling, cloaked in a vulnerable aura that
made him want to take her back into his arms and never let go. Her cheeks were
still flushed and he could smell the combined scent of their love making. The
pheromones should have worn off by now. Maybe once she showered he would be
able to think coherently.

It was all he could do to keep himself from following her into the
bathroom, to take her again. This time with soft words while he tasted every
inch of her sweet skin before sliding into her, so slow until she begged him
for release. For the first time since putting on the ring, he longed to take it
off so that he could show her what demon sex was all about without any holds
barred, but that might end up binding them together which was something Katy
would never want. Cole couldn’t blame her. She should find herself a nice
human, do the whole white picket fence thing. There were guys out there who
loved the whole demon trip, even if they didn’t know it themselves. Just as
there were demons who infinitely preferred humans – made his job more difficult
sometimes but, hey, there was nothing definitive in the Lores and who was he to

Cole felt a determination creep into his blood. Katy deserved a
chance at life and at love and he would make sure she got it.


Leaving the town behind them, they back tracked along the same route
as the one they had driven in on. Cole was scouting for just the right spot to
set up an ambush. There had been no sight of the lone wolf Gray, which was a
pity because he could use an extra set of canine’s right about now. His hands
clenched on the steering wheel. No matter, this would be settled tonight one
way or the other. Katy would walk away from this even if it meant that he would
have to go down together with Bain. He would do whatever it would take to give
her back her life.

Wearing his ring meant that he couldn’t erupt, even though it was a
full moon, but he was used to fighting demons without the capability. This
would be the toughest battle he would ever have to face though. He could feel
his demon restless, wanting out of its silver cage. The inner wolf in him might
be suppressed, but his senses were still much better than any human’s. He could
make out that the vehicle approaching them in the distance was a black SUV. It
was traveling at a murderous pace.

BOOK: Omega
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