Read The Geek Job Online

Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotica, #Fantasy, #Literary Criticism, #Gothic & Romance, #Gothic, #Horror, #paranormal romance

The Geek Job (3 page)

BOOK: The Geek Job
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Anthony wanted to pinch himself.
He could think of no other explanation for how and why this beautiful woman ate dinner with him. Talking animatedly one minute, listening attentively the next, she managed to melt some of his shyness at her obvious interest in him, even if she tied his tongue in knots every time she touched him. Her hand kept reaching out to squeeze his, and each time it felt like she‘d wrapped her hand around something else, something hard and throbbing, thankfully hidden by the table. He still didn‘t understand why she affected him so deeply. Never before had attraction to the opposite sex turned him into a blushing idiot, but at the same time, he loved it.

Logic stated that the woman‘s

pheromones must be unusually developed or of a variety that truly appealed to him, but his dick didn‘t care about the biological science of it. It just wanted to bend her over the nearest table and pump her to orgasm. Anthony bit back a groan at the mental image and dug the tines of his fork into his leg, the pain reining in his raging, baser desire.

Lexie, his gorgeous dinner partner didn‘t seem to notice a thing amiss. She chattered away, inane talk that thankfully required little thought or input from him. Their waiter brought their entrees, and he looked forward to something to occupy him other than imagining how she‘d look on her knees, peering up at him.

Anthony took a bite of his pasta then forgot to chew. Heck, he forgot to breathe so caught up did he become in watching Lexie enjoy her meal. She took a bite of her juicy, rare steak and closed her eyes with a groan. Her pleasure in her meal, the way she licked her fork, masticated with sensual satisfaction—it was the most erotic thing he‘d ever watched and yet had nothing to do with sex.

She caught him watching and smiled. ―I do so love a properly cooked steak.‖ She gazed at his mostly uneaten meal. ―Mmm, that pasta of yours looks yummy. Mind if I have bite?‖ She reached forward and wrapped her hand around his. She drew his laden fork to her mouth and sucked the food off before releasing his hand.

Anthony had no idea what his meal tasted like, but he regained interest after her lips covered his fork.

Just knowing the tines had touched her mouth turned him on.
How pathetic am I?

As the food on their plates—well mostly hers—dwindled, a new waiter approached them with an open bottle of wine. Lexie, short for Lexington as she‘d informed him, frowned at the man. ―We didn‘t order this.‖

The waiter smiled with a lot of teeth that, for some reason, sent a chill down Anthony‘s spine. ―It‘s a gift from an admirer,‖ said the waiter with a heavy accent.

It was Anthony‘s turn to frown.
Is someone
trying to hit on her?
Understandable given her beauty, but he didn‘t like it, which, in turn, baffled him. He had no claim on her, so why the jealousy?

The waiter poured the ruby colored wine into their glass goblets, and then stood, as if waiting for them to try it. Anthony picked his up by the stem and inclined his head at her. ―To not eating alone.‖ He held his glass out in a toast.

She smiled and leaned forward to grab her own glass, but fumbled it instead, splashing the liquid across the front of her blouse. Lexie jumped up from her seat and grabbed a napkin to wipe while the waiter fled, probably to get a cloth for cleaning. Anthony put down his wine and snatched up his own napkin, then, not thinking, began dabbing at her too. It only took him a few swipes to realize he was brushing her breasts and he snatched his hand back as if burned.

Mortified, he stammered. ―I-I‘m so sorry.

I didn‘t mean—that is, I—‖

She stepped close and shh-ed him. She grasped his hand and brought it back up, pressing it against her chest, her pebbled nipple evident through the wet silk. ―I don‘t mind. Actually, can‘t you tell I enjoyed it?‖

Anthony‘s cock tented his pants and he wanted to pull away in embarrassment, but she wouldn‘t let him. Instead, she pressed in even closer and lifted herself on tip toe to brush her mouth across his. Anthony stopped breathing, afraid she‘d realize she kissed a nerd.

―I need to get out of these clothes,‖ she murmured against his mouth. ―Care to help me?‖

He didn‘t trust himself to speak aloud, not when his mind spun with pure gibberish, instead, he nodded. She kissed him lightly on the lips again before sliding an arm around his waist.

It seemed only natural he slide his arm around her back. Entwined like lovers—if he didn‘t fuck it up between here and the hotel room—they walked out of the restaurant to the elevators and he thanked the fact he‘d signed to charge the dinner to his room at the start of the meal. He wanted nothing to interfere or delay his time with Lexie.

He feared breaking the spell tentatively spun between them, certain it would only take one word to make her change her mind. But as soon as the elevator doors closed, she proved her interest as she pressed her body against his while her mouth hotly latched onto his. He met her with a passion usually reserved for science, his body afire instead of his mind. He circled his arms around her, only mildly surprised at the wiry strength he felt in her frame.

The elevator arrived at their floor with a ding and they broke apart, both panting. Anthony couldn‘t believe the smoldering look in her eyes.

She wants me?
She licked her swollen lips and grabbed him by the hand, tugging him down the hall. She unlocked her door and dragged him inside. He‘d no sooner shut the door behind him than she was on him, her mouth eagerly tasting his, her hands tugging at his belt.

Events began moving at the speed of light. He wanted to tell her to slow down. Her passion overwhelmed even as it flattered him. He didn‘t say a word, couldn‘t with his tongue caught in a tangle with hers. Although, he did grunt when she freed his cock and wrapped her hand around it. She stroked him, sliding her hand from tip to base and Anthony fought to keep control, a lost cause because she dropped to her knees and took him in her mouth. All he could do was moan as his fingers clutched at her hair, still tied up in that sexy upsweep.

Sweet gods of science.
It didn‘t take her long to get him off, a few wet sucks and he bucked into her mouth, his hot cream spurting in record time to his embarrassment.

He expected her to laugh at him, make some comment about his premature ejaculation and he prepared to flee with his shame. But truly, the woman was a goddess because, instead, she said, ―Been a while, huh?‖ He nodded, too humiliated to reply out loud. ―Don‘t worry, now that we‘ve gotten that out of the way, it‘s going to make round two all the better.‖

Anthony‘s eyes widened.
We’re not done? I
must be dreaming.

She stood up and plucked his glasses from his face. ―We wouldn‘t want to accidentally break these.‖ She placed them on the small table by the door before she stepped back from him.

Slender fingers reached up to her hair and released a clip, letting it tumble about her shoulders in a silken dark wave. She then unbuttoned her wine stained blouse, and flung it back to drape over the lamp by the bed. She revealed firm round breasts unfettered by a bra. Even his less than perfect eyesight couldn‘t miss how her nipples puckered, and, as he watched with a watering mouth, they shriveled even further.

―Suck them,‖ she said huskily. ―I want to feel your mouth on me.‖

His cock twitched back to life at her demand, a fact he‘d have found fascinating and worthy of study any other time. He forwent taking notes on this amazing phenomenon to cover the few feet that separated them in a daze. He placed his hands on the taut skin of her waist and drew her body up. Electricity sizzled at the contact and she sucked in a breath, her startled eyes meeting his. She raised her hand and ran her fingers down his cheek, tracing his lips. She inserted one between his lips and he sucked it, enjoying the way her eyelids drooped and her body swayed towards him.

―Mmm,‖ she moaned. ―Do that to my tits.‖

He didn‘t need further urging. He‘d have walked on fire at this point for her. He bent down until he could grasp one of her nipples with his mouth. He inhaled it slowly, each suck bringing more of her breast and nub into his mouth. She cried out in pleasure and gripped his hair with her hands, pulling him tighter against her. He switched breasts paying the same attention to the other. She growled, a soft primal sound that should have sounded stupid, but instead, spurred him on. He bit down on her puckered berry and she mewled, her hips arching forward against him, the soft skin of her tummy butting against his already rigid cock.

―I want you to do that to my pussy,‖ she purred pushing him away. She moved towards the bed and stopped at its foot. She undid the side zipper to her skirt and let the fabric drop to the floor.

Anthony almost joined it in a boneless puddle when he saw she wore no panties. He definitely swayed as she stood there clad only in nylons and garters. When her hands went to untie them he spoke in a gruff voice he didn‘t recognize. ―Leave them on. Please.‖

He saw her body shudder in reaction to his words and his confidence soared.
This woman
wants me.
Logic, sense and science had no meaning here, only a primitive lust like he‘d never known.

He stripped his shirt off as he moved towards her, enjoying her look of surprise. She ran her hands over his toned upper body with wonder. ―A big cock. A lickable chest. What else have you been hiding, my giant scientist?‖

He answered her with a kiss, suddenly glad he spent an hour every day in the gym to keep himself fit—she didn‘t need to know that he used his mindless exercise time to puzzle out problems in the lab. She wrapped her arms around him and toppled them backwards onto the bed.

He tried to brace himself so as to not crush her, but landed on her body anyway, not that she seemed to mind. Her legs wrapped around his waist, trapping his cock against her lower belly.

She kissed him, her lithe tongue sliding along his until he feared coming again, so erotically did she touch him. He pulled away, determined to give her pleasure. He embraced her body, worshipped it with his mouth and tongue as he slowly made his way down to her mound. He flicked his tongue against her still hard nipples and bit them just to hear that growling cry that sent a shiver through him. He laved a circle around her flat navel, fascinated by her toned physique, so different from his previous—if sparse—lovers. He caressed her body as he moved down to the neatly trimmed pubes and the treasure below. The proof of her desire glistened on her plump pink lips and he could even smell it. Her evident arousal awed him for he couldn‘t deny, nor could logic argue, this woman wanted him. It emboldened and enflamed him.

He knelt on the floor and grasped her thighs to draw her towards him, aligning her sweet sex with his mouth. Then he tasted her. At the first touch of his tongue against her pussy, she let out a keening cry and her back arched. He licked her again, a long wet swipe of his tongue between her lips up to her clit. She bucked and moaned.

―That‘s it, taste me. Suck me. Then fuck me.‖

Her crude demands fired him. He held onto her thighs and went to work, determined to pleasure her like she had him. It made his cock throb the way she trembled at his oral tease of her sex. He groaned at the way she tasted so sweet in his mouth. He flicked his tongue faster and faster over her swollen nub, her quickening cries goading him on. When her body tightened, he moved over her, sheathing his cock inside of her.

―Oh fuck,‖ she growled, her low tone touching him in a primitive place that drove him wild. ―Fuck me. Fuck me hard.‖

Anthony needed no urging. He pistoned his hips, thrusting himself in and out of her velvety moistness, holding back his release even as her pelvic muscles clamped him so tightly. He pumped harder, his hands on her waist, driving her down onto his cock. Deeper. Faster. Her fingers dug at his shoulders, her nails biting into his skin; the pain of it, though, spurred him to plow her even more vigorously.

She screamed when she climaxed and her whole body bowed up off the bed. Anthony held on tight as her orgasm milked him in waves, and came seconds after her with a hoarse shout.

He collapsed beside her on the bed, breathing heavily, utterly blown away by the most extreme pleasure he‘d ever experienced. She rolled against him, snuggling into him. He curled his arms around her, hugging her back.

―Spend the night with me,‖ she


His answer of ―sure‖ sounded stupid and inadequate for him, but it seemed enough for her because her breathing evened out as she fell asleep.

I don’t know how I got this lucky, but please,
don’t let it end.

Anthony was convinced he‘d never fall asleep beside this goddess. In truth he feared doing so.
What if I wake and discover it was all a
But, two orgasms in quick succession soon had him drifting into a pleasant dreamland where Lexie featured front and center—naked.

Chapter Three

Lexie inched out from under her geek‘s arm, not because she wanted to—which surprised her and she‘d analyze the why later—but because she heard stealthy movement from the room next door, the room her dear Anthony hadn‘t gone back to.

Getting him to stay with her—again part of her master plan to protect him—had gone off without a hitch and came with a fabulous orgasm.

Who knew her unimposing scientist hid a gifted lover with a decent body and a large cock? While his pale skin seemed to indicate a life mostly spent indoors, his body had the general tone of a man who hit the gym daily, a fact she appreciated.

Later, she‘d explore his body and his skills further. Time to earn her paycheck.

She briefly thought of getting dressed.

Her nudity didn‘t bother her, and if the waiting assailants were male, it could give her the leverage needed. She did, however, grab her gun and Anthony‘s key card from his pants pocket. She glanced over at him and saw him still sleeping soundly. Hopefully, she could take care of the problem quickly and quietly before he woke. She peeked out through her peephole into the hall first.

BOOK: The Geek Job
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