Read Scandalous Intentions Online

Authors: Amanda Mariel

Scandalous Intentions (4 page)

BOOK: Scandalous Intentions
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If only Amelia were not expecting her first babe, she would be here to help. When she left with the Duke of Goldstone for Scotland, she had all but guaranteed she would return for this season. Alas, nature had other plans, and who could bemoan a new life?

A creak drew Sarah’s attention, and she looked at the doorway. Her maid, Greta, entered. “How may I be of assistance, my lady?”

“I require help getting ready for the opera.” Sarah offered a slight grin.

“I will have the tub sent up right away, my lady.” She curtsied and left.

Sarah sat down at her vanity again. After her bath, she would have Greta pull her corset extra tight to create more cleavage and dress in the gown Mother requested. A fashionable up-do and light rouge would complete the ensemble.

She planned to look stunning tonight and a bit less proper than she normally did. It would be a fine place to start if her suspicion held water. As for the rest, well, something would come to her.

She spent her bath pondering her situation. Every plot she considered ran the risk of tarnishing her reputation, and she could not abide it. Keeping her good standing in society was of the utmost importance. However, dressing a bit wantonly would not hurt and just might be enough to beg him off. Many respectable ladies wore gowns just as daring.

What if her attempt to lose his interest had the opposite effect on his sensibilities? She closed her eyes and tipped her head back against the tubs side, allowing the jasmine scented water to relax her. She would simply have to take the chance and pray it did not.

As Greta helped Sarah into her undergarments, her mind wandered back to Lord Luvington. She simply had to find away to lose the rake’s interest.

She would call on Lady Abernathy tomorrow to discuss her theory. Surely the duchess would have some ideas. She hoped against reason, needing something to hold onto. For tonight, she would focus on showing Lord Luvington how improper she could be without scandalizing herself.

Greta pulled on the back of Sarah’s gown, snapping her out of her musings. Sarah sucked in her midsection and glanced at the door. Trepidation tickled down her spine as the time to depart drew near. She imagined going to the gallows would be less nerve racking.

“My lady, would it please you to have your hair fashioned now?” Greta held her arm out indicating Sarah’s vanity laden with tiny perfume bottles and pearl accented combs. Her rouge sat off to one side, still in its box.

“Indeed.” Sarah moved across the room. “I want you to style it fancier than normal. Both plaits and curls with some longer curls coming down over my left shoulder,” Sarah said, as she seated herself on the plush velvet bench.

Sarah watched in the looking glass as Greta pinned plaits across her head and arranged her curls in a becoming way. The effort would please Mother.

She grinned at her reflection when Mother entered the room, walked across the floor, and stationed herself near the vanity. She stood tall with a contented smile resting on her full lips.

Sarah waited for her to speak, but no words came. Instead, Mother stepped closer and reached out her hand. “I would like you to wear my amethysts.” She unfolded her graceful fingers, revealing the sparkling purple stones set in polished silver.

Sarah met Mother’s gaze. “It would be an honor.”

Mother handed Greta the jewels and watched with sparkling eyes as the ladies maid put them on Sarah. Greta straightened her posture before dropping into a curtsy. “My lady, is there anything else required of me?”

“No.” Sarah nodded in dismissal before turning to Mother.

Mother trailed her fingers across one of the plaits crowning Sarah’s head. “You are a vision, my dear.”

For the first time today, she agreed with Mother. A shiver ran through her, but she could not identify whether it came from excitement or foreboding. “Thank you.”

“Take a turn and let me see the full effect.”

Sarah spun in a circle, then said. “Shall we?”

“Indeed.” Mother turned for the door.

Sarah walked beside her as they traversed the stairs and entered the foyer. A footman helped her into her black velvet cloak. Then she accepted Father’s arm, allowing him to guide her to their waiting carriage.

Her chest constricted as she settled onto the forward-facing seat.
Pray, do not let me be on a fool’s errand.
She took a deep breath and steeled herself for the evening to come.



Julian stood as
if he were a statue carved from stone with his gaze trained on the entrance to the saloon. Elegant ladies and gentlemen surrounded him in a flurry of silks and satins. Their laughter and conversation permeated the air around him, but none of them interested him.

Why had Lady Sarah yet to arrive? He stifled down a rush of impatience. She would not refuse his invitation. Would she?

“Luvington, fancy running into you here.”

Julian turned and smirked. “Shillington. Lady Jane” He nodded his head to the siblings.

Lady Jane batted her lashes. “Good evening, Lord Luvington.”

“Indeed.” Julian turned his attention back to the entrance.
It would be if Lady Sarah were here.
Damn and blast, would she ever arrive? His cravat seemed to squeeze his throat. He reached up to readjust it before returning his attention to the siblings.

Lord Shillington patted his sister’s hand. “Lady Jane insisted on coming out tonight. It fell on me to provide an escort. What brings you to the opera? I have not seen you here this season.” He angled his head. “Nor last, come to think of it.”

Julian snuck another glance at the entrance. “I hear tonight’s show is worth watching.”

Lady Jane giggled. “It is all the ton talks about of late. By all accounts, it is marvelously entertaining.”

Julian glance back at the entrance. Lady Sarah stepped into the room on her father’s arm. A grin broke out on his face. Draped in violet silk and lace, she was a vision. Amethysts sparkled from her earlobes, and one hung dangerously low to her décolletage, drawing his eye. He drank in the sight of her, luxuriating in everything from her fashionably styled hair to the sway of her skirts on the marble floor.

Their gazes met for a moment, but then she turned to her father, effectively snubbing him. The little minx must be vexed. A small thing, considering she showed up. It would not take much to sway her in a more pleasing direction. At least he hoped it would not.

Julian turned his attention back to the siblings. “If you will excuse me, my party has arrived.”

“Yes, of course, enjoy the opera.” Lord Shillington nodded.

“A pleasure, my lord.” Lady Jane said. She motioned toward the entrance with her fan then glanced at her brother. “Lady Sarah has arrived. Do let us greet her.”

“Of course.” Shillington smiled at his sister before turning back to the marquess. “Enjoy your evening, Lord Luvington.”

Splendid, the pair would be staying with him and encroaching on his time with her. Julian swallowed back his irritation. “As it happens the Havenshire’s are my guests.”

“Let us walk together then, Lord Luvington.” Lady Jane took her brother’s arm.

Julian studied Sarah as they approached. Her eyes shone a splendid violet shade, and the swell of her creamy breasts peeked out from the neckline of her gown. His insides twitched at the display. Would she allow him to hold her? To kiss her passionately? He swallowed hard knowing there would be none of that.

The Marquess of Havenshire bowed as Julian approached. “Good evening, Lord Luvington.”

“That it is.” Julian grinned. “I am honored you accepted my invitation.”

“There is no place we would rather be.” The Marchioness of Havenshire smiled.

Julian glanced at Lady Sarah. She stood to his left, deep in conversation with Lord Shillington and Lady Jane. A pang of something unwelcome hit him, and he frowned. He returned his attention to the Marquess and Marchioness of Havenshire. “Shall we move to my box? The opera will be underway shortly.”

“Very good.” Lord Havenshire offered his arm to Lady Havenshire. “Sarah, come along.”

Lady Sarah smiled at her father, then added one for Lady Jane. “It seems I must be going.” She glanced at Julian, pouting her full pink lips. “It is a pity we cannot enjoy the show together.” She tossed the words at him as she passed.

Bloody hell, she clearly wished for him to invite Lady Jane and Lord Shillington to accompany them. How would he get any of her time? What choice did he have? Should he ignore her blatant request, she would be thoroughly vexed with him and the evening would be a total loss. He shifted his weight and glanced at Lord Shillington. “Would you and Lady Jane care to join us in my box?”

“It would be an honor.” Lady Jane turned to her brother.

“Yes, of course. We are happy to accept the invitation.”

Lady Sarah smirked at Julian. “Splendid. Let us proceed to the box.”

Julian gave her a rakish grin. “As you wish, my lady.” He winked then watched as a blush darkened her already pink cheeks. Had he ever seen a lovelier sight?

Lady Sarah wrapped her hand around Lord Shillington’s offered arm. She smirked at Julian as Lady Jane took his. Her gloved hand held on tight. It seemed he would have no luck at all this evening. At least not in regards to Lady Sarah. Julian stared at Shillington, his insides burning.

He had to remember, Lady Sarah and Shillington were no more than friends. Still, a wave of unpleasantness ran through him. The pair certainly appeared to be intimate at the moment. Lady Sarah stood a bit too close to Shillington and laughed as they walked.

Julian forced the fool idea from his mind. Of course not. Irritation was the culprit. He merely wished to secure her hand, and, at the moment, Shillington was in his way. A situation he would soon correct.

Having reached the box, he stopped and turned to his company. His gaze caught Lady Sarah’s, and he held out his arm, indicating the entrance. “Ladies first.”

Once the ladies entered, the men would have to wait for him to go in before they could follow. It provided the perfect opportunity to separate Shillington from her.

Lady Sarah tossed a glance his way and narrowed her eyes as she passed. After Lady Jane had filed in, he entered the box himself, followed by Lord Havenshire, then Shillington.

Lady Sarah stood near the rail, the gas light illuminating her profile as she gazed down into the pit. His loins tightened, and he ached to touch her. He moved near the front of the box, stopping an arm’s length from her.

Her scent captivated his senses and sent his imagination into overdrive. Thoughts of holding her, caressing her, painted his mind.

Julian turned to the others before he lost his composure completely. “Please choose a seat and make yourselves comfortable.”

Lord Havenshire sat down next to his wife. “Lord Shillington, will you not sit with us? You can catch me up on how my son fares. I have not had the opportunity to spend much time with him since his nuptials.”

Lord Shillington ambled over, taking the open seat beside Lord Havenshire. “He fares exceedingly well. It seems marriage suits him.”

Julian turned his attention to Lady Jane and indicated a chair. “This seat provides an excellent view of the show.”

BOOK: Scandalous Intentions
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