The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1)
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They kissed hotly, their tongues sucking
and sliding against each other’s as she rolled her hips against him.  He cupped
her large ass, his fingers digging into her flesh, and he lifted her easily up
and down on his cock.  She gasped his name as he placed his mouth on her
shoulder.  His fangs slipped into the small holes already there and he made a
low moan as her blood flowed into his mouth.

She cried out and squeezed compulsively
around him, her entire body shaking with her orgasm as he continued to thrust
back and forth.  He forced himself to stop drinking and licked his lips clean
of her blood as he pushed in and out of her hot and soaking wet cunt.

He weaved his fingers through her long dark
hair, yanking her head back so he could trail kisses down her smooth skin.  He
resisted the urge to bite her neck and growled lightly into her ear.

“Tighten around me, Abigail.  Squeeze your
tight pussy around my cock right now.”

She moaned at his hotly-whispered command
and clenched her muscles around him.  He groaned at the added pressure on his
cock and plunged into her twice more before coming violently inside of her.

She collapsed against his lap and he
stroked her long hair before kissing her softly on the cheek.  She was weak and
limp, nearly asleep already, and he laid her gently on the blanket.  She curled
up on her side almost immediately, tucking one hand under her cheek, as he
stretched out behind her.  He spooned her, sliding his hand around her to cup
one full breast.

“So tired.”  She whispered wearily.

“I know, little dove.  Go to sleep.”  He
kissed the back of her shoulder as she slipped into slumber.



“She’s letting him feed from her.  She must
be.”  Neil murmured to Maria.  It was two days later and he watched as Abigail
laughed at something Bert said to her as she walked behind the wagon.

Maria nodded.  “She is.  She’s been
sneaking out each night to meet him.”

“Why is she hiding it?  We all understand
why she is doing it.”

“I do not know.”

“She told me that in her world vampires
were considered the undead.  That they had no heartbeat and no soul and were

“Aye.  My husband said the same thing.” 
Maria said solemnly.

“Perhaps that is why she feels the need to
hide it from us.  If she believes that Val is evil then she may be ashamed by
her desire for him.”  Neil said hesitantly.


They watched as David joined her and smiled
down at her.  She smiled back and he took her hand.  She squeezed it briefly
before dropping it and a small frown crossed David’s face.

“He is in love with her.”  Maria sighed.

Neil grinned.  “You think?  She could do
worse.  David is a good man.”

Maria frowned.  “Is he?  Sometimes I

“What do you mean?”

Maria shook her head.  “Nothing.  He’s
wasting his time anyway.  She belongs to Val now.”

Neil gave her a puzzled look.  “Once we
reach Karna and she is away from Val, her need will fade.  Why shouldn’t David
have a chance with her then?”

Maria rolled her eyes.  “For a smart guy
you sure are dumb, Neil.”

He flushed.  “I’ve known Val for many years,
Maria.  He will never become infatuated with a human.”

She laughed.  “He already has.  You can see
it every time he looks at her.  Did you not see the look on his face last night
when David sat so close to her?  He has been hiding his own need for her,
probably because she has asked him to do so, but he won’t be able to hide it
much longer.  Especially if David continues to touch her.”

“What are you saying?  That once we reach
Karna he will set up house with her?”

Maria shrugged.  “There are vampires who
are doing that exact thing in Karna.”

“Never with a human – they keep to their
own kind.  Besides, Val is – he’s…” Neil trailed off.

“He’s what, Neil?  Val may be a vampire but
it doesn’t mean he is not capable of love.”

“I know that.  But I just never thought
that Val would care about anything but himself.  I mean, for a leech, he’s kind
enough, but he’s been a vampire for over five hundred years.  He’s forgotten
what it means to be human.”

“I thought Val was your friend.”

“He is.  But it doesn’t mean that I believe
he’s capable of loving anyone but himself,or that I have to approve of his plan
to keep Abby as a pet.”  Neil’s voice was growing louder and Maria glanced
around worriedly.

“Neil, keep your voice down!”  She

“Abby is a nice girl and she deserves
someone like David, not Val.”  Neil said heatedly, although he lowered his

“She’s in love with Val.”  Maria said

“Horse shit.”  Neil spat.  “She’s
infatuated with him because he bit her, nothing more.”

Maria held up her hands. “Okay, Neil.  Calm

Neil, breathing heavily, stared furiously
at her.  “She is not in love with him, Maria.”

“Tell me why you’re so upset.”  Maria
suddenly said.

“I’m not upset.”  Neil gave her a cautious

“Yes you are.  And I want to know why.  We
have been friends for a few years now and I know hardly anything about you. 
You’re friends with Val, hell you stick up for the vampires more than any other
human I know, and I want to know why the thought of Abby being in love with Val
is so upsetting to you.”

Neil sighed harshly.  “I was married once.”

Maria stared at him in shock.  “I had no

“Her name was Atina.  I loved her so much,
Maria.  We grew up in the same village and I think I fell in love with her when
I was still a small boy.  We married young.  She was nineteen and I was

“What happened to her?”  Maria asked

“A pack of vampires overtook our village
for a time.  There were more of them back then, although their numbers were
already starting to dwindle.  They didn’t stay long – a month maybe – but it
was long enough.  They fed from a bunch of us and Atina, she wasn’t a strong
woman.  She was sweet and gentle and when the head vampire fed from her, she
became obsessed with him.”

He raked his hand through his short dark
hair.  “I tried to tell her that it would fade with time and that the vampire
felt nothing for her.  She didn’t – couldn’t – believe me.  When the vampires
eventually left she became withdrawn and depressed.  Two weeks later she took
her own life.”

“Oh Neil.”  Maria squeezed his arm.  “I’m
so sorry.”

She hesitated.  “I’m surprised you don’t
hate them.”

He shrugged.  “I did.  For years I couldn’t
stand their kind or how they treated the humans.  But then Val saved my life
and I realized that they’re similar to us in that there are good ones and bad
ones, you know?”

Maria grunted.  “Val and Eone are the only
good vampires I’ve met and it might be a stretch to call them good.”

“Yeah.”  Neil agreed.  “Anyway, as grateful
as I am to Val for saving my life we need to keep Abigail away from him when we
reach Karna.  She deserves the chance to realize that what she feels for him is
just because he’s feeding from her.”

“And if it isn’t?” Maria asked softly.

“It is.”  Neil replied firmly.

* * *


“If he keeps touching you, I’ll kill him.”

Val’s voice drifted out of the darkness and
Abby raised her head from where it rested on his chest.  She had been listening
to the steady beat of his heart and marveling between the differences in the
mythical vampires of her world and the reality of vampires in this one. 

“You’re overreacting.”

He sat up in the bed and ran a hand through
his long hair.  “No, I’m not.”

“Yes you are.”  She sat up beside him and
tucked the covers around her naked body.  “And keep your voice down please.”

They had found lodging for the night in a
house that was surprisingly large.  Nearly everyone had claimed their own room
and shortly after dinner Abby had retired to her room, using a headache as an
excuse.  She had found Val waiting for her in her room as she knew she would.

“He touches you constantly and he gives me
this look like he has won you in a game of barnen.”  Val’s hands were rolling
into fists and she rubbed his back lightly.

“David and I are friends, nothing more.”

He gave her a wry look.  “David wants
between your legs, Abigail.  Do not pretend otherwise.”

She sighed.  What Val was saying was true
and she had no idea how to deal with it.  In her world, men weren’t attracted
to her double-wide ass.  She had slept with exactly one person before Val, and it
had only happened because both she and her best friend Carl had been drunk. 
Her cheeks burned and her pulse increased at the memory of the next morning. 
Carl had woken up, taken one look at her, and skedaddled his ass out of her
apartment as fast as he could.  He had refused to take any of her calls after
that, and she had mourned the loss of their friendship more than the loss of
her virginity.

Darkness crossed Val’s face and he pushed
her on to her back on the bed.  He covered her soft curves with his broad body
and rested his hand on her hip.  He threaded the fingers of his other hand
through her dark hair and held it tightly.

“You’re blushing.  And I can hear your
pulse increasing.”  He leaned down and sniffed her pulse at the base of her

He looked up at her and her breath caught
in her throat at the look of anger in his eyes.  “Have you let the boy between
your thighs, little dove?  Has he dared to touch what belongs to me?”

He reached between her thighs and cupped
her possessively as his thumb parted her labia and found her clit.  He stroked
it roughly and brushed his mouth across her trembling lips.

“I would hear the truth from you, little
dove.  But I should warn you that if I find out you’ve let him kiss you, allowed
him to put his fingers or his cock inside of you,” he slid his finger into her
tight cunt and grinned with satisfaction at her soft moan of submission, “I
really will kill him - very slowly and very painfully.”

“He hasn’t done any of those things.”

“But you want him to.”  His voice was
dangerously soft.

She shook her head.  “No, I don’t.”

He thumbed her clit in approval and she
arched her hips against him.

“Then why do you blush?  Why is your pulse
thudding so heavily?”  He murmured into her ear.

“I was remembering something from my

“What?”  He rubbed her clit again and she
moaned a little and dug her nails into his broad arm.

“Nothing I want to talk about.”

He frowned.  “There are to be no secrets
between us.  Remember, little dove?  Tell me what the memory was.”

She snorted angrily and pushed his arm away
before sitting up.  His gaze drifted down to her naked breasts and she smacked
him on the chest before yanking the sheet up.

“That’s bullshit, Val, and you know it.  I
don’t know anything about you.  Every time I’ve asked, you distract me.”

He arched his eyebrows at her
uncharacteristic anger and leaned back against the headboard.  “Ask me anything
you want, Abigail.”

“When did you become a vampire?”

“I was turned 524 years ago.”

“How old were you when you died?”

He frowned.  “I was thirty-five but I
didn’t die, Abigail.  I was turned before I could die.”

She nodded.  “Sorry.  In my world, vampires
are considered undead.”

He laughed.  “Right, Neil told me.  We have
no heartbeat and no soul.  Our skin is cold as ice and we always kill the
humans we feed from.  Your world is very dreary, little dove.”

“It isn’t!”  She pursed her lips.  “Can you
eat real food?”

He nodded and she cocked her head at him. 
“I’ve never seen you eat or drink anything but blood.”

“Not true.  You’ve watched me eat your
sweet pussy.”  He grinned at the hot blush that rose in her cheeks and he
reached out and traced her soft skin.  “Your cream tastes nearly as good as
your blood, little dove.”

“Stop distracting me.”  She pushed his hand
away and he took her hand and held it firmly.

“Some vampires eat quite a bit of food even
though it provides no nutrition for us.  But many of us find it difficult to
abandon that which made us human.”

“So you’ll die without blood?”

“Eventually.  It would take months though. 
The humans have experimented on us in the past, and I believe the longest a
vampire lived without blood was nine months.”

She gave him a horrified look.  “They
experimented on vampires?”

“Yes.”  He didn’t seem bothered by it.


“Two hundred years ago there were many more
of us. We weren’t particularly kind to the humans.  I suppose they believe they
were justified in their experimentation on us.”

“Are there not as many of you now?”  She
asked curiously.

“No.  There was a sickness among us about a
hundred and twenty years ago.  It killed many of my kind.”

“A sickness?  I thought you were immortal. 
What type of sickness could kill you?”

He shrugged carelessly but she thought she
saw a hint of pain in his eyes.  “I don’t know.”

“How did you survive it?”

“Some of us were immune.  We did tests,
tried to figure out what it was that made some vampires immune, but we never
discovered what it was.  We did, however, realize that the blood of the immune
helped heal those who were sick.”

She paused and then decided to ask the
question.  “Did you lose anyone special to you?”


He was lying, she could see it in his eyes,
but she let it go.  “How many humans have you killed?”

“Many.  But they were all trying to kill
me.”  He said honestly.  “Does that bother you?”

“A little.” 

“I would never hurt you, little dove.”  He
squeezed her hand.

“I know.  Why did you leave your own kind
for the humans?”

“What memory were you thinking of earlier?”
He countered.

She looked down at their clasped hands.  “I
was remembering the first guy I slept with.”

“Were you in love with him?”

She shook her head as Violet flew in
through the slightly-open bedroom window.  She flew to Abby and landed on her
shoulder, winding her cold body into Abby’s hair before kissing her lightly on
the side of the neck.

BOOK: The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1)
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