Dominque (Knights to Remember) (28 page)

BOOK: Dominque (Knights to Remember)
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“I'm sorry, Sir.” His voice shook slightly and Jacob could see even the sub himself was shocked with his temperament. When they played up, they need taking in hand.

“I should flog you for that.” Jacob stood and clicked his fingers in front of David’s bowed head. “Round here. Now!”

The sub quickly made his way around to the front of the bar where he slipped to his knees beside Jacob.

“Where is Dom Allan?” His Dom wasn’t always around. David worked at the club, it wasn’t always just for fun, and there were times their schedules conflicted.

“Back home, Sir.”

Jacob tutted. He disliked correcting a sub’s behaviour without the permission of their Dom, but as he was such a well-known member of the club, he made the decision David needed his stern touch.

“Stand up and brace yourself on the bar.” Jacob stalked to the other side of the bar and picked up a nice, firm paddle which should have had the sub’s name all over it and walked back to him, palms now braced on the edge of the wood and his arse sticking up. He had a glorious bubble butt which his otherwise slim frame showcased even more. Jacob slid a fingertip around the waistband of the leather shorts he wore then pulled them down to his hips, watching as David wriggled them off his legs and kicked them to one side, placing his feet wider apart and taking a deep breath as he bowed his head again.

Jacob let him take a moment to settle, then he placed the paddle on his cheek. “I’m presuming you use the standard safewords. Orange and Red?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Very, well. Then use them if you feel the need. Ten strikes. You will count them out.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“This is not for pleasure. Understand?” David wasn’t into pain. If he had been, Jacob would have found a more fitting punishment. A cage perhaps, one which would encase his cock for a couple of days.

“Yes, Sir.”

Jacob brought the paddle down hard on the young man’s arse, earning a jolt and a hiss from him.

“One, Sir.”

“Less movement.” Jacob brought it down again, alternating between each cheek, David counting them down and aiming to stay as still as he could. When Jacob reached ten, he placed the paddle on the bar and stood beside the shaking sub. “Your Dom’s soft on you.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“He may fall for your act, but I don’t.” Jacob could see the appeal in the raven-haired, fair-skinned, doe-eyed young man. Even Jacob was pleased by the creamy texture and flawless look to his flesh. It was itching to be blushed and marked. “You will carry my mark for a few days. It will hurt. I will send word to Dom Allan and make him aware of how you failed him tonight and how you will need attending to.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Jacob tilted David’s head back, seeing his dark blue, wide eyes were misty with tears. “You did well. Be proud of yourself.” Jacob smiled. “I will tell him that too.” He watched as the sub left for the bathroom, his ass red and burning, and then he turned to see who was chuckling beside him. “Nicholas.” He grinned, then moved in for a hug.

The leather clad, toned figure of his friend matched his own in height and build, and they’d often been mistaken for brothers. Jacob was fond of pointing out he was the

“Oh, that boy is trouble,” Nicholas spoke while laughing. He loved a bratty sub. “He’s also adorable and makes me laugh like I haven’t in a long time. I had been wondering when you, or one of the other sterner Doms, would take him in hand. Allan is too soft, but I fear he’s enamoured by David and doesn’t see what he really needs. I've suggested he scene him with another Dom. I did think of you, but you’ve not been around, so Gabriele accepted.” He leaned in, whispering conspiratorially. “If you ask me, Gabe is just dying to get his hands on that little piece of heaven. He’s had his dark gaze stuck on him since he first walked through the doors leashed behind Allan.”

“Yes, well…” Jacob drifted off thinking of his friend Gabe and smiling. The tall Adonis was picky over who shared his bed, but so far all of them had been similar to David. “He’s exactly Gabe’s type. Allan may have a fight on his hand should he decided to try to win David from him.”

Nicholas chuckled, the glint of mischievousness he tried hard to hide making it onto his face. “Why do you think I paired them up? They were made for each other. The tension building between them is killing us all. If they don’t fuck, then I think I may have to force their… hands.” He flashed a winning smile Jacob’s way.

“And Allan? Won't he be perplexed by his sub being so worked up by another?”

“You know Allan. He’s like you, or like you used to be, not built for one person. Besides, I think he's bit off more than he can chew with that one. Gabe will suit David better. I have another sub in mind for Allan.”

Nicholas was a master at pairing up Doms and subs. Several of the relationships had lasted years and they were now involved outside the scene. “I've missed you. I heard you found your boy at last.”

“I have.” Jacob grinned.

“Good for you. Do we get to meet him?”

“Not yet, but if you don’t mind, I’ll leave that up to Red to explain later.”

Nicholas nodded, taking hold of his shoulder. “I can see you’d like to leave, and I overheard you asking about your brother’s whereabouts. He appears to be busy with Bailey. By busy, I mean he’s fucking him through the bed right now in one of the private rooms.” Jacob was already starting to stand, but Nicholas braced both of his hands on his shoulders and forced him to take his seat again. “Now, now. Calm yourself. There really was no stopping Bailey from accosting Krane after he heard about the size of his cock. Size queen and proud.”

“For fuck’s sake.” Jacob threw his hands in the air. “I told him not to do anything—or
. I'm sorry. Has he caused any trouble?”

“None at all.” Nicholas laughed, brushing back his blond waves. “Well, trouble of the good kind. Him and Bailey… hmm, now, there’s a thought.”

“He’s not in the scene and Bailey needs someone full time.”

“I know Bailey better than you. I trained him, remember? I know what he needs. I thought perhaps it was you, but I was wrong.”

Jacob recalled his night with Bailey and shrugged. “Almost right.
. Close, but no cigar.”

“Leave Krane and Bailey alone. They’re adults. Stay here and have a drink.” He patted the stool next to him and tilted his head to the bottle of beer left on the bar which Jacob ordered earlier.

Jacob hesitated, half wanting to storm down the corridor and find Krane so he could give him a good talking to, the other half wanting to sit back and be pleased for him.

“Jacob, not everyone is under your control. They’re allowed to make their own mistakes. He’s a grown man, as is Bailey. Let them follow their own path while you concentrate on yours. Now, tell me all about your beautiful boy, because I just know he’s stunning.”

“He is.” Jacob pulled out his phone and showed his friend a few shots of them together taken at the wedding. Nicholas whistled, earning a big grin from Jacob. “I know. He’s indescribably beautiful.”

Sparkling blue eyes met Jacob’s, the happiness Nick felt for him on display. “He is, and he obviously makes you very happy.”

“He does. I’m going over our contract tomorrow when we meet up. I’ve missed him.” Jacob felt the letter in his pocket and sighed. “I doubt we’ll get to that discussion tomorrow.”

“Reacquaint yourselves with each other, and then when you’re both feeling more relaxed, go through it briefly. Test the waters with him and don’t make it into such a big deal.”

Jacob nodded. Trying to control every little thing again was wearing thin faster than it usually did and he checked his watch, wanting to call Dominque before he went to sleep. “May I borrow a private office to call him?”

“Of course. Use mine.” Nicholas gave him a slap on the back. “Say hello to him from me.”

Jacob smiled before heading off. Hopefully, by the time they’d caught up, Krane would be ready to leave. Perhaps Jacob would let the Bailey issue go and do as Nicholas suggested. He could be supportive without controlling.

He hoped Krane hadn't become too involved with the pretty sub. Bailey wasn’t going to settle for a life without a Dom, and Krane wasn’t even out of his marriage yet, let alone ready for a relationship which demanded so much from him. But that was up to them, not him, and as he dialled Dominque up, he forced other people from his mind and thought only of themselves.

ominque was in the train station, sitting outside the coffee shop where Jacob had agreed to meet him. For once, despite relying on public transport, he was early when agreeing to meet him. He’d taken an earlier train to make sure, and because of that, he’d found time to read while he sipped a tall latte with a double shot of cinnamon. It was when he broke off from the current page of his murder mystery novel to take another sip, he felt the unmistakable feeling of being watched come over him.

With a slight tilt of his head, he searched the crowds for the one whose gaze he felt weighing on him, stopping with a shocked pause when he found Jacob on the other side of the walkway, leaning against the wall and looking lovingly at him. He broke into a wide smile, dropping his book and running through the crowds separating them so he could jump in those strong arms and claim his mouth. It had been too long since he had those lips on his, and he didn’t waste a moment longer before tasting them again.

Jacob’s presence surrounded him, encasing him a bubble, leaving only them and the passionate kiss. Both of their bodies responded to the contact, Jacob’s cock stiffening against his own, and he soon found himself pressed against the wall, Jacob’s body covering his, those lips now demanding and hard against his own as they lost themselves in the heat of the moment.

It left the whole of Dominque’s body trembling and ignited the need for more, but when Jacob reluctantly broke for air, stepping back slightly and looking down into his eyes, the sights and sounds of the station came back into Dominque’s world and he looked around them both hesitantly.

“No one matters except us,” Jacob whispered huskily as he placed a soft kiss on his neck, making his already shaky knees want to collapse.

“I missed you.” Dominque grinned up at him. “It’s been too long.”

“I agree. Far too long.” Jacob hooked an arm around his waist and walked them back to the table Dominque had abandoned. “Is this everything?”

Dominque looked to the small pull along and nodded. “I pack light.” Force of habit. He was used to taking what was only needed and nothing more. Besides, it was for a long weekend. It wasn’t like he was moving in or anything. Despite the pull to never leave Jacob’s side, he constantly told himself to take things slower.

“Apart from the book.” He picked it up and hugged it to his chest. He was nervous now the shock had dimmed a little and it came across instantly as Jacob pulled him back into his arms and kissed his forehead.

“How was your trip down here?” Jacob began walking them both to the exit.

“It was fine. No problems. I caught the earlier train so I wouldn’t be late.”

“I wish you wouldn’t worry about that. I feel bad as it is for my previous behaviour towards those incidents.”

“No it wasn’t that, it was just… I'm never late. It’s…” He stopped himself with a tilt of the head and looked upwards to the ceiling.

“Unprofessional, right?” Jacob sighed as he pushed the door open and walked onto the street outside. “I understand, however, this isn’t a professional relationship and I'm quite understanding of the fact the railway doesn’t run on time most occasions. The fact my boyfriend was delayed would worry me and I would be pissed off by missing out on those moments, but I wouldn’t blame you.” He was hurt. Dominque could tell by the edge to his voice and how the green of his eyes had darkened. Before, it came across as anger, but Dominque knew him better now and he hated causing him pain.

“Jacob…” Dominque pulled him to a stop and leaned against the wall, where more people crowded them, pushing past and hurrying for their trains. “I'm sorry. I know you would understand, it’s just me. Me and my habits. I’ve never… you know this is new for me, and the fact I want to please you, it’s just more…I don’t know.” He huffed before he turned to look past Jacob at the pedestrians rushing around them. “I always irritate you in some way.”

“No!” Jacob placed the case beside them and held both of his shoulders tightly. “You don’t disappoint me. How I've treated you
disappoints me. The fact you feel so concerned regarding this shows how much I imprinted those moments onto you. I would never be disappointed by your presence. The fact you're here and you want to be with me, that does nothing but excite and please me. I know this is the only life you know relationship-wise, and I accept that and I'm looking forward to showing you what a true, two way loving relationship is really like, but I also know it will take time. Try not to feel so disheartened by the confusion you feel.”

Jacob was truly gifted with some sort of mind reading ability, and Dominque was more thankful than ever for it as he couldn’t voice how his confused mind felt. He simply leaned up and placed a soft kiss on those full lips and sighed. “I love you.”

“I’ll never grow tired of hearing you say those words to me.” Jacob took hold of his waist in one hand and the case in the other, then began to walk them down the street.

“Krane told me he had to leave this morning so I won't get to say hi. I hope that wasn’t because of me arriving.”

Jacob huffed loudly, turning the corner and looking up and down the road before crossing. “I did want him to leave before you arrived. I wanted time alone, but I wasn’t given the chance to discuss it as he left before breakfast this morning.” Jacob paused when they reached the other side of the road and turned slowly to look at him. “How do you know Krane was even at my place?”

“Oh…” Dominque began walking again, Jacob following suit, his arm a little firmer around his waist. “Well… we text.”

“You text?”

“Yes. You know, just now and then.”


“Jacob, he needs a friend, and I like him.”

“I'm a friend.” Jacob turned his nose up a little indignantly and looked straight ahead.

“Are you jealous?” Dominque chuckled as he saw a slight blush cover Jacob’s cheeks.


“Ah, but you are.” Dominque laughed, earning a grunt from him. “I like it.” After being ignored by Jacob for a few steps, Dominque nudged him in the ribs. “He’s your
. I want to be friendly with him, but that doesn’t mean I'm going to jump into bed with him or … anything.”

Jacob halted mid step, looking skyward and taking deep, slow, controlled breaths through his nose before he looked down to Dominque. “I know you won't. It’s just…” He grunted, then rolled his shoulders. “It hurts to think of you being with anyone else. Physically hurts. In here.” He tapped his chest and frowned. “I couldn’t bear it.”

“I know.” Dominque held his hand over Jacob’s heart and kissed him. “I've always known.” He gave Jacob a tug and they began walking again, the same glossy white 4x4 easily standing out in the row of cars ahead. “You made it quite clear you would never share me at Skibo, not even willing to share me in a scene.”

Jacob stopped again, his hand stilling as he dragged the car keys from his jeans. “Yes, I recall, and that hasn’t changed.”

“But you want to show me off?” Dominque remembered that particular piece of information from somewhere, or was it just his internal need to show Jacob’s friends and the other subs he’d been with why Dominque had been chosen over all the others to stand by his side?

“I… I don’t know. Would you like to… It’s up to you.”

“It’s a choice we both will make together. I don’t mean physically being with anyone else, I mean being beside you. Making all the other subs jealous I'm with you, not them.” Dominque pressed Jacob up against his car with a smile. “You know, just to let them all know you're mine.”

“They know I'm yours, Boy.” Jacob grinned down at him.

“Do they?” Dominque raised a brow, a slight smirk playing on his mouth. “And do you enjoy being so completely owned by your sub, Sir?” He rolled his hips, connecting to the thick ridge of Jacob’s cock behind his jeans.

“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Dominque.”

“Nothing?” Dominque arched his brow, a wider, naughtier grin on his face. “Oh, Jacob, be careful.
you wouldn’t do? That could lead to all kinds of things.”

“Anything in particular you have in mind for me?” Jacob grabbed his ass in his strong fingers, ramming them both together and leaving Dominque pinned against his tense body.

“Right now, there's nothing I wouldn’t do to you, or have you do to me. I'm pretty sure if you bent me over the bonnet of this car I'd just go with it and beg for more.”

“Shit.” Jacob threw his head back, Dominque aware how excited he was by the pulsing of his cock against his thigh.

“How far is your place again?”

“Too far for my liking right now.” Jacob chuckled down at him. “Get in before I actually do bend you over the bonnet and fuck the living daylights out of you.”

Dominque paused, dramatically pondering if he should get in and chuckling when Jacob slapped his arse. “Fine, I’ll get in, but I hope we don’t hit any traffic because I can't be held responsible for straddling your thighs and riding your cock while we wait.”

Jacob leaned in the car, palms resting on the seat, staring with a heat which should have made Dominque burst into flames right where he sat. “You know, I give as good as I take, and all this teasing, Boy, you’ll be getting back at some point soon.”

point.” Dominque fastened his belt with a smile, knowing there wasn’t anything on earth which could stop Jacob from fucking him as soon as they got to his place. “But not right now. You need me too much for games. Get in and get me home so I can ride you and make sure every neighbour within five miles knows my name.”

Jacob snorted out a laugh as he climbed in. “I'd disagree, but that would be a lie.”

The drive was a mixture of exciting teasing and painful agony. The tension and electricity building between them had hit an all-time high, and Jacob sighed with relief at the sight of his apartment block. By the time he’d parked up in the underground parking lot, both of them were so charged up it pulsed between them, causing unseen waves to crash against the other.

Both of them reached for their seatbelts, eagerly pulling themselves closer together in the confined area. Dominque climbed over the gear stick and straddled Jacob’s thighs as he’d been wanting to do ever since he mentioned it twenty minutes ago. When he rolled his hips, connecting his firm ass with the bulging ridge straining through Jacob’s jeans, both of them bowed their heads, resting their foreheads against the other and taking a slow breath.

Finally connecting, they could feel the energy burning through each other’s skin. It flooded Dominque, drowning out the world so only they remained. He took hold of Jacob’s hair in his fist, pulling his head back and watching with astonishment seeing the hooded, glazed look in his eyes before clashing their mouths together with a force Dominque didn’t think he could achieve.

Dominque didn’t care who watched them, he didn’t care if it was being recorded on some CCTV camera and would later be uploaded to the web. All he thought about was Jacob and how he needed him. It took less than a minute before Dominque was moaning over Jacob’s lips, rubbing his body against his desperately.

“Dominque,” Jacob rasped out in between kisses.

It made Dominque almost come hearing how close Jacob was, and he lifted his ass up, his fingers searching blindly for the buttons on Jacob’s jeans and feeling Jacob do the same to his moments later. When he felt the searing heat of Jacob’s cock under his fingertips, he bit down on Jacob’s lip, coaxing his length free of the tight material and sliding his fist down his leaking shaft.

“I want you inside me so bad.”

“It will happen.” Jacob gasped as Dominque wrapped his hand around his head and rolled it over the sensitive flesh. “Fuck!”

Dominque smiled as Jacob threw his head back, closing his eyes and attempting to regain some of his composure, but he wasn’t alone. They were both teetering on the edge, waiting for the other before they both fell. “Jacob…” Dominque nudged his hips, clashing his encased cock into Jacob’s clenched fist. “Touch me.”

Jacob met his gaze, following his instruction and quickly pulling Dominque’s aching length out into the open. Both moaned, then Jacob grabbed the back of his neck, claiming his mouth and taking both of their cocks in his hand, pumping them hard and fast. Dominque was too overcome for sounds, not even grunts, he barely breathed. When his whole body stiffened, so did Jacob, and they both let loose a strangled cry before they came.

BOOK: Dominque (Knights to Remember)
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