Read Lovers Unchained Online

Authors: Siren Allen

Tags: #Erotica/BDSM/Paranormal/Voyeur Erotica/Exhibitionism

Lovers Unchained (2 page)

BOOK: Lovers Unchained
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“Okay, be mad. I thought we would try something new.”

Jude opened his eyes to see Lana pouting. He knew it. At another time in another place, he would have thought her pout charming, but at this time, in this place, he only found it irritating. Jude stared openly at her body, ignoring her words. There were so many interesting things she could do with her mouth besides talk. Even though he just had an orgasm, he was ready for another. He was never truly satisfied, not since the curse.

Lana continued her rant. “I’m getting tired of sucking you off and getting nothing in return.”

Jude smiled cynically. He knew it angered her when he couldn’t sustain an erection during sex; hell, it angered him also, but he would never let her know it. Jude laughed bitterly to himself. He didn’t bother telling her he had been cursed over twenty years ago to never have sex again, until he met his mate

the woman meant to be his and his alone.

e didn’t bother telling her because if he did, she would find him useless and kill him with no regret. As long as he kept his secret, he would stay alive and also keep receiving the comfort of her mouth, which was the only upside of being captured by vampires and held prisoner in the Dark Realm. This didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to escape when the time was right.

He still needed to find the Dark Witch to break the curse she placed on him and his friends. He owed it to his friends. Lana’s hiss brought his thoughts back to the present.

She jerked the chains holding him bound to the wall. “Listen to me when I’m talking to you,” she yelled.

Jude turned to her, his eyes glowing red from the anger he tried to suppress. “You don’t control me,” he roared, causing the glasses on the table and the chandelier hanging from the ceiling to rattle gently. A look of fear passed over Lana’s beautiful face, but quickly disappeared. Of course, she should fear him. Demons and vampires were at war in all of the Realms. Demons usually won.

He was prisoner here, however, and she was the one with the upper hand. Handcuffed and chained to a wall, there was nothing he could do to defend himself if she decided he was no longer worth her time.

* * * *

Lana flinched at the anger in Jude’s voice, but quickly regained her confidence.

“I know I don’t control you,” she purred, tracing the outline of his lips with her finger. “But that is what I love about you. You don’t cower before me like my other slaves do.” She hated that about him. She wanted him to cower and wouldn’t rest until he did.

Lana turned and walked back to her bed; she needed a moment to get her thoughts together before she faced him again. The last thing she wanted was for him to know how much his disdain affected her. She glanced over her shoulder to make sure his eyes were on her as she walked away from him. They were.

Lana climbed onto her bed slowly. She felt him staring at her ass, while she made her way to the middle of her large bed and lay back on the many red and black pillows decorating it. Her pale skin appeared even lighter against the black, silk sheets she rested on.

Propped up, she stared back at her slave of one year. Even naked and chained to a wall, he still looked fierce. Tattoos covered his abdomen, chest and arms; the symbols reminding her of exactly what she possessed, a Tracker Demon,
Tracker Demon.

Physically, he was everything she wanted in a man. At six foot, four he towered over her. Whenever she was next to him, she felt like a tiny, porcelain doll. She loved the feel of his muscular arms wrapped around her body and only wished she didn’t have to command him to put them around her.

Lana fantasized about him constantly. She imagined what it would feel like to watch as he knelt between her legs and sucked her dry. She pictured herself bunching his short blond hair up in her fist, holding his head in place while he licked her into oblivion, but he refused to do it to her.

He refused to do anything to her. No matter how hard she tried, she could not get him to remain hard when it came time to have sex. Yes, she was able to jack him off and give him blow jobs. Yet, the moment she tried to guide him into her body, he went flaccid, limp as a dead flower.  

“Look at me,” she demanded; he obeyed. Lana smiled. She loved possessing people. She loved being the one in control of their every movement. Lana lifted her hands above her head and watched his eyes zone in on her firm breasts. She slowly opened her legs revealing to him how wet she was.

His cock hardened. Lana rubbed her hands over her naked body. She pinched her nipple and watched his cock jerk. He was aroused by her, but for some reason he held back. She needed to know what caused him to do this, what caused him to constantly reject her.

Soon, she would grow tired of him. Then, he would have to pay for his year of rejecting her, but first she needed to know what it felt like to have him inside her body. She would let him live only until she got what she wanted. Lana refused to admit, even to herself, how much she craved his attention, his touch.

She rubbed her hands lower over her flat belly down to her clitoris. She watched his cock grow larger, harder; her body grew wetter. Lana pushed two fingers inside her imagining it was her tattooed slave entering her. She whimpered as his hips jerked. He wanted to be inside of her, it was written all over his face.

Unable to continue teasing him or her, Lana jumped from the bed, teleporting directly in front of him. Going to her knees, she sucked him into her mouth greedily. His fingers clenched into fists. He bucked, straining against the chains holding him bound to the wall.

He wanted her; he belonged to her. Lana sucked him harder, deeper while she fingered herself vigorously. His hips jerked and Lana knew he was about to come. Quickly, she rose from her knees, this time she would make sure he was able to enter her.

Turning around, she bent over in front of him, pushing her body up against his hardness; he wanted this as much as she did, she saw it in his eyes. Lana reached behind her; gripping him trying to push him between her silken folds, but she couldn’t, he no longer had an erection. Just like that, the massive erection she cradled with her tongue was gone. Lana turned to face him, her anger building almost to its boiling point.

“How is that possible? What’s wrong with you?” Lana shrieked. She grew even angrier when Jude smiled and smugly shrugged.

“It’s not me,” she stressed, pacing back and forth, a wild look in her eyes. “I thought it was, but it’s not. I even tried to give you a male lover in case you were into that, but you still failed to perform.”

Jude shrugged again. Lana felt her fangs elongating, ready to pierce his skin, drain him and end his existence. Breathing deeply, she fought for control. To lose control now would mean never finding out how he was able to turn his passion on and off so easily.

Was it her?
She needed to know, she was obsessed with determining the reason. Jude’s face broke out into a huge grin. Unable to help herself, Lana backhanded him, delighting in the sound of his head smashing into the wall.

* * * *

Lana stared at him as if she wanted him to say something, but Jude stayed quiet. He wanted out of this Realm, but for now, he’d settle for simply being out of her room and back in his own tiny cell. Pain radiated through his skull. He felt blood trickling from his lip where her ring had cut him.

Lana took a step toward him; if he was free he would strangle her with his bare hands. Eyes red, she stared at the blood on his lip. Jude recognized the blood-lust look in her eyes and before he could protest she grabbed the back of his neck bringing his face closer to hers. Her tongue darted out like a cobra, licking the blood from his bleeding mouth. Lana released his neck; eyes closed, she stepped back and shivered as if she was in ecstasy.

“You taste wonderful.” Her voice was a mixture of awe and pure hunger.

Lana stepped forward again, her eyes transfixed on his mouth and on his blood. Jude was pissed.

“Drink from me again and I will find a way out of these chains and kill you, Leech.”

The venom in his voice stopped her in her tracks. He didn’t know how he would get out, not with the power draining handcuffs around his wrist, but he would find a way if she continued to drink his blood.

Lana took a step closer to him, a determined look in her eyes.

should I do what you say? You never do what I say. I think not drinking from you before now is the worst decision I’ve ever made.”

She stepped even closer to him. Jude growled baring a set a fangs of his own. Though shorter and duller than vampires, demon fangs were equally deadly.

Lana stopped. “How cute, the demon has fangs. I’ll let you bite me if you let me bite you.” 

Jude strained against the chains holding him immobile. A vampire’s bite to a demon was the ultimate shame. Lana stepped away from him.

“You can stop struggling, demon. When I drink from you, and trust me, I have every intention of drinking from you again; when I do, I plan to make a meal of you and not leave one drop to spare.” Lana rolled her eyes at him, finally frustrated enough to want to get rid of him. She teleported to her night stand and pressed a buzzer. A deep voice asked her if she needed anything. “I’m done with him,” she screamed and flounced onto her bed, reminding Jude of a spoiled brat.

A second later, her servant, Bruce, appeared in the room. He unhooked Jude from the chains binding him to the wall, but left the handcuffs keeping him from escaping. Jude rubbed his wrist.

“Same time tomorrow?” he asked, to be contrary.

Lana stood, not ashamed to be seen naked in front of her servant or anyone else.
Why would she, her body was glorious.

“I don’t know how you do it, but I’ll find out,” she told him; the evil grin he learned to hate on her face. Lana tapped her newly manicured finger nail against her chin thoughtfully. 

“My brother told me he went to the Mortal Realm and found a few human slaves he’s sure I’ll enjoy. Lucius has broken one of the men in for me, and the male enjoyed every minute of it.” Jude felt nauseas. Lana laughed.

“Maybe you and I will share him tomorrow night. Oh, and I won’t make the same mistake I made last time. There will be no ripping out throats. This time, I won’t allow your hands to be free. You’ll be handcuffed to the bed, face down.” Lana smiled, baring her fangs.

Jude growled trying to reach for her, but ended up on his knees. Bruce jerked him back to his feet. “Growl at her once more,” the leech said, “and I’ll make sure you never growl again.”

Bruce was abnormally huge, but Jude didn’t doubt he could take the leech down if he wasn’t handcuffed. He reigned in his anger; the first thing he would do when he got free was break the smug bastards’ neck. For now, all he could do was talk smack.

“Sorry, Bruce, I forgot you were the Queen bitch’s mutt.”

Bruce hissed. Jude braced for the blow he knew was coming. He doubled over in pain, the blow to his stomach much harder than he expected. Apparently, he struck a nerve by calling the vamp a mutt.

 Lana laughed, clearly enjoying their little spat. “Play nice, boys. Take him to his cell, Bruce, and hurry back. I have a few errands for you to run.” Lana teleported to her walk-in closet and sifted through her dresses.

“My brother is having a party tonight and I must not be late,” she exclaimed, before blowing a kiss to Jude as Bruce teleported him to his cell.

Chapter 2

Carissa sat with her legs crossed staring at the vampires below her. They were happy and their happiness energized her. She felt like gagging as their tainted energy gave her strength. The vampire’s happiness stemmed from the pain and fear they caused their captives. She felt a stream of energy flowing to her from the victims, she rejected it; refusing to allow their sorrow to strengthen her. It went against everything she believed in to sit and watch the victims be captured and thrown into the back of the prisoner van. Her Guardian instincts told her to help, but she couldn’t.

There was nothing she could do for them. Soon, she would be captured also, held prisoner like they were. The van crept forward, followed by a black car with tinted windows. Carissa focused her attention on the car. The hair on the back of her neck rose. Whoever was in the black vehicle was going to be a problem for her—she felt it. Maybe allowing herself to be captured wasn’t a good idea.

Carissa felt the dragon tattoo on her back move. It slithered to her shoulder, her neck growing hot, reminding her she had no choice. If she wanted to find out what had happened to her best friend, she would have to get inside the prison. She would have to question other captives to see if they’d come in contact with Faede, a fellow Guardian of Realms.

Carissa sighed. She turned away from the van and her imminent fate to stare out into the night. A scream rang out, and then stopped. Too much death surrounded her. She would rather be at home with her sisters than creeping through Realms. She stood up and dusted her black leather shorts off before pulling her hair up into a pony tail. There was no point in her taking her weapons; she would be searched and stripped by the guards as soon as she was taken. She placed her bag of artillery in the corner of the roof top, on the building where she had hidden for a week.

If she found her friend and escaped the prison, this is where she would return. For a week, no one had ventured in or near her haven. She would be safe here when she returned, if she returned. Carissa felt her dragon return to its place at the small of her back. It was time.

BOOK: Lovers Unchained
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