Read Step-Lover Online

Authors: Bella Jewel

Step-Lover (19 page)

BOOK: Step-Lover
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Oh. God.

He’s scared of losing me, of losing us. He’s afraid Blade and I will go wrong, and he’ll lose what we’ve created. My face must soften because he looks away. “Don’t look at me like that,” he says. “Don’t give me pity.”

“Why?” I say gently. “Because you’re afraid you might actually feel something if you let me in?”

His eyes snap to me. “I like what I have with you. I don’t want to lose it, but don’t even for a second think you’re in.”

Ouch. I flinch.

“Jesus, Brody, why don’t you kick me while I’m down.”

He looks away. “Don’t be offended. No one is in, Aria, and they never will be again.”

I understand that, because I understand his story. It’s not a nice story, it’s painful, and I know why he’s so damaged because of it. I reach out and take his hand. He doesn’t pull it away, but he gets tense.

“I’m sorry, Brody. I charged in here because I thought you were just being an ass. I didn’t realize it wasn’t that at all.”

He looks at me. “Let’s just forget this, okay? I was a dick; I’m sorry. I really hope you and Blade work out. He deserves someone like you.”

With that, he tugs his hand from mine and disappears into the darkness.

I’m not entirely sure that went well, but it didn’t go badly either.



I arrive home at Brody and Blade’s place, having no idea if Brody will even come home tonight. I walk inside and the lights are on dim, so the room is only just lit enough for me to see where I’m going. I walk straight down to Blade’s room, because I need him. I need him to tell me this will all be worth it in the end.

When I walk past the shower, I hear it running. Smiling, I slip in. Blade is standing in the steam, hands on the tiled wall above him, head leaning on his arms. His corded back is stretched, showing off his impressive muscles. Then there’s that ass. I swallow and slowly drop my clothes before slipping in behind him.

“Lucky I knew it was you,” he says without turning. “Or you might have found yourself with a black eye.”

I laugh softly, wrapping my arms around him. “What, did you think Brody would come in here?”

He snorts. “Come off it.”

“Hmmm,” I hum against his skin, pressing my cheek to his back.

He doesn’t move as I reach around, taking his cock in my hand. I gently stroke and it gets hard in my palm. Blade growls, low and deep, and curls his hand over mine, helping me stroke it. “Right there over my head, baby. Little quick strokes.”

I copy his rhythm, until he’s tight in my arms, wound up and ready to explode. He quickly jerks my hand away and spins around, lifting me and pinning me against the wall. His lips crush down over mine and he kisses me deep. Our tongues tangle and dance. He pulls back and sucks on my lower lip while his fingers knead my ass.

“Fuck me against this wall, honey,” I whisper.

He leans down, sucking water droplets off my chin as he lifts me up and lowers me down over his cock. I groan as he fills me, knowing this is exactly what I needed. I reach up and tangle my fingers into his wet hair, tugging his head back so I can suck on his throat. He hisses and starts driving into me, deep and hard, not holding back. I whimper, thrusting my chest up, rubbing my nipples against his chest.

He takes the hint and arches his back, sucking a nipple deep into his mouth. It pebbles beneath his touch and I groan his name. His fingers curl into my ass as his thrusts get deeper and harder. I want to come, but I also want to be damned naughty, and so I change things up. I unhook my legs and whisper, “Put me down, honey.”

He pulls back, staring at me as if I’ve lost my mind, but he lets me down. His cock slips from me, and it looks angry and hard. I instantly drop to my knees and suck myself off him from root to tip. “Holy fuck that’s hot,” he rasps, clutching my head and using it to guide his cock in and out of my mouth.

“It feels fuckin’ good, baby,” he says in a tight voice. “But I need to come inside your cunt, not in your mouth.”

He lifts me up by my armpits and attempts to put me against the wall again, but instead I turn and bend down, pressing my hands flat on the tiled floor, leaving my ass in the air, legs straight. Blade hisses and uses his fingers to run the slickness between my legs up and down, before thrusting two inside me. He fucks me like that for a while before pulling his fingers out and replacing them with his cock.

Like this he goes deep and it feels good.

“Blade,” I gasp. “Oh god.”

He fucks me slow and then fast, and then fucking slow. Then he slaps my ass and my knees wobble with pleasure. His fingers free roam as his cock drives in and out of my pussy, and when one of his fingers slides into my ass, I scream with pleasure. He barks his enjoyment and fucks me so hard my hands slip across the tiles. I come with his cock deep in my pussy and his finger in my ass.

He comes seconds later, pulling out and exploding onto my back and ass. I feel his warmth hit my skin before it’s quickly washed away with the water. He helps me up and my legs wobble enough that he leans down and scoops me into his arms. He carries us down the hall, and I pray to heaven that Brody doesn’t come home this second.

He doesn’t.

We reach Blade’s room and he carries me in, putting me down onto the bed. He kisses me with a wicked grin, before digging through his drawers and tossing me a shirt. I pull it on and sit on the bed, watching him get dressed. When he’s done, he stops in front of me, shirtless. I lean forward and press a kiss to his belly. His muscles flex and move beneath my lips.

“That was fuckin’ hot, baby,” he murmurs, stroking my hair down.

“Hell yes it was.”

“Didn’t know my girl had a wild side.”

I look up at him and he’s smiling down at me. My heart flutters. “There’s so much for you to learn then, isn’t there?”

His grin turns genuine and warm. “Can’t fuckin’ wait, baby.”

“Right there with you, honey.”

He sits down beside me, and starts kissing me softly when we hear, “Knock, knock,” being called out.

It’s Jack.


I jump up and Blade does the same. “I’ll go see him. You go to the bathroom and get some panties on.”

I nod and wait for him to disappear out the door before rushing down to the bathroom to fetch my panties. I pull them on and straighten up before heading out. Of course I have no doubt Jack knows what Blade and I have been doing, considering I’m wearing his shirt, but I don’t have time to ponder that.

When I get into the kitchen, they’re standing beside the counter, speaking. Both turn to stare at me and Jack reaches out a hand. “Come here, honey.”

I hesitantly go over and stop next to him. He looks at both Blade and I, then starts speaking. “I spoke to Nancy tonight, and she made things a little clearer for me. She also made me realize that what you two are doing isn’t awful or wrong. It might not be ideal and we’ll deal with whatever is thrown our way, but you have every right to choose who you want to be with, and considering you met before us, I hardly think it’s my place to tell you to change it.”

My heart softens and I smile.

“You’re both good kids and I hope it works out, for all our sakes.” He looks to Blade. “But if I know my boy, which I think I do, then I know he doesn’t give his heart easily.” His eyes go to me. “So if you have it, honey, then I am all for it.”

My heart explodes and I fling my arms around his neck, hugging him tight. “Thank you, Jack.”

He hugs me and when we let go, he turns to Blade. “Take care of her, yeah?”

Blade nods. “Will do, Dad.”

“Then I think we’re done here,” he says, grinning at us both before heading towards the door. “I’ll catch you later.”


“Later, Jack.”

When he’s gone, I turn to Blade and my smile is so big I can feel it stretching my lips. Blade scoops me into his arms and flattens my body against his, and like this he holds me for a long, long time. “Fuck, this might just be the best day of my life.”

“I think you’re right about that.”

He puts me down, and stares into my eyes. “It’s only forwards from here.”

“Only forward.”



Three months later


“Oh my god, you look so hot it’s unfair!” Melanie cries, crossing her arms.

I study her tight red dress and raise my brows. “And you look like you’ve been dragged from a dumpster.”

Of course I’m being sarcastic. She looks freaking gorgeous.

“I probably do,” she huffs, running her fingers through her hair. “Maybe we shouldn’t go.”

“It’s Brody’s birthday. We’re going, and you’re going to like it. You’re only worried about how you look because you worry that he won’t notice.”

She slaps me across the back of the head and I laugh.

“You’re a horrible friend.”

I snort. “Probably.”

“Do you think he will notice, though?” she says hopefully.

“Honey,” I say, spinning and grabbing her shoulders, “if he doesn’t notice you, he’s mad.”

“He hasn’t this far,” she says, casting her eyes downwards.

“You haven’t exactly told him you want his attention. Maybe it’s time you do.”

She shakes her head sadly. “If he rejects me, I couldn’t handle it. I think it’s best I try and move on.”

“Or,” I say, picking up my purse, “you maybe try and be his friend before anything else.”

She looks up at me hopefully. “You think?”

“Absolutely. Let’s go.”

We head out of the room and go outside to wait for the guys. On time, as always, they arrive in Blade’s SUV. It’s Blade who jumps out. When his eyes fall on me, he gives me a look of pure, male appreciation. My cheeks heat and I smile. When I reach him, he leans down, curling his arm around my waist and pulling me close. His lips brush mine and he rasps into my ear, “You’re fuckin’ beautiful.”

I beam up at him and then step back to take him in. He’s wearing a pair of black jeans with a gray sweater. He’s got a leather jacket over the sweater. His blond hair is messy and his eyes are bright, more blue than gray tonight. He looks gorgeous, as always. “You look pretty good yourself,” I breathe.

He turns us towards the car with a wicked grin, a grin that tells me I’ll find out later just how good he thinks I look. We climb into the car and I see Brody’s eyes are on Melanie’s ass as she tries to slip in next to Ripley and Matty. I wish he would just open up and admit he is interested. That would make us all happy.

I throw my arms around him as soon as I’m in and cry, “Happy birthday, Brodes!”

He snorts. “Don’t call me that.”

I scoff and sit back. “Don’t be a sad sack. It’s your birthday. Yay!”

He gives me a look, but I ignore it. After our little spack, things haven’t changed. He got over it and so did I, and neither of us mentioned it again. We’re back to normal, we said what needed to be said, and that’s all that matters.

“Hey there, sister,” Ripley says and I beam at him.

“Hey dude, how’s it hanging?”

“To the left tonight.”

I roll my eyes and turn to Matty. “Hey Matty.”

“Hey Aria, how’s it going?”


Matty is a great guy. We met him only a week after Ripley was home from hospital. He’s a super sweet, super good-looking boy and the two of them look fantastic together. Matty is fairer than Ripley, with light blond hair and the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen. He’s tall and lean, and has the sweetest smile.

“Where are we headed tonight?” Ripley asks.

“To a place I can get you fuckers in with a fake ID,” Blade says, pulling away from the curb.

I laugh at his comment, because Jack and Mom would kill us if they knew we were sneaking Ripley and Matty into a club. No matter, I’m sure all kids have done it at one point.

“Melanie, you look fine tonight,” Ripley says, winking at Mel.

She rolls her eyes but gives him a mega-watt smile. “Thanks, so do you.”

He runs a hand down his shirt. “I know.”

I watch as Melanie gives Brody a look and then she says softly, “Happy Birthday, Brody.”

“Thanks, babe.”

Babe. He calls her that, yet shows nothing when it comes to his interest in her. I know it’s there, and I know why he’s holding back, but I still wish he would let her in. With a sigh, I lean back in the chair and chat casually to everyone as we drive.

When we pull up at a club, Blade parks and we all pile out of the car. Tucking his arm around me, Blade leads us all to the front door. We get in without a problem, and immediately go to the bar and get some drinks. Blade grabs a booth and when we have drinks in hand, we all squish in. I smile at all of them, not only my friends, but my family. All of us seem comfortable, as if we know we just belong.

“So, birthday boy, what do you want to achieve tonight?” Blade asks Brody, nudging him.

“A sweet ass,” Brody mutters, but his eyes flicker to Melanie.

“Good choice.”

I slap Blade on the shoulder and he turns and grins down at me. Cheeky shit.

“Well, here we are,” Ripley says, raising his glass. “Who the fuck knew we’d be here.”

I smile and stare at all the faces I’ve grown to love. I started out with no family, and a broken heart. Now I have all of them, and it feels amazing. Each of them has come to mean something to me and I’ve grown a unique relationship with all of them. I’ve remembered how it feels to laugh. I’ve remembered how it feels to be wanted. These boys, this family—they are the best thing that ever happened to me.

“Cheers to family,” Melanie says, raising her glass.

“Cheers to happiness,” Ripley says.

“Cheers to finding the perfect person,” Matty adds.

“Cheers to laughter.” Brody grins.

“Cheers to you crazy bastards.” I laugh, raising my glass.

“And cheers to finding the person that makes your world bright,” Blade says, his eyes on mine.

We all clank glasses, and Ripley cries, “Pussy, Blade.”

I laugh and tuck myself into Blade’s arms. He leans down to me and his lips brush my ear as he whispers, “Meant every word. My world has been a mass of sunshine since you, Tulip. It’s colorful, it’s bright and it’s perfect. Best thing that ever happened to me, by far. I don’t wanna be sappy, but I never plan on letting you go. I love you. I hope you know that.”

I stare up at him, and I know he means every word. I know it because I feel the exact same way. Since we made it official, every day with Blade has only gotten better. There hasn’t been even a second where I’ve regretted falling in love with the man most forbidden to me. In fact, it was the best damned thing that ever happened to me, and I’ll never regret it.

I cup his face, bringing my lips to his. “I absolutely know that.”

He grins, and I run my thumb over his dimple.

“Enough of that sappy stuff,” Mel cries leaping up and staring down at all of us. “Who wants to dance?”

“Me,” Brody says, surprising us all. He stands and strides towards her before hooking her around the waist and leading her onto the dance floor. Melanie’s cheeks heat and she gives me a hopeful look as they disappear into the crowd.

I watch them go with a smile on my face.

Cheers indeed.


I hope you enjoyed Step-Lover.

If you loved the characters in this book, then you’ll be happy to know that Brody and Melanie will be getting a book of their very own, to be released in 2015. No set date as yet. Keep an eye out for it!




BOOK: Step-Lover
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