The Guardian of My Soul (Soul's Desire) (26 page)

BOOK: The Guardian of My Soul (Soul's Desire)
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We dressed as fast as we could and when I opened the door my eyes were wide with worry.

She stepped inside, glaring at us with her arms crossed. “When were you going to tell me?”


“I’ve suspected this for a while now. We all did. But we kept waiting for you to say something. Kris, I thought I was your best friend, your sister...”

“Meg, please.” I sighed, fisting my fingers in my hair. “You know I love and cherish you, but this is something I wanted to keep to myself. Mom would never agree to this and he means so much to me. I’d die if I lost him.”

“Kris, we’re your friends. We’d never tell. We want you to be happy. It’s really stupid to hide from us,” she mumbled, sounding hurt.

“I’m sorry. You know I trust you guys, but I just couldn’t tell anyone. Please don’t be mad at me.” I stepped closer and hugged her.

“You were with him when you sent me on that trip to cover up for you, weren’t you?”

“Yes.” I couldn’t deny it.

She pursed her lips. “You should tell the others too so you can be together and not hold back because of us.”

I looked at Alec, but he remained silent, waiting for my decision. “Is that okay with you? I know I can trust them.”

“I guess we have no choice now,” he replied, looking rather uncomfortable.

“At some point you’ll have to tell Lillian too. How much longer do you think you can keep it a secret?” she asked concerned.

“Who knows what she’d do to him. I’m convinced she’d try to separate us.”

“Why? If he makes you happy she should stay out of it.”

“Exactly! But she won’t. You know how difficult she can be. She’s tried more than once to hook me up with rich guys she thought would be perfect for me. If I hadn’t seen how much she suffered when Dad died, I would’ve thought she’d married him for his money. Social status is so damn important to her.”

“More important than her only daughter’s happiness?”

“I try to think that’s not the case, but it’s the impression she’s giving me. I have no idea how she’d react to this. But I just can’t expect her to agree. I’m still thinking of the best way to explain this to her, but I haven’t come up with anything yet.”

“We’re here for you no matter what. You should never forget that.”

“I know, Meg. I know...”

Ana and the boys gasped when Alec and I showed up at breakfast holding hands.

“Holy cow! I knew it!” Ana erupted and threw her arms around me, beaming with excitement.

“Way to go, Alec!” Matt smirked wickedly, punching his biceps playfully. “Looks like you managed to tame the little vixen.”

“Shut up, Matt!” I pursed my lips.

“How did this happen? How long has it been going on?” Sam asked, seemingly the most surprised of them all.

“A while...” I murmured.

“And why do we only find out about it now?” Matt asked, feigning annoyance.

“I wasn’t ready to share. But now you know. I hope you’ll keep it to yourselves, though.”

“Our lips are sealed. Jeez, I’m so happy for you.” Ana grinned.

“Did you catch them fooling around, babe?” Matt asked, pulling Megan in for a kiss.

“Matt, don’t make me regret telling you.” I rolled my eyes, but he extended his arms out, hands up in defense.

“So...Lillian doesn’t know about this...” he said, giving me a questioning look.

I let myself fall into my chair. “I don’t know how to tell her.”

“Do you want us to come with you when you decide to talk to her?” Ana asked, taking my hand in hers.

“No...this is something I have to do on my own.” I glanced at a worried looking Alec.

*  *  *

I felt more relaxed now that my friends had found out about our secret relationship, and I was glad some of the pressure had been lifted off my chest. I watched him bond with the boys. They were treating him like they’d known each other their entire lives and I couldn’t help but gleam.

“Now this is more like it,” Megan said, interposing herself between me and them. “I’ve really missed seeing you smile.”

Her comment only made my smile broaden. “I never thought such happiness existed, but you were right, Meg. Men who can sweep you off your feet with just one look do exist.”

“You bet they do. But I thought you said you’ve seen guys who were more handsome than Alec.”

“And you believed me?”

“Of course not!” We both fell into a long fit of laughter. “The others may not have realized it, but I knew. There was something in the way you looked at him and how your body reacted to his other guy had affected you before, and I noticed the changes in you. I’ve known you for too long, Kris. Why do you think I tried to take my bikini top off the last time we were here? I was testing you and you fell right into my trap. Your reaction said it all. You were jealous and deep down I was bouncing up and down with joy, praying you’d finally accept somebody you actually liked into your life. I’m so happy you did it.” Her fingers entwined with mine as she looked at me with that sweet irrepressible little grin she had.

I blushed. “Meg...he was my first,” I confessed in the lowest voice possible.

She leaned closer and her brows pulled together in a little frown of concentration. “Your first what?” she asked, equally low.

I chewed on my lower lip, but said nothing, waiting for her to catch on.

Her eyes suddenly widened, causing me to curl into a small ball onto my seat. “Hell no! Are you serious? Kris!” She clasped her hands together and grinned, a mischievous glint causing her blue eyes to shine brighter than the sun. My light nod only managed to raise her level of excitement. “Now I understand why you kept evading the sex talks...”

“I wanted to do it in my own time. When I was ready for it, and when I found the right person. It might sound cheesy but it’s the truth. I was saving myself for someone who would make me want it not just for the physical pleasure, if you know what I mean...”

She moved next to me on my seat and put her arms around me warmly. “Are there any other big secrets you’ve kept from me?” She kissed my cheek. I could tell she was beyond excited and happy for me.

“No, that would be all.” I smiled.

“Now you need to tell me what it was like. I’m all ears, so give me all the juicy details.”

“Hell no!” I laughed, hugging myself protectively.

“Hell yeah!” She pushed me playfully, laughing with me as we both landed on the grass, her on top of me. I was so happy just to see her happy. At least I hoped she wasn’t hiding anything from me either.

“Get off, crazy!” I could hardly contain my laughter. I had missed my sister and her naughty nature so much. It felt good and refreshing to know I no longer had to hide from her.

“Not until you tell me everything.” She giggled.

“Oh boy, oh boy! Girls, by all means, please don’t stop!” Matt said with a leer, staring at us with his usual naughty grin. I had missed that grin.

“Shut up, you perv!” I wanted to throw something at him, but Megan had my wrists pinned to the ground and my tummy was beginning to ache with all the laughter.

“No way! I am not getting up on a horse.” We suddenly heard Ana squeal and Megan finally released me, glancing at her standing between Sam and Alec as they both tried to coerce her.

“What’s going on?” I asked Matt, standing up.

“Oh, we’re going for a short trip with the horses, but Ana is afraid of them. Please get her on a horse. It will be fun,” he replied.

“No, no and no. End of story! Meg won’t agree either. She’s afraid of them too,” Ana said.

“Hey, I never said I was afraid of them. Just that I’m not a fan of riding,” Megan retorted.

“Come on, Ana. Sam will hold you tight and nothing bad will happen to you. My horses are tame, I promise.”

Ana sulked, but said nothing in return.

“There used to be an abandoned cottage about five miles away from here. Dad forbade us to go there, but Meg and I often snuck there to play when we were kids. I haven’t been there in years. He tried to scare us off by telling us the place was haunted. It only made us more intrigued by it.” I giggled at the memory.

“Ok, now I’m definitely not coming,” Ana said and hugged herself protectively, making us laugh.

“Don’t worry, kitten. No ghost will get past me.” Sam grinned and kissed her nose to appease her.

“There’s also a lake nearby and lots of wildflowers. It’s a beautiful place, so let’s pack some food and get going. I’ll tell John to prepare the horses,” I said and darted inside the house to get ready before she could protest again.

*  *  *

Alec’s strong arms embraced me tightly from behind as I led Marley toward our destination, followed by the other two horses. I was glad Ana had finally hushed and was now enjoying the trip and the scenery.

“Oh, what are you doing, naughty?” I smiled and leaned my head back to look at him when I felt his hands slide underneath my T-shirt, skimming my tummy and then stopping at my bra.

He groaned frustrated. “Why did you have to wear a bra?”

I giggled sweetly and kissed his chin. “Because my breasts are so responsive to you. You wouldn’t want my friends to see that, would you?”

Alec found the front closure of my bra and unsnapped it, freeing my breasts for his expert hands.

“Whoa, what are you doing? They’ll see us,” I murmured, pressing myself into him when he began rolling my nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.

“They won’t. Relax...” A bolt of pleasure shook my entire body when he pinched them again and a whimper rose from my lips. Each tug made the muscles in my vagina contract then relax, clamping around nothing. My hard peaks jabbed into his palms as he molded them, offering me the most exquisite massage. My passion and desire soon became fully aroused.

I moaned in anticipation when one of his hands left my breast and slowly found its way into my shorts and under the elastic of my panties. He probed my wetness, a clear evidence of my responsiveness to him.

“I love your smooth skin down there,” he whispered wickedly close to my ear before bringing his teeth down on the delicate flesh of my earlobe.

My breath caught in a little mewl. “Alec...I can’t...keep quiet...” I bit hard on my lower lip, the deft twirl of his fingers around my sensitive pleasure nub causing surging pleasure to throb through it, a deep ache which demanded quick fulfillment.
Oh, how I wish he were inside of me!
My friends’ presence only heightened my senses, but I enjoyed every second of it, aroused beyond belief. My impending climax kept on building until I finally couldn’t stand it anymore and came hard, my body convulsing against him. His gentle nipping of my neck, light squeezes of my breasts and the pressure of his fingers on my core added to my pleasure. For a moment I felt weak and boneless, fighting to regain control and normalize my breathing.

“I feel you,” I said, lost in an orgasmic haze, enjoying the feel of his erection against my lower back.

“You will take care of me too, won’t you, baby girl?” he asked, spreading kisses along my jaw line.

“Umm, maybe...” I teased, smiling innocently.

He growled disapprovingly.

“We’re not alone, love.” I couldn’t help the need to toy with him a little bit.

“That can be arranged.” He concluded, fixing my bra. My insides started to liquefy, eager to welcome him.

*  *  *

“I can’t believe it’s still here.” I grinned, approaching the old, rundown cottage. “Remember, Meg?”

“How could I forget? We had so much fun here...”

“Kris, don’t go in there,” Alec said, pulling me back. “It looks unstable and there could be snakes.”

“Snakes?” Ana flinched, this time refusing to get
the horse. “This place is giving me the creeps, guys. Let’s just go back,” she pleaded.

“Not a chance, kitten.” Sam pulled her off the horse and into his arms.

“I’ll gather some wood and start a fire. I brought marshmallows,” Matt announced and took off. Me and the girls spread a couple of blankets on the grass and watched Alec and Sam take care of the horses, letting them graze nearby.

“How about we go for a swim? It’s hot and that water looks so appealing.” I suggested.

“Nah, I prefer the pool.” Ana smiled innocently.

“Love, we’re in the countryside. Let’s get dirty and have some fun,” Sam said, picking her up all of a sudden. She screamed all sorts of despicable things as he ran with her toward the water, warning him not to throw her in. But he did, jumping in with her fully dressed.

“I hate you!” she yelled and splashed him, but laughed when he launched himself at her.

“Did someone say something about getting dirty?” Matt asked, returning with the wood he’d gathered.

“Matt, all you ever think about is food and sex.” I laughed, shaking my head at him.

“Well, those are my two basic needs.” He chuckled under his breath.

I picked up a cone and threw it at his head, but he managed to dodge it. “Start the fire, bro’.”

We spent the next hour roasting marshmallows and enjoying some of the food we’d brought. When Alec took my hand and led me toward the water, I followed him and shed my clothes, tossing them on the shore before jumping in, wearing nothing but my underwear. The cool water refreshed my senses, but something in the way he looked at me let me know he had bigger plans than just a swim. I was willing to do anything in my power to please him, the idea of making love to him in the water exciting me. I was ready to experience something new.

*  *  *

After a lovely weekend spent in the company of my friends I felt refreshed and relieved they’d all accepted Alec and made him feel welcome in our group. Watching the boys bond with him brought me joy, but I was always eager for the night to come so I could have him all to myself. Our passionate lovemaking never seemed to suffice. Every part of me ached to feel his body pressed tightly against mine, holding me, promising to never let me go. I needed all of him. I could feel him touching my very soul, removing every ounce of resistance I had so carefully erected over the years.

“Alec...” I murmured when we arrived in Los Angeles. “Can we not go straight home? I’d like a few more minutes with you.”

The sight of Mount Hollywood at dusk was breathtaking. We stepped out of the car and leaned on the hood embraced, enjoying the spectacular view. Despite the beauty of the place I couldn’t shake off my concerns. He squeezed me closer, probably knowing what I was thinking.

BOOK: The Guardian of My Soul (Soul's Desire)
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