Read Lovers Unchained Online

Authors: Siren Allen

Tags: #Erotica/BDSM/Paranormal/Voyeur Erotica/Exhibitionism

Lovers Unchained (6 page)

BOOK: Lovers Unchained
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She looked weary. Jude knew his inability to satisfy her left her puzzled. Maybe Bruce was right; maybe if he didn’t do something soon, she would grow tired of him and take his life. He couldn’t let that happen. Now, he knew she was
for the majority of the nightmares haunting him; it was up to him to rid the Realms of her evil.

“Will I see you tonight?” Jude asked, trying to sound hopeful. Lana looked at him with huge eyes and he saw the joy on her face, but she quickly masked it. She thought he wanted her. He wanted to kill her.

“I don’t know,” she said. “If I have nothing better to do, I may summon you to come out and play. I do have other slaves, you know, slaves who would love to spend time with me—inside of me.”

Jude smiled at her. “See you tonight, Lana,” he said softly. The scent of her arousal drifted to him. Her wanting him meant nothing to him. If his instincts were correct and they usually were, it would mean his mate was held captive here, also. He now had a reason to attempt to escape sooner and take her with him. Unfortunately, he didn’t have any idea what she looked like.

Jude smiled seductively at Lana. She smiled back before getting into her bed and snuggling under the covers. She laid her head back, but her eyes stayed locked with his for a moment before she closed them. Her skin turned even paler while she slipped into her death nap.
Vampires were unnatural.
For the next few hours, she would lie in her bed, not unconscious, not sleeping, but dead. Her heart stopped and her breathing ceased. She became
one of the departed.

A stake to her chest would end all of his problems, but his handcuffs and the electrical current within them kept him from breaking free and doing what needed to be done. Damn it, he almost forgot what Lana told him about the house being charmed. If he spilled her blood here, her brother would be on him in a split second. Jude couldn’t risk it. He would have to destroy them both away from their homes.

Bruce grabbed him by the back of the neck and they teleported back to Jude’s cell. The vampire dropped him down onto his hard cot. Jude jumped up, but a smell so sweet brought him to his knees. For a second, Bruce looked concerned enough to help him up, but he didn’t. His skin paled and he hastily teleported to wherever he went when his death nap took over.

Jude held onto the bed and pulled himself up. Her scent was so close. His mouth watered and he felt his inner demon trying to rise to the surface. His fangs ached with the need to pierce her skin, marking her as his. Jude sniffed the air, tracking her exact location.

 He sensed her a few cells down to his right. His cock hardened when he remembered how good her hands felt on his body. He throbbed imagining how good it would feel to be inside her. Jude smiled to himself; soon, he would be able to release twenty years’ worth of sexual frustration. He hoped his mate could handle it.

Jude walked over to the bars and called out. “Hello.”

“Shh…before you wake the dead,” a man in the cell next to his whispered.

Jude growled and heard the man scuttle away from the bars. Jude wanted to hear his mate’s voice again before he closed his eyes and went to sleep. He waited years for this. He was told what to expect the moment he smelled the scent of his mate, but nothing prepared him for what he felt.

Just the scent of her made him want the impossible. His desire to escape doubled. He wanted to free her, so he could take care of her. There was no place he called home, not since the curse, but he would find a place for them. He kept a small fortune hidden back in the Immortal Realm, his rewards for being a Tracker for the Elders. His mate would want for nothing.

* * * *

A deep voice screaming hello woke Carissa out of her sleep. Other slaves whispered ‘shut up’ to the man still screaming. Carissa turned over onto her side and closed her eyes.

“Carissa,” the deep voice yelled again, making Carissa open her eyes.

She sat up. “Hello,” she whispered softly, trying not to disturb those around her. She pulled the thin sheet up to her chest making sure the prisoner across from her couldn’t see her goods. The black dress she wore was sheer and short, but the prisoner slept, the screams of the man yelling not waking him. Leave it to Lana to place male and female prisoners together.

“Hey,” the deep voice whispered back. Carissa recognized the voice and desire bloomed within her; she blushed in the darkness of her cell.

 “Hey,” she said back, smiling foolishly. Disgruntled slaves whispered for them to knock it off and go to sleep. Carissa couldn’t sleep now.

“Good night even though it’s morning,” he said.

Carissa lay back against her cot. “Good night,” she returned, but she didn’t close her eyes. Sleep was impossible after he awakened her. Just the sound of his deep voice made her wet. She wasn’t usually so easily aroused. The feelings this man, this demon stirred in her amazed her. It was almost as if he were…hers, but it was impossible for that to be true. Her mate would be one of her kind…unfortunately.

 She listened, but Jude didn’t say another word. Instead of trying to force herself to sleep, she pulled her dress up to her waist and slipped a finger into her already moist center. She wondered if memories of their earlier encounter raced through his mind, like they raced through hers. The scent of arousal drifted over her. It wasn’t her scent; she knew her scent. When aroused, she smelled of honey, but this scent was different, more masculine. She smelled him and he smelled of...something strong she couldn’t name. She sniffed the air trying to let the scent permeate her brain, so she could identify the smell driving her wild.

 The scent of his arousal enveloped her, swallowing her up. It delighted her, he was as aroused as she was. Carissa slipped another finger into her body and imagined him entering her. He would fuck her until she couldn’t walk; she knew it with every fiber in her being. She wondered if he loved as hard as he lusted.
Okay, now, where did that thought come from?

Being locked up was messing with her mind, making her forget what her goals were. Who cared if he loved hard? The only thing she needed from him was his energy and she could obtain it through his lust, and he was full of lust. She felt his power when she massaged him and also felt his suppressed sexual desire. As a Witch of the Silver Coven, Carissa knew a lot about sensuality. They were taught how to use energy from lust to power their abilities at a young age.

Most witches from her Coven were small in stature and somewhat fragile. If they ever found themselves in a position where they were outnumbered, or low on energy, lust was usually the easiest energy to find. All she needed to do was wink her eye, or lick her lips. Those simple gestures led to arousal in most men and women, which led to a boost in energy for her.

Carissa removed her fingers from her core and put them in her mouth. The taste of herself on her tongue always aroused her. The increase in her arousal caused an increase in Jude’s and she heard his growl and the shhh’s which followed. He smelled her, too; it excited her. She didn’t care if other beings in the prison scented what she was doing. When she escaped with Faede, she would never see them again. She needed strength to find and save her friend and Jude would be the source of the strength. It was smart on her part to use his arousal to her advantage. It was logic and practicality urging her on, not lust. Her eagerness to touch him had nothing to do with love, or mating, or any other emotion. She did what she had to do to survive, and if she kept telling herself this, she might start to believe it. If she was honest, she would admit Jude, the demon, turned her on.

the tattoos covering his upper body when she stroked him earlier. He carried the symbol of a Tracker, a hawk with a sword in its mouth. Tracker’s senses were more heightened than any other beings in the Immortal Realm. He could sense her desire and she would gain energy from his. Carissa felt power returning to her fingertips. Now, if she could get these handcuffs off, she would have almost enough energy to try to escape.

Therein lay the problem. Bruce let it slip that the handcuffs were charged with an electric current, weakening mortals and immortals alike. No amount of energy she got would be enough to free her, until she got rid of the handcuffs. Maybe, if she teamed up with her new friend, Jude, together they could free themselves.

Carissa put her fingers back into her sex, wetting them. Then, she rubbed the moisture on her clitoris. Now, she was fully aroused and wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep until she had an orgasm. Carissa pinched her clitoris making her hips jerk. She moved her finger side to side, gyrating against her hand.

Closing her eyes, she continued to rub her tiny bud, moaning at the pleasure she felt. She rubbed harder and groaned, feeling her orgasm approaching. Carissa bit her lip to keep from crying out. She lifted her hips up and down while she continued to rub her clit. Her breathing became ragged, she was close, very close.

She fantasized about Jude. In her mind, she saw him holding on to the bars of his cell with one hand, and stroking his cock with the other. He bore the tattoos of a warrior, so she knew he wouldn’t hold back. He would stroke himself hard. The scent of his arousal surrounded her like a cloud. She inhaled deeply, wishing she was the one pleasing him. The energy flowing from him to her streamed slower and Carissa sensed his strokes gradually slowing.

“Talk to me,” he growled. The other captives threw more shhh’s his way.

 “I can hear you,” he said. 

“How,” she whispered so low, she was sure no supernatural being could hear her but him.

“I’ll tell you later,” he said out loud.

An increase in power surged through her. Apparently, her new friend was stroking himself to the sounds of her pleasure. She pushed two fingers into her core and moaned. His low growl brought a smile to her lips. She slipped her fingers in deeper and used her thumb to continue rubbing her clitoris. Increasing her speed and lifting her dress higher, Carissa used her other hand to rub her breast. She gripped the fullness of her breast, brought the nipple to her lips and licked her nipple; it hardened under her tongue.

you were here with me,” she whispered, before sucking her nipple into her mouth. Another bolt of energy shot through her, her words arousing Jude. She fingered herself faster and sucked her breast harder. The approaching orgasm combined with the sexual energy she received from Jude made her dizzy. She pictured him pumping his cock faster, keeping pace with her. He was close; she almost tasted his imminent orgasm.

“I need you inside me,” she whispered. 

Carissa heard his roar and barely contained her moan as she came undone. “I wish you were releasing inside my mouth,” she whispered and her body jerked once, twice, and then she sagged back against her cot, aftershocks making her body quake.

She pictured him in her head. He was like a volcano full of energy, ready to erupt. She wanted to be there to siphon every drop of energy he released. When she escaped, she may even keep him with her as her own personal energy supply. Carissa smiled, wishing she could escape sooner. Finally, her need to sleep kicked in and her eyes drooped.

“Goodnight again, or should I say good morning?” she whispered, before licking the evidence of her orgasm from her fingers.

“Good Morning,” Jude said aloud.

Carissa felt shy. She fixed her dress and looked to the cell across from her. The captive there was still sleep. She knew she needed to rest also, but she wasn’t ready to do so yet. She wanted more time with Jude.

“I can’t sleep,” she whispered.

“Me either.”

Captives around them called for Bruce to come and shut Jude up.

“How about I talk and you listen? I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

She heard him laugh. “Okay, shutting up now,” he said.

The captives screamed ‘thank you,’ and ‘it’s about time.’ Carissa chuckled.

“You are not too popular around these parts, are you? Wait, don’t answer, my bad.”
He couldn’t answer her question; he wasn’t supposed to be talking.

Carissa laughed nervously, feeling silly. She didn’t know what to say now that she commanded his attention.
Was this considered pillow talk?
Carissa laughed again, this was all so weird.

“I wish I could see your smile,” he said, violating their agreement. “I would give anything to be next to you right now.”

Carissa stilled; she heard the longing in his voice. His words washed over her, filling her with joy. She realized the joy came from him. He was happy.
Why? They were trapped in a prison with no way out and he was happy. Was it her making him feel this?
Carissa lay back onto her pillow. Her tattoo crawled from the small of her back, up her side and rested on her chest, over her heart; it, too, in awe of the emotions rolling in from the demon.

“My name is Carissa, but you already know that.” She yawned.

“I’m a witch of the Silver Coven and a Guardian,” she whispered, so only he heard her. She immediately regretted saying what she was. She was trying to pass herself off as a mortal.
How could she let something like that slip out

“Say no more,” Jude said. “Our conversation may not be as private as we think.”

BOOK: Lovers Unchained
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