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Unknown (8 page)

BOOK: Unknown
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As I approached the front door, I picked up Derek’s skis before exiting the house. I walked the short distance to his cabin to return the skis and key to my rental.

After knocking on the door, I pulled out my phone to call a cab. By the time I got off the phone, Derek still hadn’t answered. I walked over to a window and peered in through the sheer curtains. I couldn’t see much, but I could tell it was dark inside.

I blew out a sharp breath and walked back to the door. I twisted the knob, my eyebrows shooting up when I noticed it was unlocked.

“Derek?” I called out as I stepped inside. “Derek, are you here?”

The house was quiet, and I sighed in relief. Not having to face him before I left calmed me a bit. I set the skis against the door and placed the cabin key on his kitchen counter. My cab was on the way, so I decided to wait for it inside- I was sure Derek wouldn’t mind.

As I pulled up a travel site on my phone to book my flight home, my stomach growled.

I opened his pantry, pleasantly surprised at his selection of food. I grabbed a bag of family-sized Doritos and opened his fridge for a soda. I normally tried to avoid the sugary drinks, but it seemed like a perfect time to treat myself.

I ate the first chip and moaned. It was so good. After eating half the bag, my appetite still didn’t suppress. I continued crunching on the chips as I inspected his freezer, smiling when I saw a container of chocolate ice cream. My favorite.

It was halfway empty, and by the time I got done, it was gone. I think I needed to leave Derek some cash before I left.

I pulled out my wallet and slapped a twenty on the counter next to the cabin key, going back to the fridge- since I was paying him for the food I ate, I figured I should eat twenty dollars worth.

By the time the cab driver called to say he was outside, the kitchen looked like a tornado ran through it. I looked down at the empty ice cream, the almost-empty bag of Doritos, the four snack cake wrappers, the empty pizza box that originally had three slices of leftovers in it, the two empty soda bottles, and the donut in my hand aiming for my mouth.

I dropped the pastry in horror, inspecting the damage. I called the cab driver and told him to give me a few more minutes.

After cleaning up the mess, I put the trash bag by the front door to take it to the dumpster on my way out, making sure the kitchen was as spotless as Derek left it.

I was glad I got the kitchen re-organized, but I still felt like a complete moron. I must’ve eaten two days’ worth of calories in that one sitting.

Shaking my head, I grabbed a bottle of water. Taking large gulps, I tried to calm my raging belly.

I knew the rumbling was all in my head; I just needed to calm down, to force away the guilt I’d felt.

Just get in the cab. You don’t have to do this.

Looking at the trash bag filled with the evidence of my overindulgence, tears built.

Just another attribute to add to the list of my pathetic life. My eating was out of control, the reason Reggie left me. It had been so long since I’d gone on a bender; I’d been in control for
so long.

I sneered at my bloated belly, admitting defeat. Before I could stop myself, I found myself walking to the bathroom. I shoved my finger in my mouth as I bent over the toilet bowl.

After emptying my stomach, I sighed. As I rinsed my mouth, I gave myself a silent pep talk.

It was just this one time. You had a slip, but you don’t have to do it again.

I nodded to myself, ignoring the fact that I felt better because of my purge and not because of my words of encouragement.

With my head and body clear, I felt I could think rationally once more. Seeing Reggie was a surprise, but I could move on from it. I didn’t know what I was going to do when I got back home, but I would figure it out. I always did.

I turned to exit the bathroom with a smile, gasping at the unexpected figure at the door.

“Are you feeling sick?” Derek asked, his brows crunched together.

Avoiding his gaze, I took a sip of water. “I was, but I feel better now. I didn’t mean to barge in; I was just returning your skis and the cabin key.”

I took a step forward and he leaned against the door, blocking me in.

“I was busy this afternoon, so the management company I use gave your ex-fiancé a key. I forgot to file your paperwork with them, so they didn’t know the cabin was occupied. I’m so sorry.”

“Yeah well, the cabin is in his name, so…”

“Well, you’re listed on there as well. I can kick his ass to the curb.”

I shook my head. “No, leave them. I wouldn’t even want to go back to that cabin knowing they spent a second in there together.”

He blew out a sharp breath, shaking his head. “I’m sorry you have to go through this.”

I tried to move around him, but he kept me in place. I just wanted to be alone, to lament in peace. On the positive side, once I was home, I’d never have to face Derek again. The humiliation of being caught attempting suicide and the shame of having sex with him would all be forgotten by bedtime.

“Well, I’m leaving this Saturday. If you’d like, you can just stay here. I don’t have another scheduled rental for this unit for two more weeks.”

“I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

“Because your ex is in town, or because you’re trying to avoid me?”

Surprisingly, the thought of having a slumber party with Derek was more unnerving to me than the thought of running into Reggie or his whore.

I smiled politely. “Thank you for the offer, but I think it’s time for me to get back home.”

He grabbed my arm as I pushed past him, spinning me around to meet his sparkling eyes.

“Did you book a flight yet?” I shook my head. “Well, you said you were feeling sick; at least stay the night so you can get better. You shouldn’t get on a plane if you’re not feeling well.”

“I’m fine,” I said, noticing he took the trash bag out.

He released me, and I headed for the door, pausing when he spoke again.

“You’re doing it again.”

I spun around, brow lifted. “What?”

“Trying to control everything. My solution is obviously the best, but you don’t want to hear it because it wasn’t your idea.”

I scoffed. “It’s not about that. I just want to get home.”

“Get home to what?”

He walked up to me, close enough for me to feel the smothering heat radiating from his body. My eyes widened as a flush of electricity shot down my spine, a familiar slow burn washing over me.

I swallowed a hard lump, pushing away the thoughts of the previous evening, trying to forget about the intense pleasure I experienced from my moral abandonment.

Derek was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, a seducer, and I didn’t need any more bad influences in my life, no matter how charming and handsome.

He must’ve read my expression because a small smile curled one side of his lips. My heart fluttered as a dimple formed on his cheek. I readjusted my sweater although it was just fine, clearing my throat.

“I have to get to my cab. It’s impolite to keep him waiting.”

“Yeah well, it’s impolite to leave me alone with a hard dick, but you have no problem doing that.”

I gasped, jumping back at his brash words. “That’s completely inappropriate! You can’t speak to me like that, w-with such vulgar language, and-and the way you marked my skin yesterday was uncalled for.”

“Why do you care about what your skin looks like? It’s all covered by those awful turtlenecks you wear.”

“There’s nothing wrong with how I dress.”

He tugged on the hem of my sweater. “You dress like you don’t like what you have under here. It’s sad when a woman can’t appreciate her own beauty.”

I smacked his hand away. He chuckled at my horror, his eyes feeding off my reaction.

“Well, I won’t be around to depress you with my attire any longer.”

“You don’t want to go.”

“You don’t know what I want.”

His thumb swiped across my nipple, and it immediately perked up. “Are we going to play this game again?”

He trailed his knuckles across my cheek, and I couldn’t mask the shiver that ran throughout my body. My mind screamed at me, telling me to leave, telling me that I was going to regret it if I continued my unsavory behavior, telling me that the behavior wasn’t me.

Even still, I found myself taking a step towards him. I’d spent my last few days crying, angry, and stress cleaning trying to get over Reggie. But Derek was the only thing in my life that made the pain truly go away- if only for a few moments. He was becoming an addiction I didn’t need to have.

He smoothed his thumb over my lips, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake.

“Tell the cab driver he can leave.”

I opened my mouth, but he pressed his index finger against it.

“You don’t need to say anything to me right now. Go talk to the driver.”

God was testing me, giving me a second chance to right my wrong, to not make the same mistake. Saying no would’ve rectified the aching in my soul, but the aching in my body needed to be addressed more badly. I pulled out my cell phone and apologized to the driver before sending him on his way.

He smiled, sucking my earlobe. “So you want more, huh? I’m glad, because I’ve been wanting more of you since last night.”

I was thankful he couldn’t see the goofy grin on my face. I couldn’t think of the last time I’d honestly felt wanted.

He spun me around so I faced the window overlooking the porch.

“What are you doing?” I asked once he started nibbling on the back of my neck. “The cab driver’s still out there!”

“Let him look,” he mumbled, his hand sliding under my shirt. He smashed my body against the glass. I know I didn't moan that loudly, but in that instance, the cabbie’s eyes shot over to the window, widening when he saw us. My heart dropped, and I shoved Derek away.

I shook my head. “See, this is what I’m talking about. You-you’re trying to corrupt me. You think toying with me is a game, but this is my life!”

I clutched my chest as he approached me once more. He had on a pair of medium-gray slacks, and there was no denying the fact that he was enjoying his game based off the bulge. My mind temporarily distracted, I gulped and met his eyes. Judging by the blaze behind them, I’d stared at his center for too long.

“I’m not corrupting you; I’m helping you discover your true self. The person you’ve kept locked away for too long. You’re not angry with me right now. You’re upset with yourself because you liked when that driver saw us.”

“That’s not-”

He grabbed two fistfuls of my cardigan, splitting it open and tossing it to the floor. I gasped, staring at the pile of cashmere as he pulled my undershirt over my head.

Giving me no time to mourn my ripped sweater, he grabbed my waist and smashed me back against the window, my bra the only thing preventing the cab driver from seeing me fully nude.

Derek put his full weight behind me, pinning me in place as his manhood twitched between us.

“You want him to look back up, don’t you? You want to feel that rush again.”

He bit down on my shoulder as he reached around and unzipped my pants, peeling them and my panties down to my ankles.

“You can spend your time starting fights with me in an attempt to avoid your true nature, or you can accept it and enjoy everything it has to offer.”

He slipped his member between my legs, his thick shaft rubbing my outer wetness. I whimpered, my palms smacking against the cool glass.

“All he has to do is turn his head a little bit, and he’ll see all of this.” He gripped my breasts with his hands, massaging them roughly as he continued moistening his erection with my juices. I found myself backing into him, moving my hips in light circles, silently begging for him to pierce my veil.

The driver’s head moved when I moaned again, but this time, he didn’t look in our direction. He finally pulled out of the driveway.

“You want my cock, don’t you?”

I opened my mouth, but the only thing that came out was a moan. I nodded.

“Uh-uh. Tell me what you want. Embrace it. I want to hear it.”

“I do. I want it. Yes, I-I want it.”

He bore his teeth down on my shoulder and plunged inside of me. I slapped my palm against the window so hard, I was surprised it didn’t crack. My breath fogged the glass as he gripped my hips and entered me from behind, penetrating me harder and deeper than the day before.

And just like the day before, his effect on my body could not be denied or ignored. My legs buckled under the pressure, one of my knees giving out as he reached in front of me to finger my clit.

The sound of his body clapping against my skin was raw, savage, and quite possibly the sexiest thing I’d ever heard.

His thrusts were rough, and I loved every bit of it, my soaking mound proof that he was correct about the beast in me.

Everything in me told me it was wrong. It went against everything I’d grown up to believe. But at that moment, I didn’t want to think about that. I didn’t care. For just that little moment in time, I wanted to feed the animal.

I arched my back, popping my butt towards him to force him backward. I bent over and braced my hands on the windowsill.

“Good girl,” he groaned, probing me deeper.

He pounded into me hard enough to make my breasts fall out of my bra cups and start slapping me in the face.

I leaned over more, resting my forehead on the ledge of the sill as pure bliss rocked me. He fingered my clit harder and I wailed, enjoying my newfound orgasm ability even more than before.

His body jerked behind me, and he filled me with his hot seed. He pulled away and I collapsed right against the window, my body quaking as juices flowed out of me and down my leg. Derek went to the bathroom, and I was still there when he returned. He gently rubbed my back.

“Let me help you up. Need to shower this time around, too?”

I nodded, still sucking in large gulps of air. He guided me to his master bathroom, turning on the shower.

He startled me by joining in, but I expected nothing less from him by that point. I grabbed his masculine scented shower gel and poured a tiny dab on my palm, scrubbing my hands together.

BOOK: Unknown
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