Read Rapture's Tempest Online

Authors: Bobbi Smith

Rapture's Tempest (8 page)

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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“I could change real quick and…”

“Roger,” Marshall said in mock sternness from behind them, “you know it’s well past your bedtime. I’m sure there will be another time when you can meet her.”


“Of course, we do,” Jim reassured him. “After all, Anna-belle is going to be your aunt, once I marry her.”

“All right. As long as you promise.” He pouted a little as Renee appeared in the doorway.

“Time for bed, Roger.” She held out her arms for her son.

“First, I get to give Uncle Jimmy a big hug.”

“Make it a good one, Roger. I’ll be gone for the next couple weeks and it’ll have to last.”

Roger’s chubby arms clung tightly to Jim’s neck and Jim closed his eyes, enjoying the love so freely given. This child was so special to him.

“I’ll see you when I get back,” Jim told him as he handed him over to Renee.

“I’ll be waiting for you and I won’t have my ’jamas on then, either.”

“Good night,” Jim called as he watched Renee take her six-year-old back upstairs to bed.

“’Night, Uncle Jimmy. Hurry home.”

When they had disappeared into Roger’s bedroom, Jim and Marshall continued on to the foyer.

“How soon will you be back?”

“Probably about two weeks. But it really depends on the weather and how far south we can go this trip.”

“Last I heard,” Jim said, frowning, “with any luck at all, the river should be open by summer…but who knows. The war has dragged on far too long already.”

Marshall nodded sadly. “I know. Renee is so anxious for news of home, but there is little we can do.”

“I know it was difficult for her, coming North when the war started.”

“It was, but I’m glad we did it. Union supporters aren’t exactly appreciated in Louisiana right now.”

“Have you heard anything from Elise or Alain?”

“Not in months.”

“Well, if I can figure out a way to get word to them, I’ll let you know.”

“Thanks.” Marshall handed Jim his coat and then opened the front door for him. “Have a good time with Annabelle. And be careful this trip.”

“I will. I’ll see you when I get back.” Jim climbed into the waiting carriage.

Annabelle had been anticipating Jim’s visit and she had taken special care with her toilet for this evening. Though she was considered a natural beauty, she had learned how to accentuate her best features, and she had no qualms about helping nature along if she could. The dress she was wearing was a high-necked, long-sleeved gown of royal blue, trimmed in white lace. On any other woman it would have seemed very prim, but on Annabelle’s petite figure it was stunning.

Waiting now with her father for his arrival, she felt a bit nervous.

“Would you like a sherry?”

“That sounds wonderful.” She sat down on the sofa and took the fine crystal glass of sherry he handed her. “Thank you.”

“You seem tense. Are you worried about Westlake?”

“Not worried exactly…it’s just that I’ve never had to play the fiancée before.”

Nathan smiled. “That’s true enough. And never for a better cause.”

Annabelle toasted her father. “I can’t believe things have gone so smoothly. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll be able to learn something useful from him tonight.”

As she spoke, she heard a carriage pull up outside. Giving her father a confident smile, she went out into the hall to meet him.

“Good evening, Jim.” She was smiling as she met him in the foyer.

“Annabelle.” He greeted her warmly, impressed once again by her blond loveliness. “You look ravishing this evening.”

“Thank you.” She handed his coat to a servant and led him into the parlor where her father awaited them.

“Good evening, Jim.” Nathan was more than pleased at his presence.

“Nathan. It’s good to see you again,” Jim responded as they shook hands.

“Please, sit down.” Nathan waved him to the plush sofa facing the fireplace. “What can I get you to drink?”

“A scotch will be fine, Nathan. Thank you.”

“Annabelle, would you like another sherry?”

“Please, Father.”

Sitting down beside Jim, Annabelle gave him a provocative look and was pleased to see a flame of desire flicker to life in his eyes. She knew that he found her attractive, and she intended to exploit that weakness whenever she could. She wondered idly what it would be like to have Jim as her lover, but quickly dismissed the idea. Though Jim Westlake was handsome, Annabelle didn’t want to get too involved with him. She only wanted to use him to get the information she needed. That was all.

“Here’s your drink.” Nathan handed Jim a tumbler filled with scotch and Annabelle a small crystal glass of sherry.

“To your engagement,” his future father-in-law toasted.

Jim’s eyes met Annabelle’s, and their gazes locked. They raised their glasses and sipped slowly.

Nathan was thrilled that things were progressing so well. Anxious to leave them by themselves, he pleaded unfinished business and excused himself.

Jim was only slightly surprised at being left alone with Annabelle, but he wasn’t about to complain. The quick embrace they had shared the previous afternoon had hardly been satisfying, and he wanted to spend as much time as possible with her.

“Would you like another drink?” Annabelle offered as soon as her father had gone from the room.

“Yes, please. It’s been a long day and I do need to unwind a little.”

Taking his glass, Annabelle moved gracefully to the liquor cabinet, making sure that her skirts were swaying seductively. Jim was open in his admiration as he watched her cross the room, and he felt quite content with the decision he’d made. Rejoining him, Annabelle held out his drink, but Jim grasped her wrist instead, pulling her down close beside him.

“I’ve been wanting to do this since yesterday.” He spoke his intent softly, setting their glasses aside and sweeping her into his arms.

Annabelle had no time to protest as his mouth covered hers in a passionate kiss. Startled by his ardor, she offered no encouragement as she lay passively in his embrace. Jim felt her reserve, but knew that such female defenses could easily be broken down. They were to be married soon; so surely, she could not object to his touch. It was only when his lips left hers to caress the sweetness of her throat that Annabelle struggled to be free from him.

“Darling, what is it?” Jim asked with true concern. No woman had ever denied him before, and he certainly hadn’t expected it from his fiancée.

“We have to be careful,” she lied. “Father may come back, and I don’t want us to embarrass ourselves.”

Jim accepted Annabelle’s excuse with dignity and moved a respectable distance away, but he could not hide his irritation. While it would be embarrassing to be caught in a heated embrace by your future father-in-law, surely she could have been more responsive. Her reaction to his kiss had been nothing short of non ex is tent, and that puzzled him. If Annabelle loved him as she said she did, wouldn’t she be eager to be with him?

If Jim had known Annabelle’s thoughts, he would have been less concerned. She had been stunned by her own reaction to his kiss. Something in his touch had set her blood racing, and when he’d tried to deepen their intimacy, she’d
known she’d better escape his embrace or she would be lost completely in her sensual arousal.

Looking at Jim now from beneath lowered lashes, she regarded him with a new respect. She wanted him…and the thought surprised and frustrated her. There was no time for dalliances…she had to get the information, and fast.

Annabelle’s thoughts were interrupted by Nathan’s return, and the rest of the evening passed in a comfortable fashion. It was after ten when Jim finally rose to leave.

“Thank you for a wonderful evening,” he told them.

“Must you go so soon?” Annabelle sounded disappointed and, in truth, she was. She knew her lack of response had troubled him, and she had hoped they’d have another chance to be alone so she could lay those fears to rest.

“Yes, I’m afraid so. In fact, I meant to tell you earlier…we’re pulling out tonight.”

“Tonight?” Annabelle was upset for more reasons than one.

“I’ve got to make a run. We’ll be leaving sometime after midnight.”

“But when will you return?”

“It will be every bit of ten days, possibly longer, but go ahead with your plans for the party. I’m sure I’ll be back in town by then.”

“All right, but I’m going to miss you. I was hoping that you’d be here to help me with all the details.” She pouted prettily.

“I’m sorry, Annabelle. But you know my job has to come first.”

“I know,” she admitted. “And I do understand. It’s just that on such short notice…”

“From now on, I’ll try to let you know a little further in advance,” he promised, glad that she was going to miss him. “If you do need any help with your planning, I’m sure my mother and sister would be glad to help.”

“Well, be careful. I’ve been hearing rumors,” Nathan put in.

“Haven’t we all,” Jim agreed as they moved into the hall to
get his coat. “But there’s no need to worry. I’ll be fine. And I’ll see you as soon as possible.”

“Good night,” Annabelle called as he left the house, and then, after watching his carriage drive away, she slammed the door in a fury. “Damn!”

“I know. If only we could have found out a few hours sooner…”

“There has to be a way.”

“We’ll figure it out. I have every confidence in our plan. But if we are unsuccessful, there’s always Wade’s idea. He can be most persuasive.”

Annabelle nodded in agreement. “He certainly can be, and from what I’ve seen of Dorrie Westlake, she’ll be no match for Wade’s practiced charm.”


“You know, Father, I’m not going to rest easy until we’ve delivered the gold.”

Nathan looked at his daughter, his pride in her determination quite evident. “Neither will I, Annabelle. Neither will I.”

Chapter Nine

Jim banged loudly on the connecting door, bringing Delight straight out of her bed.

“Get up, Murphy! It’s after four!” Jim’s voice thundered as he pounded on the portal. “Get my breakfast up here.”

Having slept in her clothes. Delight took only the time necessary to pull on her boots before grabbing her coat and running from her little sanctuary.

“Yes, sir. I’m on my way.”

Jim only growled at Murphy’s retreating back, and Delight
picked up her pace, not wanting to risk his displeasure. She needed this job, of that there was no doubt.

She was back in a few short minutes with his meal, for the cook was well aware of the captain’s schedule and had the food ready. Struggling to close the cabin door, she almost dropped the tray, and Jim glared at her for her clumsiness.

“Are you always like this, Murphy?” he asked sarcastically. Morning was not his best time of day, especially when he’d gotten little sleep the past three nights.

“No, sir.”

“Good. I’ll be looking forward to seeing an improvement.” When he noticed her disconcerted look, he instructed, “I eat at my desk.”

“Yes, sir.” Quickly placing the breakfast on his neatly cleaned-off desktop, she hastily withdrew to what she hoped was a safe distance. “Do you need anything else now?”

“No,” came his curt answer.

Delight had a great desire to stick her tongue out at him, but she fought back the thought. As she busied herself picking up his cabin the way Ollie had instructed her to the day before, Delight studied him covertly. Even early in the morning he was impressive. And, though his mood could hardly be called jovial, his presence was, as always, commanding.

Though Delight knew very little about him as a man, she felt an instinctive wariness that she credited to female intuition. There was no doubt in her mind that Jim Westlake was in charge of every part of his life and that he would brook no foolishness from those around him.


He startled her and she almost jumped as she was straightening his bunk.

“Yes, sir?” she gulped.

“That can wait. Go on down to the galley and get your breakfast.”

“I don’t mind, Captain,” she protested dutifully. “I’d just as soon get this done now.”

“Murphy—” his tone was threatening as he turned to look at her. “The cook only serves breakfast until five thirty. Now get the hell down there unless you intend to go without eating until noon.”

She didn’t even bother to answer but bolted from the room.

Jim watched her go and half-smiled to himself. Murphy had possibilities—he was eager to please and, according to Ollie, a fast learner. If he made it through the week, Jim was certain he would have a future with the ship. He made a mental note to get to know the boy better during these next days on the river and then turned his attention to his meal.

Delight entered the galley a bit timidly, but Ollie was already there waiting for her.

“How did your night go with the captain?” he inquired.

“Fine. I was asleep when he finally came in last night. What time did we leave St. Louis? I was so tired I slept through the whole thing.”

“It must have been two thirty or so before we actually shoved off. The captain was up all night again.”

Delight nodded in understanding. “Then that explains it.”

“Explains what?”

“He woke me at four to get his breakfast for him. But you told me yesterday that he usually eats at five thirty.”

“That’s on a normal day. When we’re leaving port it’s hard to tell when we’ll get time to eat. So always remember to grab what ever food you can, whenever you can, ’cause you just might have to miss a meal here and there.”

Delight nodded as she ate the hearty breakfast set before her.

“It’ll be hard to keep up with the captain for a while, but you’ll learn. And once you get the hang of it, you’ll know what he wants before he asks for it.”

“I’m looking forward to that day,” she grinned, forcing herself to eat like a half-starved, still-growing young boy.

“Just relax and try to stay out of his way.”

“I’ll do my best,” she promised.

They finished their meal in quiet and then returned to their respective duties.

It was still dark as Delight made her way back up to the texas deck. There was no moon, only a morning star shining palely in the distant heavens. A chill of fear swept through her as the realization came over her that she really had severed ties with her home and that she was truly all alone. She felt lonely and bereft and wished that there was someone she could talk to…someone who cared. Rose did, but she would be defenseless against Martin’s brutality. Delight knew then that there was no one left she could turn to. She had to rely only upon herself.

BOOK: Rapture's Tempest
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