Dominque (Knights to Remember) (29 page)

BOOK: Dominque (Knights to Remember)
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Jacob’s body rose off the seat, every inch of him stiff as a board as Dominque felt the wet heat of his cream spilling over his stomach and dribbling down his own cock. He shouted out as he shot, not watching what felt like streams of cum cover Jacob.

He slumped forwards, the energy depleted from every inch of his body as he struggled to breathe, barely noticing Jacob rubbing his back and kissing his neck as he came down. If it wasn’t for the slight cramp starting in his thighs from the tight area, he would have lain there for much longer. Knowing the longer they stayed there, the more chance people would notice, he lifted his head and peeked at Jacob. He was laid back against the seat, breathing hard, eyes closed and a soft smile playing on his lips.

Dominque looked down to their thighs and groaned. “Jacob…”

“I know. It’s okay.”

Somehow Dominque had gotten away with a few damp patches on his jeans, Jacob however hadn’t. He was covered in what must have been both of their juices and it made Dominque chuckle. “Good job we don’t have far to go with you looking like that.” He leaned in and kissed Jacob’s neck. “Hmm, and smelling the way you do too. You smell like sex.”

“I smell like cum. Your cum. Which is actually quite pleasant.” Jacob chuckled, attempting to stretch out his legs. “I think we should move this upstairs, don’t you?”

“Yes.” Dominque pulled up his jeans, not fastening them before he stepped out into the dim light of the carpark, watching Jacob hoist his jeans over his wet skin with a smirk. “I guess this means we need a shower.”

“It does,” Jacob replied with a laugh. “And I've had enough fantasies over the past two weeks to know
what I'm going to do to you in there.” He stepped out, adjusting his coat over the stains now easily displayed on his clothing with a smile. “I'm like a giddy child imagining you in my home.”

“I can't wait to see it either.”

ominque had tried to guess what type of place Jacob would have and went with the sterile black and white, high tech, modern look. Something low maintenance and lacking a human touch. “Is it all shiny and decorated in black and white?”

Jacob locked the car, holding Dominque’s case in one hand as he turned to him. “You think I have some sort of seedy bachelor pad up there, don’t you?”

“Of course I do. You saying I’m wrong?”

“No,” Jacob said slowly as he took hold of Dominque’s hand. “But it’s not black and white and filled with leather.”

“Aww, I'm disappointed.”

Jacob chuckled. “Well, if you dislike it, we can change it together. I'm all up for at least one room being filled with leather.” He pinched Dominque’s arse and got a smile.

“So, you don’t have a play room at home?”

“No, I never needed one. I always used the club. I like the community and with me hardly being at home and not having anyone I wished to invite here, well… It seemed a waste, or a tease of what I was missing out on.”

Dominque paused, watching Jacob press the call button on the lift. “Why are you thinking of adding one now? Do you think I won't like your club? Don’t you have any plans to take me there?”

Jacob shook his head, pulling him closer and placing a kiss on his forehead. “I think it’s too soon to think about going to a club, not just mine. It’s too soon to think about our own room. It was just a fun thought for the future.”

“I’d like our own place, but I don’t want to feel like I've pulled you from the life you love.”

“You won't. You're my life now.”

“I can't be
your life. We both need more than this. Our families, jobs, friends. It can't be just us all the time, you know this.”

“It won't be for forever, but right now, just us is working out fine for both of us. Baby steps, remember?”

The doors slowly slid open and Jacob ushered him gently inside the small space. Dominque leaned against the mirrored wall and folded his arms over his chest, looking down at his feet, contemplating what he wanted and how to voice it. “Don’t you think it’s a good idea to go and meet your friends?”

“Oh, you’ll meet them.” Jacob ran his thumb over Dominque’s lips with a smile. “I don’t intend to keep you under lock and key just for my eyes only. Although the thought is very tempting. The club’s environment is a bit too intense for your needs right now. In time, over the next month or so, we can re-evaluate that. Please, trust me on this and know I'm thinking of what’s best for you. Of course, if at any point you disagree with me, I want to hear about it so we can talk it over. This isn’t about me telling you what to do, this is a joint partnership. I value your thoughts and feelings on everything.”

“Thank you, and if I feel I need something, I’ll tell you.” Dominque swept his lips over Jacob’s just as the lift came to a stop and they moved apart. “Is this us?”

“Yup.” Jacob offered him a hand which Dominque took without hesitation and they stepped out into the hallway.

It was new and modern, all glass and dark greys and cream. They were on the twenty first floor and Dominque stole a glance out of the floor to ceiling window at London below them.

“I've not been here long,” Jacob spoke softly, brushing his lips over the back of his neck. “It’s never really been home, just a place to store my personal things and sleep—that is if I don’t fall asleep at the hospital between shifts.”

Dominque turned to him, wrapping both of his arms around his waist with a smile. “Well, I hope me being here will be enough to force you to come home once in a while.” He didn’t want to come across needy, but the thought of being alone a lot and in a new city with no friends, it made him fearful of the amount of time Jacob chose to be at work.

“Trust me, I only stayed there because I had nothing to come home to. Now I have you, and hopefully soon living here, I’ll be home a lot more.”

“Good.” Dominque gave him a hug. “I don’t want to come across as needy, but right now, it’s a scary thought leaving home and only knowing you in the whole of London.”

“You know Helen, she lives close by, and Krane is in and out of the city for visits. You’ll make new friends. I'm sure Helen is dying to get you over for a visit, especially with her being at home more with the baby being due next month.”

Dominque smiled wider at the thought of finally seeing her bump out in the big world. “I can't wait to meet the baby.”

“Me neither.” He began to lead them down the corridor. “I suspect Helen and Shaun feel the same way. I don’t play huge parts in my nieces’ and nephews’ lives, but Helen is different. She lives in London for a start and not in the middle of nowhere in Scotland where I struggle to visit, and I'm also closer emotionally to her.”

Jacob came to a stop outside what must have been his front door and jingled the keys. “Here we are.”

“The suspense is killing me.” Dominque laughed.

Jacob opened the door, standing back and letting him walk in first. It wasn’t as clinical as he thought. The floor was covered with warm wood and the walls were painted in tones of beige and honey. The first thing which hit Dominque was the heavy wave of something floral. He recalled it from somewhere, a flower his mother used to like in the house.

It made him pause, smelling it deeper than before and turning to find the vase hidden in an alcove in the entrance hallway. Lilies. A huge bunch of them. A flower Dominque ran from and never had near him. But underneath that was a scent he would know anywhere. Her perfume.

Drenched through from the rain, cold and ready to strip out of his wet clothes and head for the shower, the house seemed warmer and more welcoming than when he left for school that morning. The smell drifting off the bouquet of flowers some kind friend had sent his mum filled the entrance hallway, the heavy lingering scent of the lilies his mum loved almost covering the smell of her cooking. It was a good day when she felt able to stand for long enough to cook them dinner and it cheered him up.

“Dominque, honey, you're late for dinner.” She looked beautiful. Even with her hair gone, long since taken by the chemo and instead wrapped in her favourite green scarf, she would always be beautiful.

“I had to pick up some medication for you after school. The chemist said you were nearly out.”

“I got flowers today.”

Dominque grinned at her smiling face. “They’re lovely.”

A brush of soft hands fluttered across his cheek before a barely there touch of her lips touched his forehead, strong even in her frailty, her scent and the flowers mixing and comforting Dominque. “Welcome home.”

The last words echoed through his mind, repeating as they disappeared into the distance along with his smiling mum, the weight of her touch still clinging to his cheek and her scent hanging in the air. He found his face was wet with the tears he didn’t know were falling and Jacob’s arms around him. It was more than the scent of the lilies, more than a memory, it was something new and it shook Dominque up. His memories were never that vivid. He’d never felt her touch him or heard her voice so clear.

“Shall we leave?” Jacob was confused by his tears. He obviously didn’t understand but he wanted to help.

“No,” Dominque kissed him quickly. “I don’t want to leave. I think… I think this is where I'm supposed to be. You're going to think I'm crazy, but my mum just… she was here.”

Jacob went blank for a few moments, looking from him to the flowers and then back at Dominque. “Well, I'm glad she wants you here with me.”

Dominque chuckled. “I know you don’t believe me, but you humouring me makes me love you even more.”

“If that’s what you saw, or heard, or felt—if it had this much of an impact on you, how could I disagree? Besides, I'm thinking the first time I have your mum over I should act like the perfect boyfriend she would want you to have.”

“You're always perfect to me, and I think my mum agrees.”

Jacob smiled, his green eyes brightening as he brushed away the last tear from Dominque’s face. “Obviously your mum has good taste.”

“She has excellent taste.”

Jacob gave him a warm embrace then took his hand in his again. “How about you take a look around while I make us some tea? Oh, and, erm, there’s another bunch of lilies in the sitting room. If it bothers you, I can remove them.”

“Oh no, I mean, usually I hate smelling them because they make me feel sad, but this time it felt different. It feels like a good thing. A really good thing.”

As Dominque wandered around the apartment, he found it to be a lot warmer than he expected. Yes, it was a little sterile, but the furniture was at least comfy and not overly modern to the point you couldn’t sit on it for an hour without half your body going numb, and the colours Jacob had painted the rooms in gave each section of the open plan areas their own unique feeling and divided the space up without losing any of the space and light.

“It needs more, I know. I’m hoping you will make this place come alive.” Jacob wrapped his arms around his waist, pressing his face into the crook of his neck and breathing him in. “It’s been waiting for you to make it a home. As have I.”

“It needs pictures. Family ones.”

“I came here to get away from my family.” Jacob chuckled.

“Well, I don’t think that can ever happen.” He turned to him and kissed him softly. “What about your parents? Your dad? I’d love to see a picture of him.”

Jacob stiffened against him, making Dominque run his hands up his arms and cup his face. “I know it’s hard, but it’s good to remember those we’ve lost.”

“I'm sure I’ve got some somewhere, and if I don’t, Helen will. Speaking of Helen and pictures. She sent me over a huge file from the wedding photographer. I guess we could start with them.”

“Oh, yes.” Dominque had only seen the ones she’d posted on Facebook and he was dying to see the professional ones, but he was also aware Jacob had switched quickly from the mention of his dad. Although his dad had passed away a long time ago, Jacob still showed that tight edge to his eyes when he was mentioned, a look Dominque knew well, one he used a lot. Jacob was still in a great deal of pain regarding his dad. Dominque gave his a gentle hug from behind, holding him tightly. He understood the pain Jacob felt, but he also understood the need to wait until he was ready to talk about it. “Did you see the picture she posted on Facebook yesterday with her standing in front of the castle at night with Shaun? It was so dreamy.”

“You… you're friends on Facebook?”

Dominque rolled his eyes. “Of course. I looked for you, by the way. Couldn’t find you.”

“I don’t have an account.” Jacob fired up his laptop while Dominque sat open-mouthed, stunned into shock. “What? Not everyone has an account.”

“But… what do you mean, not everyone has an account? Your mum sent me a request while we were driving home from the wedding.
Your mum
!” He tutted loudly as Jacob now took a turn to sit there in stunned silence.

“What do you mean my ma sent you a request? She’s on Facebook?”

“The Queen is on Facebook.
The Queen
!” Dominque just couldn’t get over this whole not having a Facebook thingy. “You have to open one. I need to chat to you on there, and you can keep in touch with all your family. Krane has the funniest wall. It made me almost die laughing.”

Jacob raised a brow and then tapped his fingers on the coffee table. “I guess I’ll have to get one if everyone else is chatting to you. I’d feel left out.” He frowned. “I wouldn’t know what to post, and it would irritate me being hounded by everyone all the time.”

“Your friend Robert has an account. He’s nice too.” Dominque let that hang in the air for a long moment before Jacob turned very slowly to him. He wasn’t above playing on Jacob’s jealousy to get what he wanted.

Jacob’s eyes slowly slid to his, a tense moment passed, one where Jacob seemed conflicted over how to move on. “Robert…
Robert is
friend on Facebook? When did… How did that even happen?”

“Mutual friends. He’s friends with Helen and Shaun, she friended me, he spotted my name on her wall, then I updated my relationship status and she was all excited and stuff. Robert sent me a message to check it was with you… we got talking. You know, general Facebook stuff.”

BOOK: Dominque (Knights to Remember)
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