Read Step-Lover Online

Authors: Bella Jewel

Step-Lover (15 page)

BOOK: Step-Lover
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“And Peyton?”

He snorts. “She made her bed, honey.”

“But you cared about her. I don’t know that it’s good to jump from her to me.”

He laughs softly and starts detangling my hair with his fingers. “Baby, me and you came along far before me and her. It’s not like you’re a rebound.”

“But . . .”

“Hush, darlin’. Let be what will be.”

I giggle. “When did you get so smart?”

He chuckles. “I didn’t, it’s all an act.”

I smile and let myself, just for a moment, believe this is all real.

But it can’t be, right?



“Fuck,” Blade grunts, jerking my head so hard my hair stings. “Baby, keep going.”

I’m sucking his cock. I’m not doing this lightly. He woke in the middle of the night with an appetite and I decided it was time I got to taste him. So, I slid down and closed my lips around him. I’m sucking like he’s the last lollipop on earth and I’m a starved candy addict.

“Baby,” he moans.

I swirl my tongue around the tip before bobbing my head, taking his length as deep as I can. His fingers are in my hair and he’s tugging, over and over, urging me on. His body is wound up and every now and then he flinches with pleasure. He’s beginning to swell in my mouth, and I know he’s getting close. This only spurs me on. I use my teeth to gently graze him and suck as hard as I can.

“Holy . . . shit . . .” he roars.

Warm liquid spurts out and hits the back of my throat over and over. I swallow it down, taking every last drop before slowly releasing him. He slumps backwards and I fall down beside him, crawling up until we’re side by side.

“Shit. I should have asked you to do that earlier.”

I laugh softly. “I think that might have been a good choice.”

He rolls to me and then pulls back. “Go and brush your teeth, woman.”

I grin. “But I thought you liked it dirty.”

He blanches. “I like your dirty, not my dirty.”

“You make me suck myself off your fingers.”

“Baby,” he says, placing a hand over my mouth. “Your pussy is sweet. My dick is not.”

With a giggle, I crawl out of bed and rush into the bathroom. I brush my teeth, positively glowing, and join him back on the bed. He wraps his arm around me and pulls the blankets over us. “Get some sleep, ’cause you look like shit.”

“Thanks,” I mumble against his skin.

“As shit as rainbows can look.”

I slap him. “Your charm is not welcome here.”

I feel him grin against my flesh, before my eyes start drooping. I’m exhausted and after a few rounds with Blade, I’m even more exhausted. I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, so I’m going to enjoy this for just a little bit longer.

I think we deserve that.



I blink, confused.

“Aria honey? Wake up.”

Huh? I shift and realize I’m wrapped in a wall of hot, hard male. I smile remembering last night, and slowly untangle myself from Blade’s arms.



I jerk upright remembering the voice. Mom. Oh god, Mom is at my door. I spin quickly, yelling out, “Ah, one second, Mom.”

“I’m coming in.”

No. Oh my god.

“No,” I cry out so loud Blade jerks awake. “I’m, ah, naked. Let me get changed.”

“Okay, five minutes.”

I turn to Blade and rasp, “My mom is here, which probably means your dad is here.”

“Fuck,” he mutters, throwing himself out of the bed.

I only get a moment to enjoy the amazing view that is Blade naked before Mom knocks again. “Come on, honey, it’s exciting news.”

Please tell me she’s not pregnant. I’d shoot myself.


I turn to Blade. “You have to leave!”

“You’re two stories up. What do you think I’m going to do? Jump out the window?”


“Go into the bathroom. I’ll get rid of her.”

He runs about, getting his clothes, then he ducks into the bathroom, shutting the door quietly. I dress and run my fingers through my hair, before doing a quick scour of the room. Then, I open the door. Mom is standing in the hall and when she sees me, she smiles big.

“Morning sleepyhead.”

“Ah, hey Mom,” I murmur. “How did you get in?”

“Melanie let me in. She’s making coffee. Come out here. I want to tell you something.”

“Please tell me you’re not pregnant.”

She snort-laughs. “Honey, I’m far too old for that.”

Yes, yes you are.

“Then what is it that was so important that you had to wake me?”

She scoffs and wraps her arm around my shoulder. “Stop that complaining and give your momma five minutes of your time.”

“You’re lucky I love you,” I grumble.

We step out into the kitchen and I see Jack sitting at the counter while Melanie chats happily to him. When we step out, they both turn. “Morning sunshine!” Melanie chirps, taking me in. She stops at my neck and her eyes widen. She rushes over, shocking me by throwing her arms around my neck. Then she whispers. “You have a mega hickey, pull your hair down.”


I let her go and quickly rearrange my hair. Mom doesn’t notice but Jack, oh, he’s staring at me with an expression that tells me he totally saw my hickey. Crap. I turn away and look to Mom. “So, what’s the big news?”

“Jack and I bought a house!” she squeals.

I blink.


“A house,” she cries. “We bought a house.”

“But . . . you
a house.”

“This one is amazing, Aria,” she smiles. “It has five bedrooms and paddocks. Paddocks! For horses.”

Well yes, that’s usually what paddocks are for.

She looks so happy, so damned happy that I can’t help but smile. “I’m happy for you, Mom.”

She beams and hugs me. I hug her back and meet Jack’s eyes. He mouths
we’re going to talk
and I swallow. Eek. I pull back and beam at her. “When do you move in?”

“In a month! We’ll have a big party. It’s right down the road from Jessica. I’m so happy.”

My guilt swarms me. Jessica is her best friend; she’s also a judgy bitch when she wants to be. It’s not that, though. It’s her smile. It’s her happiness. It’s killing me, because what Blade and I are doing could bring it all to it’s knees. I push the guilt away and keep a smile on my face all the way through a coffee.

Then I lie that I have to go to school and rush back to my room after saying goodbye to them.

Blade is sitting on my bed when I slip in and he looks up at me. “I heard what she said.”

I flop down beside him. “I feel awful, Blade.”

He takes my hand. “We’ll work it out, just . . . give it time.”

“And until then?” I say, meeting his eyes.

“Until then, it’s just me and you, Tulip.”




“Have a good afternoon, everyone.”

We all stand from our chairs and make our way out of the classroom. It’s been a long day; I’ve had four lessons and I’m buggered. Usually I’d go home, but today I’m feeling a special kind of anticipation. I’m feeling it because I get to see Blade. We’ve effectively managed to keep our relationship hidden for one week, and it’s been an amazing seven days.

I smile just thinking about how amazing he makes me feel.

I hurry towards the parking lot but stop when someone calls my name. I turn and see Yates hurrying down the hall towards me. Dammit. I’d had a coffee with him, told him things were good and I’d moved on, but he isn’t taking that hint. He stops when he reaches me, and he smiles, and I can’t help but feel a little sorry for him. He is a good guy; I’m just not the right kind of girl for him.

“Hey, Yates.”

“How was class?” he asks.

He falls in step beside me as I walk towards the doors. “It was great. Yours?”

He shrugs. “The usual. Hey, what are you up to tonight?”

Fucking my man, slow and sweet.

“Having a quiet one.” I force a smile.

“You should come out with a few of us. We’re going to the Shack for a few drinks.”

“I’d love to, but I’m swamped, sorry.”

He frowns. “Are we ever going to be able to get along again? I stuffed up, Aria, but I want to be your friend. I care about you.”

I sigh and stop walking to turn towards him. “Look, Yates, I hope that can happen too, but right now things in my life are complicated, and I don’t have the time to think about anything else. Maybe when it gets better we can catch up.”

“Is it because of him?”

He jerks his head and I spin around to see Blade striding towards us. Why the hell is he here? And he looks . . . pissed. When I left him this morning he wasn’t pissed, so why the hell is he pissed now? When he reaches us, he stops and shoots daggers in Yates’ direction. Well, Blade has a jealous side. Good to know.

“He botherin’ you?” he barks.

“Ah, no, we were just talking,” I say gently. I want to reach out and touch him but that’ll only cause suspicion.

“I was just asking her if everything was okay,” Yates says, taking a step back. “No harm.”

Then he turns and scurries off. This only reinforces exactly why I am not with him anymore. He never faces a fight; he runs from them. I turn to Blade and whisper, “What’re you doing here?”

He’s watching Yates still, but at my words his eyes turn down to me. God. Yum. He obviously came straight from the garage, because he’s wearing a tight black tee and grease-stained jeans. His hair is mussed and he looks fucking amazing. Girls in the hall stop and stare at him, some of them giggling like school children. Blade takes no notice; his eyes are on me.

“Thought I’d come and pick you up.”

“I have a car . . .”

“No, you don’t,” he says.

I blink. “Um, I drove it to school this morning.”

He gives me a crooked smile that makes my heart melt. “And I came and stole it while you were busy.”

“You stole my car?”



He shrugs. “I’m restoring it – Suzie deserves that much. So now you’re comin’ back to the garage with me. I have a late one and fuck, honey, I want you there.”

Honey. Swoon.

“I’m tired.” I pout.

He grins down at me. “I’m sure I can make it worth your while.”

“Oh, I just bet you can.”

“Come on, I got your favorite cupcakes.”

“Chocolate with caramel frosting?” I just about squeal.

He rolls his eyes. “Fuckin’ women.”

I follow him out to the car, not touching him even though I really, really want to. He opens the door for me and I slide in. The moment he gets in, I reach over and grab his shirt, pulling him towards me until our lips touch. He groans and kisses me deep, with a fuck-load of tongue, then he leans back in his chair, panting and pitching a fine tent in his jeans.

“Any chance you wanna suck my dick while I’m driving?”

“So vulgar.” I grin.

He winks at me. “It’s the way you like it.”

This is true.

He pulls away and we drive towards the garage. “So, are you always the romantic type?”

He grunts. “Getting cupcakes is hardly romantic.”

“Sure it is,” I protest. “I think cupcakes are the epitome of romance.”

“Course you do, honey.”

I grin and lean back in the chair, putting my feet up on the dash. My pencil skirt rides up and Blade’s eyes flick to my legs. “Put your legs down. You’ll make me hard.”

“Harder,” I point out.

“Seriously, I can’t drive while your legs are up there and your fuckin’ skirt is riding up.”

“Then look away,” I breathe, sliding my skirt down lower until my panties are bared.

“Fuck me,” he grunts.

“Pay attention to the road, Blade. We wouldn’t want to have a crash.”

I slip my fingers beneath my panties and gasp at the warmth there. Just seeing him causes my body to react like this. I moan as I slide my fingertips over my clit, and I relish in the feeling of it swelling beneath my motion. Blade growls and uses one hand to adjust his cock, which looks painfully hard.

“Someone is goin’ to see you, Tulip,” he rasps. “Stop that.”

“Make me,” I breathe, tilting my head back and rubbing harder.

“Fuck it.”

The car turns a few times, horns honk and then Blade skids to a stop. Before I even have the chance to open my eyes he leans over me and unbuckles my seatbelt. My eyes snap open and I barely stutter out a confused gasp before he lifts me and pulls me onto his lap. We’re in an alley, and lord only knows how long it’s going to be before someone comes down here.

He slaps my hands away and replaces my fingers with his. He rubs my clit, over and over, then he dips his fingers into my pussy. I gasp and hold onto his shoulders, groaning as he finger fucks me. Then he pulls his fingers out and shoves them into my mouth with a wicked grin. My cheeks burn as I suck myself off him. He reaches between us, and he shifts, undoing his jeans.

Then he pulls them down just enough for his cock to spring free. He shoves my panties aside and slowly sinks me down over his thick, hard length. I gasp and clutch his shoulders, letting my head fall back. He fills me to the hilt and then takes control of my hips, using them to rock backwards and forward, up and down, until we’re both panting and gasping each other’s names.

I come first, because I built myself up to it. A whimper escapes me and my entire body jerks. Blade captures my hair and tugs it softly as he uses his hips to drive up into me harder and faster, then with a guttural groan, he’s coming. Our noises of pleasure fill the tiny car space before slowly dying down into breathy pants. I slide off his lap and adjust myself before slipping back into my seat. Blade fixes himself up and drops his head back into the seat.

“Fuck me, you’ll be the death of me.”

“Grandpa,” I mutter.

He flashes me a wolfish grin before pulling back out onto the road and taking us to the garage.

I decide in that moment, that car sex is on my top five list of Best Places to Fuck.


When we arrive at the garage, I see Peyton standing just outside the large rollers doors. She’s wearing a yellow summer dress and has shades pulled down over her eyes. When she sees Blade’s car pull in, her head tilts towards us. Great. Just great. We both get out, and I hope to god it isn’t obvious that we’ve been having sex. Blade mumbles a few curses as we walk closer.

“Ah, hey Blade, Aria . . .” Peyton begins.

“What’re you doin’ here, Pey?” Blade snaps.

“I just wanted to talk to you,” she pleads.

My chest tightens but I say nothing. Blade turns to me. “Can you go inside, give me ten?”


“Sure. Nice to see you, Peyton.”

“You too, Ari.”

I disappear inside and rush into the office. I unlock it and close the door softly behind me. My heart aches with a pathetic jealousy that I shouldn’t have. He chose me, so why the hell am I so worried about her being out there? I sit for ten minutes, but Blade doesn’t come back in. I get out of my chair and carefully walk out towards the garage. I stop when I hear them talking.

I peer around to see them standing beside a car. He’s leaning against it with his arms crossed and she’s standing about a meter in front of him, arms flopping to the side. “Please, Blade, let me explain.”

“Don’t want to hear your fuckin’ lies, Pey.”

She drops her head. “He drugged me.”

Oh, she did not.

“Say what?”

“He drugged me. We went to lunch, as friends I swear. Midway through I started to feel funny, off even. It got worse and worse until I could hardly walk. He took me home, and I honestly don’t remember much after that.”

Is she lying? Or is she telling the truth? If she’s lying, then she’s a dog, but somehow, I think she’s telling the truth and that’s bad. It’s bad because Blade will then have to question himself, and everything we’re doing here. I feel sick, but I don’t move. I just watch.

“How do I know you’re not lyin’ to me?”

She shuffles about through her purse and pulls out a piece of paper, handing it to him. “I went to the doctor a few days ago, made them take my bloods, because I want to know what he gave me. If you read it, you can see that there were still levels of the drug in my system.”

Blade stares down at the paper and back up towards Peyton.

“Shit, Pey.”

Oh no.

She bursts into tears. “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t talk to me. I’m so sorry, Blade. I had to make a statement to the police yesterday because it’s classed as, well . . .” She swallows. “Rape.”

Oh my god. Poor Peyton.

Even I’m not that heartless. It must have been horrible for her. Not having control of her own body like that.

“Shit,” Blade growls. “Who is this fucker?”

Peyton is crying harder now. “I work with him. We were friends, I didn’t think . . .”

“Tell me his name, Pey.”

“Blade, please, the police are dealing with it and—”

“Tell me his fuckin’ name!” Blade barks.

She nods. “It’s Brian. Brian Peters.”

“Where is he now?”

She shrugs. “I don’t . . . I don’t know.”

“Where does he live?”

“Blade . . .”

He leans in close, grabbing her shoulder. “He raped you; he’s going to pay for raping you. Now tell me where the hell he lives.”

She rattles off an address, but then quickly reaches out and grabs his arms. “Please, before you go, just know how sorry I am. I . . . it’s been hell without you, Blade. I’m so sorry.”

Jesus. No.

His face goes soft and he looks down at her. “Don’t be sorry.” He pulls her into his arms. “Never be sorry.”

My knees go wobbly. He’s stroking her hair. She’s clinging to him. They look perfect together. Blade pulls back and presses a kiss to her forehead, and as he’s doing this, his eyes find mine. He pulls back and narrows his gaze, but I can’t move. I can’t even speak. Part of me, the biggest part, wants to rush over and hold Peyton. The other part, the tiny insecure part, wonders if this is it for Blade and me?

Peyton turns and looks over to me, and I pull myself together.

“I’m sorry, Peyton,” I whisper. “I overheard.”

She gives me a wobbly smile and the bigger part of my heart wins out. I walk over and place a hand on her shoulder. “Would you like to stay with me for a while?”

She nods. “I’d like that.”

“Good idea,” Blade says, leaning down and grabbing some keys. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Blade,” I say carefully. “Think about what you’re doing.”

He shoots me an angry look. “He raped my girl,” he spits. “He isn’t getting away with it.”

I flinch.

He notices.

“Peyton, give me a second with Aria.”

Peyton nods, and he flashes her a smile before she rushes into the office. When we hear the door close, he turns to me. “He raped her, Aria.”

“I know that, and he deserves to pay for it,” I say, looking away.

He studies me. “You really don’t care if I go and beat the shit out of him. You care because I was wrong, and Peyton didn’t do bad by me. You care because you’re afraid I’ll leave you and go back to her now that I know.”

I flinch again.

He shakes his head and points to the door. “That girl in there got raped, and she was my girl when it happened. She is suffering far more than you right now, so put your fuckin’ selfish shit aside and get over it.”

I jerk and tears burn under my eyelids. “I never said . . .”

“You wanted to,” he mutters.

With that, he turns and storms out.

BOOK: Step-Lover
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