Read Twice the Bang Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Twice the Bang (10 page)

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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She was primed for an orgasm. Every pet and kiss, every lick and teasing thrust, had prepared her for this. To be loved by two men—in front of their closest friends. How could she let any one of them down?

So, yes, that was a self-serving thought, but a nice salve to her pride.

Pansy laid her forehead against Billy’s shoulder and sighed loudly. “Okay, Beau, I’m ready.”

He eased fingers inside her. Two thick digits coated with more gel. They stretched her, but not to the point of pain. Mondo was right. He’d been preparing her for this for a while but had told her long ago he’d save that honor for a man she loved.

Beau was going to be that man. The thought warmed her, made her feel content to let him play while Billy’s strong heart thudded against her.

She had two men who wanted her. Would they both love her back? Would sharing her prove too much of a strain on their generosity? “Billy?”

He cupped the back of her head with his hand, fingers pulling gently on her hair to tilt back her face. His gaze was hotter than a flickering blue flame. “What, sweetheart?”

She stared into his eyes but withheld the question, chickening out at the last moment and simply shaking her head.

His mouth crimped, and he pulled her face closer. His lips gave her a soft caress. “It’s okay. I’m still here.”

She poked out her bottom lip. “You’re under me. Short of dumping me on the floor, there’s no escape.”

“Baby, if I wanted to be somewhere else, I’d be gone.”

“What if I never want you to go?” Her eyes widened because she’d blurted what was in her heart without thinking.

Billy leaned his forehead against hers. “I’m here.”

That and the tender caress of his hands gliding from her shoulders to her elbows was enough reassurance for now.

“Lean closer to Billy, Pansy,” Beau said, withdrawing his fingers.

She bent toward Billy while Beau slid behind her, his hot skin against her back, his cock nudging her butt. When he fit the tip against her entrance, she drew a deep breath.

“Relax. Let me in. Let us share you, baby.”

“I like the way that sounds,” she whispered.

Beau pressed a kiss against her shoulder. “So do I.”

“So long as you don’t try to kiss me, I’m okay with it too,” Billy said in a surly tone, but there was a smile curving up one side of his mouth.

Pansy held her breath and dug her fingers into Billy’s shoulders as Beau pushed past the tight ring. “Wow.”

Beau gasped. “Good Lord, that’s tight.”

“Just don’t move for a second,” she said, panting, then forcing her breaths to lengthen and her body to relax. When she finally eased around him, Beau began to move, coming up into her in gently rocking moves.

Pansy was stretched, front and back. Moisture seeped around Billy’s cock.

“She’s wet,” Billy whispered.

“She’ll be wetter in a minute. If you ease back, I’ll move for both of us.”

Pansy rolled her cheek on Billy’s hot skin. “Can you feel him, Billy?”

“Uh-huh. Let’s not talk about it.”

She giggled, but it was short burst because Beau’s thrusts were deepening and coming faster. Filled to bursting with two large cocks, she let go—forgetting their interested audience and enjoying the moment two special men were giving her. Whether they ever repeated it, she didn’t care. Not now. She felt cherished and desired—needed—if the two hard bodies growing harder by the minute were any indication.

Billy slipped a hand between them and touched her clit, rubbing it gently. Beau touched the knot the paint ball had made on her hip and pressed, causing a delicious twinge. With both men trying so hard to make her come, how could she deny them? She reached back to hug Beau’s neck and placed a palm against Billy’s cheek, and then she closed her eyes and edged over the cliff into a free fall.


Three months later

Beau woke to sunshine streaming through a window. He blinked and reached for the center of the bed. Pansy was gone. So was Billy. He shook his head, wondering how the two coconspirators had managed to sneak out without waking him. He wasn’t a heavy sleeper.

But then again, he’d been dead tired the night before. They’d been moving in stages to the house they’d pooled their resources to buy—near Gus’s in the burbs. Three doors down to be exact. Just last Thursday at the Tavern, Aiden had asked to be informed if any houses on their block ever went up for sale. Mondo had joked that their block parties might get pretty interesting if they managed to sew up the entire street.

Everybody had pitched in the previous weekend following the Saturday football game to move Billy and then Beau into the new house. Last night, Beau and Billy had sat Pansy on one of her spindly kitchen chairs while they’d packed all her belongings into boxes. This morning, they’d load the U-haul. By nightfall, they’d all be living under the same roof. Something they’d decided needed to happen quickly after the
—Pansy’s description of what had happened two months ago when the condoms both he and Billy had been wearing tore while they’d been stroking deep inside her pussy.

It had only taken the one time, and two weeks later, she’d waved a wand under their noses, demanding to know what they planned to do about it.

Billy had shrugged—he was learning to keep his emotions hidden behind an inscrutable expression, because it drove Pansy wild, the fact she couldn’t read what either of them were thinking.

Funny fact was, Beau and Billy could just about read each other’s minds. After she’d waved her wand, they’d shared a glance and smiled.

“The new kitchen won’t be orange,” Billy had said, looking over Pansy’s head at Beau.

“And I’m not sitting at a pink kitchen table for the rest of my life,” Beau had said, hiding a smile because Pansy’s frown was growing deeper as the two men ignored her.

“You can put the table in the kid’s room.
can do his homework there.”

can have tea parties.”

Pansy had glanced from one to the other and burst into tears. “It’s the hormones,” she’d said, waving them away as they both reached out.

Which of course neither of them accepted as they pulled her close for a group hug.

“It’s too early for hormones to be kicking in,” Beau said as he and Billy rocked her between them.

“How do you know?” she’d said, hiccupping.

“I don’t, but I’m pretty sure that isn’t what has you crying.”

“Then why am I, Mr. Smartypants?”

“You want us to live together,” he said, keeping his voice cheerful just to annoy her. “Now you get your wish.”

“And it took me getting knocked up for it to happen?” she wailed.

Of course, both men had made sure she no longer thought the only reason they were going to share a roof was because of the bun in the oven.

Beau smiled thinking about that morning, then he rolled off the air mattress. Time to find out what those two were up to.

He was only halfway down the stairs when he heard the commotion coming from the kitchen. The table was scraping on the linoleum.

Beau stood in the doorway, watching Billy as he plowed into Pansy, her legs hugging his shoulders. “Not worried about the floor this time?” he asked during a lull.

Both of his roomies glanced his way, blushes on their faces. “It’s the last time this table will be in a kitchen,” Billy said, grinning no doubt because he knew how lame it sounded.

“And it didn’t seem fair—you were the only one to christen it,” Pansy said. “I wanted to make sure you both had fond memories of it so it didn’t end up in the thrift store like most of my furniture.”

“I told you that rainbow chair made my eyes hurt,” Beau said. He’d hidden the chair, not thrown it out as he’d threatened, but he was willing to wait until she saw it in the new house. Pansy was always generous when she was grateful.

Pansy winked at Billy. “He doesn’t know what color I’ve chosen for the bedroom walls.”

Billy grinned and gave her another deep stroke. “He’s not gonna love it.”

“When he’s there, he can keep the lights off.”

“He never leaves the lights off.”

“That’s because he wants to make sure his moves are better than yours.”

“He’s got this competitive thing going,” Billy said, his warm blue eyes gleaming. “I don’t get it.”

Pansy smiled and gripped the edge of the table. “Better finish it before the whole gang walks through the door.”

Beau began laughing as Billy pounded away, happier than he’d ever thought he could be. Sharing a woman had proven easy—when the woman was as breezy and giving as Pansy. She went to great efforts to make sure each man knew he held an equal place in her heart.

He heard a scuff and then a chuckle, and his mouth stretched wider.

“Too late,” Marti chimed from beside him. “My, my. I want some of what she’s having for breakfast.”

About the Author

Until recently, award-winning erotica and romance author Delilah Devlin lived in South Texas at the intersection of two dry creeks, surrounded by sexy cowboys in Wranglers. These days, she’s missing the wide-open skies and starry nights but loving her dark forest in Central Arkansas, with its eccentric characters and isolation—the better to feed her hungry muse! For Delilah, the greatest sin is driving between the lines, because it’s comfortable and safe. Her personal journey has taken her through one war and many countries, cultures, jobs and relationships to bring her to the place where she is now—writing sexy adventures that hold more than a kernel of autobiography and often share a common thread of self-discovery and transformation.

To learn more about Delilah Devlin, please visit
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Look for these titles by Delilah Devlin

Now Available:



Stone’s Embrace



Lone Star Lovers



Four Sworn

Breaking Leather

A Four-Gone Conclusion


Delta Heat

Five Ways ’Til Sunday


A Perfect Trifecta


The TripleHorn Brand

Laying Down the Law

In Too Deep


Coming Soon:


A Long, Hot Summer

Playing with pain can put you in a world of hurt…or bliss.


A Perfect Trifecta

© 2012 Delilah Devlin


Delta Heat, Book 3

Playing switch in front of a La Forge BDSM club audience was supposed to be a one-time fling. A favor for a friend. Instead, when Craig Eason realizes he’s caught the attention of an enigmatic, powerful Dom across the crowded room, he senses this could be the man he’s been looking for to test the boundaries of his own sexuality.

Firefighter Aiden Byrne is a very private man with strong S&M longings he keeps in check for everyone else’s safety. His sub, Jennifer Callum, thinks she likes it rough, but he can’t let go the way he’d like to. Until one defiant stare from the handsome cop on the La Forge stage causes Aiden’s most dangerous needs to uncoil from the deepest, darkest part of his soul.

With the blessing—and active involvement—of his sub, a seduction is set in motion that ends in a scene that shakes them all to the core…

Contains a powerful, burly firefighter who plans to take everything a hot cop thinks he knows about himself and send it up in smoke. Please replace the batteries in all your smoke detectors before reading this book. Contains scenes with m/m/f, m/m, spanking, flogging, restraints, and one wild orgy of pleasure.


Enjoy the following excerpt for
A Perfect Trifecta:

What was supposed to be a friendly game of flag football between his police substation and the local firehouse had devolved into a much rougher game over the past few weeks. Not that anyone was complaining. Those who played upheld the honor of their uniforms—and earned a chance at a morning off, because both departments ensured the best players represented their departments.

Craig, Gus and Jackson had all played high school football together and still worked like a team on the field. Beau and Mondo, whom they had added to their inner circle when they met at the academy, were agile and fast due to their martial arts training, and they melded well with the team on the gridiron.

The game started after the flip of the coin gave Craig’s team the ball. Several skirmishes later, they had inched their way toward the goal line.

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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