Read Skylar's Guardians Online

Authors: Breanna Hayse

Skylar's Guardians (6 page)

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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“Mmmm, it really tastes exceptional. I have never experienced such a wonderful flavor. Perhaps that is because of your fingers,” Troy said, taking her hand and inserting her index finger in his mouth. Skylar’s jaw fell open.

“You are rendering her speechless. Amazing,” Tralec chuckled. “Stop playing with her and get back to business. You are going home with us, Skylar. Your body is still in need of rest and healing, and you cannot be left unattended in this world. Not if you are to survive. We were given a very short time to visit this world and must return promptly.”

“You are not intending on giving me a choice, are you?” Skylar’s eyes flashed.

“No. We found you, and you now belong to us. I will not discuss this further. Finish eating and we will talk some more. I have many questions about your instruction manuals.”

“And I need to learn how to read them,” Troy piped in. He opened one of the thinly bound papers and placed it in front of her. “Do you enjoy doing this?”

“Holy sh… Where did you get a porn magazine?”

“From your shelter. There were three. Do all your people engage in sexual relations like this, or should I seek to find more manuals? Did your reading device contain all manuals available for our research?”

“Manuals? Are you kidding? These books are for entertainment. They are works of fiction and are just fantasy.”

“Your species is entertained by looking at and reading about sex?” Troy questioned.

“Some people are. Not everyone.”

“Are you? Does this fantasy writing appeal to you?” Troy asked bluntly, clearly interested in her reaction.

She turned a pretty shade of red. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Let the child eat,” Tralec grinned. “She is obviously affected by those images.”

“I am not a child.”

“Quite the contrary. From this moment on, you are our little female podling. We will continue to use these manuals… books… as instructional guides in caring for you. You will also address us in the manner you assigned when you were more… compliant.”

“And sweet,” Troy added with a grunt. “I prefer it when you are sweet.”

“You will continue to address me as ‘Daddy’ and Troy as ‘Papa.’ Although you claim these books to be works of fiction, you do respond positively to the techniques listed within them. Being that we are limited with time, and the research required to understand your species is quite extensive, we will begin with these.”

“Listen, guys…” Skylar tried to stay calm. “I agree that the idea of age-play turns me on. So does the thought of having multiple partners. I’m human, okay? But that is where it ends. You both are incredible to look at. I will give you that. And, except for that harpoon you call a syringe, and what you did to my ass,” she glared at Troy for a moment, “I find you to be very pleasant and interesting company. But I can’t stay. I don’t belong in a world where I am never allowed to grow up.”

“You will belong because you are ours. I am not letting you go,” Troy growled.

“Tell him to stop with that blue face crap! It scares me!” Skylar pulled away from Troy’s glare and leaned toward Tralec.

“It should frighten you. It means he’s annoyed. Keep up the attitude and you will quickly learn what causes him to glow. I would feel very sorry for your bottom should that happen,” Tralec commented nonchalantly.

“This is wrong. All of it.” Skylar shrank in her chair. “Civilized men don’t go around the universe abducting helpless women.”

“I think you will change your mind in time. While I work with Troy on his reading, I want you to go through the pictures on the interface and chose the kinds of foods you enjoy. Simply touch the box next to them and we can obtain samples. We will then program them into the system for reproduction for when we return to Calipi.”

“What about clothes? This blanket doesn’t exactly cut it for comfort,” Skylar said, pushing the remnants of chicken around on her plate.

“We need samples for the machine to analyze before we can reproduce anything. We can adjust the sizes and appearance, but we require some sort of a template. We might also need to sample furnishings. There is nothing on Calipi that would fit you.”

“Fine, but I’ll be damned if you put me in a crib!”

“We will consider your requests. Tell us what you feel we should know,” Tralec requested.


* * *


Troy grinned as he watched Tralec’s gills begin to blush a pale blue. Skylar talked non-stop as the two men worked on teaching Troy to read her language. She talked about food, where to find it, how much it cost, and the different ways to prepare it. She talked of clothing, how different parts of the world call for different fashion, and how the temperature and time of year determined what was worn. She spoke of furniture, space required, linens and cushioning, and how the atmosphere of the environment determined the style of the pieces. She talked of ‘manuals’ and how many thousand there were in existence and why she chose particular authors as her favorites.

“Does she ever shut up?” Tralec whispered, rubbing his head. “This endless chatter is making my ears ring.”

“You’ve always been sensitive to noise,” Troy chuckled. “I will go out tonight and try to find clothing and furniture samples. I am also sure these people have designed something to stop their females from talking so much.”

“The manuals suggest using a gag, but I fear it would prohibit her breathing. Maybe she will grow tired of hearing her voice. Or develop a sore throat. Or fall asleep mid-sentence,” Tralec moaned as Skylar droned on about seasonal colors and her likes and dislikes.

“I would rather hear her talk than see her leak.”

“The word is cry,” Tralec groaned, pressing his fingers to his temples.

“You look as though you are about to… cry,” Troy teased. “I will take her outside for a while. You can go rest in your cube.”

“I will do that. Do not allow her out of your sight. She recovers too quickly from our medications, and I don’t trust her not to try to run, despite her ankle injury.”

“If she does try to run,” Troy said, projecting his voice so that Skylar could clearly hear him, “our little girl will go for a long trip across my knee.”

“I will not make any attempt to stop you. Skylar, you are to go with Papa Troy and behave yourself.”


“Is that how you were told to answer?”

“Yes, Daddy dearest,” Skylar said sarcastically, her eyes narrowing as she openly challenged him.

“Try answering me again, Skylar. Without the attitude,” Tralec ordered, a slight blue flush appearing on either side of his temples.

Chapter Four



Skylar sighed, rolling her eyes. “This is utterly ridiculous. I… Okay! Yes, Daddy! I’ll behave,” she squealed as Tralec rose quickly and started straight toward her with darkening gills. This man, the one she was made to call Daddy, frightened her more than the other. He was the definite authority of the twosome and made even the fearless Troy submit to his command. His self-control was unnerving, and she could tell he would not be easily manipulated. The other one, Papa Troy, was fairly predictable. He wore his emotions openly, and she could immediately tell when she had pushed too far. He was also very affectionate and seemed to view her as something like a pet, endlessly touching her with tender fascination. He would be the one to make the mistakes and soften his hold on her, but not Daddy. Skylar also knew she had one chance. If she did not manage to escape, then Papa Troy’s trust would be abolished and she would spend the rest of her life under lock and key. Or worse. Under his punishing hand.

“I can’t go outside like this,” Skylar said, holding the blanket around her. “Besides the fact that I’m bare-naked, I will get sunburned. I need clothes.”

“Give her one of my shirts,” Tralec said, tucking a green pill that was big enough to choke a horse under the small flap of flesh on his side, “and warn her what happens to people who try to test my patience.”

Skylar decided that she would play the game their way until she found a way to escape. She tugged on Troy’s sleeve. “Don’t let him be mean to me, Papa. I don’t like when people are mean to me.”

Troy raised an eyebrow in her direction, his face lighting with amusement. “Tralec? Mean? That’s something to laugh at. He is too logical to waste his time playing games. Worry more about me. I should give you a word of advice. We are grown from the same synthesized cell. That means that we have the exact same brain capacity and intelligence. While I am programmed as a warrior, I am not stupid. Don’t think I can’t see through your scheme, little one.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, Papa.” Skylar stuck her lower lip out.

“Like hell you don’t. You are trying to manipulate us against each other.”

“Daddy! Papa Troy swore. Does that mean I can too?” Skylar yelled sharply, making both men wince in pain. They wanted to treat her like a child, so she would act like one. Maybe she could wear them down that way.

“I heard what he said. While he should attempt to model good behavior for you, he is not under any obligation to do so. I am going to rest for a while,” Tralec said, nodding his excusal.

“You better be nice to me,” Skylar pointed at Troy with a sour face. “Why do you guys act like it hurts when I yell?”

Troy grinned, unbothered by her temporary bravado. “Our ears are highly sensitive, and excess noise is painful to us. High decibels, for example, make us want to knock our heads on a rock. That non-stop talking, too, can cause us discomfort. Especially for Tralec. He is happiest when he works in a vacuum. Keeping things quiet makes life easier for all of us.”

“You’re grown from the same cell? How does that work?” Skylar asked, allowing him to slip Tralec’s shirt over her head. On her, it resembled an oversized dress, coming clear down to the floor, with sleeves that could have easily been tied around her body two times. Troy tapped his chin, apparently thinking of how to make the shirt more wearable for her. He snapped his fingers and lifted the clippers to the sleeves, trimming them at the elbow. One sleeve he wrapped around her waist, cinching it snugly.

“I’ll explain about our reproductive policy later. How is that?”

“It’s okay. The material feels really nice, but I do need some underwear and other things. How about shoes? I need to protect my feet,” Skylar asked slyly.

“Are you telling me that your leg is healed enough to walk to the portal?” Troy asked, crossing his arms. Skylar sulked. He was onto her! He cupped her face in his hand and leaned over to kiss her nose. “Nice try, little one. Even if you were strong enough to walk for long, I would not provide you with a means to run from me.”

“I’m not going anywhere, geesh. I’ve just cut up my feet before by walking barefoot and don’t want to risk that again.”

“No shoes.”

“The stores don’t let people in without shoes. No shirt, no shoes, no service.” Skylar tried to sound serious.

Troy studied her carefully. “You’d best not be lying to me, Skylar. That is a serious offense in our society.”

“I swear, cross my heart, it’s the truth.”

“Very well. I will bring the shoes you were wearing when we found you.”

“Those are shot. You have no worry about me trying to go far in them. What if someone sees us? You are not exactly, uh, normal,” she asked, staring up into his face.

“Then you tell them I am your friend from…”


“Yes, Norway. But we should have no worries about that. I need to know where you gather your food.”

“We go to grocery stores. We have to pay for things, though.”

“With what?”

“We use money and credit cards.”

“Credit cards?”

Skylar explained the process of credit, the bank authorization and assignment, and how impossible it was to obtain a card without credit and ID. As she spoke, Troy fussed with the duplicating machine. He produced four different cards—Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Iberia Bankcard, all with her name, and an ID in the form of a passport.

“How did you…?”

“Reproduction of this type of item is an elementary process. Because it has no creative or sensual elements, it does not require extensive molecular alteration or mental interface.”


“Requiring interpretation of the senses. Taste, touch, sight…”

“Oh. So, how much is on the card?”

“I only placed the minimal balance to prevent it from becoming conspicuous. It is not enough to escape with, in case you are contemplating those actions.”

“Are you serious? After threatening to spank me, do you really think I am stupid enough to try to take off?”

“I will not underestimate you. You are intelligent and cunning, and I suspect you are accustomed to getting your way if possible. Where should we start?”

“Unless you have a car, there is no possible way to drive to the store. There is a Vons…”

“Vons? Hold tight, here we go,” Troy said, hefting her in his arms and pressing his thumb upon the small glass mirror located on a device the size of a small book. Skylar’s head spun sickly as she clung in terror to his neck. She fought back the desire to vomit as they stood in the lot behind the grocery store.

“I thought it best to land where we were not likely to be seen. How are your wounds?” Troy asked, holding her in his arms like a young child.

“My ankle is still a little achy and feels weak. Everything else is okay so far, except for the mongo bruise your asshole brother left on my…
Hey! No!!
” Skylar yelped as Troy tossed her over his shoulder and walloped her three times on the rump. “Sorry!”

“I am a very fast learner, dear. I retain what I am taught and that includes vocabulary and application. Cease with the profanity and name-calling. And never underestimate my intelligence, please.”

“I won’t,” Skylar sniffled, rubbing her stinging backside. “Sorry.”

He kissed her cheek and returned her to his side, where she rested at his hip. “Good girl. We will go inside and get food you like. Then we will search for a place for clothing and furnishings.”

“You need to let me walk or it will look even stranger. I can go for a little while…”

BOOK: Skylar's Guardians
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