Read Lovers Unchained Online

Authors: Siren Allen

Tags: #Erotica/BDSM/Paranormal/Voyeur Erotica/Exhibitionism

Lovers Unchained (4 page)

BOOK: Lovers Unchained
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Lana released his cock. Jude felt her breath at his neck and her fangs grazed his skin. Jude pulled at his restraints, but it was no use, he couldn’t break free. He felt useless. Maybe, he’d finally pushed her too far.

“Before I captured you, I already knew your name. Did you know that, Jude?”

He didn’t answer. His blood ran cold.

“I’d heard rumors about you in the Immortal Realm.” Lana nipped his neck, but did not puncture the skin.

Dread seeped into his heart. There was no way she could know of his curse. No one knew of the curse except his friends, and they would never tell a soul.

“You were rumored to be one of the best Tracker Demons in all of the Realms.”

Jude relaxed a bit. She didn’t know about the curse.

“I knew if the Elders of the Realms ever decided to send someone after me and my family, it would be you; I was right.”

He had no idea what she was talking about. Why would the Elders of the Realms send him after her family? He never met Lana before the day he was taken by her and her men.

“My twin brother and I knew we had to find you and eliminate you before you eliminated us. You were close, very close to finding us, and then you disappeared. For twenty years, we lost track of you. Apparently, luck was on our side.”

The dread he felt was supplanted by guilt. Her words took him back to a period in his life he wanted to forget.

Before Jude was cursed, his mission was to find and destroy the Moarte twins. The Moarte family was appointed by the Elders to rule the Dark Realm and did so for centuries.

Twenty five years ago, prisoners sent to the Dark Realm for punishment were found in the Mortal Realm, thieving and committing murders. The Elders investigated the crimes and found the Moartes released criminals into the Realms to do their bidding. The Elders sent a team to hunt the Moartes. All were captured save for a few Moarte cousins and the Moarte twins. It was his job to hunt down the twins.

Lana could not be one of the Moartes.

The Elders called on him specifically because he was the best of the best.

Lana could not be one of the infamous twins

The two evil siblings found a way to block the Elders from entering the Dark Realm. Back then, Jude felt the twin leeches were beneath him and his team. He thought it would be easy to catch the two spoiled vampires. The night he was supposed to travel to the Dark Realm, he chose to make a small detour and visit the Land of the Fae.

When his team suggested they take out the twins first, and then party with the Fae later, he ignored their suggestion. Jude was cocky; he felt he could capture the twins at any time. The rumor around the Realms was the twins were laying low at the moment and were not a threat to anyone.  The rumors were wrong.

While he and his team were fornicating in the Land of the Fae, the Moarte twins attacked a Demon Nursery, senselessly murdering sleeping demon spawn. The babes were too young to teleport to safety.

Jude shook his head, but couldn’t clear it of the images from that night; young demon babes slaughtered by two vicious vampires. The guardians of the nursery ripped to shreds; they refused to teleport and leave the babes unguarded, so they stayed and fought.

He felt Lana removing his blindfold. She stared down into his eyes with a cruel smile on her face and leaned close to him as if to kiss his cheek.

There was no way Lana could be one of the infamous Moarte twins
. Their names were Aloysius and Alaynah…Lana. Realization slowly set in. Jude tasted bile at the back of his throat, his need to vomit strong. All this time, he was this close to the woman responsible for the death of at least twenty demon spawns; twenty children whose deaths were his fault.

Alaynah the Dead
?” Jude’s voice was void of emotion.

“In the flesh,” she purred into his ear.

* * * *


Lana turned at the sound of Bruce’s voice to find him standing behind her. He held her human captive next to him, her new pet.
. She needed something to distract her from the look in Jude’s eyes. If looks could kill, she would be dead from his icy glare. She expected him to snarl or scream, but instead, he quietly stared at her with a look of disgust. She would rather he snarl and scream. Maybe she shouldn’t have told him who she really was. Lana retied the blindfold on his face. He didn’t move a muscle; he didn’t say a word. She turned back to her new captive.

“Ah, my pet has finally arrived.”

Lana clapped her hands in delight. She walked over to the girl standing beside Bruce. Doubt raced through her mind when she stared at the beautiful mortal in front of her. She quickly subdued her negative thoughts. No mortal woman could ever be more beautiful than she.

“I’m Lana, and you are?” she asked the mortal haughtily.

The mortal stared back at her, not out of fear, but out of what looked like defiance. Lana’s gums tingled, fangs wanting to be released. 

“I’ll ask you again; this time answer or else. Who are you?” She repeated, baring her fangs. She hated having to repeat herself. Fear flashed through the mortals eyes.
. The young mortal bowed her head.

“I am Carissa.”

Lana could have sworn her brother told her the human girl’s name was Beth and she was plain and timid. She expected someone she could manipulate and berate. This woman was none of those things. Lana was glad she chose to blindfold Jude, especially now that he knew her true identity. He would hate her for a while, but he would get over it, or he would die.

“Don’t be scared, Carissa. I know being captured by creatures you never thought existed and taken to a place you never heard of has shocked you. I promise to take care of you. I think of all my slaves as my pets. One could never hurt a pet, could they?”

Lana smiled at her newest captive. After a brief second the girl smiled back. The girl’s smile made her features even more alluring. She was simply too beautiful to be in Lana’s home. Lana would never allow Jude to lay eyes on the girl. Once today’s little test was over, she may even break the girl’s neck.

She couldn’t do that; it would be a waste of a perfectly good slave. She would simply make a trade with her brother, a handsome male for Carissa. Something about Carissa didn’t sit well with her. Her scent was a little too rich to be a mortal.
Maybe her brother was mistaken.

* * * *

“Come closer, Carissa, come look at my lover, Juju.”

Carissa moved closer as she was told. She swallowed. He was huge…everywhere. Carissa stared at his feet, afraid to look elsewhere.

“Don’t be scared Carissa. He looks like a lot, but he’s useless, trust me.”

The man on the bed lay completely still, but she felt the angry energy rising from his body. Carissa raised her eyes and looked to his chest, his core. The negative energy surrounding his heart stopped her breath. She never felt so much anger around one person’s core in her life. Carissa took a step back, away from the bed, gasping for air. The negative energy pouring from him to her literally took her breath away, but it also fueled her. 

“No, don’t run, darling,” Lana grabbed Carissa by her shoulders and pushed her back to the bed where the magnificent stranger lay. She was desperate to escape his presence, but another part of her longed to be near him. The emotions he sent through her frightened her. Normally, she wasn’t easily frightened.

“I need you to stay right here. I have a little experiment I want to conduct.”

Lana rubbed her hands down Jude’s body. Jealousy tore through Carissa’s heart surprising her with its intensity. She wanted to snatch Lana’s hand away from him.
Whoa, where did that thought come from?

“You see,” Lana continued to stroke Jude’s body, “this fine specimen cannot stay erect when it’s time to have sex. I wonder if it’s me, or if he is like this with every woman. I have these oils containing stimulants to help you get him aroused. I want to watch you rub them on his body while Bruce and I sit back and observe.”

Carissa waited for her to say more. Lana raised her eyebrows at her. “Did you not understand what I said?”

“Oh, that’s all?” Carissa asked. Her voice shook with nervousness.

“That’s all.” Lana turned and ushered Bruce to a red, lounge chair in the back of the room.

Bruce was surprised he was included, but he didn’t complain. The man tied to the bed still hadn’t moved. Carissa stared at the bottle of oil. She expected Lana to tell her to take him in her mouth, or straddle him, but she didn’t. Fondling was something she could handle. Everyone who knew Carissa knew she was logical. If stroking this stranger, while Lana watched, meant she would live to see another day, then she would stroke him until her hand ached from the act. Carissa moved to pick up the oil.

“Wait, my pet.” Lana stopped her. “First, I need you to remove your clothes.” 

Uh, oh, here it comes.
She knew it wouldn’t be simple.

Lana smiled wickedly. The dress Carissa wore was sheer.
What was the point of removing it
? Carissa refused to let the redhead see how morbidly embarrassed she was. Instead, Carissa pulled her black dress down over her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

“May I continue now?” she asked Lana sweetly.

Lana’s pale face mottled with anger and a hint of jealousy. Carissa knew she must be careful not to push the vampiress too far. She needed to be alive if she wanted to rescue her friend and return to the Immortal Realm. Carissa bowed which seemed to pacify Lana somewhat.

“Yes, you may continue,” she said.

 Carissa walked over to the night stand and picked up the small, red bottle of oil. She tried to control the way her body trembled while she walked closer to the naked man on the bed. Her heart beat faster, her skin tingled. All she needed to do was fondle him, how hard could that be?

His cock hardened as she made her way closer to him. She moved slowly, afraid of how he would react to her touch. So far, he didn’t say a word or move a muscle, other than the twitch in his private area, which was instinct driven. He would have to see her to be aroused by her. She saw him and liked everything.

Carissa stood next to the bed holding the unopened bottle in her shaking hands.
Get a hold of yourself, Carissa. This is going to benefit you in the long run.
She was low on energy. Even though pleasuring him would aid her in her cause, it still felt wrong…foul. Carissa took a deep, nerve steadying breath. She could do this, she had no choice; she needed the energy. She couldn’t recall ever being this weak.

“Hello, Jude,” she whispered to the stranger. She felt the need to at least speak before she touched him in such an intimate way. He didn’t say a word. His only response was the lengthening of his cock jutting forward. Carissa couldn’t suppress the moan slipping out. His body resembled a statue she once saw in the Mortal Realm.

‘Magnificent,’ she heard Lana murmur from across the room where she and Bruce were seated.
Her palms itched wanting to see if he was hard like the stones making up the prison where they were. Carissa removed the lid from the container and placed it on the side of the bed. She turned back to him.

His body glistened with sweat. Carissa stood mesmerized by one particular drop of moisture making its way from his neck, down his chest, before dropping into his navel. Carissa swallowed.

“Hurry,” the man on the bed whispered.

Carissa’s gaze flew to his blindfolded face. He bit his lip as if he was in pain.

“I’m so sorry she’s doing this,” Carissa whispered back to him, but he didn’t respond. She poured a handful of the oil into her hand, and then put the bottle of oil back on the night stand. Her fingers tingled while rubbing the oil onto the handsome stranger’s chest. 

His swift intake of breath stopped her.

“Is it too cold?” She asked. He didn’t respond.

“Hurry up,” Lana screamed from across the room.

Carissa resumed applying the oil to Jude’s skin. As she rubbed it across his nipple, she couldn’t help but acknowledge the flutters of desire beginning in her body. His body called to her and she wanted to answer. Never had she felt such an attraction to another being. What was so special about this man making her want to sink her nails into him. It was her low energy level causing her to desire him. Her body needed fueling and recognized him as an energy source. Every reaction was caused by an action and her body was simply reacting to energy she received from him. Leave it to her to rationalize everything. Carissa kept her eyes on his face while massaging the oil lower, over his tattooed stomach. His body was rock solid, like she imagined. She closed her eyes and used both hands to massage the oil into his chiseled abs.

“Lower,” he whispered, his voice strained.

She eagerly obeyed, captivated by the way he trembled beneath her fingers. Carissa rubbed her hands lower, past his stomach to his large erection.

BOOK: Lovers Unchained
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