When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie (15 page)

BOOK: When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie
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She laughed sarcastically and was on her feet with her arms folded again. “That right there is what I’m talking ’bout. Why is that okay with you and why would you think that it's okay with me?”

“’Cause it's who I am, it's all I know. Fuck, Nonie. I’m trying to be better for you, ’cause you’re right, you do deserve better, but this shit ain't easy. I don't even know why I do that shit ’cause I swear on everything it don’t mean nothing—”

“Then you need to choose. I can't keep doing this, Siah. It's too hard. I don't wanna think about you being with anyone else, and the second you walk out my door that’s exactly what I do. I obsess over what bitch is laying in your bed. It's not fair, and it's too much.”

“No other bitch is laying in my bed, Pretty. That’s our bed and I wouldn't disrespect you like that,” I said playfully, trying to ease the tension.

“You know what I mean, Siah.”

Before I had a chance to address her last comment, I heard a heavy pounding on the door, followed by the bell and then my name being called. Thank goodness, Rocket was here to fix her damn door.

“Yo, I need to go holla at him so that he can fix your door, give me a minute.”

“I’m going to bed, Siah. Just lock the door when you leave.”

I just walked out her room and didn't say shit. I would make sure to lock the door, but best believe I’d be on the same side she was on when I did it.

I chilled in the living room making calls and drinking while Rocket fixed Nonie's door. When he was finally done, I paid him and sent him on his way. Nonie stayed in her room, but I knew she had showered and gone to bed because the scent of her body wash filled the damn house like she used the entire bottle.

After I showered, I stood beside the bed watching Nonie sleep. She looked so damn peaceful, but I knew her heart was conflicted. She was in love with me and I didn't know what to do with that. Honestly, I loved her too, but I couldn't handle how that made me feel. To me, love meant death.

My mother loved me and died giving me life. My father loved my mother and me, which forced him to make the toughest decision of his life and that was to choose which one of us lived or died. When it was all said and done, it was her decision. She made him promise that I would take my first breath, even if it meant she was going to take her last.

He was never the same after that. Everything about him changed, and his heart has been off limits ever since. Because of it, he raised me to protect mine, and that’s all I knew. I wanted to love Nonie, I wanted to be what she needed, I just didn't know how to. But I could feel the line being drawn, and I needed to get my shit together because losing her was not an option.


“Damn, these joints are fresh as fuck, Siah. I need to order these.” I held up a pair of grey leather high tops that were on a display in our shop. We kept the hottest shit in there, thanks to Siah. He was good for that. I loved expensive shit, but he knew how to find it. Neither of us were flashy with it, but you knew we were paid. No labels or logos necessary, but our fly was obvious as fuck just from looking at us.

“I got you, bruh. I already ordered them shits for you, all three colors. The navy and black ones are on their way too.”

“My nigga. You be on our shit.” I dapped Siah and placed the shoe back on the display.

We had just finished up our meeting with AJ and decided to give him a chance. After I filled Siah in on how he stopped me a few weeks ago asking for work, Siah wanted to check him out. When we finished up, he liked him, but was still on the fence, so for now he was getting put on but only on a small scale. We’d start him out on the corner under supervision, and see how he handled things. If he proved worthy, he could get a shot at something more.

“Aye, I do what I can,” Siah said as I followed him to the back where our offices were.

I didn't even know why I had one because other than popping in to occasionally peep what was new, I was never here, but Siah insisted on keeping one for me. He was just like that, never wanted me to feel like I wasn't an equal part of everything that we had. I would never see it that way though, because we were family. He had me and I had him. There wasn’t a damn thing that could come between that, no money, no bitches, and no situations, business related or otherwise.

I took a seat in one of the chairs in front of Siah's desk while he walked to the corner of the room and opened the floor safe. After removing two money bags, he set them on his desk in front of me and then got comfortable in his chair. It was money we were using to make a buy for one of our locations, which I handled.

“Hollis delivered these last night.” Siah nodded to the bags and I did the same to acknowledge them.

“You talked to Nonie?”

“Nah, not really. I need to give her a minute, but I’ve been keeping an eye on Laken. He hasn't been over here since that night, but their party is this weekend.”

“Why the fuck didn't you shut that shit down?”

“Trust me, I thought about it, but I’m trying to let her do her thing. I can't get in the middle of things just because I don't like what she’s doing. As long as that nigga keeps his distance then we’re good, but the second he thinks it’s more than a business relationship, I’ll handle it.”

“The fuck you mean you can't get in the middle of shit. Yes the fuck you can, bruh. You know him coming to Kiz and Nonie don't have shit to do with business. Laken runs New York, and he has to come all the way to Jersey to get a party planner? No disrespect to Nonie or Kizzie, but bruh, you already know what it is. That shit is about you, but what I don't get is how the fuck he connected the dots. Nobody really knows about you and Nonie, so how does he know to come for her like that?”

“I been thinking about that shit too. It don't add up. I get that muthafuckers talk, and it's not like me and Nonie were hiding, but we damn sure weren’t advertising shit either. Hell, Royce’s bitch ass sitting right here in my damn face and he didn't know that shit. Laken had to be watching me close as fuck to know that we were in it like that. I got people on Nonie and Kiz right now, just in case.”

“Speaking of Royce. You still got that nigga on payroll. What’s up with that?”

Siah laughed. “Man that’s your shit. You can get rid of him if you want. I don't really give a fuck. I already took his manhood and his girl. The fuck I look like taking his livelihood too? A nigga gotta eat.”

“Muthafucker don't act like you got a heart and shit. You just want him around so he can see you up close and personal fucking his girl.”

“Nah, it ain't that deep, and don't get it twisted, she was never his girl. He was just a filler for something better, and I proved that the first time I laid eyes on her pretty ass. Some shit is just meant to be.”

“What the fuck ever, but on another note, you think some shit gon’ pop off with Laken? I mean, if you watching that nigga then you must know something.”

Every move Siah made was calculated. He was always a step ahead of everybody, so if he already had eyes on Kiz and Nonie, then he felt a storm brewing. I knew that his pops and Laken’s pops had beef, but for the most part they didn't fuck with each other. Laken, on the other hand, was trying to do too much.

“I don't know what the fuck he’s up to, but he wants what we have. You already know we ain't giving it up, so I’m just planning.”

“It's whatever, so just let me know what the move is. I assume we’re going to that shit they’re having.”

Siah chuckled. “If we don't go, Kizzie and Nonie don't go. Ain't no way I’m letting her be around that nigga without me.”

“This ’bout to be some shit. I already see it happening.”

“Nah, he won't make like that. He’ll try and catch me slipping, but he ain't about facing shit like a man. I can already tell. Laken might make money, but he’s a pussy.”

“The fuck, yo?”

I laughed because Siah was so damn serious. He was mad as hell, and I knew it was because Laken had gotten to Nonie. Even if nothing went down, Siah took it as a personal loss that Nonie had even accepted an offer to be out with that nigga.

“Fuck that nigga,” Siah said as I stood.

“I’m about to roll out. I need to run up on Kizzie’s scary ass. She’s been hiding from me, and I need to see what the fuck her problem is.”

“You don't know?”

“Know what?”

Siah always had the inside track on Kizzie because of Nonie, so he kept me up to date on shit she tried to hide from me.

“That nigga had a daughter on her. Got a family somewhere out of town and shit.”

“Word?” I rubbed my chin as a smirk formed.

That’s why she was hiding from me. She was embarrassed, but didn't need to be. That nigga wasn't shit. I knew it long before she ever did, and I was just biding time because I knew it was just a matter of time before he fucked up enough to make her walk away. I didn't have to chase Kizzie, that nigga was gon’ send her right to me, and this nigga did the ultimate and had a baby on her. That was just what I needed to seal the deal.

“Man, your ass grinning like its Christmas morning and shit,” Siah said and laughed.

“Shit, I’m happy as fuck. I been knew he wasn't hitting on shit, but I couldn't tell her or she was gon’ swear I was just hatin’.”

“Nigga, your ass was hatin’.”

“Yeah’ but she don't know that shit.” I lifted the bags of money and moved to the door.

“Good luck with that shit,” Siah said, just before I left his office.

I chuckled as I headed to my ride. Fuck luck. I didn't need that shit.

An hour later, I pulled up at Kizzie's office. I had to swing by and check on Hari first. It had been a few weeks since he was released from the hospital. He was good, but I still had him with me. I was enjoying time with my son, even though Anjali’s ass was driving me fucking crazy. I wasn't keeping him from her, but I wouldn't let him go home with her either. She could see him whenever she wanted, but her trifling ass sister was still at her house. As long as she was there, my son wasn't going to be.

It was hard as fuck making shit work, but I was managing. I got him set up at a daycare that was recommended by a shorty I used to fuck with. After I checked it out and things seemed legit, he was there every day until six, then I had to get him, which meant that I was basically home at night. Nonie had kept him for me a few times when I had to handle business because Kizzie was hiding, but other than that, shit was cool. Right now I was about to get shit straight with her, because I was tired of playing games.

The second I entered her office, Kizzie looked up at me and rolled her eyes. “What are you doing here, Jock?”

“I figured I’d come see you since your ass been hiding from me.”

“I’m not hiding, I’ve been busy,” Kizzie snapped.

I smiled and moved her way, making sure to sit on her desk right next to her.

“That nigga got all your time like that? Damn, Kiz, I thought we were better than that.” I could tell I struck a nerve mentioning him, but fuck it. She wanted to play games, I could too.

“What do you want, Jock? I have work to do.”

“You don't miss me, Kiz?”

My eyes roamed her body. As always, she was sexy as fuck, dressed in jeans that were ripped from the pockets down past her knees, exposing her sexy ass thighs. It had been a minute since I had been between them, so my dick was reacting.

Truthfully speaking, I hadn't been with anyone since the last time I had been with Kizzie. Mostly because I had Jahari. My son was my world, and I wasn't about to let just any bitch be around him, but it was also about Kizzie.

She knew how to please me. I wasn't really in the mood to coach anyone else on how to fuck me the right way, when Kizzie already knew how to, so I was just chilling. Aside from a little head here and there over the past few weeks, I was good, but if Kiz didn't get her shit right, then I was gonna have to slide up in something.

“Like I said, I have work to do, so if you don't mind.”

I just stared at her for a minute before I stood and walked to her door. Instead of leaving like I know she assumed I would, I shut and locked it before walking back to her. I grabbed her arms and yanked her out of her chair and pulled her body close to mine, letting my lips connect with hers.

She fought me a little, but only for a second because no matter how hard she was trying to be, she missed me and I knew it.

I let my hands move between us and started unbuckling her jeans. Of course she didn't fight me on it. Instead, she did the same and worked on mine. Once she stepped out of hers, I turned her around and entered her from the back while she bent over her desk.

“Did you miss me, Kizzie?” I asked, slamming into her so roughly that she knocked a few things off her desk. They crashed to the floor, making a bunch of noise, which brought Nonie to her door, banging like she’d lost her damn mind.

“Kizzie, you okay, boo? Open the door,” Nonie yelled from the other side.

I hit Kizzie with a deep stroke and she yelled out, making me laugh.

“She’s good, Pretty. Give us a minute, though,” I yelled toward the door.

“Ewww, y'all so nasty. You wrong for fucking in your office, Kizzie.”

I laughed. “Bye, Nonie. We’ll holla at you in a minute.”

“Why’d you do that, Jock?” Kizzie looked back at me with her eyes narrowed, so I hit her deep again and she bit down on her bottom lip.

For the next twenty minutes we fucked all over her office until I exploded in her, not really worried about the consequences. She had already had two big ass orgasms, so she was good, but Kizze was mad as fuck that I didn't pull out. I told her she was gon’ have my baby and I meant that shit. That nigga had fucked up, and I was taking full advantage of it. I didn't want to give her the chance to consider taking him back.

After I cleaned up and got dressed again, I sat on the sofa in Kizzie’s office, watching her as she tried to fix her hair, which I had pulled out of whatever style she called herself having it in. She eventually gave up and ended up combing it into a ponytail, but not before rolling her eyes at me and siting down at her desk again.

“Why you over there? Come sit with me, Kiz.”

“Nah, I’m good right here. She pulled her drawer open and took a box out of it. I watched her open the box and then take out a pill.

“The fuck is that, Kiz?” I was on my feet fast as hell. I had seen that shit before, and I knew damn well it wasn't what I thought.

“You know what it is, Jock. I told you I’m not about to have any kids.”

When I noticed her hand moving to her mouth, I smacked that shit out of her hands so fast I didn’t even realize I grazed her face until she grabbed her chin.

“What the hell is your problem? You just hit me in the face,” Kizzie yelled, glaring at me.

“My bad, Kiz. You know I didn't mean that shit, but you not about to sit here in front of me taking some shit that could potentially kill my baby.” I was hot to death. The fuck type of shit is that?

“Baby? Nigga, I’m not pregnant, and I’m trying to keep it that way,” Kizzie yelled back at me, leaning over to try and get the pill off her desk where it fell, but I snatched it up and shoved it in my pocket.

“But you could be, and if you take that shit, you won't be. Nah, shorty, you’re not about to take that shit on my watch, and why the fuck do you even have that in your got damn desk? You letting that nigga hit raw? The fuck, Kiz?”

That made things worse. We strapped up most of the time, but I did occasionally go in unprotected. Hell, she didn't stop me, so why the hell not? She was the only one I was fucking with like that, so I wasn't worried.

“No, I’m not. I have that because of you. It was in my purse, and I recently took it out and put it in my desk drawer. For the record, you’re the only one I’m foolish enough to have sex with unprotected, but you usually pull out. I don't know why you felt like it was okay not to this time.”

BOOK: When You Know It's Real: Siah and Nonie
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