Read Twice the Bang Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Twice the Bang (3 page)

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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Just as quickly as it had started, it ended. He drew away and backed out of the doorway. But not before she’d seen the tension tightening his jaw and causing the skin to stretch over his broad cheekbones. Although brief, the kiss was enough of a taste of things to come, and she was even more eager to be alone with him.

He walked briskly around the front of the Raptor. When he let himself inside, inserted the key and ignited the engine, she parted her thighs, liking the feel of the rumble beneath her, the low growling intensity of his vehicle, which now perfectly matched the bunched muscles of his arms and taut abdomen. No button-down dress shirt and dark pants could hide the trim, taut waist or thickly muscled thighs.

He changed gears with a controlled jerk and then rested his hand on her bare thigh. “I’m taking you home.”

She kicked off her heels and settled back, easing open her thighs in blatant invitation. When he stroked her inner thighs, she sighed. When he glided his fingers up to the wet juncture, she raised her hands to grip the headrest behind her.

Other than a pause to change gears now and then, he teased and stroked, tapped her clit, but never entered her, although she tilted her hips to grant him access.

She was wet, her pussy made moist clasping sounds, and she mewed like a kitten, wishing she could shuck her dress altogether. But they were passing through city street lights and anyone might see. While she didn’t mind the exposure, she wouldn’t risk Billy being pulled over, because she didn’t want his sensual exploration to halt.

His fingers were too exotic. Rough pads, thick digits, cool tips. When they stroked, they stirred her juices. He was going to fuck her, that much she knew, but the
kept her breathless with anticipation.

At last, he pulled into a gated apartment complex. He drove through a maze of twisting turns until they reached the very back, and the last apartment that had only one neighbor and dark woods to the other side.

Breathing shallowly, her hands shook as she undid her seat belt. She was slow, and he beat her to her door, opening it then reaching inside to offer her a hand down. When her feet met the ground and her dress slithered back down her hips, she realized her sandals were gone. But he didn’t let her reach back inside. Instead, he tucked her purse into her hands and bent to slip a strong arm beneath her knees and lift her into his arms.

The effort didn’t seem to cost him as he hefted her high against his chest. He didn’t look down, which afforded her the luxury of studying his jaw and the side of his face from a new angle, liking the way the parking-lot streetlamp limned his strong jaw.

Good Lord, he had a dimple in the center of his chin. How had she missed that? How scrumptious. Already she couldn’t wait to stick her tongue inside it.

He carried her to the darkened doorway and set her on her feet then quickly opened his front door, turning on the outside light but keeping the living room dark. He pushed her through the door, his hands gripping her hips, then kicked backward to shut the door and lock them inside the silence.

His fingers dug into her hips as he stared downward.

She didn’t like the pause. It gave her a moment to wonder if this was moving too fast, if maybe she should have insisted they keep to public places until they knew each other, but she’d never been good at playing safe. She’d gone with her instincts, followed her desire.

Light from a hallway spilled into the dark living room, enough so she could read his expression. His gaze was raking her again. That predatory light was still in his eyes.

Following instinct, she pushed his hands off her hips and stepped backward. Reaching behind, she unzipped her dress and let it pool at her feet, then unlatched the soft-cup bra she’d worn and let it slide off her arms. Naked now, completely, starkly herself, she slowly lowered to the floor, bending her neck and kneeling at his feet. Nervous that she’d shown him how she wanted them to begin, she wondered if he would have a clue how to answer the challenge she’d just thrown down.


Billy’s fists curled at his sides. What the hell? He knew this was a posture subs took to signal their willingness to obey, but he was no Dom. Not some poser who needed a woman to call him Sir in order to get a hard-on.

He’d seen how Aiden treated Jenn that once in the gym of the firehouse. He’d winced as he’d called her a slut, felt shame for the arousal her tearfully rendered obedience had coaxed.

The last thing he wanted was to lay a harsh hand on Pansy’s pretty, creamy skin. He didn’t want her crying, didn’t want anything but moans and maybe a scream, but he’d never get her there if he didn’t play first. He wasn’t sure he had what it took.

Something that didn’t seem to concern his cock because it surged inside his pants, crowding his fly. “I’m not a Dom, Pansy.”

“No, you aren’t. I could see that at Aiden’s.” But she didn’t rise, didn’t lift her head.

“I’m not sure I can give you what you need

“Just tell me what you want,” she whispered. “Anything. I’ll do it.”

Billy wanted so many things, but the first thing that popped into his mind, perhaps because her tongue stroked her bottom lip right that second, was her lush, plump mouth consuming his cock.

Swallowing to wet his dry throat, he took a deep breath and then reached down to tip up her chin.

Looking at her reinforced his impression of her fragility. Pansy was small, something he forgot because of her brazen demeanor and the saucy tilt of her chin. Her pretty blue eyes were large in a face that was shaped like a triangle—wide cheeks, a small pointed chin. Her plump, wide mouth was large in comparison, and his gaze stopped there.

“Pansy, I want

Her eyes glittered, gaze locking with his. “Anything, Billy

“I want your mouth on me,” he growled.

She offered him a smile and then rose on her knees to come closer. Reaching for his belt, she made quick work of the latch of his belt and the button at his waist, but she stopped to glance upward as she gripped the tongue of the zipper and slowly slid it down.

He stared hard, fixated on her hands.

Rather than reaching immediately inside his pants, she gripped the waistband and pulled them down his hips to his thighs, baring his cock and his balls completely.

He’d seen the way Aiden seemed able to control his arousal, keeping his cock lax until he had his subs where he wanted them.

But Billy had no such self-control. His intense interest was there for Pansy to see. Fully erect, straining toward his belly. The skin was stretched so tight around his cock he felt ready to burst. And his balls, Jesus, if she touched them now

Pansy raked her fingernails up his thighs, causing his cock to jump in anticipation of a painful scratch. She laughed softly then leaned closer, rubbing her cheek on his shaft, turning her head to glide her mouth on him—sexy to watch but not nearly enough action. She was moving alarmingly slowly. He didn’t think he’d have the self-control to keep from striping her face with his come. All it would take was one stroke of her wet tongue.

Billy growled and thrust his fingers into her short, pale hair. He tilted her head, just so, then gripped his cock and fed himself into her mouth. “No more playing,” he said. “Suck it.”

She gave a garbled moan but began suctioning, her teeth and tongue raking his sensitive flesh as he fed more and more of his thick cock into her pretty, hot mouth.

When her lips met his fingers, he clamped both hands around her head and held her still as he took charge, fucking her mouth, pushing inside and withdrawing, then pushing a little deeper, making sure she understood she’d be taking every damn inch. She’d teased him past any scruples he’d had about moving too fast and too hard for her.

Pansy wanted a man to call the shots. Well, she’d be licking up every drop of his.

Not that she didn’t seem completely into it as her eyelids drifted dreamily up and down and her mouth suctioned harder and harder all around him. When he butted up against the back of her throat, she swallowed and then eased open her jaws and took him all the way inside.

He’d never had a woman deep-throat him, and now he understood the attraction as he stroked in steady plunges. Her throat squeezed around his corona, rubbing the ridge forward and back, and fuck if he could wait a minute longer.

He pulled free and wrapped his thumb and forefinger around the base of his cock, tightening and holding still until the urge to shoot receded.

Pansy’s hands were still on his thighs. Her gaze was locked on the length of him, red and jutting, wet from her saliva. She dropped her hands, turned on her knees and crept away, her bottom swaying side-to-side. When she halted, she tipped up her ass then glanced over one shoulder, meeting his gaze with another of her sassy looks, one brow raised.

And Lord, her pussy was right there for him to see. Red, swollen, slick with her juices. All his, if he could make his feet work and his body not betray him by ejaculating before he managed to get a condom rolled down his length.

Beau leaned back against the cool door. “Do you have any idea how hard this is for me?”

“I think I do. You were all the way down my throat,” she said, her voice a soft, hoarse purr.

“I’m not a kid. I don’t come in my pants, but fuck, Pansy

” He ringed himself tighter and shut his eyes, because her bottom was a round, juicy peach, the sides split open to show him exactly what was his to take.

At last, he let go, calling on his pride. With slow movements, he toed off his boots and socks and stepped out of his pants, but not before removing the condom packet tucked into a pocket. Tearing the plastic with his teeth, he didn’t take his gaze from her avid stare, rolling the condom down his shaft. Then he knelt and crawled to her, knuckles sinking in the brown carpet.

Her knees spread. Her back sank. Her feminine openings beckoned, and he sat back on his haunches to fill his hands with the lush bounty of her ass. His fingers sank in softness and he rotated the globes.

Her chest fell to the carpet, and she moved side-to-side, likely rubbing her nipples on the short shag. Nipples he wanted in his mouth, between his teeth, but he wasn’t letting go of her. Wouldn’t turn her now.

Bending, he bit one globe then the other. Then buried his nose and mouth in her moist folds, inhaling because her musk lured him. He breathed her sea-fresh scent in then sucked at her folds, tasting and groaning because the tangy flavor of her made his cock pulse. Thumbing open her folds, he licked at the moisture seeping from inside her, trailed the edges of her delicate inner lips and swirled inside her entrance. He watched as she snuck a hand between her legs and pulled at her folds to expose her clit. He took her hint and tapped it with his tongue, then swirled on the hardening knot until she groaned and her thighs trembled.

Sure she was nearly as crazy with lust as he was, he backed away, his hands cupping her ass again, holding her still as he nudged his cock against her slit, and then sank an inch inside, just enough that she took the broad cap.

Her pussy clasped around him, making a moist, sucking sound, and he nearly smiled because the sensation wasn’t so different from the first moment he’d pushed inside her mouth.

Billy glided one hand around her hip and spread his fingers to cup her taut lower belly, while he slowly pushed deeper into her channel.

Fluid seeped around him, inner muscles clenched and rippled. He pressed on her tummy and her pussy tightened, clamping down on him.

“Please, Billy. Please,” she whispered, swaying again, rubbing those pretty tits against his carpet to build friction.

Friction he was about to double as he began to move inside her, flexing his buttocks to push forward, withdrawing slowly until just the tip of his cock remained at her entrance. He continued the slow push and pull until her hands reached out and bunched in the carpet, and her ass pushed back to take him deeper.

“Want it harder?” he growled.

“Fuck, yeah.”

“Want it fast?”

“Please, please, please,” she said, squealing at the last word as he tunneled hard inside and began to glide in faster strokes, in and out.

She was wet, her channel fully juiced and hot through the latex. He churned in her moist heat, jerking his hips to surprise her with quick, hard stabs, and then changed it up to offer smoother thrusts.

She loved it all, pumping her hips, the muscles of her arms and shoulders bunching as she shoved backward to meet his strokes.

Billy loved watching her narrow back, the indent of her spine, the jiggle of her buttocks as he hammered her.

For this moment, all her lush feminine frame was fully his—to use, to forget himself inside. So much better than his own fist. She gave him as good as he gave her but with surprises that kept him thinking.

Like the sexy clasps her pussy gave him, not rhythmic at all. Purposeful clenching that slowed him up because he wanted to savor the sensation, and then easing off so he could redouble his efforts. She made soft grunting sounds as she squeezed and she moaned as she relaxed. Not like anything he’d ever experienced with another woman. Almost like she was exercising her inner muscles.

But he didn’t like the fact she thought she could control the speed of his thrusts with her sexy inner workout. He wanted her desperate and unable to do any thinking at all.

BOOK: Twice the Bang
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