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Authors: H.M. McQueen

Surrender (23 page)

BOOK: Surrender
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Wendy was in terrible danger. Kieran didn’t know how he knew, but there wasn’t any doubt in his mind that she was in trouble. The feeling so strong, it woke him from a dead sleep. Albert whined next to him but didn’t wake.

Kieran put his arm over his face and tried to ignore it. Unfortunately, the connection between them was too strong to discount. If demons had Wendy, there was little he could do, given the current state of his life.

Living in hiding.

It had to be a mistake, he justified, just an effect of missing her. Besides, how could any harm come to her when she was in the protective custody of Julian the Great?

Moments later, the room shifted, and he couldn’t ignore it any longer. Somehow, Wendy must have been separated from Julian or her Fae mate. Terror tore through Kieran. Gripped by fear for her, he jerked from the bed and stalked out the front door of the old house on Fraser lands. This time, Albert roused and followed him outside.

Ian Fraser, the current clan Laird, had graciously allowed him temporary lodging. Kieran had told him he was in need of a sabbatical and that he’d only be there for a short length of time.

Only until the hunters found him. He figured it wouldn’t be long. Surprisingly, Julian’s sentinels had not arrived, not yet.

Perhaps because of Wendy’s disappearance, Julian’s focus had moved away from him.

The shrill sound of a bird caught his attention, and he watched the small creature fly across the field toward the tree line. A chill overtook him, a cold sweat breaking out on his brow. Choice gone, he ran back inside. Pulling his sword from under the bed, he jammed on a black T-shirt and his shoes and went to his car. He would not allow demons to hurt Wendy. From the strength of the sensations, he could tell she was not far.

What was she doing in Scotland?

He took Albert back to the house and closed the door on the barking dog. Once behind the wheel, he honed his senses, reaching out in every direction for a trace of the woman who haunted his dreams nightly. She was alive, of that he was sure, but terrified. When he found her, whoever had dared to touch even a hair on her head would die.

The strength of his connection with her astounded him. Right now, she was terrified and calling to him.

Kieran jammed the car into drive and stomped on the gas. He knew where she was, and it wasn’t a good place.


# # #


The darkness helped Kieran keep from being seen as he eased his large frame in between two huge boulders. Several demons patrolled around the solitary house on the outskirts of Plockton, a small Highland fishing village. Leaves rustled behind him.

It wasn’t the wind. He pulled his dagger and prepared for whomever or whatever was moving toward him through the vegetation. A moment later, a hand slammed his hand down onto the boulder, sending his dagger into the darkness. He slipped out from between the rocks, silently rolling the assailant over while pulling another dagger and placing it to his neck.

“Fallon? What the hell are you doing here?” Kieran whispered, pulling the dagger back from the Brit’s throat. But only a little.

Fallon’s eyes glowed unnaturally in the darkness, just as he knew his did. “I was sent on Julian’s orders to look for you,” he whispered back. “But then Wendy went missing, and our orders changed.”

“You came to kill me?” Kieran pushed the dagger deeper into the man’s throat. “We were partners.”

Fallon attempted to shrug. “I wasn’t going to kill you, kill you.”

“Well, that makes me feel all warm inside.” Kieran released him, only to hear another rustle behind him. “Who now?”

“Hello, Kieran.” Rowe’s voice at his ear took him by surprise. Of all of the Protector’s he knew, the Moor had to be the most dangerous. His ability to move undetected was unsurpassed.

“You came to kill me, too?” Kieran hissed, turning his face to Rowe, a longtime friend.

The Moor was barely detectable, laying so flat on the ground, with only his eyes visible, and only because he allowed Kieran to see him. “I’ve never been to Scotland.”

“Newsflash for you, Rowe,” Kieran replied. “You’re immortal. You have plenty of time to take a vacation and travel, asshole.” Although Rowe did not respond, Kieran could sense a slight smile on the man’s face. “Look, can we put off killing me until after we rescue Wendy, please?”

“Good idea,” Roderick replied through the darkness. “I’m surprised the demons are not all over us with all this yakking.”

Kieran was flabbergasted. “You came to kill me, too?” Roderick was not only a long-time acquaintance but also his brother’s best friend.

“No, I just got here, came to rescue Wendy,” Roderick replied. “I don’t think Fallon and Rowe planned to kill you, kill you.”

“What is kill me, kill me?” he hissed, then shook his head. “Forget it, you’ll explain later, or you’ll kill me later, whatever you decide. For now, can we come up with a plan?”

“Yeah,” Roderick handed him an earpiece. “I’m glad to see you, Kieran.”

The Protectors moved stealthily toward the house from different directions. Kieran crouched behind a tree and studied the simple two-story house. A departing car caught his attention, and he angled his head, listening. Fallon’s voice came through loud and clear. “The Master demon is out. I will create a diversion, ensure that I’m seen. That should give you about three minutes, five tops, to get in and get Gwendolyn out.”

This was followed by Roderick’s order. “Move.”

There were four demons guarding the perimeter of the Scottish Master’s home. By the lack of a security system, it seemed the Master didn’t feel overly threatened.

Then again, most of the Protectors assigned to the UK were tied up in London, Glasgow, and Dublin, which were bigger demon hotbeds. Moving toward the back of the house, he heard a soft rustle as Rowe dispatched a demon guard, killing it before it could alert the others. The tingle on the back of his neck alerted him that Fallon had been spotted.

Sure enough, a shout came from the front of the house. “Intruder!” His intended target ran toward the guard who’d yelled, leaving him a clear path. Roderick materialized beside him and hoisted him up to the window. He clung to the side of the building, hanging from his fingertips. He looked down. The area was clear. Roderick was gone as covertly as he’d appeared.

Pulling himself upward, Kieran shimmied to the third floor window and peered in.

Wendy sat on the bed, her head bent as if in prayer. Her hands were not bound, and she didn’t look to be hurt. He rapped on the glass softly.

When she raised her face and spotted him, her eyes widened, but she didn’t move. Smart lass.

The demon guard outside her door would pick up on any sudden movements. He signaled her with his hand to come to him and mouthed the word “slowly.”

She glanced at the door, stood, and began moving toward the window.

The bedroom door opened, and the demon looked in. Wendy hands pulled on the bottom of her shirt, and she turned and glared at him. “I’m about to get undressed and lay down. Go away.”

The demon’s gaze scanned the room before he backed out of the room, closing the door with a firm slam.

Wendy slid the window open, and Kieran motioned for her to climb out. She frowned past him to the ground but did not hesitate. First, she swung her legs out, then slid down and clung to him.

Kieran shimmied over to the end of the windowsill, her slight weight not bothering him in the least as he felt for a foothold and then began to climb down to the ground.

The precious cargo made his descent more cautious than it would have been if he were alone. The entire time Wendy remained silent, she did not even whimper when he let go and fell to the ground. His heart filled with pride.

As soon as his feet hit the ground, Roderick materialized again. “Hurry, we must run.”

Kieran took Wendy’s hand, and they sprinted behind the Spartan, whose long strides cleared the ground at an astonishing speed. Although Wendy was small, she was swift and didn’t seem to have a problem keeping up with them.

Headlights flashed, and Roderick changed direction, toward the vehicle. The doors opened, and they scrambled in.

Fallon turned from behind the wheel and flashed a smile at Wendy. “Hello, Gwendolyn, how are you?”

Wendy didn’t return the smile, her wide eyes taking them all in. With a slight tremble, she snuggled into Kieran’s side. Her breathing was labored when she wrapped her arms around him and pushed her face into his shoulder.

He held her but didn’t allow any thought. He refused to think he’d have to say good-bye to her again shortly and release her to the Protectors, who’d return her to the Fae male whom she was destined to marry.

“Where’s Rowe?” Kieran asked Fallon, whose gaze met him in the rearview mirror.

“He took a different route, probably has demons on his tail since we’re not being followed.”

“Where can we drop you off?” Roderick asked.

Wendy’s body tensed, and she looked up at him, her eyes asking so many questions that he had to look away.

“Another mile up the road, make a right,” Kieran replied, looking down at Wendy.

Too soon, they arrived. Both Fallon and Roderick jumped out of the vehicle before it came to a complete stop. “You’ve got two minutes,” Roderick told him, his eyes conveying that he understood that they needed a few moments of privacy.

“Look at me, Wendy,” Kieran told her, pulling her face up by the chin to him. “What are you doing in Scotland?”

“I came to find you,” she replied, her lips drawing his attention. “Emma told me you were in danger of being killed for running away.”

He pressed a soft kiss on her lips. “Did you come to rescue me?”

She nodded and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Don’t leave, Kieran. Just do what Julian wants. Emma said that you’ll bond with your wife and be all right. I can’t bear the thought of you with someone else, but I’d rather that than the alternative.”

“I’ve lived a long time,” he told her, memorizing every aspect of her face as she listened. “You will marry and have children and go on with your life. After a time, you will forget me. I wish you happiness. Know that you’ve made an impression on me. I am prepared to die, Wendy. Nothing will change my mind about marrying someone I didn’t choose and who didn’t choose me. Please understand.”

Their lips met with desperation. She climbed onto his lap, and he luxuriated in the feel of her body under his hands. She moaned softly when his tongue slipped past her lips.

A rap on the window let them know that they had to leave. Wendy pulled away first and held his face in her hands. “I love you, Kieran Fraser. I will fight for you. I won’t accept the fate Julian has decided.”

He leaned his forehead on hers, not wanting to look away from her. “I love you, too, Wendy. And I wish you happiness.”

Seeing tears spring to her eyes, he practically tore his way out of the car, not wanting her to see his eyes misting. Without a word to either Roderick or Fallon, he stalked to his waiting car.


Wendy remained stoic the entire drive back to Dublin. She refused to eat or speak to either Protector. Closing her eyes, she thought about the last few moments with Kieran. He loved her. That knowledge gave her more strength and resolve than anything in her life ever had. Julian would be hearing from her.

And when she made her demands, the Roman was going to listen.






Roderick had told him the reason for Fallon and Rowe being in Scotland. They’d volunteered to come in order to keep the hunters at bay. They never planned to kill him but to keep an eye on him and protect him if the hunters came.

Kieran swung the ax again; it had been a long time since he’d cut trees down. The laird would be pleased when he saw he’d cleared the area around the old home. Since the man refused payment, Kieran would pay him with labor. The dense vegetation he cleared was just one dead tree removal away from completing his project.

Three weeks had passed since Wendy’s rescue. He’d been on pins and needles the first few days, expecting hunters to break down the front door any minute, but for some reason, they never came.

One last chop of the ax and he watched with grim satisfaction as the tree fell, landing with a loud thump and making frightened birds flutter out of the neighboring trees.

The wind ruffled his damp hair away from his face, and he closed his eyes and threw his head back, enjoying the coolness of it.

For the first time in days, his body relaxed, and he enjoyed the moment. Inevitably, his mind went back to Wendy and the look on her face when he’d told her good-bye. Subconsciously, he rubbed the center of his chest. Thoughts of her always wrenched his heart.

Suddenly, a prickling on the back of his neck alerted him to someone’s presence nearby.

Tensing, he held up the ax, only to lower it when Julian walked out from the tree line.

The Roman’s expression was impassive. He did not wield a weapon, not that he needed one to kick Kieran’s ass. His gait relaxed, Julian walked toward him, stopping only a few paces before reaching him. The Roman looked around, his piercing gaze locking on the house. “Is that not the house you built for your first wife?”

Kieran looked past him to the house. “Yes, I built it.”

Julian’s expression seemed to convey that he was impressed. Nodding, his brows lifted. “Very well made.”

Not wanting to hurry the impending bad news, Kieran answered. “It took two years to build it. We never lived in it. My wife refused to leave the main keep.”

“Women can be stubborn, can they not?” Julian’s question made him apprehensive.

“Why are you here Julian?” Kieran asked. “I expected one or two hunters, not you, to come to…”
…kill me.

“I have a proposition for you,” Julian began, turning his head to the tree line behind him. He took a breath and directed his gaze skyward as if in annoyance. “It seems that all of my Atlanta-based Protectors will walk out on me if I order your execution.”

Kieran’s followed Julian’s gaze, and he saw four silhouettes outlined in the shadows. He recognized them instantly. The Atlanta Protectors stood in the shade of the trees, waiting for Julian to talk to him.

How could he hurt Cyn again? Yet he was not willing to get married to the one Julian chose.

“Hear me out before you make a decision,” Julian told him, obviously reading his thoughts. “I do bring an offer of a marriage of convenience.”

Kieran pressed his lips together, anger rolling through him. He did not speak, waiting to hear what offer the Roman had.

“After discussing the options with the parties involved, we came to an agreement that since the particular female involved is difficult and cannot be kept keep under control, a Protector would be the best option for her husband.

“You must agree to it and marry her today, or the offer is rescinded immediately.”

“I will not…” Kieran stopped speaking when two Fae warriors dressed in traditional formal golden long skirted uniforms broke into the clearing. Behind them was a woman, who from her regal bearing and golden robes was obviously the Fae Queen. Behind her walked a couple who were also Fae. Both were also dressed in formal attire.

Then, his eyes widened.

Wendy, wearing a long flowing white gown that shimmered in the sunlight, walked a few steps behind them, alone. Two more Fae warriors followed a few steps behind her. Her head up, shoulders squared, she looked every bit a regal princess. Although she didn’t smile at him, her eyes shined, and she bit her bottom lip. Wendy was forcing herself to remain quiet.

The Queen spoke to him, her eyes warm. “Kieran Fraser, will you accept the responsibility and honor of becoming the husband and Protector of the Keeper of the Key? We seem to be unable to keep her out of trouble.”

The Protectors, first Roderick, then Cyn, followed by Logan and Fallon, all dressed in dark suits, moved out of the trees and into the clearing. Each of them eyed the Fae warriors with caution, their stance tense, as if not completely sure of how to approach. The Fae males eyed them warily in return.

Kieran looked at Wendy. Her eyes promised him unending love. He looked past her, to his brother. Cyn’s wide smile conveyed his gladness to see him.

“Well, Highlander? What do you say?” Julian asked, his expression bland.

“I, er…yes.” Kieran stared at the gathered group of people, speechless. He didn’t have to say more because Wendy whooped loudly and jumped into his arms, kissing his face as happy tears flowed down her cheeks.

“I love you so much,” she whispered to him, and he hugged her close, enjoying the feel of her tight body in his arms.

The Protectors came next, their approach not as enthusiastic, except for Cyn, who grabbed him in a tight bear hug. “Damn it, Kit. Don’t ever do anything like this again.”

His brother’s facade failed, and his eyes misted when they met Kieran’s. “You deserve to be happy. I know Wendy is the woman for you. She’s fought for you harder than any seasoned warrior. I love you.”

“I love you, too, brother,” Kieran told him, blinking away moisture himself.

“Seems that we have a wedding,” the Queen told them, looking about with distaste, noting the felled tree that lay across the front of the house. “Let’s get on with it. I have business to take care of and must return to Dublin immediately.”

A lump formed in his throat at Wendy’s bright expression. Kieran cleared his throat. “Can I have a few minutes? I need to clean up.” He dashed toward the house.


Less than an half an hour passed before Kieran rejoined the group. The wedding ceremony fulfilled every dream Wendy ever had growing up, the lush green of the Highland mountains topped with a thin mist in the background, a handsome man at her side, whom she was madly in love with, and her family surrounding her. Guiles had arrived just moments before.

For Kieran’s sake, she was glad for the attendance of the Atlanta Protectors. They were his family.


Wendy cried through the entire ceremony. No matter how hard she tried to stop, she’d look at Kieran’s solemn face and begin again. The Fae Queen bound their hands with a golden intricately embroidered sash and spoke to them in the old language.

Barely able to keep her eyes away from Kieran’s, she accepted a gold ring that her mother handed her and slid it onto his finger. He repeated the action, slipping one onto hers.

When their eyes met, his normally expressionless gaze was filled with tenderness.

He loved her. She would never doubt it.

When the Queen pronounced them husband and wife, his lips curved into a wide smile, a dimple forming on his right cheek. Her lips parted in astonishment.

He’d just given her the best wedding gift ever. A full smile!

The Laird, who’d come to see what all the commotion was about, joined them in a celebratory toast. He sent word to his wife, and before long, tables were set up in front of the house. A picnic of sorts was splayed on the tables, bottles of wine were brought out as well as various loaves of bread and an assortment of cheeses.

Wendy felt as if she floated on air the entire time. Walking around with her new husband, they took time to speak to each person present and received everyone’s good wishes, even Patrick’s, who seemed genuinely happy for her.

Cyn was strangely absent for a few minutes. Just as she was about to send Kieran to go look for him, he reappeared, a squealing Emma in tow.

“I’m so happy for you, Wendy. Oh, my God I missed the ceremony!” Emma’s eyes sparkled with unshed tears as Wendy ran to her.

“What are you doing here? Traveling can’t be good for the baby.” Wendy admonished, her hands automatically on her best friend’s extended tummy.

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world. The doctor said I am healthy enough to travel. Besides, we’ll be returning to Atlanta in a couple of days. The baby is due in a month, and I don’t want to push it.” She hugged Wendy and squealed happily. “I can’t believe you and Kieran are married! This is so amazing! When are you coming back?”

Wendy frowned and looked over at her new husband who stood away from everyone, talking to Julian. “I am not sure. I hope we can return to Atlanta, but we haven’t had a chance to discuss the details with Julian or the Queen.”


# # #


After everyone left, even a reluctant Emma, whom Cyn had to practically drag away, Wendy went into the rustic bedroom to change into a camisole set she’d bought for the wedding night.

Kieran entered the bedroom. He crossed the room and pulled her into his arms.

Darkened eyes searched hers before his mouth descended. The urgency of his kiss took her breath away, leaving her to cling to him just to keep her jellied legs from crumbling beneath her.

His mouth began working its way from her lips to her throat, and Wendy exhaled, still not believing that he was her husband.

“Oh, God, Kieran,” escaped her lips when he cupped her bottom and pulled her against his hardness. “I love you so much, always have.”

The storm in his eyes went beyond any words he could have spoken. “I have never been so thankful,” he told her as he slid the dress from her shoulders. Her undergarments rapidly joined the silky fabric that pooled at her feet.

Fully nude, she trembled under the scrutiny of his dark gaze as it trailed down her body, a trail of heat in its wake.

His eyes never wavering, he removed his shirt and then tugged the rest of his clothes off.

“I love you.” The uncertainty in his gaze hurt her heart at that he was still not convinced that anyone could really love him.

“Never more than I have loved you, Kieran. Since the day you rescued me almost two years ago, I have never stopped thinking about you.”

His eyes widened. “You never forgot me?”

“No,” Wendy replied, placing her palm against his jaw. She smiled at his shocked expression. “I have been waiting for you to love me back for a long time, Protector.”

He pulled her against him and hugged her, the hardness of his chest against her cheek sending a surging heat through her entire being.

“We’ll have to perform the Protector life-mate ceremony soon,” Kieran told her, his lips feathering kisses on her face.

“Definitely,” Wendy replied, her arms wrapping around his neck. “I will marry you daily if I have to.”

She gasped when he picked her up. Wrapping her legs around his midsection, she kissed him, dragging her fingers through his hair. He carried her to the bed in two quick strides.

They fell into the mattress. Kieran rolled onto his side to keep his weight off of her.

“I can’t believe this is real,” Wendy told him, sweeping his hair from his face.

“It is.” The curve of his lips entranced her.

Wendy trailed her fingers down his taut stomach and wrapped her hand around his jutting erection. She slid her hand up and down, the velvety skin gliding easily past her palm. Kieran threw his head back. “Ah,” a hiss escaped his parted lips.

“Don’t move. Let me enjoy this,” Wendy instructed him, her other hand cupping him and squeezing his sack gently. Kieran bucked under her ministrations.

When she began to suckle the tender skin of his pelvis, the man began to tremble.

His large hands covered hers, she smiled meeting his flushed face. “I can’t handle too much more, I’m sorry. I’m about to cum, and I don’t want to. Not until I’m inside you.”

The strength of the man never ceased to amaze her. His hand wrapped around her waist, and he pulled her up. His mouth captured hers in another hungry kiss. Wendy opened her mouth when his demanding tongue pushed against her lips. The pressure of his hardness prodded a moan from her, and she clasped his hips and ground into him.

With a hoarse growl, he flipped her to her back. His mouth did not release hers. Wendy cried out when his hand reached between her legs, his talented fingers bringing her to the brink of release.

“Oh, God, Kieran,” Wendy gasped and then lost herself.

“Come back to me, I want to look in your face when we become one,” Kieran whispered in her ear as the head of his erection prodded her.

Wendy opened her eyes and looked into his. “Yes. Now.”

No sooner did the words pass her lips than he plunged into her. Wendy screamed at the wonderful sensation of him sheathed fully inside her. His thickness renewed her need to climb anew.

Grabbing his butt, she encouraged him into a steady rhythm.

BOOK: Surrender
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