Read The Captain's Lady Online

Authors: Lorhainne Eckhart

Tags: #Ship Captains, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Kidnap, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Navy, #military, #Fiction, #Love Stories

The Captain's Lady (28 page)

BOOK: The Captain's Lady
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After the call, he sat reflecting on the admiral's last words; his message was clear and if anyone was listening, his butt was covered. “The chaplain on the Vincent is taking leave today; you may want to consider having him aboard as discussed.” Eric knew what he was trying to say: if Abby were his wife, it would be difficult for them to touch her, and time was running out for his plans to hide her and keep her out of reach.

For just a moment, unsure of what to do, he looked over at Joe who sat there quietly, waiting and supportive. “I assume it didn't go well."

Eric swallowed the lump in his throat. “No, it didn't, and it doesn't sound like I have much time.” Taking a deep breath he looked at his watch, stood up and said, “Can you track down the chaplain, Commander Julian Dobson? Find out if he's still on the Vincent, then get him over here in the...” He stopped talking and ran his fingers through his hair, an attempt to refocus his thoughts. “I need to talk to Abby.” He started for the door, halted and sighed. “I'm going to ask her to marry me."

Joe's eyes widened, but he didn't speak.

"I ... I've thought about it. Never thought it would happen like this, but it's the only way to protect her."

"To keep her on board."

Eric nodded. “Partly. But it's the only way to keep them from using her as a guinea pig."

"Do you think she'll agree?"

Pausing for a second with his hand on the door, Eric lowered his head before pulling it open. “I don't plan on giving her much choice."

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Wearing the jeans and taupe button-up shirt that Eric had arranged to have included in the supplies that arrived the other day, Abby was relieved that although just having a baby a few weeks ago, she had somewhat returned to her pre-pregnant figure. Only a slight bulge still showed around her middle. She felt good about herself, content and happy, even with the uncertainty of her situation still weighing heavily on her mind. She needed to make decisions; only she could not help worrying about what that future would hold.

Though reluctant, Eric had checked for her and learned her belongings had been disposed of. He had tried to protect her by softening the blow and gallantly promised to make every effort to track down each item. She knew he would, he was that kind of man. But the reality was, everything was gone. With no money, job, or place to live, the future looked bleak. With no home to go to, all of her possessions gone, it was becoming more necessary than ever to decide what to do with her life.

On top of that, she'd begun to feel distanced from Eric. Over the past week he had rarely been to see her. Was she reading more into the situation than was there? These thoughts and doubts continued to creep into her head, the longer he remained away. Seeking him out on the ship was not an option now. Petey made that clear when Abby wandered to the captain's cabin once. Feeling stung, she'd returned to her sanctuary in sickbay, now moved to a corner, out of the way.

The sudden click of the door brought her attention around. A stirring began in her gut as she hoped to see him striding anxiously toward her. And then, seeing it was indeed him, came a rising annoyance for that joy. She wanted instead to feel anger for the desertion.

He crooked a finger and she followed him, away from the sick sailor lying on one of the beds. “I need to talk to you,” he whispered.

Hairs prickled on the back of her neck at the determined look on his face. “What's wrong? You're scaring me!” Sensing the urgency in his tone, she allowed him to guide her to her corner, where he urged her to sit beside him on the edge of the bed.

He covered her mouth with his fingers. “Shh, don't be scared. We don't have a lot of time; we need to be married now."

Blinking and suddenly incoherent, Abby was positive she'd heard wrong. “Huh, what did you say?"

He smiled at her. “You heard me, you little minx. Abby, I need you to marry me right now. Don't say
I have to think about it
. I just need you to trust me and nod once; a simple yes."

She did hear right as the surge of jubilation rose before it was squelched by the jolt of awareness that he had not really proposed. Even worse, the words she needed to hear were not said
, that he loved her
. It was the urgency in his voice that made her wonder why he suddenly wanted them to be married.

Then before she could ask, he covered her mouth with his in an attempt to distract her from further discussion. It was working; she felt light-headed. But this time it was different; along with the heat came tenderness and caring, deeper than before.

She nearly protested as the kiss ended. He leaned his cheek against hers. It was warm and a bit rough, comforting. His tongue traced her lips, poking in and out between her lips. Shards of delight echoed inside Abby, shooting from her center all the way out her fingers and toes. As the kiss deepened, she felt herself melt away, and slowly sink into his hold. Desire wakened in her belly. Then just as swiftly as he'd begun, he pulled away, leaving her dazed and wanting more. His withdrawal left her shaking and gasping for breath, her heart pounding in earnest. Licking her lips in an unconscious effort to regain control, Abby watched him gaze through hooded eyes, mere inches from her face. He was so close she could feel the tightly coiled humming of his body's internal rhythm.

Grasping her chin in a cupped hand, he held it tender and secure. “Abby, please, the chaplain is on his way. I don't have time to explain, but I'm asking you to trust me, please ... do this now. Say yes."

While she stumbled to regain her senses, nagging questions simmered in the back of her mind. Only the swelling inside her heart and the ache of how badly she wanted to be with him made the hurried decision for her. Closing her eyes, she whispered, “Yes ... I will. Oh Eric, I do trust you.” Even the lingering pain of the hurtful lies Gail had told could not mar this moment.

Abby tilted her head to look up at him, feeling tears shimmering in her eyes. She blinked hurriedly before they had a chance to fall, while steeling the shaky emotions to gain control. Only the feel of those powerful hands cupping her cheeks kept her from dissolving in a puddle. Though the proposal wasn't the one she'd dreamed of her whole life, she was aware Eric was clearly saying, ‘you're mine'.

Standing up, he bent over and picked up the bundled Rachel, snuggled in her makeshift cradle. He placed the palm of his other hand on Abby's back, guiding her out through the door of sickbay.

Questions popped up faster than she could control them. Where was he taking her? Who was going to marry them and when? And then what would happen after? She stopped briefly in the passageway. But before she could voice any of the queries circling in her head, she felt his powerful arm snake around her waist, and pull her close.

"Trust me, Abby."

Breathing deep and slowly, she met the steady gaze and was suddenly unable to suppress the smile that leapt onto her face. “Okay.” She whispered the word and allowed him to continue guiding her to—she didn't know where they were going but would've, in that moment, followed him overboard if that's what he wanted.

Abby settled Rachel in the bedroom of Eric's cabin. The drawer they'd used during her first few days was still there in the same spot, unmoved as if waiting for her to reclaim it. While Eric fumbled with something on his dresser, she stood gazing around. Even though it was a man's room, she had the odd sensation that she was home. Warmed, she looked down at the sleeping babe, marveling at the coziness of the blanket-lined drawer and the contentedness that enveloped Rachel.

Would she share the room with him, or would protocol require that she return to sickbay? She had learned a lot about military rules and regulations since being on board. It was against regulations to post a husband and wife on the same ship, but that rule applied when both of them were navy personnel. The question was unclear: how would it apply to her?

The familiar voices of Joe and the doctor, along with another she didn't recognize, stirred her back to the moment at hand. She looked up to see Eric standing in the doorway, his eyes lit up as if he had just won a prize.

He held out his hand and she was unable to stop herself from reaching out and placing her blind faith securely in his. Swallowing, she felt herself tremble as he closed his hand around hers; he guided her toward him. “It's time, the chaplain's here. Thank you, Abby, for trusting me."

She shook her head. “I have a thousand questions, but I do trust you. Eric, will you explain it to me afterward?” She lifted her chin and was unable to read his face. No matter right now. She took a crisp step forward, closing the distance between them.

"I promise, we'll talk later.” The words spoken were so soft and tender, full of promise.

Agreeing with a silent nod, she allowed the gentle hand to guide her into the office. From that moment, time slowed. She felt her arm being gripped firmly in his. She was introduced to the chaplain, who appeared prepared for their hasty marriage. To one side stood Joe and the doctor. She stood elbow to elbow with Eric, absorbing a large amount of security from that small amount of physical contact.

The ceremony felt surreal, as if she left her body and hovered overhead watching the proceedings. Abby must've responded as needed to the vows. She wasn't certain—but no one appeared surprised by anything she said. The dreamlike sequence became reality only as the chaplain pronounced them husband and wife. She never heard the words
you may kiss your bride
, but Eric dragged her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly. A warm blush flared when she heard the uncomfortable clearing of a throat behind them. As he released her, he retained his proprietary hold around her waist with his one arm, and she accepted a kiss on the cheek and hug from both Joe and the doctor.

Looking down at her left hand, Abby was startled at the sight of a simple gold band that now surrounded the ring finger. All at once, she became aware of his bare ring hand; she had no ring to offer. For just a moment she fantasized a big fancy wedding, the dream coveted since she was a little girl. She must have sighed aloud because she felt the sudden tightening in of his elbow, pulling her closer, drawing her out of the wishful thoughts.

His mouth touched her ear, prompting a surge of longing. “Are you all right?"

She smiled up at this handsome man. Her husband. “I'm fine."

Thanking the chaplain, she stood by Eric while he shook the man's hand. Then Abby listened quietly as he spoke of the ships he still needed to visit in the battle group here in the gulf before he could head stateside. With a hurried congratulations and wishing them both well, both Joe and the doctor escorted him out.

After the door closed, she turned to Eric and reached for the strong hand to subtly gain his attention. “You promised me you'd explain everything."

He gently took her arm and guided her to the couch, and then sat beside her. Taking both hands in his, he gave them a gentle squeeze. “Abby, for the past week I've been battling with headquarters. The CIA has been trying to track Seyed."

At the mention of the man's name, Abby tensed, feeling a coldness consume her for what must be forthcoming.

"They wanted you and Rachel at the base in Bahrain...” There was a hesitation that made her peer closely at his face. What was wrong? Before she could speculate, he continued, “The only way for me to prevent that was as your husband. They'll not be able to touch you now."

Now it was fear that poured into her gut. Fear for both her and Rachel. This must all be a mirage; some sort of dream. Then it hit her. In his statement—they'll not be able to touch you now—was the omission of any acknowledgement of feelings for her. This was business. Yes, he sought to protect her. But he didn't love her. Abby felt as though she'd been punched. All she wanted was a morsel, a mere morsel of caring. She turned her head away while struggling to regain her emotional footing.

Suddenly she could contain the accusation no longer. “So you married me out of some sense of obligation.” Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat.

"Abby, I married you to keep you and Rachel safe."

Nodding, she was unable to keep a lone tear from escaping down her cheek. She swiped angrily at it with the back of a hand. “I would like to thank you then, for Rachel, for wanting to protect her."

His eyes sparked as he looked first confused and then angry. She tried to pull her hands free, but he held them firm for just a moment before she succeeded in yanking them away.

Abby lurched to her feet, feeling a deep pain. It was if someone had stuck a knife in her gut. What was wrong with her? How did she continually find herself in untenable situations? She slowly turned her back to him, drowning in the self-pity and confusion that engulfed her.

As she stood rooted to the floor, the latch of the door brought her whirling around. Eric was gone. She felt her mouth go agape as the old familiar feeling of abandonment, such an unwelcome companion over the years, returned with a blistering fury.

Rachel whimpered and Abby realized she stood in Eric's office. When had she left his bedroom? The last thing she remembered was standing beside Rachel's improvised bed. Wiping the tears away with her fingers, she forced herself to move to the baby. Rachel lay there, her big eyes staring up, waiting for comfort and security. Well, if Abby couldn't feel such things for her personal self, she'd for darn sure make certain her daughter felt them. Abby knelt down and picked her up. Snuggling close this precious baby, her uncontrolled tears now flowed steadily down her cheeks, to be absorbed by the soft white blanket wrapped around her child.

Abby sat on Eric's bed and unbuttoned her shirt. She put Rachel to a breast and watched the tiny face turn in that direction. The perfect pink lips opened and Abby smiled through her sadness. One day those lips would feel what her mother had felt just moments before. Hopefully her kisses would be overflowing with true love and passion from a man who cared passionately for her.

BOOK: The Captain's Lady
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