Read The Geek Job Online

Authors: Eve Langlais

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Erotica, #Fantasy, #Literary Criticism, #Gothic & Romance, #Gothic, #Horror, #paranormal romance

The Geek Job (6 page)

BOOK: The Geek Job
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Anthony coughed behind a hand and his body shook.

―Uh. Ah. Gee.‖ The little geek who‘d dared ambush her giant scientist blushed and stammered.

She turned into Anthony‘s arms with a pleased smile. ―Let‘s dance, lover,‖ she purred.

Only once they hit the makeshift dance floor did Anthony‘s shudders turn into laughter.

She peeked up at him. ―What‘s so funny?‖

He grinned down at her, his smile so natural and filled with mirth it made her heart stutter. ―Anyone ever tell you that you‘re amazing?‖

―Shut up.‖ Lexie ducked her head as her cheeks heated over his compliment. Blushing, a new thing for her, and she didn‘t like it one bit. It made her feel. .vulnerable.

He chuckled and she rubbed her face against his chest, enjoying the rumbling sensation.

They continued to slow dance, slow circles that allowed her to see in a three sixty angle if anyone looked out of place. In this room full of dweebs, geeks and nerds, the suave gentleman in the immaculate suit stood out like a sore thumb.

Lexie pulled back from Anthony. ―I could use a drink, something sweet and nonalcoholic.‖


―I‘ll be standing by the exit door,‖ she said pecking him on the lips. Or meant to, he crushed her to him, lifting her until she stood on tiptoe so he could thoroughly plunder her mouth.

With a cocky grin, he left her at the edge of the dance floor and made his way to the bar.

Bolder and bolder, her geek job had not only grown a backbone around her, he‘d also grown some balls.
How cute.

Lexie pretended to wander aimlessly, but all the while she noted the thug in black. As expected, he went after the supposedly easier target—her.

She allowed him to grab her and bustle her out the exit door. Once outside she played innocent a while longer. ―Wh-what do you want?‖

she cried, clasping her hands.

―I need to talk to your boyfriend.‖

―Anthony? Whatever for?‖

He pulled a revolver out and pointed it at her. ―Just do as I say and no one will get hurt.‖

Lexie dropped the fragile human routine and laughed. ―Seriously, does that line ever work?‖

The lackey‘s brow creased. ―Shut up before I shoot you.‖

―Go ahead. It wouldn‘t be the first time.‖

She didn‘t want to ruin her dress, though, or her evening. She hiked her skirt drawing his eyes down to her legs and the foot that swung up to connect with his chin. The loud crack preceded the thug‘s eyes rolling back in his head. He sank to the ground in a slump and Lexie scoffed at the ease with which she‘d taken him down.

Too fucking easy. Shit.

She scurried back inside in time to see Anthony with a puzzled brow being escorted out of the hall. She darted back out of the side door and ran around to the front of the hotel. She skidded around the corner, glad she wore flats instead of heels, and quickly walked to the front doors. She slowed, smoothing her dress, and strode in just as Anthony and his expected captors appeared.

―Darling, there you are,‖ she gushed. ―I‘m sorry, I wasn‘t waiting for you by the door, but I got so hot, I just had to get a breath of fresh air.‖

She could see the panic in his eyes and his not so subtle hint via head shake that she needed to go away. She wanted to kiss him for his attempt to protect her.

―Are these friends of yours?‖ she asked with wide eyed innocence. She stuck out her hand.

―Hi, I‘m Lexington, Anthony‘s girlfriend.‖

The goon on the left threw a puzzled look at his partner on the other side. With a shrug, he thrust his hand out grabbing hers, but when he squeezed and would have pulled her into him, probably as a hostage for Anthony‘s good behavior, Lexie returned the favor—harder.

The man yelped and his buddy sensing a problem began to tug Anthony towards the door.

―Oh dear, did I catch you with my nails?‖ she smirked at the fellow on his knees. ―I‘ll have to talk to my manicurist. Were we going somewhere, darling?‖ She turned to the other fellow who pulled a now struggling Anthony.

―Lexie. Run,‖ Anthony finally yelled.

―They‘ve got a gun.‖

―But that‘s illegal,‖ she said still playing the part of innocent. She sensed movement behind her and thrust her elbow back connecting with a sickening crunch. ―Oops. Sorry about that.‖

The click of a gun cocking made her sigh and she raised her hands as the barrel poked her in the back. The jig was up. She‘d now have to kick some serious ass and, as a consequence, probably forgo one last night of great sex because there was no way Anthony wouldn‘t clue in if he saw her take down these thugs without breaking a sweat.

She coiled and prepared to unleash her nasty side as Anthony‘s face struggled through a myriad emotions—disbelief, fear for her and finally anger.

What her geek lacked for in finesses, he made up for in size and adrenaline. He stomped down on the foot of the assailant holding him and then shoved him hard sideways. While Anthony was occupied, Lexie donkey kicked the idiot behind her catching him in the nuts. He crumpled and she flew into Anthony‘s arms.

―Oh, Anthony. Are you okay?‖ she asked, keeping his attention on her as hotel staff finally came running to deal with the commotion. Not that they did anything as the wanna-be kidnappers, with their cards played, fled out the door.

Anthony appeared dazed and looked around in confusion. ―I—What—How?‖

―We‘re safe. Those petty thieves are gone.

You saved me.‖ And she even managed to keep a straight face as she said it.

―I did.‖ The stunned look in his face made her want to smother him in kisses.

―Oh, yes, you did,‖ she smiled. ―Come on. Let‘s get out of here and go up to our room so I can properly thank you for being my hero.‖

―But shouldn‘t we call the police?‖

―What‘s the point? We‘re fine. They‘re gone. Besides wouldn‘t you prefer to spend our last night naked in bed rather than in a boring police station?‖ She coaxed him. When the staff would have stopped them with questions, she pretended to faint. Anthony caught her slumping body and took charge. He swept her up into his arms.

―Sir, we need you to give a statement to the police.‖

―About what? Your gross incompetence where the safety of your guests is concerned?‖

Anthony sounded really pissed. ―Thankfully, the miscreants where chased off with no help from this establishment. They didn‘t actually manage to steal anything, so what exactly would you like me to accuse them of? Showing how feeble your security truly is?‖ Lexie bit her tongue so as to not giggle as she imagined her geeky lover facing down the hotel staff. ―Idiots. Get out of my way so I can get my girlfriend back up to our room.‖

Feigning unconsciousness, Lexie didn‘t know what she found sexier—his domineering manner with the hotel staff or the fact he called her girlfriend. Both made her tingle all over.

He carried her into the elevator and punched the button in for their floor. Once the doors closed, she nibbled his jawline.

―I thought you might be faking it.‖

She laughed. ―I‘m horny and they were getting annoying. Nice job getting us out of there.‖

―Care to tell me what happened?‖ he asked tilting his head to look down at her.

―What do you mean?‖

―Those guys. They wanted to kidnap me, not rob me.‖

―Are you sure?‖

Anthony sighed with exasperation. ―I‘m not that oblivious. Just like I know you did something to get them to let me go.‖

Lexie widened her eyes. ―Me? I didn‘t do anything. You saved me.‖

Anthony narrowed his gaze. ―Don‘t toy with me, Lexie. I might have taken care of the one thug, but you did something to the other one. And how did you know to come around to the front of the hotel to intercept us? Who are you?‖


He snorted.

Lexie sighed. ―Fine. You caught me.

Remember how I said I‘m kind of an odd jobs kind of girl? Well, sometimes the things I do can get a little dangerous, so I‘ve had to learn how to protect myself. When I came out of the bathroom and saw those thugs carting you off, I couldn‘t just do nothing. I couldn‘t make it through the crowd in time so I let myself out a side door and ran around to the front. I‘ll admit, I did act a little pretending to not grasp the situation, but I didn‘t want those guys to see me as a threat. When I grabbed the one fellow, I used some pressure points I learned to temporarily incapacitate him.

But you took care of the other on your own,‖ she reiterated pressing herself against him and slipping a hand down to cup the growing bulge at his groin.

―I did, didn‘t I?‖ His smile emerged, banishing his doubts for the moment. Lexie knew she‘d squeaked by with her feeble explanation, and given time, when he‘d thought it over more fully with that fabulous brain of his, he‘d probably have more questions. So, she‘d just have to make sure to keep his focus distracted until the limo showed up to take him away in the morning. She‘d ply him with erotic pleasures to keep him occupied the rest of the night.
The things I do for my work—

numerous orgasms and pleasure. What a way to end the

They arrived at their floor and she took charge. She grabbed him by the tie and tugged him after her. ―I‘ve got a special reward for my hero, that is, if you want it?‖

His lips quirked when he replied.

―Depends. Are you going to use some of those pressure point moves on me?‖

She used his tie to reel him into her and she stood on tiptoe to murmur against his mouth.

―Oh, definitely. Did you know about the one on the head of your dick? It‘s guaranteed to bring you to your knees. Maybe I‘ll just show you with my tongue how deadly it is.‖

His eyes lost focus behind his lenses and she felt his body temperature rise. He didn‘t answer her with words, but he did use his mouth.

He kissed her fiercely, pushing her back up against her door and Lexie returned his embrace as her hands fumbled to yank out her key card to unlock the door.

They staggered into the room, and Lexie kicked the door shut before she stepped back to look at him. He met her gaze boldly. His adrenaline over his aggressive act downstairs and his arousal submerged his shy side, not that she‘d seen it much lately as his confidence with her grew. She yanked his tie off and looped it around her neck for later. She slid his jacket off his broad shoulders, and, in her impatience, she gripped the linen of his shirt and pulled the material apart, popping his buttons. He sucked in a breath at her rough handling, but she knew by the tenting in the crotch of his slacks that he enjoyed it.

She raked her nails down his bared chest, pinching his nipples as she made her way down to his belt. She unbuckled him and then undid his pants. His black briefs barely covered his erection and she slid her hand down the front of them to grasp him. She made a sound of satisfaction, a cross between a growl and a rumbling purr that made him groan. She pushed him back towards the bed, tumbling him onto the mattress. Her wolf rode her hard, pushing for control and Lexie closed her eyes lest their glow give her away. She breathed deep, reasserting her control over her suddenly anxious beast.

She straddled his waist, her skirt riding up and pressing her moist pussy against his stomach, her cleft still pleasantly swollen from their earlier tryst. When he would have grabbed her, she growled again. Her control held on by a thread and she didn‘t trust herself not to hurt him if he touched her. She snagged his hands and exerting some of her strength, she pulled his arms above his head and using the tie she‘d saved, tied them to the head board.

His body stilled and he regarded her with a touch of trepidation. She whipped his glasses off to get the full effect of his stare—and to blur his vision so that he wouldn‘t clearly see anything, say, like, her not so human side which fought to come to the surface. Besides, he had the most beautiful blue eyes and she hated to see them trapped behind his ugly lenses.

She grasped his tied wrists and leaned down to brush her lips over his. ―Don‘t worry my giant scientist. I am about to help you discover the joys of bondage along with a good dose of tease.‖

She leaned back from him and in one fluid movement, stripped her dress off, leaving her bare except for her garters which she knew he loved. Under his avid gaze, she cupped her breasts, rolling and pinching her nipples between her fingers.

―Are you trying to drive me insane?‖ he muttered.

Lexie smiled. ―What? And waste your beautiful brain? Never. But I‘m going to make you come like you‘ve never imagined. Eventually…‖

She laughed at the way his breathing hitched and his eyes lost focus. She especially enjoyed the way his hard cock twitched behind her, pressing against her backside as if alive and seeking the moist core it longed for.

She raised herself and moved back, pushing his thighs apart to rest herself between them. Having Anthony at her mercy calmed her wolf somewhat, but a wildness to possess this man, to ensure he never forgot her took its place.

I’ll ruin you for al other women.
She didn‘t examine why the thought of him with anyone else made her claws pop and a low rumble emerged from her throat.

She dragged the sharp points of her nails down his muscled thighs and his body tensed. But even better, his cock jerked. She leaned forward, her face hovering over his appendage while her hair tumbled to tickle his groin. She blew on him, warm soft breaths that made his dick strain. She didn‘t touch it, though, not yet. She puffed up and down its length as her hands cupped his balls, kneading them between her fingers.

He groaned and his body tensed up on the bed.

―Tell me what you want me to do?‖ she whispered. Could she make her geek talk dirty to her?

―I—.‖ He swallowed hard.

She blew on his tip and watched a drop pearl, waiting for her tongue. ―Tell me, Anthony.‖

―S-Suck me.‖

She peered up at him and saw him looking down at her. A sheen of sweat coated his face while a reddish hue heightened his cheeks.

―Like this?‖ She took his swollen head into her mouth, the salty taste of him on her tongue, making her moan. She gave him a hard suck then let him go with a wet pop.

BOOK: The Geek Job
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