Read The Captain's Lady Online

Authors: Lorhainne Eckhart

Tags: #Ship Captains, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Kidnap, #Contemporary, #General, #Romance, #Navy, #military, #Fiction, #Love Stories

The Captain's Lady (32 page)

BOOK: The Captain's Lady
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She had no idea it could be like this. Abby felt utterly possessed by this man—her husband. It was as if he'd somehow tattooed his mark of possession on her. Her senses flooded with an overwhelming joy and she felt herself floating on the wave of bliss that captured her heart and left her reeling. As he eased her over onto her back, she looked up at him propped up on one elbow and looking down into her eyes. She met his smile. He leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose.

She rubbed a thumb across the heavy shadow of growth on his cheek. Turning his head, he nipped at her hand, shooting a sudden jolt of longing through her. It was longing, wasn't it? Passion. Abby felt herself blushing at the thought of the oh-so-personal word.

"God, you're going to kill me, woman, if you keep looking at me like that."

Puzzled, she heard him chuckle at her obvious naiveté. Her face heated more. Thankfully he dropped his head to her shoulder and couldn't see.

"You make me want you again."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't you dare apologize. That is a good thing.” He laughed at her obvious innocence. “I didn't hurt you, did I?” He trickled a finger across her jaw and tilted her face up till she was looking at him.

"Is it always so ... wonderful?"

His wicked grin made her glance away. He had a mole on his left shoulder. “Yes,” he whispered against her cheek, “and it always will be. Now enough talk, we need some sleep.” Enfolding her in his arms, her head resting easily on his shoulder, they were
a perfect fit
. The contentedness that washed over her was nothing she'd ever experienced before and, comforted, she remained awake listening to his breathing grow slow and steady. She wondered when Rachel would waken and demand her mother crawl from the confines of this wonderful cocoon.

As if on command, the small, mouse-like cry sounded from the other room. Abby slipped softly from the bed, hoping Eric didn't wake up. Donning his shirt, she hurried into the office, changed Rachel's diaper and settled in the leather desk chair to nurse her. Abby nestled back in the soft leather, smelling Eric's aftershave, feeling his closeness. When Rachel was back to sleep, she wearily shed Eric's shirt and climbed into bed.

Abby was next awakened by the most wonderful sensations: Eric running the backs of his fingers up and down the inside of her thighs. His hands urged her onto her back and spread her legs wide. He pushed her knees up. She couldn't hold in the gasp of emotion as he rose up and lunged deep inside her. Driving hard, he pulled her arms up above her head, held them tight, and thrust deeply, mimicking with his tongue the same stroking motions. It was undeniably the most erotic thing she'd ever experienced. It was like he'd shoved his—she couldn't say the word even to herself—in her mouth.

They reached their pinnacle together, his hardness becoming soft within her. So, this was what the other girls so often had referred to—with giggles, of course. Abby didn't see anything to giggle over. Not right now anyway.

Feeling his weight as he collapsed on top of her, she hugged him close; wonderful strength emanated from the well-formed muscles. She lay there unmoving, praying he'd remain inside her longer. But when he leaned on his forearms and peered down into her face, he slipped out of her. She groaned. He smiled. “Good morning."

She kissed him. “Do you think you could wake me up like that every morning?"

He nipped at her chin, said, “It's a date,” stretched forward to kiss one of her exposed breasts, and took a nipple in his mouth to suck. Swallowing, he stood up, grinning. “Delicious."

She watched him pad barefoot to the bathroom, listened to the shower turn on and smiled at the tune he was whistling. What was it? She remembered the song, and how perfect it was.
Here Comes the Sun

He returned wearing a clean uniform. Abby drank in every detail, knowing he'd soon go off, leaving her alone here. He walked over to her, reached down and swatted her rear end with a resounding smack. “Time to get up, Mrs. Hamilton. Breakfast is on the way.” Then he kissed her soundly.

Unable to suppress the beaming smile, she responded softly, “I like the sound of that."

Eric pointed to the shower. “Hurry. Petey will be here any minute, and I'd like to enjoy eating with my wife before I start my day."

A wave of embarrassed heat shot through her at the thought of him seeing her naked. After a moment's hesitation, she lowered the blanket and crawled out of bed, not able to meet his eyes.

"Go get in the shower, you beautiful woman of mine, before I change my mind and throw you back on the bed and keep you there for the rest of the day.” He chuckled and she scurried away. My, how her body vibrated. Nobody needed to tell her it was the emotion of a woman well loved. Part of her wanted to race back out there and make him unable to go back on the offer.

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

Breakfast was a generous helping of fresh fruit, a fluffy cheese and mushroom omelet, whole-wheat toast, pineapple juice, and coffee. The table was nicely set in celebration of their reconciliation. This gift from the crew warmed Eric. It was something a little extra, their way of joining in the good times. Fresh and sparkling beside him, Abby glowed with each bite. Even now, watching her like this, he was unable to believe her unwavering faith, the way she opened her heart to him and breached each wall he so stubbornly erected. He reached over and played with an errant lock of hair that draped over her shoulder. “What are you thinking?"

He watched her sigh as she met and held his heavy-lidded gaze. Locking her fingers with his, her face turned serious. “That I love you. And I'd do anything for you."

It was a hard jolt to his heart, which could have leapt no higher. Her magical touch opened all his dormant senses. “I love you, too, Abby."

These were words he had never spoken to anyone before. He loved his crew, Joe and his family. But the love he felt for Abby and Rachel was different. As he watched her eyes pull up—they'd been focused on his lips—and come to rest on his eyes, he knew then, those words were as hard for her to hear as they were difficult for him to say. “I've never said those words to anyone.” Her gaze turned questioning and he responded quickly. “I just couldn't go there with another woman. With you it's different. Everything is different."

"My heart is leaping, Eric. It feels almost too good to be true. Does it get any better?"

As he shared words of peace, love, and joy Rachel's soft mewing interrupted him. They laughed and Eric rose, squeezing Abby's hand and then trailing his fingers along her arm while he bent to kiss her hard and sound to seal the moment. Breaking reluctantly away he scooped up Rachel. The baby's dark eyes shone as she sucked hungrily on her tiny, balled fist.

Abby stacked the empty plates and cups, organizing the leftovers, napkins, and condiments onto a tray, an easier pile for Petey to clear away. Eric stood in the doorway holding the baby and watching the efficiency and order with which Abby worked.

"Let's go see Mommy,” he said, to which the baby cooed. He beamed down at Rachel then lifted her to plant a kiss on her forehead. “Ooh, you're wet; let's go get you changed."

Interrupted by the buzz of the phone, their eyes met and held. “Duty calls."

Abby laughed. “What perfect timing. Did you plan that?"

He winked as she took the baby and strode to the bedroom while he ambled to his desk and picked up the phone. “Yeah. Oh, the Admiral, yes put him through.” Eric waited the few seconds it took to connect the calls, tapping his toe against the leg of the desk.

"Good morning, Admiral."

"It definitely is a good morning for you. I have orders, just received from Washington. The USS Larsen and her crew are being ordered to return to home port in Norfolk, where you will be reassigned for the duration."

Elation filled Eric. He'd joked about the timing of the phone call, but the content was definitely well timed. “That's good news, Admiral, the crew is going to be ecstatic. They're going to want a party.” They both laughed.

"Just not in the gulf, right, Eric?"

"You know me, Admiral; it will be low key and just some fun over dinner, nothing to threaten security or diminish support for the crew on duty."

"Ah, enjoy, Son. You deserve it. No reason Abby can't stay with you now for the trip home."

"Thanks, Admiral, it makes me feel better knowing she's here with me, so I can keep her safe."

"I kinda thought you'd feel that way. But just remember, Eric, the CIA is still furious you married her. I'll tell you on the Q-T, they tried a few back doors in Washington to grab her from you."

"Fuck! Are you serious?"

"Don't get upset; you know where my support is. Abby's still with you, isn't she?"

He gritted his teeth, saying no more of the cat and mouse game the CIA was famous for. “Anymore word on Seyed?” He'd lowered his voice, but it did no good, since the bedroom door was wide open. Abby and Rachel stood there, Abby's wide eyes watching and waiting.

"No,” came the admiral's voice, jarring his attention back to the phone. “Nothing from when we last spoke. The CIA is keeping a pretty tight lid on this. With security and Seyed's ties to some local terrorist cells, he is high up on the terrorist search list."

"Oh, shit..."

"Excuse me, Eric..."

"Sorry Admiral, not you. I gotta go."

"Eric, what's going on?"

"Um, Abby's here. Thanks again for the news."

"I'll leave you to it, then. I'll be in touch."

Without breaking eye contact with his wife, he rose and disconnected the phone. Her eyes were fastened on him, like an unpredictable deer's. Heavy fear and course tension hung thick in the air. “Abby, baby.” He reached her in two quick strides and took Rachel from her grasp. “Come here."

Eric guided her to the couch and helped her sit. Rachel's eyes were wide; she sensed the tension that had overtaken her mother. Eric took the baby and her faint whimper stopped. He patted her bottom while hurrying to place her in her bed. Abby didn't move. Her eyes, large and filled with too much wisdom, followed him as he returned.

When she spoke, her voice was calm and even. “Seyed is going to find me and take Rachel."

"I want you to listen to me.” He perched on the coffee table in front of the couch, squeezing his knees between hers and rubbing both his hands up and down her arms. “He can't have you."

"What haven't you told me about Seyed?"

"I don't want you to worry..."

For the first time, she spoke over him, cutting him off. “I want to know everything. I've let you handle this and I've ignored it. But I need to know everything you've found out.” She held up a hand when he tried to speak. “It's been a worry in the back of my mind. I tried to pretend I was safe and everything was going to be okay, but I really need to know!” Her words steadily increased in volume.

Eric took in the echo of silence when she was through. Her frayed nerves were in tatters. Since last night she'd begun to relax. And now this. If he didn't nip it quickly, she'd begin to come apart all over again. Only the tight edge of her jaw and her colorless clenched fists betrayed the edge she was sitting on.

"Seyed has disappeared,” he said softly.

She only nodded in response.

"The CIA has been tracking him. They know he's involved with a terrorist group and that's something I cannot discuss. They're going to find this guy.” His eyes never left hers. “I do have good news. We're going home. To Virginia, for the duration."


He leaned and cupped her cheeks, pressing his forehead against hers then brushing her hair back over her shoulder. “That's why the admiral phoned; we've been ordered home. We'll be a real family, have a house on base—on US soil, Abby. Do you understand what I'm saying? Seyed won't get to you there. He'll never get in."

"You can't promise that. You don't know him. This man ... he's dangerous."

"I understand his kind better than you think. Something to think about: he knows we're after him for his terrorist activities. He won't chance coming after you."

"He will and he'll take Rachel. How will you feel then?"

He moved beside her and pulled her into his arms, resting his head on top of hers. “I promise, he won't get either of you. I'll make sure of it.” He felt the touch of her hand and the dampness from her tears before she straightened up and pulled away. “I love you, but I'm worried."

"The base is well guarded. Very well guarded."

He held her close then, saying no more words. But he, too, knew the longer Seyed roamed free the greater the chance was that he could show up. Eric meant what he said though. Wherever they were, he would protect Abby and Rachel with his life.

"I've gotta tell the crew the good news. And man, is Joe going to be excited to see Mary-Margaret and the kids. He can't wait for you to meet them."

"Me, too. You've both talked so much about them, I feel like we're friends already.” He kissed her firmly, holding her for a few seconds longer, then eased away and left.

The crew celebrated that night, an impromptu party for those off duty. The mood was light but focused as the ship and crew began the long trip home.

Eric maintained constant contact with the admiral. The worry remained vivid in the back of his mind as to Seyed's whereabouts. He was actively being hunted, that much he knew. And until he was caught, Eric would never quite feel at peace, though he made it a point never to speak of Seyed while Abby was around. He did, however, reassure her constantly that they were safe. She promised him she was okay, but the comments were for his benefit and half-spoken. He saw past the words, to the unease that shadowed her eyes when she thought he wasn't watching, the frown behind her white smile, the way she held Rachel a little too tightly every time the telephone rang. It hurt him not to be able to erase her pain.

As the ship neared the homeport, Eric wondered more and more about Seyed Hossein.

The CIA worried him, too. He remembered their outrage that he had thwarted their plans to use her as bait. They would try again. Of that Eric was certain.

BOOK: The Captain's Lady
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