The Fallen Ones (The Fallen Angels Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: The Fallen Ones (The Fallen Angels Series Book 1)
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I am
surprised to find that it only takes Levi and I fifteen minutes to reach the
enclave by ATV from the caves. As much time as I have spent running across this
island - you would think that I would’ve happened upon something this grand.
There is a stone wall with multiple entrances, I breathe a sigh of relief as we
drive past what appears to be the main one. I see no sign of guards or other
Nephilim but something in me, that can’t be explained, knows that there are
many others close-by. I guess that it is my powers, since going to the caves I
have noticed I am almost always picking up on the aura’s around me, it’s not
overwhelmingly clear or strong, so I haven’t mentioned it to Levi or Ephraim.
But they definitely somehow feel stronger here. We drive through the last set
of gates, which have a small dirty path that appears to be meant only for foot
traffic. Almost immediately Levi pulls to a stop in front of a massive
building. It appears to be only 4 stories high, but it spreads out wider than I
can see. I realize this must be the apartment building when Levi begins to get
off the ATV.

pulls the keys out of the ATV and begins to speak “Remember how we talked about
circulating your powers in you instead of channeling them around you?” I nod,
remembering our many unsuccessful days training. “Good, now would be a great
time to practice that. You practically wreak of power right now. Even I am
having a hard time blocking you. Deep breaths and try to focus your power
around the center of your body instead of your arms or eyes or feet, it will
always flow out that way.” I stare at him incredulously “Well, you never said
it like that!” I find that drawing the power in is much easier when I know
where to focus it. My stomach suddenly feels warmer and I know that I am doing
it. He looks up at me and smiles “You know, he’s good for you.” I scoff at him
assuming he means Ephraim, he misreads my interpretation “Fine, maybe it’s just
the cave, but your powers are extremely focused when you are with Kailand, even
moreso when you touch – I am beginning to think that maybe he is your anchor.”
I realize that there may be some truth to what he is saying, being in the cave
is somehow peaceful, everything going on doesn’t overwhelm my senses so much
when I am there. I think about the implications of him being my anchor and
immediately realize that it could create even more issues between Ephraim and I
“Levi, I never thought about it before, but you may be onto something. But can
we maybe keep it to ourselves for now?” He nods in understanding “You know,
it’s not your fault if Ephraim gets upset. Beneath that giant chip on his
shoulder, he still wants what’s best for you, no matter what that means for
him.” He turns and starts walking towards the building.

we reach the entryway, a girl that appears to be no more than 16 years old
comes out, I know she must be older, but there is something so innocent and
carefree about her that makes her seem young. I channel a small amount of power
to my eyes and see that her aura is a pale, happy pink. I like her already. “My
name is Lizzy! I’m so happy to finally meet you, I felt you all the way from
the far kitchens! – Marcus told me I would! We need to head back to your
apartment before everyone else comes out to see what you are.” The words spill
out of her mouth quickly as she gestures for us to follow her. We walk quickly
up 4 flights of stairs and turn down the first hall. She walks to the second
door to the right and pulls out a key to hand to me and addresses Levi “Marcus
told me to get an apartment set up for you, but I thought you would want to be
close to Ilyana so it is not ready yet. I am having the next apartment on the
right cleaned up for you and it should be ready by tonight, in the meantime.
Marcus instructed you stay with Ilyana. He does not want either of you
wandering the premises yet and he has a package waiting for you both in the
sitting room.

I open
the doors and am somehow not surprised to find that the apartment is every bit
as grand as you would expect after seeing the outside of the Enclave. The
ceilings are at least 9 feet high in the entryway – higher in the living room.
I set my keys down on a table by the most beautiful chaise lounge I have ever
seen, I automatically picture late nights reading in it, then quickly dismiss
that notion realizing that it won’t take place for some time. The kitchen is
equipped with beautiful copper appliances and dark green, marble countertops. I
walk into what must be the sitting room and see a set of stairs leading up to a
small loft with a private balcony. There is an open hallway beneath the stairs
that I quickly deduce leads to a closet, the master suite and a guest bedroom
and bathroom. I am overwhelmed by the enormity of the apartment and can’t
believe it is mine. As beautiful as it is, I know I will miss the cabin though,
there is something so peaceful about the seclusion there. I remember Sasha and
mention it to Lizzy she brushes it off “Already taken care of! Marcus sent
Ephraim and Alya to retrieve your personal effects. Everything should be back
by this evening, including your beloved Sasha – I can’t wait to meet her, I
have always loved animals!” she squeezes her hands together in excitement.

I nod
and smile at her. As kind as she is, I would really love some space to take
things in. But as excited as she is acting, I don’t have a heart to ask her to
leave outright, I decided to try a different approach “Well, thank you for
showing us here. I guess since I will be meeting with Marcus tonight it might
be a good idea for me to go ahead and get cleaned up. When will I see you
again?” I smile politely and she seems to take it well “Anytime you need. I
have been working for Marcus for a few hundred years as one of his personal
assistants, he wants me to take care of you now – if of course that is
acceptable to you.” She looks at her feet in the insecure way us girls do when
we are sure that rejection is coming. I reach out and touch her shoulder “I
can’t think of anything I would enjoy more.” She leans forward on her tiptoes
“Wonderful, ma’am! I will leave you be to get adjusted, if you need my help,
just press the buzzer by any one of your doors and it will connect to me.
Otherwise, I will be back in about two hours to help get you ready for tonight.
You too Levi – any friend of Ilyanas is a friend of mine!” she abruptly turns
around to leave, all the while, muttering about how excited she is. As soon as
the door closes behind her I turn to Levi and can’t help but let a small laugh

does the same “I guess they are really taking this whole Chosen One thing very
seriously! Your own personal maiden? I am impressed!” I brush him off and then
remember that she said there was a package waiting for us both in the sitting

follows me at the mention. I find two boxes – one addressed to Levi and one to
myself along with an envelope for me. I try not to obsess over the intricate
calligraphy on the front or the wax seal on the back – it is almost like I
stepped back in time to one of my many beloved novels. I break the seal and begin
to read aloud:



Dearest Ilyana,


I hope my invitation finds you
well. I have been made aware of some new developments and would like to assure
you I am eager to work alongside you. I would have loved the honor of receiving
you myself, But due to the sensitive nature of the new developments, it is of
the utmost importance that I address the matters at hand from a distance. I
have left you in the company of one of my best maid-servants and hope she will
be to your liking – between Lizzy, and the packages I sent your way, you should
be well prepared to meet with me tonight. Alya and Ephraim are due to pick you
up at sundown this evening and they will escort you and your companion Levi to
our designated meeting place.




Marcus Antonopoulos


I suddenly
have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. I say a silent prayer for Kailand
and the others back in the cave, something in my gut tells me that whatever happens
next, could affect them.

opened the package addressed to him while I was reading the letter aloud. Its
contents included a fresh suit, shirt, shoes and even a handkerchief and gold
cufflinks – both with his initials delicately embossed and carved in. When I
finish with the letter I waste no time opening my package and naturally, I find
its contents no less magnificent. There is a beautiful Tiffany Blue, strapless,
fitted, floor length gown, silver high heeled sandals with delicate fuchsia
stones evenly spaced along the straps. There is a smaller box inside that I
open and I almost gasp at the site. It is a platinum necklace, with over the
top fuchsia gemstone flowers with tiny Tiffany Blue centers, along with
delicate drop earrings and a bracelet to match. I imagine the jewelry itself is
probably more expensive than my entire wardrobe back at the cabin combined. I
carefully close the box and push it back – afraid of ruining the contents. Levi
catches my reaction “You will be stunning.” He offers me a reassuring smile –
again I am grateful to have him as a friend, I kiss his cheek and tell him as

what are we going to do about the letter? What if he found out about the cave
somehow? Ephraim was really angry last night. We probably should never have let
him leave like that.” He snorts back “Do you honestly think you can let Ephraim
do anything? He has been running amuck for centuries, he does what he wants,
when he wants. Though it would’ve been interesting to see you try to stop him.”
I think back to the lip lock with Ephraim again last night, it felt amazing,
but I don’t know how I am supposed to give him what he wants when I still don’t
even know who I am. Now that kiss is just another thing I never should’ve let
Ephraim do. “You might be right, but that still doesn’t make me feel any better
about the letter from Marcus. What could he possibly have planned that would
require us to wear clothes like that?” he shrugs dispassionately “I never
understood why the elders do anything the way they do. But I do know one thing,
if there were any of them I would trust to have on my side, it would be Marcus.
He is younger than Guinevere and Julius and less stone-like. At times he almost
seems like a regular Nephilim.” I think about what he is saying and realize I
should’ve spent less time turning off my thoughts in an empty field and more time
learning about the elders. Especially now that I’ve learned they could be
nothing more than three very high profile traitors that have gone undetected
for thousands of years.

can you teach me about the elders? I’m suddenly feeling extremely under-prepared
for tonight.” He laughs at my nervousness “Join the club, all that I could tell
you would only succeed in making you more nervous I’m afraid.” He stops to look
at his watch “We should have about 3 hours until show-time. Go focus some
energy on relaxing. Take a shower, shut down your mind and do whatever you can
to just rest. I have no clue what is waiting for us tonight but I feel like it
would be a bad idea to go without any break from your powers. Go and practice.”
I thank him and head off to take a bubble bath that would make a king jealous.




I find
myself silently praying that Ephraim doesn’t answer his phone, moving Ilyana in
might be easier done without him. He may not be a purebred, but I have met few
beings in my life that are more perceptive than he is. My heart stills when I
hear his voice on the other end “What?” he answers flatly and I can tell that
he probably did not get much rest last night either. “Is that any way to greet
your sister?” he practically growls in response “Hello, Alya. How may I help
you?” my breath catches and for a moment I wonder if Marcus has called him “Can
you meet me at the gate as soon as possible? I’m already here waiting, it’s
time to move her home. We’ve been elected to bring her personal effects in by
this evening when Marcus plans to have a reception dinner in her honor.

I hear
the rustling of his backpack and know he is on the move “I’ll be there as fast
as I can.” The phone line goes dead.

I find
myself wondering if anyone even knows how to say goodbye anymore. I finally
give in to my better senses and call Marcus back, he answers on the first ring
“This is Marcus.” He is clearly much happier to hear from me than my brother
was “Marcus, I was, well. I was just wondering if it is absolutely necessary to
bring her back tonight so unprepared? Shouldn’t I talk to her first and let her
know what is happening?” he lets out a small laugh “You’re over-thinking
things, Alya. Tonight is a celebration, your friend has practically brought the
dead back to life!  Do you know how many years I have spent wondering what
befell the others? We may not know everything, but we know they are alive and
that gives us more hope than any of us have had in years.” I can hear the
elation in his voice and know that he means every word, but something in me
still feels like I am leading this girl to her funeral. “You truly think it
wise?” I go on to explain once more that many of the others were as good as
vegetables but he doesn’t let that deter him “Alya, we are Nephilim. We have
friends in very high places, if there is any way to recover what is lost, our
healers will find it. If not, they will at least make them comfortable. I need
to go now, I am expecting Guinevere and Julius any minute. They need to prepare
for tonight.” I try to interrupt, in an attempt to point out the hypocrisy of
preparing them and leaving Ilyana in the dark but he cuts me off “Not a word to
anyone, Alya. You have my word that you and your friends are in good hands.” He
disconnects the call at this point.

as I prepare to throw my phone in a childish outburst, something catches my eye
and I realize hurricane Ephraim has arrived. My brother wastes no time letting
me know how he feels about the decision to bring Ilyana back “What the hell are
they thinking, Alya?” he lifts his shoulders and arms in a gesture that reminds
me of the impassioned little boy he once was. “She is in no way ready to come
back and they know that! I have been giving them detailed reports - Every.
Single. Day. They should know this.” I say nothing as I turn to get on my own
ATV, he continues “What is their angle, Alya? If they called you, they must’ve
told you something. Why do they need her back right now when her power is still
so uncontrolled? It must be something huge for them to risk bringing a loose
cannon like her in.”

realize if I don’t say something, he will keep going and I am liable to tell
him everything – that is something I can’t risk while we are still so close to
the elders. If I am feeling uneasy about tonight, I know he will too and if his
temper gets the better of him in such close proximity to the elders, we will
likely both spend the rest of our lives paying for it. “Brother, try to be
optimistic. The Counsel is often less than forthcoming, but I do not believe
they mean anyone harm. We need to hurry if we are going to be back in time to
prepare for dinner, rumor has it, it will be the black tie affair of the
century.” I begin take off before he has a chance to respond and begin to feel
tears stinging my eyes. I’m trying to convince myself that this is no different
than the many other secrets we have kept from one another over the years, but
in my gut I know that I just lied to my brother and that is an offense that
won’t easily be forgiven.

By the
time we arrive at the cabin, I begin to compose myself. I park outside of the
shed so I can pull the boxes out without anything blocking me “I pull a stack
of boxes and packing tape down “Okay, so I will pack a small duffle with a few
of her personal items while you pack the rest in boxes. I will send a group
tomorrow morning to pick up everything that she won’t be needing tonight.” He
stoops down in front of me and I can feel him boring a hole through my eyes,
trying to find the truth “Alya, what did you do?” his voice is surprisingly
gentle for the stern look he is wearing.”

begin to carry the boxes inside but before I even exit the shed he stops me and
takes them. I take a deep breath and hope my voice doesn’t break as we walk
towards the house together “It’s nothing Ephraim, they just thought a girl she
knows packing her girly items would be better than a team of complete strangers
doing so.” I shake my head as I realize how weak my lie is and know my avoiding
the question won’t escape his notice. He is silent for a moment as we enter her
room and speaks up as he begins to fold the boxes “You know, the humming might
be a little irritating, but it brings life to this house, I don’t know how Levi
is going to get by if he stays out here alone. It is still full of her things,
but somehow feels so empty.”

tenderness in his voice crushes my resolve. My eyes fill with the tears I
wouldn’t give into earlier “Ephraim, we need to talk.” I sit on the bed in
front of him “Oh, so you’re finally ready to tell me what you have to do with
this?” I nod my head unable to look him in the eyes “I’m sorry, Ephraim. When
you spoke of the prisoners last night it reminded me of a story mother used to
tell me about the original Counsel members. She would tell me how cruel and
deviant they were. She said they were sneaky and two-faced. They sold out the
entire colony.” He pulls my face up to meet him “What. Did. You. Do.” I
recognize the anger and lack of control in his voice and decide to let it all
pour out of me “It’s not bad, not really. I waited until you left to shower
last night and called Marcus.” His muscles clench and his fists begin to ball
up, he has never hit me, but I have also never betrayed him like this “But,
it’s not like that Ephraim, I was wrong! He said they thought they were all
dead and that this is good news! Tonight’s dinner is a celebration in her
honor. He is elated, I am sure that no harm will come to her! Marcus gave his
word and he never lies!”

turns his back to me and lets out a loud groan before shouting, I have never
heard my brother shout until today and now I understand why the demons can be
so dangerous “WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO US?” he turns his face to look at me and
his face is contorted into something far worse than anger – he looks devastated
at my betrayal “Before today, I would’ve swore that you never lied as well. You
have always had your secrets – your little indiscretions. But not once did I
hold it against you, because at the end of the day. I knew when it was
warranted, you would never lie and you would never break your word.” My tears
fall harder “I’m so sorry Ephraim, please, please forgive me! I never meant to
hurt you.” He begins throwing items haphazardly in boxes. “Make yourself useful
or leave, I do not need or want your company, but your help in cleaning up this
mess is welcome since you are the one who created it.” I scramble to my feet
and begin packing her night gowns and a couple of outfits she may want if she
decides to train early I look at him out of the corner of my eye and see he is
leaning into her favorite sweatshirt, it looks tiny in his hands. He lifts his
face up and looks my way. The words that fall out of his mouth are icy and I
know he is no longer speaking in a fit of rage “You better pray that Marcus
keeps his word and does not harm her. Or I give you my word that I will destroy
him, you, and anyone else who works against her. She is a queen in her own
right. I have seen the extent of her powers, good, evil or something completely
different – I will never align myself against her. If you have any will to
survive – which is questionable after your stupid, foolish, actions. You would
be wise to do the same.” He goes back to work and I absorb his words. Anything
that would evoke that kind of fear or reverie out of Ephraim would have to be
more powerful than even I thought she is capable of. I say a prayer under my
breath and hope that it holds any weight. If anything happens to this girl; I
know deep in my soul that Ephraim is much better at keeping his word than I
ever was.




I find
myself pacing in the entryway of the great room after disconnecting with Alya.
I don’t know what exactly she is anticipating or why she doesn’t understand the
cause for celebration. She will understand when she arrives tonight though. I
have had a hand in hiring all of the best help. Everyone who is anyone will be
here tonight when we unveil the news of her discovery. I have to admit, I found
all the stories of the “Chosen One” to be a bit trite. It always wreaked of the
stories loose lipped servants would make up to scare children into behaving.
But I can see now that they must have been based in at least some truth. I
think back to the prophecies about further generations and the earth opening up
and I can’t help but believe that this is the beginning of the cataclysmal
events that have been whispered in our ears since before I was even a young
boy. A part of me is nervous, but mostly I am excited, I have done all in my
power to be a good Nephilim, balanced and judicious in even the most dire of
circumstances. But I do know that for a future generation of Nephilim to rise
from the ashes – there must first be ashes. That is the part that scares me.
But if this Ilyana is as powerful as I have been told, I can only have faith
that she is exactly the being to lead us through to the other side and I
wouldn’t be caught dead standing in her way. I can’t seem to break think of
anything else until I hear an all too familiar voice break my thoughts “Marcus,
what is the meaning of all this?”

I don’t
need to look over to know who that sour voice belongs to. I bow my head in a
sign of respect towards her and gently kiss her wrinkled, dry hands – it is
impolite to ask a woman her age, no matter what species she is, but for her to
show such signs of age, I know that she must be truly ancient. “Guinevere,
thank you for meeting me here.” I lift my face to see that Julius is standing
behind her as well, with a dry, annoyed expression “Julius, I can see I must’ve
pulled you away from something important, but I assure you. It will be worth
it.” He cuts his eyes my direction “I will be the judge of that.” Out of the
three of us, I am the youngest. There used to be more of us, but we believed
our families were casualties of our wars with the demons. I always felt guilty
because if I had not been away from the enclave in pursuit of my own curiosity,
I would’ve been lost with them. But as fate would have it, I was visiting our
compound in Rome at the time of attack and my life was spared. Once news
reached Rome, I knew I had to step up and fill the seat of elder on behalf of
my family. Ever since then, I have been trying to compensate for the loss of my
dear brother and our family, but it never seemed to be enough for Guinevere or
Julius. Today I will finally get the chance to prove my worth to them.

you both have a seat? I will have the servants bring us all some refreshments.”

catch an almost imperceptible glare from Guinevere and realize they will not be
sitting, so I continue on “For centuries, I have been mourning the loss of our
original families. We have had 6 empty seats in our meeting hall and I believe
many of our people have suffered. But now, now we have hope.” Julius looks as
disinterested as before and Guinevere’s annoyed expression changes into one of
curiosity “And what, pray-tell, do we have hope in?” her formality is showing
and I suddenly am feeling very unsure of myself. “Tonight, we feast in honor of
Ilyana. She has discovered a hidden portal on the island that has been holding
our family members captive for the last six-thousand years. She has been
unsuccessful in her attempts at freeing them, but we do know they are alive and
beginning tomorrow we can contact our other communes and work towards their
freedom.” Guinevere’s face is once again unreadable and Julius looks enraged as
he begins to speak “So you are taking the word of a girl you don’t know, who
has no control over her powers and you are throwing a gala in her honor without
even verifying the accuracy? All over a bunch of relatives that long ago died
in battle? You are a bigger fool than I ever thought.”

words sting, I knew he was unhappy when I took my seat alongside him and
Guinevere, but he has never so poignantly expressed his opinion of me.
Guinevere raises her hand and gestures to quiet him “Julius, let our friend
have his moment. Of course he would believe the stories of this girl who knows
nothing of our history – she would not fabricate stories of the original elders
whom she never knew existed.” I am humbled by her reasoning “Thank you,
Guinevere, you have always been a source of great knowledge.” she nods
approvingly and does something I have never seen her do. She lifts her dry
hands to her mouth and loudly demands that all servants vacate the room
immediately until further notice, she then asks the security guards which are
stationed around the room to stay as she has something she would like to
discuss with them. They all step closer and form a small circle around us. She
waits for the room to fully clear. “I will personally assume oversight of
tonight’s preparations, Marcus. I am sure you can agree a woman’s touch is
always welcome when planning such an extraordinary event.” I start to thank her
“In the meantime, I hope you can understand the judgment I must pass on you now
is in your best interest.” I can feel my eyebrows start to furrow in confusion
as she continues “To pursue further action towards freeing the imprisoned
workers a trial must be held and since you have taken action without any elders
knowledge, you will be detained until after the full trial is conducted.” She
gestures for the guards to detain me and they do as she asks without hesitation
“I don’t understand, Guinevere. I want only to help.” Julius is wearing a smug
expression and Guinevere is trying her best to look understanding “I know,
young one. But this is the way of our order and it always has been, you do not
understand the extent of the damage your little party could’ve caused tonight.”
I am now unable to move due to the tight grip of the guards on my limbs. She
reaches forward and plucks my cellular phone from my pocket. “You will get this
back once a determination is reached.” She hands it back to Julius without even
a glance his direction. “Guards, take him to his room now and see that I am
alerted if he even thinks to exit. I would rather not have to imprison one of
our elders.” As they push me along I hear her call the servants back in and
order them to take down all décor and call only the junior counsel and
appointed jury members to come for a trial.

BOOK: The Fallen Ones (The Fallen Angels Series Book 1)
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