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Unknown (6 page)

BOOK: Unknown
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“That’s not true.”

“Everything we do is on your terms. You’ve been telling me where to ski, what movie I’m going to watch with you- which, by the way, a night in the hot tub would have been much better. You even tell me when to wash my dishes. You’re a control freak.”

“Since you don’t like my behavior, you can leave.”

“See? There you go again. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind your behavior one bit. In fact, it intrigues me. You’ve never had someone in your life stand up to you. And I love
a bossy mouth.”

An unnatural sound came from me; I wasn’t sure if it was a snort or a laugh. I raised a hand to stop him from continuing.

? Okay, your stay has officially been rescinded. What do you think I am, an animal?”

I didn’t know how on
I put off such an impression on him, but I was beginning to think he was the one out of his mind.

He stepped closer to me, his body so close, but not touching. I ignored the pounding in my chest… as well as the pounding in other places. Despite the comedic relief at the absurdity of his words, I still found myself reacting to him in a carnal way.

“Not just an animal; a
. Hiding behind the facade of a good girl is the real you. And once you unleash that fire in you, you’re going to realize just how amazing your life can be. But first, we have to get you to loosen up your hair a bit- literally.”

“Uh,” I laughed, trying to lighten the mood, but my body still stirred and Derek didn’t back down. “I think you’re mistaken.”

“You’d be astounded at how much better you’d feel if you let go once in a while. Like, if you’d just dropped the uppity act for one second last night and kissed me like you wanted to, you’d be in a much better mood today.”

I gasped, locking my muscles in place so I wouldn’t slap him across the face like I wanted to.

“How dare you! I would never- I don’t even know you!”

He rolled his eyes. “Oh, cut the crap, Shae. We both know what’s going on here.”

“I-I didn’t want to kiss you last night. I didn’t even want to be at your cabin!”

One side of his mouth curled as I ducked away from him. “Is that why you tried all night to put distance between us? Is that why your nipples poked out of your shirt, and why you went to bed with a throbbing pussy?”

I gasped, sucking in a deep breath, my lungs seizing as I tried to exhale. I’d
been spoken to in such a manner.

“That is completely inappropriate, and I’m done tolerating your vulgar behavior, Mr. Anderson. And I’ll be filing a complaint with your company first thing in the morning!”

I stormed to the front door, swinging it open for him to leave. My heart raced as he walked, thankful he headed towards the exit. He paused at the threshold and turned to me.

“I know it must be confusing for a woman like you. Feeling your instincts boiling to the surface, slowly losing your carefully maintained control as lust begins taking over.”

My chest heaved in exaggerated rises and falls, my body fighting to keep up with my racing pulse. His eyes trailed down my frame, and the tinge I always got when I was around him returned- harder than ever.

“I may want to tame that mouth of yours, but there’s another side I want to unleash. Your animal side.”

I turned away, casually leaning against the small table by the cabin’s entrance for support. I didn’t even know why I was continuing to humor him.

“You’re crazy.”

He shook his head. “No, I see it. You can’t have a mouth like yours without having a little bite in you. You spend your time repressing it, using all your energy trying to force it away. You know it’s there, and you know you want to let it out.”

My breathing was audible by that point, and I’d forgotten I just told him to leave. He slammed the door closed and walked to me, staring me down with enough intensity to make my knees buckle.

“What are you doing?”

“You tell me; that
your thing, after all.”

“Well- what… uh-”

I knocked my purse over as I bumped the table in my attempt to back away. The contents crashed to the floor, unnerving me even more. I tried to bend down to pick them up, but his body blocked me- he was just too close.

“Come on now. It should be easy to tell me what to do. Do you… want me to go?”

Maybe it was my vulnerable state, maybe it was the thrill of being on vacation, or maybe I had just literally lost my mind. But I didn’t want him to leave.

I shook my head.

“So what do you want?”

What did I want? My mind was cloudy; the only thing I could think of was my body, which was about to go into shock from my elevated vitals. The only thing I knew is that I wanted Derek there, with me.

“I don’t know,” I finally whispered, shocked at how weak my voice sounded.

“You told me at the mountain to stop touching you. Do you still want that?”

This was crazy. I couldn’t do this, and I needed to shut it down immediately. This wasn’t me. Since deciding I wanted to live, I’d been trying to get back to the old me. A good stepping stone to the Old Shae would’ve been to send Derek away. I opened my mouth to say yes, to tell him to go.

I took a shaky breath. “No.”

My eyes widened as my body took control of my mouth and gave the wrong response. He advanced, and I didn’t stop him.

He trailed a finger along my jawline. My senses were so heightened, the small touch was almost painful. If his finger felt that intense, how was I going to deal with everything else that was going to happen?

Everything else.

Why was I
allowing ‘
everything else’ to happen?

His lips approached mine, and the question vanished from my mind; I’d worry about answers later.

Instead of kissing me, he moved his lips to my ear.

“Remember when I said I don’t bite? That was kind of a lie.”

His hands slid under my sweater, skin scorching against mine as he moved to lift the shirt over my head. He unhooked my bra, dropping it to the floor along with the sweater. I looked down at the building mess.

“Are we just leaving this here?”

“Where else should it go?”

“The bedroom, put away properly.”

“We can do that when we head up there, if that’s what you want. But it’s not happening anytime soon.”

“What do you mean?”

I was certain we were heading to the bed to have sex; why couldn't we just take the clothes with us?

“Stop asking questions,” he said, making sure I shut up by pressing his lips into mine.

He kissed me rough, hard, more intensely than I’d ever experienced before. His hands trailed down my waist to my butt as he pulled me closer. I gasped when his tongue parted my lips. I’d only kissed like that one other time.

I didn’t remember liking it very much, but when I twirled my tongue around his, I felt a tightening in my core. I don’t know when I wrapped my arms around him, but I found myself pulling him even closer, wanting more of him.

I felt a poke in my belly, small at first, but quickly growing. Despite everything,
was when I knew it was real, that’s when I accepted what was happening between us. I knew I needed to fight it. Instead, I allowed it to take me away.

He cupped my butt and lifted me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around him as he led us away from the front door, my fingers knotted through his thick blond hair as our tongues continued exploring each other.

I never thought kissing could be so pleasurable. Maybe it was the desperation of my body, the loneliness of my soul. Despite the part of me that knew it was wrong, I never wanted to stop.

He lowered my body on the couch, hands moving to the front of my pants to unbutton them. I gasped, finally breaking away from our kisses as he stuck his hand down my panties.

He smiled at my response. “Don’t tell me you’ve never been touched before.”

“Once. I-I don’t think I like it.”

He cupped my sex, massaging my sensitive flesh. The stroke was tender, but my nerves were on edge enough for the light touch to shoot waves throughout me. It was unlike anything I’d ever felt before.

He pulled my pants halfway down to get better access. “Are you sure you don’t like it? I can feel your pussy throbbing in my hand, almost like it’s begging for it.”

My skin flushed as he became familiar with my body, even more familiar than I was. My core thumped harder with each of his feather light touches, the sensation surprising and

One of his fingers pressed against my opening. My body tensed, then relaxed as he gently made his way in. I could feel my wetness increasing to an embarrassing level. I looked down at the mess on his hands and frowned.

“I’m so sorry; I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” My voice came out in a barely-there gasp.

“You keep doing what you’re doing, sweetheart,” he said with a grin before leaning over to kiss me once more.

My concern over the mess I was making disappeared as he inserted a second digit. Involuntarily, I moaned into his mouth as we kissed. Either he didn’t notice the awful sound, or he didn’t care because he didn’t miss a beat.

I didn’t think the pulsing between my legs could intensify any more, but as his hand worked in and out of me, it seemed like it reached a new high. If Derek made me feel any better, I was sure the pleasure would soon turn to an over-stimulated pain.

My legs began trembling, and I knew my body would give out soon. I needed to stop him before it got to that point, but I couldn’t force myself to push him away.

And then, it was too late.

My face dropped away from his, arms locking around him as I lost all control of my bodily functions. Another moan escaped my lips, louder this time. Derek ducked under my face and kissed down my neck, oblivious to the fact that my body was in the beginning stages of shock. He grabbed one of my breasts with his free hand, rubbing the flesh while his mouth grazed over my pert nipple.

When he took the nipple between his teeth and tugged, I lost it. The spasms reached an apex, and I was sure I was going to die. I couldn’t think straight enough to come up with a plan, so I just gave in.

My eyes snapped shut and a vicious wave of seizures shook my body. After a few moments, it passed. I could move again, I could think again, but for the first time in days, there was nothing on my mind- except the fact that I wanted
. As he removed his fingers, I realized that no part of what just happened hurt at all- it was the feeling of true pleasure.

Before I had a chance to over think it, his mouth moved back to my neck, biting down. My body arched into him as I reeled in the pain. It was sharp, but felt amazing.

I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in harder, his mouth trailing more bites down my neck and chest as I heard the fly of his pants unzip.

He flashed me his bright blue eyes from in between my chest. “And what about now? Still okay to touch you?”

I bit my lower lip as his breath tickled my heaving chest, fully aware I wasn’t thinking clearly- and one hundred percent okay with it. I nodded.

“Say it.”

“Y-yes. It’s alright.”

He yanked my pants completely off, tossing them to the other side of the room. Grabbing both of my thighs, he pressed them into my chest as his erection hovered over my dripping wet sex. My eyes widened as I saw his thick masterpiece for the first time. It was the largest I’d ever seen- not that I’d seen many.

He gently massaged my thighs once he felt my muscles tense.


Once he pressed his head in, I knew I was going to be alright. Inch by inch, he gave himself to me, and once all the way in, he fit like a glove. When he eased himself out, a chill made my body shiver, a flash of heat replacing the chill once he dove back in.

“Fuck, you feel amazing,” he said before kissing me hard, picking up the pace as he glided in and out of me with an effortless grace I’d never experienced before.

I held onto him tightly, our eyes locking as he took control of my pleasure in a way I never thought possible.

I gasped when he thrusted harder, my breath hitching in my throat as he filled me to the brim.

“Breathe,” he whispered.

I filled my lungs with air, slowly releasing the exhale. And then I felt it starting to happen again. The shock. The intoxicating delirium. The feeling I never wanted to go away.

I bit down on my lip mid-moan to stop my loud cries. He brushed his thumb over my mouth, releasing my lower lip from my between my teeth.

“I want to hear you.”

I opened my mouth, gasps turning to moans, moans turning to cries. His jaw tightened, and I felt the muscles in his back stiffen as he penetrated me deeply. He was ready. I cupped his face.

“You can… you know.”

He laughed. “That’s not how this works. I know you have one more in you.”

“One more wha-”

I answered my own question- and confirmed his prediction- as I lost control of my body once more. I dug my nails into the skin of his back, using his solid form for support as I rode a wave of earth-shattering pleasure.

Every part of my overwhelmed body throbbed as he gave me his final few thrusts.

“Goddamn,” he let out in a low growl before collapsing on my chest, his breath tickling my sensitive flesh.





I dropped my hands from around him, my body weak. We lay sprawled out on the couch, the only sound in the room our still heavy breaths and the crackling logs in the fireplace.

After a while, Derek gave me a kiss on my throat and rolled away. I stood, wincing as my legs almost gave out. I hobbled into the bathroom, watching my trembling hands as I sat on the toilet. My entire body shook, as if I was cold.

I’d never done anything so reckless in my life. That woman who spread out on the couch for Derek wasn’t me. I never lost control.

I didn’t know how I allowed…
to happen, but I was struck with fear at the thought of leaving the bathroom and facing Derek again.

And not only did I allow it to happen, I acted like a ravenous loon. A little voice in my head whispered to me as I grabbed a handful of toilet paper:
and you liked it, too.

BOOK: Unknown
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