Read Skylar's Guardians Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Skylar's Guardians (10 page)

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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“Really? Did you like it?” she asked eagerly, sidling back up his chest and straddling him.

“I cannot describe how pleasurable it was. Is that how a human female claims a male?”

“It is one way. We also like to kiss. On the mouth.”

“On the mouth? I—”

She interrupted him by planting her mouth firmly on his. Tralec waited a moment, presumably to adjust to the sensation of her moist lips pressed to his, and then began to return the gesture.

“This is delightful,” he said, mimicking her movements. “We do not exchange saliva.”

“You do now. With me, anyway. You are a fast learner,” Skylar moaned, involuntarily grinding her body against his.

“You’re leaking from your pleasure pocket,” Tralec announced, feeling her juices pour upon his bare abdomen. “That is a good thing, yes?”

“Mmmm,” Skylar said as she began to rock against him. “Very good.”

“Wait a moment. I wish to call Troy to have pleasure too.”

“Are you able to come a second time?”

“No. It takes a full turn of a day cycle to replenish. Troy! Come in here.”

Skylar grinned as Troy, wearing only a wrap around his solid waist, entered the room. “Good morning,” she said pleasantly, still rocking her mound against Tralec’s waist.

“What do you want?” Troy yawned, plopping on the bench and looking at them groggily.

“Allow Skylar to pleasure you, brother. She does it with her mouth! She made me flush and expel!”

“At once? Is that possible?” Troy looked stunned. Skylar grinned happily, eager for another drink of the ambrosia as she climbed out of the bunk and kneeled carefully between his thighs. She ran her hands along his legs and urged him to spread his knees.

“Your scent is just like Tralec’s, and so are your… tools,” she observed, her head already spinning with need to pull him into her mouth. “These pheromones of yours are going to turn me into a sex fiend.”

“What do they have to do with… what are you doing?” Troy looked stunned as Skylar trained his primary tool to fit into her mouth. Tralec was not the only fast learner of the trio!

“We call this a blowjob. Ordinarily I don’t enjoy it, but with you two, it is like having the most delicious, gourmet meal ever invented. Oh, my God, you taste as good as he does!” Skylar moaned, taking Troy’s organ deep into her mouth. He gripped the edges of the seat, holding his breath as she made love to his shaft with her mouth. She did not notice Tralec leaving the bunk and positioning himself behind her.

“I wish to penetrate you as you pleasure Troy,” he whispered as he kneeled behind her. He lifted her hips and guided his primary tool carefully into her soaking wet sheath. Skylar moaned as it filled her, her mouth still boldly sucking upon Troy’s organ.

“Oh damn!” she exclaimed as the tool pumped on its own within her body, shrinking and extending inside, which allowed Tralec to keep his pelvis pressed tightly against her. The vestigial mouth began to play with her tiny pink pucker, and Skylar stiffened with surprise. “No one has rimmed me before. That is… oh Lord.”

“I agree with her pronouncements,” Troy moaned. “This feeling is indescribable.”

“How are you doing that?” Skylar arched her back, feeling her clit being stroked.

“The second tool is very versatile. Look! Troy is flushing! Can you cause him to climax too?”

Skylar bore down on Troy’s cock and offered him the power of her mouth, all the while she was filled and fondled from behind. She tasted the juice spilling from the tip and pressed the shaft to the top of her mouth with her tongue. Troy shouted his arousal as his body responded and bathed her with his tantalizing fluids.

Skylar was lost in a sea of sensation, her entire body rocking both in response to Troy’s pleasure and the attention she was receiving from Tralec. Every nerve was stimulated as both the ‘mouth’ worked her tight little rim and the second organ teased her clit. Tralec’s primary tool began to swell and grow within her, lunging to touch her internal spot and provide her with completion.

Skylar did not come. She soared. The climax threw her to a place and time she was unable to grasp in the real world. It traveled through her body like a tidal wave, stealing her breath and ability to think. Every muscle seized in delightful, mind-boggling pleasure as she thoughtlessly dug her nails into Troy’s thigh, held in place only by Tralec’s firm grip on her hips.

The three remained where they were, the sound of panting heard through the still air.

Slowly, Skylar lifted her head from its resting place on Troy’s thick thigh. “I’ve made up my mind. I am coming with you.”

Both Tralec and Troy simply smiled. Her announcement was not news to either of them.

Chapter Six



Troy reviewed the cruiser’s controls in a prelaunch check. He glanced behind him as Skylar sat on the floor, fiddling with something she called a dollhouse. Sheets of balsa wood were spread out before her, as well as a small bag of material and sewing items.

“Explain to me what that is again?” he asked.

“It is a toy. Something human children play with. You said you needed samples to use to make furniture for me, so I asked Tralec to take me to the store so I could find something easy to transport. I still have to build the furniture, though. I also need to make the linens. You said you could change the materials used, right? This stuff would be too flimsy to support my weight if you just increased the size.”

“Yes, it is an easy matter to change the molecular density. We can also program repairs to weak areas, change the colors and texture of the fabrics used, and alter the size to fit properly. Were you able to find clothing samples as well?”

“Tralec said he was going to search for samples on the dark side of the planet. What does that mean exactly?”

“It means that my brother has now taken up the habit of stealing. It is breaking one of our societal rules… to neither covet nor appropriate the goods and property of others,” Troy chuckled.

“Is he going to get into trouble for that?” Skylar asked with worry.

“Nah, the council will understand. Ours is an extenuating circumstance. He has never broken a rule in his life and ever since you made him flush, he has been a different man. More relaxed and adventurous. I am enjoying watching the changes.”

“He was wound tight as a spring, that’s for sure. Whatcha doing?” Skylar rose, wincing as her ankle adjusted to her weight.

Troy held his arms out to her, inviting her to his lap. “Just doing last-minute adjustments before we leave tomorrow. I’ll be a while yet.”

“Is it okay if I take a walk outside? It’s really pretty out, and I wanted to get some sunshine before we go,” Skylar asked, cuddling in his warm arms.

He squeezed her gently, inhaling the fragrance of her hair. “We have a sun on our planet too, you know. It’s our moons, though, that are warm and invite recreation.”

“My skin doesn’t respond to the moon. I don’t want to be as pasty white as you boys are,” Skylar teased. She kissed his cheek and scrambled off his lap. “I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

Troy nodded, returning to his work. He didn’t see Skylar snatch a shifter on her way out.


* * *


She limped until she came to an open area and sat upon a large, flat boulder. The sun warmed her skin as she turned the device in her hand. She wished she knew how to use it. It would make the work the boys were doing a little easier when it came to gathering the supplies they needed to make her comfortable. Tralec refused to take her with him, concerned that she was still spending too much time on the injured ankle and ordered that she stay. She had forgotten to remind him of her need for undergarments and personal supplies. She would be on a planet that did not reproduce, so they would be unaware of the human’s menstrual cycle. This was the last chance to get what she needed before they left, and she had no way to contact the other man.

Troy said it was mind-operated. Skylar glanced in the direction of the ship and made a decision. Hopefully, it would work. She closed her eyes and pictured the local Target, where she could get everything she needed. As she pressed the button, she remembered she did not have the counterfeit credit cards and would not be able to pay. She had used her Iberia Bankcard last time and recalled Tralec’s words as he had cautioned her of the danger of distraction when shifting…

The world spun, sending panic through her. Something was not right! It felt different from when Troy had taken her. She opened her eyes slowly after the movement settled. The environment was unrecognizable—a freezing-cold back alley in a dark city—and she immediately began to shiver in Tralec’s thin, oversized shirt and her old sandals. Fear seized her, and she knuckled the device in her hand. There was no recall button and the power reading was black. Damn! No power? What was she going to do? How could she recharge it?

The realization of how much she had grown to rely on her alien protectors in such a short time descended upon her. Would they be able to find her? Would they want to, even if they had time? They were scheduled to return to Calipi the following day and would not be able to get permission from the council to remain. Skylar stifled a tear. They would probably think she tried to escape them and had betrayed their trust. Would they believe her when she explained her stupidity? Both had strictly forbidden her to use any mind-operated devices until they had time to teach her to focus, and she had blatantly disobeyed them. That in itself had earned her serious punishment… if they ever found her. The thought of being bared across Tralec’s knee for a paddling was a welcome one in comparison to her present situation.

Served her right, Skylar thought sadly.
You reap what you sow.
No point in looking back now. It was simply about survival. Skylar picked herself up and slithered along the dirty walls of the old buildings, fearfully watching for anyone who might cause her harm. She held her breath as she disappeared into the shadows, waiting for three unshaven and poorly dressed men to pass. She slipped around a corner and froze, taking in her surroundings.

“Fuck. I can’t even read the signs. Where the hell am I?” she muttered aloud, not recognizing the words on the store fronts or the street signs. They appeared to be written in a Slavic language.

“Damn it,” she swore, suddenly understanding her predicament. “They warned me! They fucking warned me! My God, why didn’t I listen for once? ‘You can’t let your mind slip for a second,’ they said. Tralec even lectured me about ending up inside of a boulder, at the bottom of the ocean, or in the middle of Siberia. I’m such an idiot! I was thinking of the Iberia credit card and how it rhymed with Siberia… and where do I end up? Somewhere in the middle of fucking Siberia! Shit, shit, shit,” Skylar growled, rubbing the back of her neck. “What am I going to do? No money, no ID…

The only positive thing was that the particular city she ended up in appeared to be fairly clean and quiet, and the street lighting was good enough to allow Skylar to seek shelter from the icy cold. She walked into a coffee shop, catching the eye of the proprietor.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but where am I?”

He looked frightened as he backed up behind the counter. He was afraid of her? Why? Was it her bruised face? Did he think she would bring trouble into his quiet store?

“I’m alone. I am lost and don’t know where I am. I need help,” Skylar said, frightened tears welling in her eyes. “Please help me.”

The man muttered something and lifted a telephone to his ear, hurriedly spouting something. He pointed to a chair and nodded, handing her a steaming cup of black coffee. Skylar slowly sat down with a smile, reaching to rub her aching leg as she lifted the bitter liquid to her lips. After only a few sips, she turned her head as two uniformed men entered the cafe. Police officers!

“I’m lost. Does anyone speak English here?”

“No English,” one of the men said gruffly, gesturing her to stand. Skylar shivered, sensing she was in trouble. For what, though? Loitering?

“American,” she pointed to herself. She pointed to her swollen ankle to show she was injured on more areas that her bruised face. “Ow.”

One of the men looked genuinely concerned. He made fists and pointed outside. Skylar shook her head. “No, no one hurt me here. It was somewhere else. I need to go home. Help me.”


“America. America is home.”

Both men shook their heads and pointed to the door. That was her signal to leave. With a sigh, Skylar stood on trembling legs and walked outside. She leaned against the store front and crumbled to the cold ground as tears flooded from her eyes.

One of the men tapped on her shoulder, his eyes relaying sorrow. He beckoned to her after stating a firm retort to his partner. Skylar looked up at him with hope. He wanted to try to help her!

“Thank you,” she sniffled, accepting a Kleenex from him. He supported her weight as she limped painfully to the squad car, and then he assisted her into the back seat. The two men argued as they joined her in the vehicle, their words lost on her. She stared blankly out the scratched window as she was driven to an old building several miles away. The officer gestured for her to get out of the car and pointed to the ancient door.

“Home?” he said gently.

Skylar watched him wave apologetically as he returned to the vehicle and drove off.
It looked like a halfway house in a bad section of town. He must have thought she had been staying there. With the hope that the building was a youth hostel, she labored up the steep steps and knocked.

A ragged old woman answered, immediately wrinkling her nose as she surveyed Skylar. She nervously looked over Skylar’s shoulder, shook her head, and began to close the door. She was stopped by Skylar’s hand.

“Help. American. Please,” the young woman pleaded. “No one is after me. You have nothing to be afraid of.”

The old woman sneered and angrily shouted something in her face before slamming the door closed. Skylar stared at it, realizing that she was truly and absolutely alone. The contrast of human behavior floored her, and her appreciation for what the boys had done magnified. Where was basic human kindness, care, and concern? The extent of selfishness that ran through her species shamed her, especially in comparison to her alien guardians. Shivering from the cold, she curled into a ball at the base of the stairs and wrapped her arms tightly around her body as she tucked her frozen feet underneath her. She found herself wishing that the connection the boys claimed to have with her was strong enough for them to actually locate her, but Tralec had explained that situation only applied to a pod-mate. She turned the shifter in her hand, trying to study it in the moonlight. A tiny glow touched the screen as the sensor picked up the power source, and she felt hope stream through her. If she could charge it enough to get home…

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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