Dominque (Knights to Remember) (26 page)

BOOK: Dominque (Knights to Remember)
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acob should have been relaxed after his overdue orgasm, but he wasn’t because he was now freshly showered and turned on again remembering how he and Dominque shared their shower time in the castle and imagining how it would feel to have him in his own bathroom, on his knees, his mouth wrapped around his length as Jacob thrust it into his throat—it had him on the edge and he had to flood the cubicle with cold water to alleviate some of the tension in his body.

Now he was stuck lounging in his sitting room in a foul mood with his brother Krane, who appeared out of the blue the previous day when all Jacob wanted to do was hide in bed and sleep the hours away until Dominque was beside him again.

Krane looked over the top of his newspaper and grinned. “You, brother, have the worst scowl I’ve seen since on your face since I accidentally spilled that yard of ale all over you three years ago.”

Jacob sighed heavily remembering his brother ‘accidentally’ tipping the trumpet style yard of ale all over him and his expensive suit just minutes before they were due to meet one of his colleagues for evening drinks. Inviting Krane to the meal had been a mistake of epic proportion and he often looked back on that moment and wondered why on earth he’d done it. “You almost got me suspended that night.”

“Your boss overreacted.”

“He wasn’t my boss.”

“Whatever he was, he was a huge dick.”

“You came on to his wife.”

“I did not! You know I wouldn’t do that. She thought I did. I was just flashing my goods at her to see if she had any blood left in her reptilian body.”

Jacob rolled his eyes. “Just once I would like you to go out in that kilt and not flash your dick at someone.
Just once
, Krane.”

“Aww, please. It’s fun. I bet Dominque would laugh.”

Jacob rolled his shoulders, attempting to let go of the jealousy which shot through him remembering how Dominque had looked in his brother’s arms at the wedding. “Huh, he’d only do it to make you feel better.”

“He’d do it because it’s funny.”

“I don’t think you should be proud of people laughing when you show them your goods somehow.”

Krane stopped chuckling and threw a cushion at Jacob’s head, which he narrowly missed. Unfortunately the vase of flowers behind him didn’t and it crashed to the wooden floor with a loud bang.

“Child! You can clean that up.” Jacob glared at him, lifting his feet so the water flowing across the flooring didn’t soak them. “Now please.”

“Fuck’s sake.” Krane stood, quickly making his way into the kitchen and pulling out the mop. Despite being the largest out of them all, and older than Jacob, he still came across as a petulant teenager. “You're the only man I know who has fresh flowers displayed in the house.”

“I like the smell and they make the apartment feel more… alive.” Jacob grabbed the newspaper Krane had discarded and began reading it, or pretending to read because his mind was elsewhere and the noise Krane was making irritated him. “Honestly, when I invited you—sorry, when you turned up unannounced—I hoped it would be a less invasive visit than it’s turned out to be.”

“You’re just pissy because your lover boy’s not here. Don’t take out that on me.” Krane threw the mop and the broken pieces of glass in the kitchen, messing around for a few minutes before coming back out with another vase and the most ugly looking flower display Jacob had ever seen, placing them back on the table behind where he was sitting with a smile. “See, all back to normal.”

“Yes,” Jacob drawled out, casting a long look over the disastrous display. “Thank you.”

Jacob checked his wristwatch and sighed. He was supposed to visit the club and pick up a contract for Dominque to go over with him, but he’d been putting it off until he felt more able to be around people. Apparently that wasn’t going to happen, and he needed the contract before Dominque got there. Jacob wouldn’t leave his side once he arrived, and taking him to a club so soon wasn’t in his plan.

He glanced at Krane and lifted a brow. He’d never invited Krane to his club before, but he wasn’t a total newbie to the scene or what happened between the people who frequented the clubs. He’d heard enough tales from Jacob and other friends. Maybe taking him for a quick drink there would be good for both of them.

“I have to go to the club. Fancy joining me?”

Krane stopped flicking through the collection of DVD’s beside the TV and looked through lowered lids suspiciously at him. “
club? The club with no name?”

“It has a name.” Jacob stood slowly, uncreasing his trousers. “It’s just R’s to us, or Red’s. But mainly it’s known by the sign.” Two R’s facing each other wasn’t really something you could vocalise, so the members went by the other options.

“Don’t I need some sort of official entrance test, give blood, learn a secret handshake?” Krane grinned at him, his overly tall stature seeming to be too big in the apartment.

“Yes, all of the above.” Jacob smirked as he strode to the bedroom.

“Seriously though…”

“It’s fine. You're with me.” Jacob paused, turning back to look at his auburn haired brother. “You
will not
embarrass me, Krane.”

“Like I would do that.” He opened his arms wide then laughed loudly. “I promise to behave.”

Jacob closed his bedroom door with a smile. Even when Krane tried to keep out of mischief, he failed. It was his nature to be the naughty school boy type, and despite it causing Jacob issues, he wouldn’t change him for the world. As he changed into his black jeans, he remembered to ask when he would be going back to Scotland. He enjoyed having his brother with him, but this weekend he really needed privacy.

By the time he’d changed into something more suitable, but nothing nearly as sexy as he would usually wear to the club, he found Krane had changed into a fresh t-shirt and jeans. “No kilt?”

“Nah, not for tonight. Don’t want to risk getting picked up in that place.”

Jacob rolled his eyes. “And you think wearing tartan in a BDSM club would earn you lots of looks, do you?”

“Yeah, damn right. Especially when I show off the Loch Krane Monster.” Krane bellowed out a laugh as Jacob tried to stop the smile creeping onto his face.

“I wouldn’t like to comment.”

“Oh, you know I'm right.”

“I’m your brother. Some things are best not spoken about.”

“Yup, but all the same…” Krane pointed to his crotch and jiggled his hips.

“Yes, fine. I am aware you're well endowed. As is anyone who is unfortunate enough to meet you whilst you’re wearing that kilt. Let’s get going.”

As they both walked to the lift, Krane hummed slightly. A sure sign he was about to speak up sooner or later and ask some ridiculous question which would make Jacob roll his green eyes.


Jacob paused, his finger hovering above the call button. “Yes?”

“This club… I kinda know what to expect, but I just want to know a few things first.”

“Fine, ask away. I’d rather you do this now than stare at people when we get in there.” Jacob watched the button flashing on the lift, tapping his feet on the tiles.

“Well, firstly, they have clothes on, right?”

“Yes, well, not a lot in some cases, and some Doms do display their subs naked. It depends. But it’s not like they’re all naked.”

“Right… So, do I talk to the subs? And how do I know they’re subs? And what if I do something and get them in trouble, or what if I do something and it upsets a Dom? Will he think he can punish me?”

Jacob looked up at his six foot six bear of a brother and quirked a brow. “Krane, although I have seen Doms master men bigger than you, you’re no sub. It’s clear if pushed you wouldn’t enjoy it. If anything, and I hate these preconceived ideas about what a Dom should look like, because trust me, I’ve seen five feet nothing women take men like you and eat them for breakfast, but saying all that, most subs will react to you because of your stature and dominant nature.”

“I’m not dominant.”

“You're in control, slightly childlike, but that’s endearing. It’s the way you hold yourself, the glare you get in your eyes, you need to be the one who people follow. You're a leader. It’s your natural state. I'm not suggesting you become a Dom.” Jacob chuckled as they stepped into the lift. “I'm just saying those natural leadership skills in this environment will catch the subs’ attention.”

“I wouldn’t know what to do with one even if I wanted to play.”

“No, and that’s why you will be keeping those large hands in your pockets and sticking to my side the whole time.”

“I don’t think I’ll be going anywhere for fear of ending up strapped down with someone flogging me.”

“Krane… honestly. That would only happen if you wanted it to, and most members will see you aren’t in the scene. Please don’t worry. It’s just a place we’re going for a drink.”

Krane walked out of the lift first and grinned down at Jacob. “I'm really impressed you’ve invited me. Thanks.”

“I feel it’s time to be more open about my life, and as you already know more about me than other family members, I'm starting with you.”

“So, you planning on inviting Helen down there for a drink?”

Jacob chuckled. “That’s not what I meant, but I think she’d fit in quite well actually.”

“You think she and Shaun would make a good Dom/sub thingy?”

“Thingy?” Jacob shook his head. “And yes, they would have fun and slip easily into those positions naturally.”

“If you had to choose one for me then, I’d be like you? A Dom?”

Jacob considered his brother in more detail, then shook his head. “I don’t know. I think you're a bit of both. A switch. Which is common for most newcomers as they don’t know what they prefer right away. Most switch between the two. It’s also an amazing learning experience for a Dom to sub for a few months. It enhances their understanding of the role and gives them an intimate knowledge of how it feels to be flogged or take part in other scenes.”

“Did you sub?” Krane opened his eyes wider in disbelief.

“Of course. I always knew I would be a Dominant, but like you, I was unsure about what was expected. By subbing, I learned what a good submissive should do and I incorporated that into my dominant role. Any good Dom has subbed to a Master.”

“Are you a Master?”

Jacob sighed, running his hands through his hair as they hailed a taxi. “It is a position I have considered but not yet taken.”

“There’s a hierarchy to this then? A big boss?”

“Yes, in my club, it’s Nicholas, but despite him being a close friend, it’s Red I mainly chat to. They own the club. They’re partners. They have been for around twenty years or something.”

“Do we have to call them Master?”

Jacob chuckled. “You're not in the scene, so no. They're officially called Master. Some Doms prefix their title before their name also. It’s not something I've done, but I’m called Dom Jacob. I prefer Sir, but it’s commonly used, so names are needed when in a group.”

“So, do I prefix sub before all the sub's names?”

“No, they use their names or pet names. You won't be learning many names anyway, so don’t worry about it.”

“I don’t want to look stupid.”

Jacob opened the door to a taxi and pointed inside. “No more questions. Just deal with it when we get there.”

“How do I know who’s who and if I should talk to them or not?”

“You can talk to anyone. Why would you think otherwise?”

“I heard some subs can't talk or something.”

“Sometimes silence is asked by their Dom, but as they would be beside said Dom, he would either let you know or allow the sub to answer. It’s really not that complicated, Krane.”

“Really? It sounds fucking complicated.”

“It’s not at all. You're just trying to learn every rule in five minutes. Please stop. It’s giving me a headache. By the time we leave, you’ll have a much clearer image of what happens.
refrain from asking anything further until that time.”

“Yes, Sir.” Krane chuckled at the frown Jacob gave him. “So… you fucked many in there, then?”

Jacob growled and turned to look out of the window. “That’s none of your business.”

BOOK: Dominque (Knights to Remember)
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