Read Scandalous Intentions Online

Authors: Amanda Mariel

Scandalous Intentions (7 page)

BOOK: Scandalous Intentions
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“What shall I expect us to be doing?” She refolded her hands on her lap.

“What strikes your fancy?”

“A well-chaperoned ride in the park might be pleasant.” Her smirk revealed an adorable dimple in one cheek.

The little minx teased him. Maybe she still did not believe his intentions honorable. “Sounds sensible. I will bring my chaise and collect you in the morning.”

Her frown returned. “I should not like that. Let us ride our mounts instead.”

Julian should have known Lady Sarah would not consent to such close quarters. Clearly, she knew his reputation well. “It would be an honor to ride beside such a lovely creature.” He watched the blush climb back into her face, his pulse speeding along with her rising color.

“Please, do refrain from saying such things.” She drew her brows together.

“It was your mount I referred to. Though you are lovely too.” He winked, unable to pass up the opportunity to tease her.

Lady Sarah stood. “That is more than enough for one day. You can see yourself out.” She turned and walked from the room.

Julian chuckled as he watched her flee then stood to take his leave. He would woo the lady one way or another.



Julian studied Lady
Sarah as they rode through Regent’s Park. She sat sidesaddle atop a dapple gray, her midnight blue riding habit cascading around her legs. Leather riding gloves covered her hands and matched the trim of her saddle and reins. A narrow-brimmed bonnet with a white plume and matching parasol shaded her from the sun’s warm rays. The scent of jasmine surrounded him though he could not tell if it came from her or their surroundings.

“Will you be attending the Duchess of Abernathy’s garden party tomorrow?”

“Indeed.” Lady Sarah glanced at him.

He took note of her glum disposition despite the smile she bestowed upon him. She radiated distance, and he had caught her frowning more than once since they arrived in the park. “Something bothers you, Lady Sarah. Pray tell, what is on your mind?”

She sent another fake smile in his direction. Julian did not believe it sincere for nary a moment. Even if nothing weighed on her, she would not grin so broadly at him.

“It is nothing.” She glanced away, and her mouth turned down again.

Curiosity refused to allow him to leave it alone. “Perhaps you would recover from your depressed state if you were to share what is bothering you.”

“I am not depressed, and sharing would do no good at tall. You could not possibly help my situation.”

He rubbed one hand across his jaw while holding his reins in the other. “What makes you so certain?” Julian kept his face casual when she puckered her lips.

“Because I seek freedom, and you lack the authority to grant it.” She urged her beast into a canter.

Perfect. This was the angle he planned to use. Yesterday, he noticed the tension in her conversation with her mother about Glasgow. The lady clearly wished for some freedom, and he, for one, agreed ladies should enjoy the freedoms granted to men. Perhaps sharing his views would soften her heart.

Julian followed suit, pushing his mount to catch up. The breeze wrapped around him as he rode toward her. For all of Lady Sarah’s airs and propriety she did know how to let her passions rule. He imagined she would be a splendid mate.

“Come now. Let us not spoil a perfect morning.” He slowed his mount to keep pace with hers.

She glared at him as she pulled back on her reins slowing her beast to a walk.

Her eyes glowed and her cheeks were flushed, but in excitement or anger? “If you were my wife, I could grant you the freedoms you desire.”

She scrunched her adorable nose and peered at him. “If I were your wife, you would have the power to deny my wishes.” She grimaced. “There is no freedom for a lady in matrimony.”

Her words lashed him, and he raised a brow. “I would never deny my wife her desires.”

Lady Sarah glanced around, then jerked her eyes to him. “I beg you to cease saying such things before you are overheard. It is not proper conversation.”

His gaze held hers. “As you wish, but I insist you tell me what freedom you are being denied. We can stop and spread out a blanket under one of these fine oak trees.”

She gave him a sideways glance. “I do not recall agreeing to such an arrangement.”

“We are well-chaperoned.” He nodded behind them at the footmen escorting Lady Sarah. “There is no harm in resting and talking for a bit.”

If she agreed, he would have an advantage. Father’s words rang in his mind.
Time is running out, Julian. Do not squander a moment.

“Oh, very well.” She sighed.

His heart skipped. He angled his head toward a towering old oak. “Shall we?”

Lady Sarah followed his lead. An image of her wrapped in his arms upon the grass flashed through his mind. If she were any other woman, he would be sampling her sweet kisses in a moment’s time. Heat spread through him.

Do not sully her reputation
. Julian shook Father’s words away. He had to treat her like a lady, not one of his many conquests. Marriage to her would do no good if he were to ruin her beforehand.

Once next to the oak, he dismounted and retrieved his blanket. He glanced at Lady Sarah. Her lips curved up in a small smile instead of the wide fake grins she had been sending his way, and he could not help finding encouragement in it.

After he spread the brown wool fabric over the grass, he strode over to her and offered his hand. “My lady.”

She looped the ribbons of the fan she just removed from her reticule around her wrist and reached for him. A wave of tingles traveled through him at the contact. He took her small, gloved hand in his, and helped her down from her saddle.

Releasing her, he stepped away before he could do something foolish. He rubbed a hand across his face. “After you, sweet.”

She scowled. “It would behoove you to remember your manners. Pet names are not appropriate. What if you were overheard? Just imagine what the ton would make of you calling me such a thing.” She turned, moved to the blanket, and sat down in a pool of rich blue skirts.

Julian chuckled, relishing the way she blushed at his words. “Then everyone would know how I feel about you, sweet. There is little harm in that.”

“Perhaps not for you. It would be an entirely different matter for me.”

Julian lowered himself onto the blanket and stretched his legs out in front of him, leaning back on his elbows. A glance revealed Lady Sarah’s escorts lingering near the pond to the left of them, holding their mounts in place.

She angled her chin a bit higher, and her lips pressed into a mulish line.

“I believe you were about to tell me what freedom it is you are being denied.”

“I imagine you will find it rather silly.”

He studied her while awaiting her reply. The sun’s rays created a glow around her, making her even more breathtaking. He ached to hold her as he watched the battle waging in her eyes.

She averted her gaze. “I wish to visit Scotland, and Mother has denied my request.”

“Dare I ask, why?” Julian rolled onto his side, facing her and rested one arm across his waist.

She plucked a blade of crisp, green grass and twirled it between two delicate fingers. “My dear friend, the Duchess of Goldstone, is set to birth her first babe. I wish to be present for the occasion.”

He stared deep into her violet gaze. “Seems a perfectly reasonable request to me.”

“If only my parents agreed with your position on the topic.” A shadow of longing filled her eyes, and melancholy brought the edges of her lips down. “Mother said I could not leave during the season, and moreover, Scotland is too far for me to travel.”

He knew the marchioness would not allow Lady Sarah to leave London. She assured him her support in his pursuit of her daughter. It would be rather difficult to court Lady Sarah if she fled to another country. All the same, when the frown remained on her heart-shaped face, he longed to make it go away.

“If you were my wife, I would take you to Scotland this very minute just to see you smile.” His heart leapt at the realization that he meant every word.

She smacked him in the arm with her fan and laughed. “You are an incorrigible rogue. You must stop saying such things to me.”

Sitting up, he reached for her hand. It fit nicely in his as he closed his fingers around it. The same warm, tingling sensation as before invaded him, and he longed to gather her body against his. “Would it be so bad if I made an offer for you?”

Lady Sarah’s lips parted, and her eyes grew wide. Then she pulled her hand from his. “Stop toying with me. I am not a plaything.”

“I do not jest. I intend to offer for you as soon as I believe you will accept.” His pulse grew stronger in his neck as he searched her eyes for some measure of encouragement.

“Pray tell, why have you decided on me as a wife?” She looked at him. Her cheeks flushed as she spun her parasol. “Speak plainly, and I may consider the suit.”

She was no addlebrained miss. She knew there was more to his pursuit of her. Perhaps he should come clean. He did not have much time left to secure a suitable spouse. Certainly not enough time to woo another respectable lady. He rubbed a hand across his jaw. She might accept his offer, or, at the very least, agree to his courtship if she had the details.

“The day grows late.” She glared pointedly at him.

He grinned. “As you wish.” He drew in a deep breath, and glanced at her footmen. “My father has demanded I settle down. As a result, I am hunting for a wife and find you to be an exceptional lady.”

Her lips flattened to a straight line.

“If I do not secure a spouse of good reputation by month’s end, Father will cut off my stipend, leaving me without a farthing.”

Her hand flew to her breast, and she inhaled sharply. “I knew it. You have no real interest in me.” She stood and moved toward her mount.

He gained his footing then raced to catch her. “You have it all wrong.” He grabbed her arm, causing Lady Sarah to stop abruptly. “Let us discuss this further.”

When he decided on her as his future duchess, it had been for no other reason than her impeccable reputation and beauty, but he developed a genuine interest in her during their first meeting. He had since grown to care for her.

She rounded on him. “There is nothing to discuss. You admitted you were only pursuing me so you would not become destitute.” She scowled. “I could not give a fig about your troubles. Unhand me this instant.” She jerked her arm.

He released her but kept his gaze pinned to hers. “You are wrong, Lady Sarah. My interest is genuine. I find you to be a captivating lady and believe you would make a splendid wife.”

She swept her arm in a wide arch slicing the air in front of her. “A splendid wife, indeed. Say nothing of love, compatibility, mutual respect. I should be honored to make you a

The acid in her tone sent his heart into a flurry of panic. “That came out wrong. I do respect you and believe we are compatible. I admire your strong will, your intelligence, your beauty.” He reached to touch her cheek, unable to help himself. “I am certain we would make a sensational match.”

BOOK: Scandalous Intentions
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