The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1)
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Abby smiled.  “I was starting to worry
about you, Violet.  Where have you been, little one?”

Violet yawned and shrugged before sitting
cross-legged on Abigail’s shoulder.  She leaned against her throat and stuck
her tongue out at Val.

“Watch it, bug.  I hear pixie blood is very
sweet tasting.”  He growled playfully.

Violet rolled her eyes as Abby squeezed his
hand.  “Don’t say things like that to her.”

“Tell me about him.”  He prompted.

“His name was Carl.  He was my best
friend.  One night we both ended up drunk and we slept together.  In the
morning, when he woke up in my bed, he was horrified by what he had done.  He
left and refused to speak to me ever again.”

“He was a fool.”

She shrugged.  “I don’t blame him.”

“Tell me about your other lovers.”  The
thought of other men touching her filled him with a strange rage but he wanted
to know everything there was about Abigail.

She blushed.  “There weren’t any others.”

“What do you mean?”

Her blush brightened.  “I mean that before
you, Carl was the only man I’d slept with.”


She gave him a strange look.  “Why?  Well,
because look at me, Val.  I’m ugly.  Even if I wasn’t fat, I’m too pale, my
nose is too big and my hair is too frizzy.  Men aren’t attracted to me.  I honestly
have no idea why David is.”

He stared at her and realized she believed
what she was saying.  His chest tightened painfully and he reached out and
gripped her chin firmly.  “He’s attracted to you for the same reasons that I
am.  You’re gorgeous and sweet and way too kind-hearted for your own good.”

“You want me because of my blood.”  She
whispered.  “Don’t lie to me, Val.”

He shifted closer to her and cupped her
face.  “Your blood is very appealing to me, little dove, but it is not just
that.  You have become,” he hesitated, “important to me.  It is not just your
blood that calls to me but everything about you.”

His eyes skimmed over her face before he
stared steadily at her.  “Do you believe me?”

She looked down at the bed covers.  “I
don’t know.”

“Then let me show you once more.”  He
whispered.  He kissed her soft mouth and then stared at Violet still wrapped in
Abby’s hair.

“Go on, bug.”

She huffed at him before kissing Abby’s
throat again.  As she untangled herself from the long dark strands, Abby reached
up and gently stroked her back with one finger.

“Good night, little one.”

Violet flew to the basket on the far
dresser.  Abigail had fashioned a bed for her in the basket and without looking
at either of them, the pixie burrowed deep under the layers of fabric until she
was completely hidden within them.

Val pulled the bed covers down, baring
Abigail’s breasts to his hot gaze.  He dipped his head and trailed a blazing
hot path down her chest before cupping one breast and capturing her nipple
between his lips.  He licked and sucked lightly on it until it hardened in his
mouth and Abigail’s hands were tangled in his long hair. 

“Lie back, little dove.”  He whispered.

Her body throbbing with need, Abby lay back
against the pillows as Val kissed his way down her body.  He dipped his tongue
into her navel, circled it with his tongue and then blew lightly on her damp

She moaned softly and put her arm over her
mouth to dampen the noise as he shifted until he was stretched out between her

“So sweet.”  He murmured before he nibbled
lightly on her dripping cunt.  She ground her hips against his face as his
tongue probed between her lips to find her swollen clit.  He licked it with
rough strokes until her ample hips were rising up from the bed and her hand was
clutching frantically at the back of his head.

“Come for me, little dove.”  He whispered
before sucking her clit into his mouth.  With a muffled shout, she did what he
asked, her hand leaving the back of his head to clench tightly around the bed covers. 
As her orgasm rushed through her, she felt the sharp sting of his fangs on her
inner thigh. 

He suckled on her skin, drinking her blood
as her climax roared through her.  Only when she had collapsed weakly on the
bed, her arm falling away from her mouth and her breasts heaving as she
struggled to pull in air, did he stop drinking.

He positioned himself over her and entered
her dripping cunt with one smooth stroke.  She arched beneath him, taking him
deep inside of her, and he groaned his approval when her pussy muscles rippled
around his thick cock.

“Open your eyes, little dove.”  He

Her eyelids fluttered open and he smiled
down at her.  “That’s right, my love.  Look at me and watch what you do to me.”

He thrust in and out of her.  Her cunt
gripped him greedily, sucking at his cock and refusing to let go when he tried
to retreat.  He moaned with pleasure and she slapped her hand over his mouth. 
He licked the palm of her hand, making her shudder against him, before
beginning to plunge in and out.  The smooth tightness of her cunt, the way it
clung wetly to him, brought him quickly to the edge and with a loud groan he
thrust deeply and climaxed inside of her.

Panting lightly, he rolled off of her and
collapsed on his back beside her.  After a few minutes he turned on his side. 
When she didn’t turn so that he could spoon her, he reached out and lifted her,
moving her easily into the position he wanted her in.

Although she had seen Val’s strength
multiple times, Abigail was still surprised whenever he moved her two hundred
pound plus body like she weighed no more than a feather.  As he threw his leg
over her hip and his hand cupped her breast, she tried to squirm away.

Val growled under his breath and pulled her
even closer.  “Where are you going?”

“I’m not going anywhere.” She grumbled. 
“You know I need space to sleep.”

He laughed softly and kissed the back of
her neck.  “I’m leaving soon to go on watch with Eone.  Indulge me until then.”

She sighed and relaxed against him. “Will
you come back before you go to your daysleep?”

He nodded. “Yes, little dove.  I’ll see you
in a few hours.  Go to sleep, Abigail.”



“Abby will you take a walk with me?”

She smiled at David before glancing quickly
at the wagon.  After a long day of traveling, they had been unable to find
shelter and were once more camping in the open.  It was almost twilight, Val
would be awake soon and looking for her.

“Right now, David?”

He nodded.  “Please?  I wish to speak with
you in private.”

She pressed her lips together and then
nodded.  “Just a quick walk, okay?  I need to help Maria with dinner.”

He smiled and tried to take her hand as
they walked deeper into the woods.  She folded her arms across her torso,
ignoring the disappointed look he gave her.

“You’ve done very well in denying the leech,
Abby.  I want you to know how proud I am of you.”

“Thank you.”  She muttered.  She looked
down at the ground.  She hated lying and was horrible at it.  If she looked
David in the eye, he would see the truth in her face.

“I know it hasn’t been easy, not with that
asshole leech staring at you all the time but –“

“Don’t call him an asshole, David.”  She
said softly.  “He’s saved all of our lives.”

He snorted angrily.  “He almost killed you
by drinking too much of your blood after you offered to save his miserable life. 
And trust me, if push came to shove, he’d abandon our asses.”

“Did he abandon you at the village?  Neil
said if it hadn’t been for him and Eone, none of you would have survived. 

He stopped suddenly and took her arms. 
“Why do you defend him, Abby?”

He tilted her chin up and stared into her
face.  “Why are you so quick to…”

He trailed off, his ruddy face paling at
the look on her face.  “Oh my God.”

“David I – “

“You’ve been letting him feed from you.” 
He whispered.  “Haven’t you?”

“That’s none of your business, David.”

He surprised her by grabbing her hair and
yanking her head back.  She gave a soft cry of pain as he searched her throat
for the tell-tale marks. 

“Where is he biting you?”  He snarled.

“Let me go!”  She punched at him and he
grabbed her wrists with one hand and ground the thin bones together.

She cried out with pain again as he tore at
the neckline of her t-shirt.  He sucked in his breath at the lightly-bruised
bite marks on the soft meat of her shoulder and cursed vehemently before
shoving her away.

She stumbled and nearly fell before rubbing
her wrists and glaring at him.  “You’re a dickhead, David.”

“Yeah, well you’re nothing but a dirty
leech whore.  I should have known you – “

She slapped him as hard as she could across
the face and his head rocked back.  He cupped his cheek, staring in disbelief
at her.  She turned to run as he lunged for her, her scream cut off by his hard
hand clamping across her mouth.

“I thought you were different, Abigail.” 
He whispered into her ear.  He turned her around and stared into her frightened
eyes as he tightened his arm around her waist.  “I was falling in love with you.
 Did you know that?  I was so amazed by your ability to resist him, so
impressed by your strength, that I actually thought I was in love with you.”

She made a muffled sound against his palm
and tried to pull away. 

“Shh, don’t do that.  I should have known
better than to think you were strong.  The ones that come from your world are
always so weak.  They never survive long in our world.”

He lowered her to the ground and straddled
her before putting his thick hands around her throat.  “You lied to me,
Abigail.  I could forgive you for submitting to the leech but not for lying to

“You don’t have to do this, David.”  She
begged softly as tears began to leak from her eyes. 

“I do, Abby.”  He whispered soothingly. 
“It’s for your own good.  It’s better for you to be dead then to be with him.”

She looked into his eyes and realized with
sudden, terrifying clarity that he was insane.  Something small and purple
skated past the edge of her vision and she prayed that Violet would bring the
others before it was too late.

She dug her nails into his thick, hairy
wrists and tried to heave him off of her.  He growled with pain but settled
himself more firmly on top of her. 

He began to squeeze her throat and before
her air supply was cut off, she choked out, “He’ll kill you.”

“He’ll never know.”  He crooned.

* * *


Val looked around the campsite and
frowned.  Abigail was nowhere to be seen and there was a bad feeling growing in
his stomach.

“Neil, have you seen Abby?”

The big man shook his head.  “She was right
here.  I’m not sure where she went.”

“Where is David?”  Val suddenly asked

“He’s unloading the wagon.  At least, I thought
he was.”  Neil replied.

He shouted across the clearing to Landon. 
“Landon, have you seen David?”

The younger man shrugged and continued to
build up the campfire.

There was a sharp tug on Val’s hair and he
turned to see Violet, her purple skin flushed and her eyes wide and frantic,
staring at him. 

“Where is she?”  There was an unfamiliar
sensation in his stomach and after a second he recognized it as fear.  “Where
is she, bug?”

Violet made a choking motion with her hands
and pointed into the woods.  He snarled and, as Violet darted into his hair and
wrapped her small fists around it, he raced into the trees.

* * *


Abby pulled weakly at David’s hands.  Black
roses were blooming in her vision and her feet drummed helplessly on the ground
as his hands squeezed tightly around her throat.  She mouthed Val’s name as
tears leaked down her cheeks.

There was a loud snarling and David was
torn away from her.  Choking and gasping she rolled to her side, grabbing at
her throat as she fought to tear air into her throbbing lungs.  Vaguely, she
was aware of Violet hovering over her as David screamed pitifully.

“You dare to touch her?”  Val roared.  His
hand around David’s throat, he shook him like a rag doll.  The big man screamed
again as Val threw him to the ground.

“Please!”  He begged as Val dragged him to
his knees.  Snarling and spitting, his fangs extended to an almost impossible
length, Val bent towards him.

“Val no!”  Abigail tried to scream and
produced nothing but a hoarse whisper.

He turned to her and she shrank back at the
sheer rage in his gaze.

“Wait…”  She whispered and then watched in
horror as Val bent his mouth to David’s throat and ripped it open.

David made a gurgling noise and clutched at
his throat as blood gushed down his chest and on to the ground.  He collapsed
forward as Val wiped the blood from his mouth and walked towards Abby.

She stared wordlessly at him, her hand
rubbing at her throat, and he knelt down.  She flinched when he reached for her
and a look of pain flickered across his face.

“I will never hurt you, little dove.  I
promise you.”  He cupped the back of her head and drew her towards him.  He
rested his forehead against hers as Violet hovered anxiously over them.

“Do not be afraid of me, Abigail. Please.”
He whispered pleadingly.

With a soft cry she threw her arms around
him and he hugged her hard.  “You’re safe, little dove.”

He helped her to her feet and tilted her
head up to look at her throat.  Bruises were starting on her throat and he made
a soft sound of distress.  She tried to peer around him at David’s body and he
stopped her.

“No, little dove.  Do not look at him.”

He kissed her mouth lightly and she kissed
him back before burying her face in his throat.

“Come, we need to get back to – “

A sudden shrill scream made them both jump
and he turned towards the camp as more screams rang out.

“Stay here!”  He demanded and took off in a

Abigail hesitated only briefly before
chasing after him.  Panting, dragging air in through her swollen throat, she
stumbled through the trees.

Her breath hissed out of her lungs when she
reached the campsite.  Ten vampires were tearing through the people in the
campsite.  She watched in horror as a short, fat vampire grabbed Erin by the
hair and yanked her head back.  He buried his face in her throat and she
screamed as he bit deeply into her skin.  As he drank, he tore her throat wide
with one long and dirty fingernail.  Her blood sprayed out and he lapped at it
like a dog, grinning and sucking at her neck as she sank to the ground.

Neil, his face grim, swung his sword in a
wide arc, beheading the vampire that was about to sink her teeth into Maria’s
neck.  She exploded into ash as Neil helped Maria to her feet.

“Go!”  He roared.  “Under the wagon – now!”

Maria scurried towards the compartment
under the wagon as Eone and Val, hissing and snarling, attacked the vampires. 
She watched wide-eyed as they quickly dispatched the vampires, their swords
flashing in the gloom.

Violet clung to Abigail’s neck, hiding her face
in her hair, as Neil and Val worked together to kill the last vampire.  They
had him cornered against the wagon and he dropped to his knees and held his
hands up in surrender.

“Please no!  I will leave!  I’m sorry!  I
will not – “

His words died off in a gurgling little
moan as Val thrust his sword into his chest.  He stared up at Val, his eyes
wide with shock and pain, before he exploded into ash.

Neil, panting harshly, looked around the
campsite.  “Oh my God.”  He whispered.  Dead people lay scattered across the
campsite.  Only he and Maria had survived the carnage.

Violet released her grip on Abby’s hair and
fluttered a few feet away.  She hovered, looking with horror at the dead people
on the ground.

Val, his silver eyes glowing and his pale
skin flushed with colour, frowned when he saw Abby standing next to a tree.

“Little dove, I told you to stay – “

His mouth dropped open in wordless horror
when a vampire appeared out of thin air next to Abigail.  He wrapped his arms
around her body, hissed at Val, and disappeared with her in a flash of light.

Neil watched as Val dropped his sword and
ran to where she had been.  The vampire dropped to his knees, a low keening
starting in his chest.  The keening quickly became a scream as he opened his
mouth and wailed his pain into the night air.

Eone approached him gingerly.  “Val, I am
sorry.  She is gone.”

He turned on her and snarled, baring his
fangs at her.  “I will find her!  Do you hear me, Eone? I will find her!”

“It’s too late, Val.”  Eone replied.  “She
is probably already dead.”

He screamed again and Neil flinched when
Maria grabbed his arm.  “Neil, what do we do?”

“I don’t know.”  Neil replied quietly.

He watched as Val staggered to his feet and
stared at them with haunted eyes.  The vampire paid no attention when Violet
darted forward and buried herself in his long hair, clinging grimly to the long

“I will find her.”  He whispered hoarsely
before disappearing into the trees.



Thank you for reading my book.  Please take a moment to
leave a comment at the site you downloaded this book from.  I appreciate and
encourage feedback!


* * * *


Please enjoy a sample chapter of the exciting conclusion to
“The Vampire’s Kiss”

Ramona Gray’s newest novel: “The Vampire’s Love”. 

The Vampire’s Love will be available in February 2015 at


* * * *


The Vampire’s Love

(Other World Series Book Two)


Copyright 2014 Ramona Gray


“Care for a drink, sir?  Only a gold coin.”

Val looked up at the vampire standing before
him.  A woman wearing only a skirt and a thin collar around her neck with a
chain attached to it, swayed next to him.  The vampire tilted her chin up and
showed him her throat.

Val wrinkled his nose in disgust.  The
woman was thin and pale with missing front teeth and stringy black hair.  She
had multiple bite marks on her neck and upper chest and she was barely

“No.”  He grunted and flapped his hand
irritably at the vampire.  “Leave me.”

“Christ, Val.  Why do you come to these
places if you’re not going to drink?” Faren grumbled.

“I wouldn’t drink from any of the women in
this place.  God knows what they carry in their blood.”  Val snapped.

Faren shrugged.  “It’s not my fault we
can’t afford a better dining experience.  You’re the one who refused to rob the
humans we stumbled upon last night.”

Val rolled his eyes.  “You drank your fill
of their blood.  Was that not enough for you?”

BOOK: The Vampire's Kiss (Other World Series Book 1)
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